SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE SELF-EVALUATION FORM Shared Governance Committee: Staff Development Evaluation for Academic Year: 2010-2011 1. Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year. Are the minutes of these meetings all posted on your web site? We have met 10 times already with one more meeting left in June which results in 11 committee meetings for the year. This of course, does not indicate the additional meetings that the sub-committee held throughout the year. We had three active subcommittees, the Handbook subcommittee, the Flex Day sub-committee and the Holiday party subcommittee. All the agendas and minutes are posted except for May and June. 2. What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that your committee achieved this academic year? Please include progress made toward last year’s recommendations. Our committee is very pleased with the accomplishments this year. Each year we seem to improve as experience is gained. Out of all the work done, the main accomplishments are: Online Training – In conjunction with IT, two online trainings have been made available; DARE to CARE, a DSPS training that aims at awareness of students with learning disabilities and MS IT Academy, online training to further develop Microsoft skills. This was one of the recommendations made to the committee last year. Faculty Academy – A 4-week session dedicated to new adjunct and fulltime faculty with the aim of welcoming them and assisting them with their profession. We had 8 new faculty members participate as well as other faculty members who joined the training. Faculty workshops – Five faculty members presented workshops that are related to their area of expertise. These workshops were welcomed by all and plan to offer them next year. Cultural events – the committee has collaborated with ASO in providing quality cultural events that benefits both students and staff. One to one training – Academic affairs and staff development partner is providing one to one training to targeted faculty who needed training on online grading, faculty portal, email and Microsoft. Customized training- Staff development has provided customized training to disciplines and departments. We provided 5 training sessions targeting Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, EOPS, general supervisors and faculty from all disciplines. Flex Day- A successful flex day was coordinated last year. Postings for minutes and agendas – Co-chair received additional training from IT so that the postings of the minutes and agenda were done correctly. Last year, these documents were posted but somehow were unable to open. 3. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or are still in progress? We are still in the process of finding proper channels of marketing events and improving attendance. We had this similar challenge last year and faced it this year as well. This is an area that will still require time and effort. 4. Please list your prioritized goals for the next academic year. Staff development committee to be the liaison between accreditation and faculty and staff. We would like to be involved in the training component so that participation in this area can become more institutionalized. Staff Development to be more involved in institution based activities, such as master planning, budget and planning, etc. Committee would like to take these areas and inform or train staff and faculty about these very important areas. Improve marketing so that attendance can improve Continue marketing the customized training to faculty and staff Make stronger connection with ASO so that cultural events can be better coordinated. Provide workshops that are relevant and interesting to staff. Offer workshops at times and days that are in demand. 5. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not, please explain. Yes 6. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site? We believe so at this time. 7. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the committee? There are only 7 members appointed to this committee. The committee has become more active with more events and more involvement in the goal and objectives of its charter; therefore, we feel that more members should be added to this committee. Additionally, an ASO representative was never assigned to this committee. 8. Please list the dates that one or both of the co chairs of your committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. Yes, there was consistent attendance to the SFTF meetings. 9. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our Shared Governance process or make it more efficient? SIGNATURES: _________________________________Co-Chair _________________________________Co-Chair _________________Date