Appendix I.C

LIBS 6010 Paper
Below Proficient
Legal and
ethical topic
chosen and
No evidence that topic is of legal
or ethical nature; introduction
fails to articulate topic well
Legal or ethical issue identified
within a non-legal/ethical topic;
articulated in introduction
Above Proficient
Proper legal or ethical issue
chosen and articulated in
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and
legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical
and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 3: Information and Ideas As an information specialist, the school library media coordinator plays a vital role in a democratic society: to
provide access to information and ideas representing all points of view through resources in a variety of formats for students and staff who must
function as well-informed and literate citizens in making choices and decisions. The school library media coordinator also has a fundamental
responsibility to help students develop their information literacy skills to find, analyze, and use information effectively. At the same time, the school
library media coordinator creates a culture and learning environment that fosters reading literacy for information and for pleasure.
3.4 Adheres to and communicates copyright as well as other laws and guidelines pertaining to the distribution and ethical use of all resources;
3.5 Advocates for the principles of intellectual freedom.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical principles
including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators (effective June 1,
1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.3 Library personnel demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development, maintaining and enhancing knowledge and skills for
themselves and their coworkers.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1A. The ethics, values, and foundational principles of the library and information profession.
1B. The role of library and information professionals in the promotion of democratic principles and intellectual freedom (including freedom of
expression, thought, and conscience).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
2.3 Respect for diversity Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and information materials in print and digital formats
that support the diverse developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs. Candidates
model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for specific purposes.
Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and communicate information.
3.2 Access to information Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop solutions
for addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate access to information in
print, non-print, and digital formats. Candidates model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.2 Professional Ethics Candidates practice the ethical principles of their profession, advocate for intellectual freedom and privacy, and promote
and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Candidates educate the school community on the ethical use of information and ideas.
Contains some irrelevant or
inappropriate sources or relies
too much on non-professional
Most sources are appropriate,
substantial, professional, with a
few more general or less
All sources are appropriate,
substantial and professional;
Below Proficient
sources, insufficient professional
relevant; minimum number of
professional sources
Above Proficient
more than minimum number of
professional sources utilized
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and
legal issues.
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical
and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and
the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make
the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to create
and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Evidence/discussion relies too
heavily on student’s
ideas/discussion; no evidence of
multiple viewpoints
Evidence/discussion of what
other authors say about the topic
is sufficient; multiple viewpoints
in some evidence but
Evidence/discussion of what
other authors say about the topic
is extensive; multiple viewpoints
discussed well
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and
legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical
and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a
rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their
professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school
and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.5 Library personnel collaborate with campus partners to provide opportunities for faculty professional development.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1I. The techniques used to analyze complex problems and create appropriate solutions.
Opinion on
and based
on analysis
of evidence
Student author’s thoughts and
analysis are not clearly stated in
appropriate sections
Student author’s thoughts and
analysis are stated well enough
in mostly appropriate sections
Student author’s thoughts and
analysis are clearly stated in
appropriate sections
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
1. Obtain and apply an understanding of the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical and
legal issues.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 1. Understand and apply the foundations of library science from contemporary professional standards used to resolve ethical
and legal issues
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a
rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their
professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school
and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
7. Management/Administration: Libraries engage in continuous planning and assessment to inform resource allocation and to meet their mission
effectively and efficiently.
Performance Indicator:
7.2 Library personnel participate in campus decision making needed for effective library management.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Conclusion is not adequate and
based mostly on student’s
Conclusion is adequate and
based on mostly appropriate
analysis of the evidence
Conclusion is substantial and
based on appropriate analysis of
the evidence
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to a
rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt their
professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school
and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
correct APA
rules to cite
Evidence cited is not appropriate
and does not enhance the
discussion well or at all;
Numerous mistakes in applying
the rules for citing evidence
using APA style
Evidence cited is mostly
appropriate and helps the
discussion adequately; Rules for
citing evidence using APA style
has some concerns or lacks
Evidence cited is very
appropriate and enhances the
discussion; Rules for citing
evidence using APA style is
Structure has some concerns,
Style often does not follow
requirements; Numerous
grammar, spelling and/or
punctuation concerns
Structure, Style follows
requirements closely; Grammar,
spelling and/or punctuation has
only a few concerns
Structure, Style follows
requirements perfectly; Correct
grammar, spelling and
punctuation is used
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
LIBS 6014 Pathfinder
value: 1.00
Definition of (1)
the topic; (2) the
audience for
whom the
pathfinder is
including Spanishspeaking
students, special
students, children
of migrant
workers, gay
students, African
students, etc.; and
(3) the type of
library where the
pathfinder will be
used. Students
should collaborate
with teachers,
school staff,
members, etc. to
make sure that
informational and
needs of the
intended audience
are met.
Does not define topic clearly;
does not identify audience.
value: 2.00
Defines topic, and identifies
audience, but lacking in
value: 3.00
Defines topic and identifies
audience precisely.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the
school library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in
analyzing the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies
that are responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and
learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library
media program strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies
that foster student learning.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and
depth of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be
given to matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to
reading materials in a broad range of formats.
1.11 Develops a persuasive plan to provide flexible access to the instructional services of the school library media coordinator who
provides instruction at point of need;
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population
of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the
learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible
physical space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to
accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global
view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs
of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library
media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning.
They encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School
Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and
learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered,
supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who
can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge
and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5B. :
Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5C. :
The methods used to interact successfully with individuals of all ages and groups to provide consultation, mediation, and gui dance in their
use of recorded knowledge and information.
Detail 5E.:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
The principles and methods of advocacy used to reach specific audiences to promote and explain concepts and services.
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and
communicate information.
An introductory
essay that gives
background and
discusses aspects
of the topic and
justifies why this
topic is important.
Does not give adequate
information on the topic or
justification for choosing it.
Does not include introduction.
Gives background on the topic
of the pathfinder, but does not
adequately justify its
Explains and justifies
importance of and/or need for
a pathfinder on this particular
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the
school library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in
analyzing the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies
that are responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and
learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library
media program strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies
that foster student learning.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and
depth of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be
given to matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to
reading materials in a broad range of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina
Standard Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population
of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the
learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible
physical space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to
accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global
view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs
of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library
media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning.
They encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School
Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and
learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered,
supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who
can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge
and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5G.:
The principles and methods used to assess the impact of current and emerging situations or circumstances on the design and
implementation of appropriate services or resource development.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and
communicate information.
Library of
Congress Subject
Headings, Library
of Congress
Classification or
Dewey Decimal
numbers for
searching the
Lists incorrect or imprecise
Library of Congress
Classification or Dewey
Decimal Classification for
searching the topic.
Lists examples of Dewey
Decimal Classification or
Library of Congress
Classification numbers for
searching the topic.
Lists precise examples of
Library of Congress
Classification or Dewey
Decimal Classification
numbers for searching the
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the
school library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in
analyzing the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies
that are responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and
depth of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be
given to matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to
reading materials in a broad range of formats.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population
of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the
learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible
physical space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to
accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global
view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs
of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library
media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning.
They encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School
Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and
learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered,
supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who
can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge
and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and
communicate information.
Listing of Library
of Congress
Subject Headings
and keywords for
searching the
Lists incorrect or imprecise
examples of Library of
Congress Subject Headings
and keywords for searching
the topic.
Lists Library of Congress
Subject Headings and
keywords for searching the
Lists examples of Library of
Congress Subject headings
and keywords for searching
the topic.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the
school library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in
analyzing the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies
that are responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and
depth of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be
given to matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to
reading materials in a broad range of formats.
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population
of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the
learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible
physical space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to
accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global
view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library
media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning.
They encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School
Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered,
supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who
can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge
and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and
communicate information.
Listing of selected
materials in
various forms to
Incorrect citations that do not
follow APA Style Manual as
well as annotations which do
not justify the inclusion of each
Incorrect citations that do not
follow APA Style Manual, or
annotations which do not
justify the inclusion of each
Correct citations according to
the APA Style Manual, and
accurate annotations which
justifies the inclusion of each
value: 1.00
find more material
on the topic,
including at least
one example of
each of the eight
categories of
reference sources
(e.g., dictionaries,
sources, indexes,
directories, readyreference
source. Less than 20 sources
value: 2.00
source. At least 20 sources
value: 3.00
source. At least 20 sources
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
3. Use reference and information resources in a variety of formats to promote information literacy.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator
demonstrates self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the
greater community, that supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.1 Assesses learning and information needs of students and staff based on input from faculty, administrators, and paraprofessional staff
as well as personal observation;
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the
school library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in
analyzing the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies
that are responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and
learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library
media program strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies
that foster student learning.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library
media programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and
school library media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as
well as teacher practices.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and
depth of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be
given to matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to
reading materials in a broad range of formats.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
1.16 Supports literacy in the broadest sense (information, reading, writing, and mathematics) across the total curriculum.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who
can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge
and information to individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5B. :
Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5C. :
The methods used to interact successfully with individuals of all ages and groups to provide consultation, mediation, and gui dance in their
use of recorded knowledge and information.
Detail 5D.:
Information literacy/information competence techniques and methods, numerical literacy, and statistical literacy.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for
specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and
communicate information.
3.2 Access to information Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop
solutions for addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate
access to information in print, non-print, and digital formats. Candidates model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the
LIBS 6042 Technology Project
Below Proficient Value: 1
The summary provides little or
no information about how
technology will be integrated
into the project.
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
The summary provides
adequate information about
how technology will be
integrated into the project, with
minimal questions as to the
method of integration.
The summary provides
complete information about
how technology will be
integrated into the project, with
no questions as to the method
of integration.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
7. Apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 7. Understand and apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school
library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing
the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are
responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth
of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the
learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible physical
space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to accommodate multiple
learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global view and multiculturalism
in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs of a diverse student
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library media center and its
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They
encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School
Library Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and
produce positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and
support to educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators
adapt to a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and
continuously adapt their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service delivery, and uses of libraries and
other information agencies.
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with professional ethics and
prevailing service norms and applications.
4C. The methods of assessing and evaluating the specifications, efficacy, and cost efficiency of technology-based products and services.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging
digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a
digital society.
Target Audience
The target audience is not
The target audience is
specified, but the description of
prior technology experience is
not clearly addressed.
The target audience is specified
with a clear and complete
description of past technology
experience & applicable ties to
Common Core or 21st Century
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
7. Apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 7. Understand and apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school
library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing
the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are
responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth
of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5G.:
The principles and methods used to assess the impact of current and emerging situations or circumstances on the design and
implementation of appropriate services or resource development.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model
and promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning
community to become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages
students' interests and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and
cultural influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates
support the learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and
intellectual abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the
assessment of student achievement.
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging
digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a
digital society.
Purpose of
The purpose of the project is
not included.
The purpose of the project is
included, but there are
questions as to what the project
is meant to accomplish. If there
is a similar service or program
in place, how it will extend or
enhance it is not specified.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
The purpose of the project is
included, with a clear
description as to what is to be
accomplished. A full
explanation of how the service
or program will enhance
already existing ones is
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
7. Apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 7. Understand and apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school
library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing
the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are
responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth
of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They
encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School
Library Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and
produce positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and
support to educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service delivery, and uses of libraries and
other information agencies.
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with professional ethics and
prevailing service norms and applications.
4D. The principles and techniques necessary to identify and analyze emerging technologies and innovations in order to recognize and
implement relevant technological improvements.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging
digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a
digital society.
Lit Review
Review includes fewer than
three peer-reviewed studies.
Review includes at least three
peer-reviewed studies, but
citations are not in correct APA
Review includes at least three
peer-reviewed studies, with
citations in correct APA format.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school
library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are
responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library
media programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and
school library media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library
media programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior
and teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple
sources and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Program/Service Program/Service example is
not presented in a clear and
well-designed format. Many
technical problems occur.
Program/Service example is
free from technical problems
and is presented in a format
that has only minor problems
with design.
Program/Service example is
presented in a format that is
clear and well-designed, with
no technical problems.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
7. Apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 7. Understand and apply appropriate technologies to support or enhance library functions and processes
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional
technology facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program
based on authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal,
irregular, and even spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school
library media coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing
the results of assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are
responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the
context of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth
of knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
a. School Library Media Coordinators lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success.
School Library Media Coordinators provide leadership for the school library media program. They share responsibility for the progress of all
students to ensure that they graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and are prepared for
life in the 21st Century. They collaboratively create, align, and implement a program informed by state and national guidelines and researchbased best practices. They transform the library media center into a 21st century learning environment (both virtual and physical) and a
shared space for knowledge construction, collaboration and inquiry-based learning, and they assist teachers with similar transformations.
They coordinate the activities and training of library media support personnel including volunteers.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with research-based practices
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership to the school community in creating a 21st century learning environment.
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They
encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School
Library Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and
produce positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and
support to educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple
sources and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an
environment of continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.6 Personnel responsible for enhancing and maintaining the library’s IT infrastructure keep current with library technology applications and
participate in ongoing training.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service delivery, and uses of libraries and
other information agencies.
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with professional ethics and
prevailing service norms and applications.
4D. The principles and techniques necessary to identify and analyze emerging technologies and innovations in order to recognize and
implement relevant technological improvements.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging
digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a
digital society.
Narrative content has multiple
grammatical and spelling errors
and/or information is not
presented in a logical
Narrative content has only
minor grammatical and spelling
errors. Information is presented
in a logical sequence.
Narrative content has no
grammatical and spelling
errors. Information is presented
in a logical sequence.
LIBS 6012 Research Proposal (Spring 2013-- )
Abstract and
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Abstract missing, too long, or too
short. Abstract and introduction
do not summarize the research,
or the intent of the research is
unclear, or lacks background
and context. The study problem
seems relatively unimportant.
Abstract is adequate, and the
introduction contains substantial
background and context
information that is presented
clearly. The importance of the
problem is firmly established.
Abstract is tightly written and
provides a complete preview of
the paper. The introduction
provides the reader with enough
background and context
necessary to understand what
will follow, and makes a
compelling case for the scope
and importance of the problem
under study.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
questions or
Demonstrates flawed or little
understanding of a connection
between the questions or
hypothesis to the study problem,
and/or the question/hypothesis
statements are illogical.
Demonstrates understanding of
connections between the
questions or hypothesis to the
study problem, and the
question/hypothesis statements
are logical and plausible.
Demonstrates understanding of
connections between the
questions or hypothesis to the
study problem, and the
question/hypothesis statements
are logical and plausible.
Research questions or
hypotheses are unique, and
seek to address an un- or underexplored niche in the research
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
of the study
Operational definitions are
incomplete or lack specificity.
Limitations are not considered,
or are provided, but are
understated or overstated.
Operational definitions are
provided to explain key terms or
variables, but some definitions
are too complex, confused, or
vague. Limits or limitations of the
study are well thought through
and logical.
Operational definitions
thoroughly explain key terms or
variables, and limits or limitations
of the study are well thought
through and logical. Operational
definitions do not impose
unnecessary limitations on the
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Articles only loosely related to
the present study, are outdated,
or the findings/results do not
further an argument for
implementing the proposal.
Articles are closely related to the
present study, and help to refine
the reader’s understanding of the
research topic or the
construction and implementation
of the proposal.
Seminal articles on the topic
were discovered and used to
illustrate how the research
pathway leads directly to topic of
study and the considerations for
construction and implementation
of the proposal.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Any of the following: Research
design and
design is poorly suited to the
methodology objectives of the research.
Methodology for implementation
lacks detail. No provision has
been made to establish validity
and reliability. Visual
representations planned for the
results are sketchy or are
Research design is suited to the
objectives of the research, and
implementation is adequately
described. Validity and reliability
have been considered, but may
not have been firmly established.
Data collection forms or
instruments are in draft form.
Plans for visual display of results
have been explained, but not
illustrated with examples.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Research design is well suited to
the objectives of the research,
and implementation is detailed in
terms of data collection and
analysis, and promotes a high
level of rigor. Data collection
forms or instruments are either
fully described in text, or
provided as full-text appendices.
Any tables, charts, diagrams or
other forms of visual display
planned for the results are
explained and are illustrated with
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
References are inadequate in
either or both number or quality.
References are adequate in
number and quality.
References may exceed the
minimum number, are essential
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
to understanding the research
proposal, and are from peerreviewed research journals.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
APA Style
and Format
Manuscript disregards APA style
for structure and mechanics,
and/or in-text and reference
citations are not APA format.
Manuscript contains so many
spelling or grammar errors that it
disrupts reading.
Manuscript largely follows APA
style for structure and
mechanics, and for in-text and
reference citation formats.
Manuscript contains incidental
spelling or grammar errors, but
not enough to disrupt reading.
Manuscript follows APA style for
structure and mechanics, and for
in-text and reference citation
formats. Manuscript contains no
spelling or grammar errors, and
is well written.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
LIBS 6026 Paper (Spring 2014- )
OPAC Omission of one or more of:
System authority control, source of MARC
records, method of importing
records, method of editing records,
method of creating new records.
Some coverage of authority
control, source of MARC records,
method of importing records,
method of editing records, method
of creating new records.
Thorough coverage of authority
control, source of MARC records,
method of importing records,
method of editing records, method
of creating new records.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
5. Apply appropriate standards and guidelines for the organization of library materials and resources.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 5. Understand and apply appropriate concepts and guidelines for the organization and discoverability of library materials and
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
a. School Library Media Coordinators lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success. School Library
Media Coordinators provide leadership for the school library media program. They share responsibility for the progress of all students to ensure that they
graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and are prepared for life in the 21st Century. They
collaboratively create, align, and implement a program informed by state and national guidelines and research-based best practices. They transform the
library media center into a 21st century learning environment (both virtual and physical) and a shared space for knowledge construction, collaboration and
inquiry-based learning, and they assist teachers with similar transformations. They coordinate the activities and training of library media support personnel
including volunteers.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with establishes the library media center as both a physical and virtual shared learning space.
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning needs of
all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible physical space that facilitates active
learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and
reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection
development to meet the personal interests and learning needs of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove
barriers to open and equitable access to the library media center and its resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and interests.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
c. School Library Media Coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use of information and
technology. School Library Media Coordinators make their skills and expertise as well as the learning space and resources of the library media center
flexibly available and easily accessible to all members of the school community. They help learners become discerning and effective users of information
and ideas, and they promote the seamless integration of curriculum, pedagogy and technology to meet curricular goals. They encourage teachers and
students to apply an inquiryProficient Indicator:
Ensures that library resources and technology are flexibly available and easily accessible.
USA- AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner (2013)
Standard 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
2.1 Skills
2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful.
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.
Standard 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.
3.1 Skills
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.3 Library personnel demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development, maintaining and enhancing knowledge and skills for themselves
and their coworkers.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 3.:
Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information
3A. The principles involved in the organization and representation of recorded knowledge and information.
3B. The developmental, descriptive, and evaluative skills needed to organize recorded knowledge and information resources.
3C. The systems of cataloging, metadata, indexing, and classification standards and methods used to organize recorded knowledge and information.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop
and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and administrators.
Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
Minimal discussion of historical
background of OPACs or their
Some coverage of historical
background of OPACs or their
Thorough coverage of historical
background of OPACs or their
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
5. Apply appropriate standards and guidelines for the organization of library materials and resources.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 5. Understand and apply appropriate concepts and guidelines for the organization and discoverability of library materials and
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media Coordinator
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
c. School Library Media Coordinators advocate for effective media programs. School Library Media Coordinators are proactive in communicating the
vision, requirements and impact of an effective 21st century library media program to key stakeholders using relevant research, evidence of student
learning, and other outcomes. They advocate for information fluency, inquiry-based learning, curriculum fidelity, creativity, planning, innovation and
reading for enjoyment and lifelong learning to ensure that all students have access to proper learning resources and are prepared for the future.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for shares relevant research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes to educate the school community about effective school library
media programs.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 3.:
Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information
3A. The principles involved in the organization and representation of recorded knowledge and information.
3C. The systems of cataloging, metadata, indexing, and classification standards and methods used to organize recorded knowledge and information.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of
resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community.
Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.2 Access to information Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop solutions for
addressing physical, social and intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate access to information in print, nonprint, and digital formats. Candidates model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop
and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and administrators.
Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
Narrative content has multiple
Narrative content has only minor
grammatical and spelling errors
grammatical and spelling errors.
and/or information is not presented
in a logical sequence.
Information is presented in a
logical sequence.
Errors in citations or citations are
Minor error or errors in citations.
Narrative content has no
grammatical and spelling errors.
Information is presented in a
logical sequence.
Citations are in correct APA format
LIBS 6031 Presentation
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Presentation opens with little or
no information beyond the title
slide about the library setting, or
is disorganized, incoherent or
poorly written.
Presentation opens with
information about the library
setting, but may be vague as to
what might follow. Includes
primarily the characteristics of
the subject library.
Presentation opens with enough
information to identify the library
setting and gives the audience a
sense of what will follow. The
introduction is concise, engaging
and interesting.
Role and
purpose of
the library,
and threats,
Reflects little content delivered in
Assignment 1, lacks position
statement, weak supporting
argument, does not mention
threats or challenges. Relies
entirely on the thought of others.
Reflects some content delivered
in Assignment 1, includes a
position and argument based on
boilerplate material from sources
or many quotes from the
literature or professional
organization statements. Relies
on the thoughts of others.
Reflects content delivered in
Assignment 1, includes a
position and reasonable
argument, along with discussion
of threats and challenges in the
contemporary library
environment. Reflects
independent thought.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
6. Plan, organize, staff, direct and budget library programs to meet informational, instructional and recreational needs.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
Program Objective: 6. Understand and apply the principles of management, leadership and advocacy to direct and advance library programs
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning
needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible physical space that
facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles,
21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global view and multiculturalism in library services,
programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs of a diverse student population. They develop and
implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse learners.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of development.
School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to meet diverse student
needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They encourage the cultivation of
creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety,
and the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to
make the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.3 Library personnel demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development, maintaining and enhancing knowledge and skills for
themselves and their coworkers.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1E. Current types of library (school, public, academic, special, etc.) and closely related information agencies.
1F. National and international social, public, information, economic, and cultural policies and trends of significance to the library and information
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5G.:
The principles and methods used to assess the impact of current and emerging situations or circumstances on the design and implementation of
appropriate services or resource development.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Little connection drawn between
leadership and libraries in the
current environment, no
apparent leadership philosophy,
relies on quotes from the
literature or professional
organization statements.
Provides basic rationale for the
importance of strong leadership,
but leadership philosophy is
somewhat vague, hesitant, or
implied rather than stated. Draws
some parallel between
leadership and libraries in the
current environment.
Provides a compelling reason for
the importance of strong
leadership, a distinct leadership
philosophy statement, and
characteristics of and priorities
for leaders of libraries in the
current environment.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
6. Plan, organize, staff, direct and budget library programs to meet informational, instructional and recreational needs.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 6. Understand and apply the principles of management, leadership and advocacy to direct and advance library programs
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
a. School Library Media Coordinators lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success. School
Library Media Coordinators provide leadership for the school library media program. They share responsibility for the progress of all students to
ensure that they graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and are prepared for life in the 21st
Century. They collaboratively create, align, and implement a program informed by state and national guidelines and research-based best
practices. They transform the library media center into a 21st century learning environment (both virtual and physical) and a shared space for
knowledge construction, collaboration and inquiry-based learning, and they assist teachers with similar transformations. They coordinate the
activities and training of library media support personnel including volunteers.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the significance of a collaborative media program and its impact on student learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands 21st century skills and content.
Developing Indicator:
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Understands how to establish an open, equitable, accessible, and flexible learning environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with state and local priorities and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with research-based practices
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides leadership in collaboratively planning, promoting, and sustaining the
school library media program, services, and resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with establishes the library media center as both a physical and virtual shared
learning space.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides an open, equitable and accessible learning environment.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership to the school community in creating a 21st century learning environment.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership at district, state, and/or national level in creating 21st century learning environments.
b. School Library Media Coordinators lead in their schools. School Library Media Coordinators work collaboratively with school personnel to
create a professional learning community. They analyze data to develop goals and strategies in the school improvement plan that enhance
student learning. They provide input in determining the school budget and in the selection and provision of professional development that meets
the needs of the students, the staff, and their own professional growth. They participate in the hiring process and collaborate with their colleagues
to support teachers in the improvement of the effectiveness of their departments or grade levels. They establish positive working relationships and
communicate with other educators to identify and select resources for curriculum support. They also partner with teachers to design instruction
that seamlessly integrates 21st century skills, information fluency, and digital literacy across the curriculum.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the goals of the school improvement plan.
Developing Indicator:
Participates in shared decision making within the school.
Developing Indicator:
Supports and participates in professional learning communities.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Infuses multiple literacies and 21st century skills within content-area instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides technology-enabled one-on-one and group professional development for school-based educators.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the recruitment hiring process and/or mentoring of school-based educators.
Accomplished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in a Professional Learning Community and/or the school improvement team at the school level.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads 21st century teaching and learning concepts and strategies.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to integrate information and instructional technology into all curricular areas.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in developing and implementing the school improvement plan.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in a professional learning network (PLN) at the district, state, and/or national level.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides professional development on integrating information and instructional technology into all curricular areas at the school, district, state,
and/or national level.
c. School Library Media Coordinators advocate for effective media programs. School Library Media Coordinators are proactive in
communicating the vision, requirements and impact of an effective 21st century library media program to key stakeholders using relevant
research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes. They advocate for information fluency, inquiry-based learning, curriculum fidelity,
creativity, planning, innovation and reading for enjoyment and lifelong learning to ensure that all students have access to proper learning
resources and are prepared for the future.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need to advocate for the library media program and resources to support the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for equitable access to 21st century resources throughout the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for integration of 21st century skills and resources throughout the school’s instructional program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for appropriate staffing for the school library program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for policies and procedures to support effective school library media programs.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for shares relevant research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes to educate the school community about effective school
library media programs.
Accomplished Indicator:
Establishes internal and external partnerships to advocate for effective school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in communicating the impact of library media program on 21st century content and skills.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leverages partnerships to advocate at the local, district, state and/or national level for highly effective school library media programs.
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical principles
including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators (effective June 1,
1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
b. School Library Media Coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals. School Library Media Coordinators actively seek
ongoing professional development to improve their practice and the effectiveness of the library media program.
Developing Indicator:
Develops and follows a professional growth plan aligned to evaluation results and professional practice needs.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Developing Indicator:
Understands that personal culture and experiences may impact professional practice.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that addresses professional growth goals.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that reflects 21st Century skills and knowledge.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that is aligned with State Board of Education and school and district priorities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Applies and implements knowledge and skills attained from professional development to improve the library program and their practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assesses the impact of professional development on the effectiveness of their instruction and the library program.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
7. Management/Administration: Libraries engage in continuous planning and assessment to inform resource allocation and to meet their mission
effectively and efficiently.
Performance Indicator:
7.2 Library personnel participate in campus decision making needed for effective library management.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8E. :
The concepts behind, issues relating to, and methods for, principled, transformational leadership.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates are
committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates provide
leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.3 Leadership Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic achievement
within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library research,
candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.
Budget in
Presents some content delivered
in Assignment 4, but with little or
incorrect analysis of the subject
library’s current position. Little or
no interpretation for the
audience. Section is two slides
or less.
Presents some content delivered
in Assignment 4, but short on
analysis of the subject library’s
current position and
interpretation for audience.
Section is brief.
Presents all content delivered in
Assignment 4 to fully describe
and analyze the subject library’s
current position. Fully and
correctly interprets data for the
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
6. Plan, organize, staff, direct and budget library programs to meet informational, instructional and recreational needs.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 6. Understand and apply the principles of management, leadership and advocacy to direct and advance library programs
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.7 Plays a leading role in the school’s budgetary processes to ensure funding for the school library media program to support school-wide goals;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
c. School Library Media Coordinators advocate for effective media programs. School Library Media Coordinators are proactive in
communicating the vision, requirements and impact of an effective 21st century library media program to key stakeholders using relevant
research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes. They advocate for information fluency, inquiry-based learning, curriculum fidelity,
creativity, planning, innovation and reading for enjoyment and lifelong learning to ensure that all students have access to proper learning
resources and are prepared for the future.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need to advocate for the library media program and resources to support the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for equitable access to 21st century resources throughout the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for integration of 21st century skills and resources throughout the school’s instructional program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for appropriate staffing for the school library program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for policies and procedures to support effective school library media programs.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for shares relevant research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes to educate the school community about effective school
library media programs.
Accomplished Indicator:
Establishes internal and external partnerships to advocate for effective school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in communicating the impact of library media program on 21st century content and skills.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leverages partnerships to advocate at the local, district, state and/or national level for highly effective school library media programs.
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical principles
including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators (effective June 1,
1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8A.:
The principles of planning and budgeting in libraries and other information agencies.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources,
and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.2 Professional Ethics Candidates practice the ethical principles of their profession, advocate for intellectual freedom and privacy, and promote
and model digital citizenship and responsibility. Candidates educate the school community on the ethical use of information and ideas.
Identifies illogical or marginal
for quality
stakeholders and provides little
improvement or no explanation of influence.
Measures are included that do
not bear relationship to desired
outcomes. Evaluation framework
would not be likely to results in
evidence to guide future quality
improvement actions.
Identifies logical stakeholders,
influence, and desired outcomes.
Measures are somewhat
associated with stakeholders’
desired outcomes and may be
convincing. Evaluation
framework would result in
modest evidence to guide future
quality improvement actions.
Identifies stakeholders of great
influence, explains their
influence, desired outcomes are
estimated reasonably, measures
are strongly associated with
stakeholders’ desired outcomes,
and expected results for the
library follow logically. Evaluation
framework is highly likely to
result in evidence that would
guide future quality improvement
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
6. Plan, organize, staff, direct and budget library programs to meet informational, instructional and recreational needs.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 6. Understand and apply the principles of management, leadership and advocacy to direct and advance library programs
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.5 Collaborates with system-level and building-level technology personnel to provide leadership in the school’s use of instructional technology
resources to enhance learning;
2.8 Seeks, evaluates, and applies input for improvement provided by educators, parents, students, and community leaders.
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.6 Evaluates the school library media program on a continual basis according to accepted standards of quality;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Developing Indicator:
Thinks systematically and critically about the impact of the school library media program on student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that reflects the goals of the school improvement plan
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that collects and uses I relevant data to improve their professional practice
and the library media program
Accomplished Indicator:
Seeks feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of service delivery and needed changes.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Advocates for changes to the school library media program guided by action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Collaborates with stakeholders to use action research findings in the implementation of the school library media program.
b. School Library Media Coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals. School Library Media Coordinators actively seek
ongoing professional development to improve their practice and the effectiveness of the library media program.
Developing Indicator:
Develops and follows a professional growth plan aligned to evaluation results and professional practice needs.
Developing Indicator:
Understands that personal culture and experiences may impact professional practice.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that addresses professional growth goals.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that reflects 21st Century skills and knowledge.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that is aligned with State Board of Education and school and district priorities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Applies and implements knowledge and skills attained from professional development to improve the library program and their practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assesses the impact of professional development on the effectiveness of their instruction and the library program.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to
a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt
their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school
and district.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
7. Management/Administration: Libraries engage in continuous planning and assessment to inform resource allocation and to meet their mission
effectively and efficiently.
Performance Indicator:
7.8 Library personnel model a culture of continuous improvement.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5E.:
The principles and methods of advocacy used to reach specific audiences to promote and explain concepts and services.
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
Above Proficient Value: 3
Detail 8C.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, assessment and evaluation of library services and their outcomes.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates are
committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates provide
leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.4 Advocacy Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library program. Candidates
develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and services.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources,
and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment Candidates communicate and collaborate with students, teachers, administrators, and community
members to develop a library program that aligns resources, services, and standards with the school's mission. Candidates make effective use of
data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their diverse communities.
Ends haphazardly or abruptly.
Summarizes or restates previous
material without drawing
conclusions or meaning for the
Without repeating previous
content, leaves the audience
with a strong final impression
and a sense of completeness.
Poses questions, or challenges
the audience to rethink their
ideas, or looks to the future.
Inspires the audience.
of the
Content seems disorganized.
Design, slide composition or
style is inconsistent across the
entire presentation. There are
errors in grammar or spelling.
Content is well-organized,
presented logically, and some
attempt at transition has been
employed. One or two slides
may contain too much text, but
overall the text is wellproportioned. Some attention
has been paid to design
elements and overall
attractiveness. There are no
errors in grammar or spelling.
Content is well-organized and
flows seamlessly. Slides are
attractive, well composed and
easy to read. Visual or graphic
elements are appropriate to text.
Content is presented in
proportion to weights for each
section. There are no errors in
grammar or spelling.
Below Proficient Value: 1
Proficient Value: 2
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Above Proficient Value: 3
LIBS 6018 Rebuilding Collection
Below Proficient
Introduction/Conclusion Student does not
communicate reasons for
collection rebuilding; does
not base rebuilding on
information gleaned from
previous assignments—
community analysis,
interviewing, and
judgment for rebuilding not
evident; conclusion missing
that ties elements of
assignment together.
Student communicates
reasons for collection
rebuilding supported by
evidence gleaned from
community analysis,
interview, and
Student concludes
assignment with a strong
statement about need to
rebuild collection and its
value to the community.
Above Proficient
Student communicates
reasons for collection
rebuilding supported by
evidence gleaned from
community analysis,
interview, and
student refers to class
readings and chats; student
concludes assignment by
displaying exemplary
judgment for rebuilding
collection and value to
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in
various formats and library settings
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library
Media Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse
population of students.
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses
the learning needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and
accessible physical space that facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides
flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles, 21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators
incorporate a global view and multiculturalism in library services, programming, and collection development to meet the personal
interests and learning needs of a diverse student population. They develop and implement strategies to remove barriers to open
and equitable access to the library media center and its resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs
and interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of
diverse learners.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate
learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning
environments that focus on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators,
librarians, and the community. Candidates are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional
development activities for other educators. Candidates provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute
to student achievement.
4.1. Networking with the library community Candidates demonstrate the ability to establish connections with other libraries and to
strengthen cooperation among library colleagues for resource sharing, networking, and facilitating access to information.
Candidates participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
of replacement items
Required elements missing:
Student provides required
Student does not (1) deselect information about deselected
and select replacement five
required items or (2) does not
provide proper bibliographic
information or (3) does not
provide reviews or (4) does
not provide costs.
Student communicates each
required element; reviews of
items are superior; judgment
for deselection and selection
of replacement items is
clearly communicated.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in
various formats and library settings
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library
Media Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse
population of students.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of
development. School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and
technology to meet diverse student needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and
resources for learning. They encourage the cultivation of creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of
students’ school careers.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning.
School Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century
teaching and learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic,
learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality
collection management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate
learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 2.:
Information Resources
2B. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the acquisition and disposition of resources, including evaluation, selection,
purchasing, processing, storing, and deselection.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs,
resources, and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of
library science, education, management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and
evaluation criteria to develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional
needs of students, teachers, and administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library
cataloging and classification principles and standards.
5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment Candidates communicate and collaborate with students, teachers, administrators, and
community members to develop a library program that aligns resources, services, and standards with the school's mission.
Candidates make effective use of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their diverse
20 items are not selected in
required categories; or
required elements are not
Student selects 20 items
based on required elements
identified in this assignment’s
Student selects 20 items
based on required elements;
reviews are exceptional;
judgment evident.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in
various formats and library settings
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library
Media Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning.
School Library Media Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century
teaching and learning. They use collection mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic,
learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality
collection management plan.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate
learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.1 Library personnel collaborate with faculty and others regarding ways to incorporate library collections and services into effective
education experiences for students.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 2.:
Information Resources
2C. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the management of various collections.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs,
resources, and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of
library science, education, management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and
evaluation criteria to develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional
needs of students, teachers, and administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library
cataloging and classification principles and standards.
Budget is not provided.
Budget sum is provided.
Student identifies budget by
book and jobber; identifies
available discounts; identifies
costs for processing and
shipping materials.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in
various formats and library settings
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an
environment of continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.5 Library personnel are professionally competent, diverse, and empowered.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8A.:
The principles of planning and budgeting in libraries and other information agencies.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs,
resources, and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of
library science, education, management, and administration.
5.3 Personnel, Funding, and Facilities Candidates apply best practices related to planning, budgeting, and evaluating human,
information, and physical resources. Candidates organize library facilities to enhance the use of information resources and services
and to ensure equitable access to all resources for all users. Candidates develop, implement, and evaluate policies and procedures
that support teaching and learning in school libraries.
LIBS 6135 Notable Children's Pamph.
value: 1.00
Required item selection is
value: 2.00
Selection of 25 items of various
formats that are mostly
developmentally appropriate and
meet interest levels according to
mostly acceptable reviews.
value: 3.00
Selection of 25 items of various
formats are developmentally
appropriate and meet interest
levels according to acceptable
reviews; evidence of
extraordinary care and thought
given to the selection of
materials for a diverse group of
primary-aged children.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 4. Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various formats
and library settings
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
Standard 3: Information and Ideas As an information specialist, the school library media coordinator plays a vital role in a democratic society: to
provide access to information and ideas representing all points of view through resources in a variety of formats for students and staff who must
function as well-informed and literate citizens in making choices and decisions. The school library media coordinator also has a fundamental
responsibility to help students develop their information literacy skills to find, analyze, and use information effectively. At the same time, the school
library media coordinator creates a culture and learning environment that fosters reading literacy for information and for pleasure.
3.1 Creates and maintains an environment conducive to learning;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School Library Media
Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and learning. They use collection
mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course
of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and
the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make
the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
c. School Library Media Coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning. School Library Media Coordinators champion
reading for information, pleasure and lifelong learning. They build relationships with students to discover reading interests and assist in finding
engaging and appropriate materials to encourage a love of reading. They partner with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of
students and recommending appropriate resources.
Developing Indicator:
Identifies appropriate resources based on student interests and needs to scaffold and support differentiated instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Assists students in finding engaging and appropriate information resources by building on their interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read for pleasure.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read independently.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read increasingly complex materials.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read a variety of materials Across a variety of subject areas and disciplines.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read partners with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of students.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read recommends appropriate resources to address the reading interests and needs of students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Expands and enhances the quantity and quality of students’ reading activities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Promotes the use of a variety of engaging and appropriate materials to support reading instruction.
Distinguished Indicator:
Involves stakeholders in leisure reading activities.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership in implementing community partnerships to support literacy programs.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5B. :
Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual abilities
and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of student
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
2.1 Literature Candidates are familiar with a wide range of children’s, young adult, and professional literature in multiple formats and languages to
support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning.
2.3 Respect for diversity Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and information materials in print and digital formats
that support the diverse developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to
develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and
administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
One or more required pamphlet
elements is insufficient (e.g.,
readability, formatting, length of
This pamphlet meets required
elements and is acceptable, but
the pamphlet is not quite ready
for prime time because of
limitations in readability,
formatting, or length of reviews.
Visually attractive, easy to read
format, attention grabbing; each
review is less than 30 words.
This pamphlet is beyond
proficient and ready for prime
time! (no errors)
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.1 Assesses learning and information needs of students and staff based on input from faculty, administrators, and paraprofessional staff as well as
personal observation;
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
4.2 Bases program decisions on action research and best practices in order to maximize the school library media program’s impact on student
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School Library Media
Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and learning. They use collection
mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course
of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and
the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make
the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
c. School Library Media Coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning. School Library Media Coordinators champion
reading for information, pleasure and lifelong learning. They build relationships with students to discover reading interests and assist in finding
engaging and appropriate materials to encourage a love of reading. They partner with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of
students and recommending appropriate resources.
Developing Indicator:
Identifies appropriate resources based on student interests and needs to scaffold and support differentiated instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Assists students in finding engaging and appropriate information resources by building on their interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read for pleasure.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read independently.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read increasingly complex materials.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read a variety of materials Across a variety of subject areas and disciplines.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read partners with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of students.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read recommends appropriate resources to address the reading interests and needs of students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Expands and enhances the quantity and quality of students’ reading activities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Promotes the use of a variety of engaging and appropriate materials to support reading instruction.
Distinguished Indicator:
Involves stakeholders in leisure reading activities.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership in implementing community partnerships to support literacy programs.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with professional ethics and prevailing
service norms and applications.
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5E.:
The principles and methods of advocacy used to reach specific audiences to promote and explain concepts and services.
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Detail 8D.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, developing partnerships, collaborations, networks, and other structures with all stakeholders and within
communities served.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in
authentic learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging digital
tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a digital society.
Writing style Reviews contain many errors;
reviews are not polished and not
Reviews are suitable and
proficient, but lack polish; the
well-written, compelling, and joy
to read quality in the “above
proficient” category is not
consistently evident throughout
the pamphlet.
Reviews are well-written;
polished; good use of sentence
structure, adjectives, adverbs,
and transitions to create a
compelling 30-word review; no
grammatical or editorial
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Suggestions Suggestions do not meet
to parents
“proficient” category; lack of
Suggestions are developmentally
appropriate, but not presented as
concisely and succinctly as in
“above proficient” category;
meaningfulness of suggestion
not evident.
The value of the developmentally
appropriate suggestions are
clearly, but succinctly, described
; fun and cleaver; meaningful;
engagingly interspersed
throughout pamphlet.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.3 Develops and implements an ongoing collection development and evaluation planning process, in collaboration with the Media and Technology
Advisory Committee, that focuses on a variety of formats and resources to meet diverse learning needs;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School Library Media
Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and learning. They use collection
mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course
of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and
the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make
the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
c. School Library Media Coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning. School Library Media Coordinators champion
reading for information, pleasure and lifelong learning. They build relationships with students to discover reading interests and assist in finding
engaging and appropriate materials to encourage a love of reading. They partner with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of
students and recommending appropriate resources.
Developing Indicator:
Identifies appropriate resources based on student interests and needs to scaffold and support differentiated instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Assists students in finding engaging and appropriate information resources by building on their interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read for pleasure.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read independently.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read increasingly complex materials.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read a variety of materials Across a variety of subject areas and disciplines.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read partners with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of students.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read recommends appropriate resources to address the reading interests and needs of students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Expands and enhances the quantity and quality of students’ reading activities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Promotes the use of a variety of engaging and appropriate materials to support reading instruction.
Distinguished Indicator:
Involves stakeholders in leisure reading activities.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership in implementing community partnerships to support literacy programs.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Area 2.:
Information Resources
2B. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the acquisition and disposition of resources, including evaluation, selection, purchasing, processing,
storing, and deselection.
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge and
information to individuals of all ages and groups.
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7B. :
The role of the library in the lifelong learning of patrons, including an understanding of lifelong learning in the provision of quality service and the
use of lifelong learning in the promotion of library services.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active,
inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and
communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
2.2 Reading promotion Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in order to
promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
2.4 Literacy strategies Candidates collaborate with classroom teachers to reinforce a wide variety of reading instructional strategies to ensure P-12
students are able to create meaning from text.
on pamphlet
Student does not reflect, or
reflection is minimal. Student
does not connect pamphlet with
Student reflects on pamphlet and
its potential as an advocacy tool.
Identifies ways to use pamphlet,
but less clearly than in “above
proficient” category.
Student reflects on and clearly
expresses pamphlets potential
as an advocacy tool; identifies
specific ways to use pamphlet
with audiences and
organizations to increase
literacy; creates brief plan.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning styles,
and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program strategies that
represent authentic learning.
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
a. School Library Media Coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning. School Library Media
Coordinators develop an appropriate and high quality library media collection that facilitates 21st century teaching and learning. They use collection
mapping and other collection analysis tools to ensure that the collection is dynamic, learner-centered, supports the North Carolina Standard Course
of Study, and meets the unique needs of the school and its learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the components of a collection management plan.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes that the collection management plan should be collaboratively developed and regularly updated.
Proficient Indicator:
Systematically collects and utilizes data to collaboratively develop and regularly update the collection management plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection is aligned with and supports the NC Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that the library collection provides for the recreational and informational needs of students in a variety of formats.
Accomplished Indicator:
Uses collection management plan data to solicit external resources to support collection development.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in best practices regarding the development and implementation of a high quality collection
management plan.
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators model,
promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital safety, and
the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical strategies to make
the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They apply the content
standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively design, use, and
communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all curriculum areas.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and technology
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate
use of information and technology resources.
c. School Library Media Coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning. School Library Media Coordinators champion
reading for information, pleasure and lifelong learning. They build relationships with students to discover reading interests and assist in finding
engaging and appropriate materials to encourage a love of reading. They partner with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of
students and recommending appropriate resources.
Developing Indicator:
Identifies appropriate resources based on student interests and needs to scaffold and support differentiated instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Assists students in finding engaging and appropriate information resources by building on their interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read for pleasure.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read independently.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read increasingly complex materials.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read a variety of materials Across a variety of subject areas and disciplines.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read partners with teachers in identifying the reading interests and needs of students.
Proficient Indicator:
Challenges students to read recommends appropriate resources to address the reading interests and needs of students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Expands and enhances the quantity and quality of students’ reading activities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Promotes the use of a variety of engaging and appropriate materials to support reading instruction.
Distinguished Indicator:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Involves stakeholders in leisure reading activities.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership in implementing community partnerships to support literacy programs.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1H. The importance of effective advocacy for libraries, librarians, other library workers, and library services.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on
student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates are
committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates provide
leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.1. Networking with the library community Candidates demonstrate the ability to establish connections with other libraries and to strengthen
cooperation among library colleagues for resource sharing, networking, and facilitating access to information. Candidates participate and
collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
4.4 Advocacy Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library program. Candidates
develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and services.
LIBS 6137 Booktalk
value: 1.00
No information; or information
provided about teens is limited to
gender, age, and number in
value: 2.00
Description of students includes
age, gender, special needs,
ethnicity, interests, and hobbies.
value: 3.00
Meets proficiency, in addition
MLS student collects and
communicates additional
information about young adults
that provides a complete sense
of who these students are that
could be used to further nurture
their reading.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
Standard 3: Information and Ideas As an information specialist, the school library media coordinator plays a vital role in a democratic society: to
provide access to information and ideas representing all points of view through resources in a variety of formats for students and staff who must
function as well-informed and literate citizens in making choices and decisions. The school library media coordinator also has a fundamental
responsibility to help students develop their information literacy skills to find, analyze, and use information effectively. At the same time, the school
library media coordinator creates a culture and learning environment that fosters reading literacy for information and for pleasure.
3.1 Creates and maintains an environment conducive to learning;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning
needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible physical space that
facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles,
21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global view and multiculturalism in library services,
programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs of a diverse student population. They develop and
implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of development.
School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to meet diverse student
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They encourage the cultivation of
creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5C. :
The methods used to interact successfully with individuals of all ages and groups to provide consultation, mediation, and guidance in their use of
recorded knowledge and information.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to become
effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and develops
their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual abilities
and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of student
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
2.2 Reading promotion Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in order to
promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
value: 1.00
Booktalking Booktalking transcript omits one
or more required elements; or is
poorly written; or is inappropriate
for audience.
value: 2.00
Booktalking transcript meets all
required elements.
value: 3.00
Exceeds proficiency; booktalk
transcript is concisely and
succinctly well-written; or one or
more elements are superior.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.3 Develops and implements an ongoing collection development and evaluation planning process, in collaboration with the Media and Technology
Advisory Committee, that focuses on a variety of formats and resources to meet diverse learning needs;
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5A.:
The concepts, principles, and techniques of reference and user services that provide access to relevant and accurate recorded knowledge and
information to individuals of all ages and groups.
Detail 5B. :
Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8D.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, developing partnerships, collaborations, networks, and other structures with all stakeholders and within
communities served.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
2.1 Literature Candidates are familiar with a wide range of children’s, young adult, and professional literature in multiple formats and languages to
support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning.
2.2 Reading promotion Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in order to
promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
2.3 Respect for diversity Candidates demonstrate the ability to develop a collection of reading and information materials in print and digital formats
that support the diverse developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of P-12 students and their communities.
2.4 Literacy strategies Candidates collaborate with classroom teachers to reinforce a wide variety of reading instructional strategies to ensure P-12
students are able to create meaning from text.
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs. Candidates
model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for specific purposes.
Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and communicate information.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to
develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and
administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
Student handout omits one or
Student handout meets all
more required elements; contains required elements.
multiple errors; is poorly written.
Student handout exceeds
proficiency; one or more required
handout elements are superior.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the school
library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff both within
and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other partnerships, the
school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access to resources and
services and to solve problems as they arise.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
4.3 Develops and implements an ongoing collection development and evaluation planning process, in collaboration with the Media and Technology
Advisory Committee, that focuses on a variety of formats and resources to meet diverse learning needs;
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
4B. The application of information, communication, assistive, and related technology and tools consistent with professional ethics and prevailing
service norms and applications.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends
in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and
reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and
interests of all readers.
2.2 Reading promotion Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading and model personal enjoyment of reading in order to
promote habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse
learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.3 Information technology Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning experiences that engage students in authentic
learning through the use of digital tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current and emerging digital tools to
locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a digital society.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources, and
services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science, education,
management, and administration.
5.1 Collections Candidates evaluate and select print, non-print, and digital resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to
develop and manage a quality collection designed to meet the diverse curricular, personal, and professional needs of students, teachers, and
administrators. Candidates organize school library collections according to current library cataloging and classification principles and standards.
Minimal analysis, reflection, and
evaluation of booktalking effort;
or little or no discussion of host(s)
and student’s response.
MLS student responds to all
questions about their
performance; narrative confirms
student’s analysis, evaluation,
and reflection of booktalking
Exceeds proficiency by
identifying additional aspects of
booktalking effort to reveal
increased analysis, evaluation,
and reflection.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 2: School Library Media Coordinators build a learning environment that meets the instructional needs of a diverse population of
a. School Library Media Coordinators establish a learning environment that facilitates access to resources and addresses the learning
needs of all members of the school community. School Library Media Coordinators create a welcoming and accessible physical space that
facilitates active learning, promotes participation and collaboration and teamwork, and provides flexibility to accommodate multiple learning styles,
21st Century skills, and reading enjoyment. School Library Media Coordinators incorporate a global view and multiculturalism in library services,
programming, and collection development to meet the personal interests and learning needs of a diverse student population. They develop and
implement strategies to remove barriers to open and equitable access to the library media center and its resources.
Developing Indicator:
Acknowledges that diversity impacts student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes data to understand the diverse needs of the school community.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides open and equitable access to information and technology resources that reflect and accommodate diverse student needs and interests.
Proficient Indicator:
Fosters global literacy, awareness and cultural understanding.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to develop classroom instructional practices that are culturally relevant and address the needs of diverse learners.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads professional development on resources and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse population of students.
Distinguished Indicator:
Recommends to school and/or district administrators changes to education programs and policies based on data analysis.
b. School Library Media Coordinators provide appropriate resources, services, and instruction for learners at all stages of development.
School Library Media Coordinators model and promote the seamless integration of content, pedagogy, and technology to meet diverse student
needs. They incorporate universal design to facilitate equitable access to information and resources for learning. They encourage the cultivation of
creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking across multiple years of students’ school careers.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use technology and research-based instructional strategies.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to use innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to differentiate instruction.
Developing Indicator:
Recognizes the need to cultivate student creativity, reading interests, and critical thinking.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses technology and i researchbased instructional strategies to deliver instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Uses innovative instructional strategies to engage students.
Proficient Indicator:
Guides students to utilize critical thinking and creativity in the creation of new content.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes a variety of strategies to cultivate and support students’ reading interests.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaboratively designs differentiated instruction that assures the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology across the curriculum.
Accomplished Indicator:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Facilitates the collaborative design of learning experiences that cultivate creativity and critical thinking.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leads professional development in the design of learning experiences that result in studentcreated content.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1B. The role of library and information professionals in the promotion of democratic principles and intellectual freedom (including freedom of
expression, thought, and conscience).
LIBS 6142 Literacy Lesson
value: 1.00
of standards
Group does not identify
appropriate standards.
value: 2.00
Group identifies appropriate
value: 3.00
Group identifies standards and
eloquently communicates the
selection of these standards.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
for special
Group does not identify
strategies for meeting needs of
special needs students.
Group identifies appropriate
strategies for meeting needs of
special need students.
Group identifies multiple
strategies and provides clear
evidence throughout the
assignment of application of
selected strategies.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
value: 1.00
Selection of
Group does not select
appropriate information model.
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Group selects information model
and describes why this model
was chosen.
Group selects information model
for the appropriate level of
learner and clearly articulates
why model was chosen.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Development Group either does not develop a
lesson or lesson is weak and
Group develops a focused
lesson that meets the identified
standards, modifies lesson for
special needs students.
Group develops a focused and
well organized lesson. All
components as described in the
assignment’s description are
organized to create an engaging
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
learning opportunity for students;
lesson is doable but challenging.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Integration of Higher order thinking not
higher order addressed.
Much, but not all, of the lesson
requires higher order thinking,
but this focus on may be an addon rather than integrated
throughout the lesson.
Higher order thinking integrated
throughout lesson.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Development Group does not develop
assessments, or briefly
assessments describes assessments.
Group develops appropriate
Group develops exemplary
assessments providing evidence
that K-12 students have met the
lesson requirements.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Development Group does not develop a rubric, Group develops a rubric helpful
of rubric
or rubric is weak.
to students and teachers to
understand the requirements of
the lesson.
Group develops an exemplary
rubric that provides clear
guidance for students and
teachers to understand the
requirements of the lesson.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as well as
teacher practices.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context of
school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in
both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to matching student
learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading materials in a broad range
of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
1.11 Develops a persuasive plan to provide flexible access to the instructional services of the school library media coordinator who provides
instruction at point of need;
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
1.15 Advocates for and promotes reading and life-long learning through motivational activities;
1.16 Supports literacy in the broadest sense (information, reading, writing, and mathematics) across the total curriculum.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
of learning
from text
Little or no reference to text.
Group articulates learning from
text and how this was applied to
the assignment.
Group articulates an exemplary
paragraph about the impact of
the text on their understanding of
information literacy. These
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
understandings are evident in
the lesson.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as well as
teacher practices.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context of
school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in
both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to matching student
learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading materials in a broad range
of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
1.11 Develops a persuasive plan to provide flexible access to the instructional services of the school library media coordinator who provides
instruction at point of need;
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
1.15 Advocates for and promotes reading and life-long learning through motivational activities;
1.16 Supports literacy in the broadest sense (information, reading, writing, and mathematics) across the total curriculum.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt to
a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously adapt
their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the school
and district.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
of teacher
Weak or no feedback.
Student communicates
appropriately about feedback,
but does not make changes in
the lesson. If changes are not
made student must describe
thought process as to why
feedback was not applied.
Student receives very thoughtful
feedback and makes appropriate
changes to the lesson. Student
provides compelling reasons for
applying/no applying feedback
that are based on research.
Student advocates with teachers
to communicate benefits of
collaborating with the school
librarian to meet standards.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as well as
teacher practices.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context of
school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in
both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to matching student
learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading materials in a broad range
of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
1.11 Develops a persuasive plan to provide flexible access to the instructional services of the school library media coordinator who provides
instruction at point of need;
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.15 Advocates for and promotes reading and life-long learning through motivational activities;
1.16 Supports literacy in the broadest sense (information, reading, writing, and mathematics) across the total curriculum.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Developing Indicator:
Thinks systematically and critically about the impact of the school library media program on student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that reflects the goals of the school improvement plan
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that collects and uses I relevant data to improve their professional practice
and the library media program
Accomplished Indicator:
Seeks feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of service delivery and needed changes.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Advocates for changes to the school library media program guided by action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Collaborates with stakeholders to use action research findings in the implementation of the school library media program.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
No reflection, or weak reflection
(i.e., I liked this project a lot and
would not change a thing),
Some reflection but student does Student’s deep and appropriate
not consider changes to the
reflection suggests additional
standards, strategies, and ways
to improve the lesson.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on authentic
learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even spontaneous
meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media coordinator and teacher
co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of assessment of student
achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide variations in students’
learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as well as
teacher practices.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context of
school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in
both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to matching student
learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading materials in a broad range
of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
1.11 Develops a persuasive plan to provide flexible access to the instructional services of the school library media coordinator who provides
instruction at point of need;
1.12 Uses technology to help create learning environments that support students' learning;
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
1.14 Incorporates information literacy into day-to-day instruction;
1.15 Advocates for and promotes reading and life-long learning through motivational activities;
1.16 Supports literacy in the broadest sense (information, reading, writing, and mathematics) across the total curriculum.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple sources
and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Developing Indicator:
Thinks systematically and critically about the impact of the school library media program on student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that reflects the goals of the school improvement plan
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that collects and uses I relevant data to improve their professional practice
and the library media program
Accomplished Indicator:
Seeks feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of service delivery and needed changes.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Advocates for changes to the school library media program guided by action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Collaborates with stakeholders to use action research findings in the implementation of the school library media program.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests and
develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and cultural
influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates support the
learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and intellectual
abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the assessment of
student achievement.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active,
inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and
communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
1.4 Integration of twenty-first century skills and learning standards Candidates advocate for twenty-first century literacy skills to support the
learning needs of the school community. Candidates demonstrate how to collaborate with other teachers to plan and implement instruction of the
AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and state student curriculum standards. Candidates employ strategies to integrate multiple
literacies with content curriculum. Candidates integrate the use of emerging technologies as a means for effective and creative teaching and to
support P-12 students' conceptual understanding, critical thinking and creative processes.
LIBS 6144 Implementation of Inquiry
Below Proficient
Part A
Does not address essential
Describes essential elements,
but some better than others.
Above Proficient
Describes fully each essential
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
c. School Library Media Coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use of information and
technology. School Library Media Coordinators make their skills and expertise as well as the learning space and resources of the library
media center flexibly available and easily accessible to all members of the school community. They help learners become discerning and
effective users of information and ideas, and they promote the seamless integration of curriculum, pedagogy and technology to meet curricular
goals. They encourage teachers and students to apply an inquiryDeveloping Indicator:
Understands and supports inquiry based approaches to learning.
Developing Indicator:
Communicates the connection between a flexibly scheduled school library media program, collaboration with classroom teachers, and student
Proficient Indicator:
Collaboratively plans, implements, and assesses inquirybased instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that library resources and technology are flexibly available and easily accessible.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads other educators in the implementation of inquiry-based instruction.
Accomplished Indicator:
Shares data about library accessibility with the school community.
Distinguished Indicator:
Communicates data that illustrate the connection between an open and flexibly scheduled library media program, collaboration with classroom
teachers, and student learning.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active,
inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and
communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.3 Leadership Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic
achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library
research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.
Part B
No description; brief description. Proficient description indicating
knowledge of students.
Knowledge of
Thorough description of
students. MLS student has gone
to great lengths to understand
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and
cultural influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates
support the learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and
intellectual abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the
assessment of student achievement.
Part C
No description of standards;
brief description.
Appropriate selection of
Selection of
MLS student provides clear
evident of integrating standards
throughout lesson.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context
of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of
knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.9 Demonstrates depth and breadth of knowledge in the Information Skills and Computer Skills curricula defined in the North Carolina
Standard Course of Study;
1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of all subject areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study curriculum;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
b. School Library Media Coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. School Library Media Coordinators
model, promote, and support other educators in the effective use of information resources, best practices in research, multiple literacies, digital
safety, and the ethical use of information and technology resources. They collaboratively develop and utilize research-based pedagogical
strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant for all students and provide a balanced curriculum that enhances literacy skills. They
apply the content standards for students developed by their professional organizations. School Library Media Coordinators collaboratively
design, use, and communicate innovative outcome measures to identify evidence of student learning using 21st century skills across all
curriculum areas.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support learning.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students utilizes a research model in the school library media center.
Developing Indicator:
Teaches students demonstrates knowledge of curriculum goals across grade levels and subject areas.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to assure that students are safe and ethical use of information and technology resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to integrate effective strategies for accessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and
Proficient Indicator:
Works with teachers to implement a school wide research model.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in the ethical and appropriate use of information and technology resources.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership in collaboratively assessing, evaluating, and synthesizing information resources to support teaching and learning.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in district, state, or national conversations and debates regarding the safe, ethical and appropriate use of information and
technology resources.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides educational opportunities at the district, state or national level for professional staff members regarding the safe, ethical and
appropriate use of information and technology resources.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.4 Integration of twenty-first century skills and learning standards Candidates advocate for twenty-first century literacy skills to support the
learning needs of the school community. Candidates demonstrate how to collaborate with other teachers to plan and implement instruction of
the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and state student curriculum standards. Candidates employ strategies to integrate multiple
literacies with content curriculum. Candidates integrate the use of emerging technologies as a means for effective and creative teaching and to
support P-12 students' conceptual understanding, critical thinking and creative processes.
Below Proficient
Part D
No description; brief description. Proficient description of lesson.
Description of
implementation Standards
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
Above Proficient
Detailed description of lesson
so inquiry lesson can be
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school
library media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior
and teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 3: School Library Media Coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st century library media program.
c. School Library Media Coordinators serve, promote and facilitate inquiry-based instruction and the effective use of information and
technology. School Library Media Coordinators make their skills and expertise as well as the learning space and resources of the library
media center flexibly available and easily accessible to all members of the school community. They help learners become discerning and
effective users of information and ideas, and they promote the seamless integration of curriculum, pedagogy and technology to meet curricular
goals. They encourage teachers and students to apply an inquiryDeveloping Indicator:
Understands and supports inquirybased approaches to learning.
Developing Indicator:
Communicates the connection between a flexibly scheduled school library media program, collaboration with classroom teachers, and student
Proficient Indicator:
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Collaboratively plans, implements, and assesses inquirybased instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Ensures that library resources and technology are flexibly available and easily accessible.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leads other educators in the implementation of inquiry-based instruction.
Accomplished Indicator:
Shares data about library accessibility with the school community.
Distinguished Indicator:
Communicates data that illustrate the connection between an open and flexibly scheduled library media program, collaboration with classroom
teachers, and student learning.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5B. :
Techniques used to retrieve, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources for use by individuals of all ages and groups.
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7B. :
The role of the library in the lifelong learning of patrons, including an understanding of lifelong learning in the provision of quality service and
the use of lifelong learning in the promotion of library services.
Detail 7C. :
Learning theories, instructional methods, and achievement measures; and their application in libraries and other information agencies.
Detail 7D.:
The principles related to the teaching and learning of concepts, processes and skills used in seeking, evaluating, and using recorded
knowledge and information.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active,
inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and
communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
1.4 Integration of twenty-first century skills and learning standards Candidates advocate for twenty-first century literacy skills to support the
learning needs of the school community. Candidates demonstrate how to collaborate with other teachers to plan and implement instruction of
the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and state student curriculum standards. Candidates employ strategies to integrate multiple
literacies with content curriculum. Candidates integrate the use of emerging technologies as a means for effective and creative teaching and to
support P-12 students' conceptual understanding, critical thinking and creative processes.
Part E
Does not address engagement
with students, or student
Basic description of student
engagement and learning.
Clear articulation of student
engagement and learning based
Below Proficient
and learning
learning. No expectations of
student learning.
Above Proficient
on readings, discussions, and
videos. MLS student refers to
these sources.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator
demonstrates self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater
community, that supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.1 Assesses learning and information needs of students and staff based on input from faculty, administrators, and paraprofessional staff as
well as personal observation;
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context
of school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of
knowledge in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to
matching student learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading
materials in a broad range of formats.
1.13 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
a. School Library Media Coordinators analyze student learning. School Library Media Coordinators use formative and summative
assessments to collect data about student learning in the library media center and its impact on student achievement. They use multiple
sources and types of data to improve their professional practice.
Developing Indicator:
Thinks systematically and critically about the impact of the school library media program on student learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that is based on evidence and best practices
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that reflects the goals of the school improvement plan
Proficient Indicator:
Develops and implements a long-term strategic library program plan that collects and uses I relevant data to improve their professional practice
and the library media program
Accomplished Indicator:
Seeks feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of service delivery and needed changes.
Accomplished Indicator:
Conducts action research to determine the impact of the school library media program on student achievement.
Accomplished Indicator:
Stays abreast of current research about student learning and emerging resources and encourages the school to adopt or adapt them for the
benefit of all students.
Accomplished Indicator:
Leverages resources to implement action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Advocates for changes to the school library media program guided by action research findings.
Distinguished Indicator:
Collaborates with stakeholders to use action research findings in the implementation of the school library media program.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning Candidates are knowledgeable of learning styles, stages of human growth and development, and
cultural influences on learning. Candidates assess learner needs and design instruction that reflects educational best practice. Candidates
support the learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, physical and
intellectual abilities and needs. Candidates base twenty-first century skills instruction on student interests and learning needs and link it to the
assessment of student achievement.
1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that contribute to an active,
inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and
communicate the impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Part F
No reflection; employs
statements such as “I like this
lesson and would not change a
Reflection on some aspects of
inquiry, but, perhaps, not all.
Reflection could be deeper.
Articulated understanding that
learning occurred, but may not
identify how and what students
Insightful reflection on all
aspects of implementation of
inquiry; articulates strengths
and weaknesses of inquiry
lesson; suggests ways to
improve lesson. Articulates
occurrence of student learning,
provides examples of student
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school
library media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior
and teacher practices;
1.8 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on collaborative assessment of student learning problems and successes, as well as
teacher practices.
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
c. School Library Media Coordinators function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. School Library Media Coordinators adapt
to a rapidly changing information and technology environment. They thrive in an increasingly digital information landscape and continuously
adapt their professional practice based on research and student data to support school goals.
Developing Indicator:
Stays current with evolving research about the changing information and technology environment.
Below Proficient
Above Proficient
Proficient Indicator:
Applies findings from evidence-based research to professional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Seeks new ideas that support students’ social, emotional, psychological, and academic success.
Proficient Indicator:
Changes practice to best meet the evolving needs of students, families, schools, and communities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Routinely monitors the impact of changes to professional practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Uses the results of monitoring activities to improve the school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Shares results of monitoring activities and offers recommendations for the improvement of the school library media program throughout the
school and district.
LIBS 7050 Public Library Trends
Below Proficient
Little information provided.
Supports the standards.
Has no apparent application of
critical thinking
Reflects application of critical
Has significant factual errors,
misconceptions, or
Addresses expectations.
Have some factual errors or
Identifies trends that are
important and pertinent to needs
Above Proficient
Is well thought out and supports
the standards evaluated.
Reflects application of critical
thinking and is accurate.
Clearly addresses all assignment
Identifies trends that are
important and pertinent to needs
of partner library.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and efficiently
the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5E.:
The principles and methods of advocacy used to reach specific audiences to promote and explain concepts and services.
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
Detail 5G.:
The principles and methods used to assess the impact of current and emerging situations or circumstances on the design and implementation of
appropriate services or resource development.
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8C.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, assessment and evaluation of library services and their outcomes.
Detail 8D.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, developing partnerships, collaborations, networks, and other structures with all stakeholders and within
communities served.
Little to no appropriate use of
grammar, spelling, or
Few spelling, grammatical, or
punctuation errors.
No spelling, grammatical, or
punctuation errors.
Below Proficient
Medium-level use of vocabulary
and word choice.
Above Proficient
High-level use of vocabulary and
word choice.
Data consistent with intent of
Organization Inadequate organization.
Information loosely supports the
Project has a focus but might
stray from it at times.
Information largely supports
Information does not support the
conclusions or irrelevant
information is included.
Student does not reflect or
reflection minimal. Student does
not connect trends to the needs
of partner library.
Did not reflect on the issues,
trends, and concerns of Public
Libraries in general
Information is clearly focused
and organized in a thoughtful
Information supports
Information is constructed in a
logical pattern to support the
Student reflects and clearly
expresses the trends of public
libraries and partner library.
Student reflects and clearly
expresses the trends of public
libraries and partner library.
Reflects on the issues, trends,
and concerns of Public Libraries
in general
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7B. :
The role of the library in the lifelong learning of patrons, including an understanding of lifelong learning in the provision of quality service and the
use of lifelong learning in the promotion of library services.
LIBS 6810 Paper
value: 1.00
Research The paper uses fewer than seven
sources, some of which are
popular or non-refereed
publications. Sources are
marginally related to the topic or
do not forward the thesis of the
value: 2.00
The paper uses a minimum of
seven sources, which are
authoritative, current, and from
the professional literature of
library science.
value: 3.00
The paper uses more than seven
sources, which are authoritative,
current, and represent diverse
publications across disciplines
related to the topic.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
2. Investigate library problems through analysis and synthesis of professional library literature.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner research
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Grammar The thesis of the paper is
and Style confused or unclear and minimal
effort has been made to follow
APA structure and style. The
paper itself may be confusing to
readers. There are errors in
spelling and grammar.
The paper has a clear, focused
thesis statement and follows the
correct structure. References and
the body of the paper follow APA
style. The paper is well organized,
with evidence that supports the
thesis statement.
The paper uses correct grammar
throughout and contains no
spelling errors.
The paper identifies and explains
the thesis clearly, and early in the
paper. The paper is wellorganized and structured and
includes headings and
subheadings. References and the
body of the paper follow APA
The paper uses correct grammar
throughout and contains no
spelling errors.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
The paper addresses a scenario
relevant to the future of academic
libraries and provides a limited
review of what other
writers/researchers have thought
about the topic. It explains two
sides of an issue, and little of the
author’s own analysis. The paper
is redundant, and/or lacks
substantial content.
The paper addresses a scenario
relevant to the future of academic
libraries, and offers a thorough
review of what other
writers/researchers have thought
about the topic. The paper
explains multiple sides of an issue
and from a variety of
perspectives, but also includes
the author’s analysis.
The paper avoids unnecessary
and/or redundant material (is not
padded for the sake of length or
to mask the lack of substantial
The paper addresses a scenario
critical to the future of academic
libraries, and offers an exhaustive
review of what other
writers/researchers have thought
about the topic. The paper
explains multiple sides of an issue
and from a variety of
perspectives, but also includes
the author’s analysis.
The author provides a conclusion
that is substantive and makes
suggestions to other librarians for
addressing negative aspects of an
issue and/or solving scenariorelated problems.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1E. Current types of library (school, public, academic, special, etc.) and closely related information agencies.
1F. National and international social, public, information, economic, and cultural policies and trends of significance to the library and information
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
LIBS 6972 Experimental Design
value: 1.00
Choice of
Choice of setting is not
value: 2.00
Choice of setting is mostly
value: 3.00
Choice of setting is very
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Choice of
Choice of design addresses an
hypothesis, choice of
experimental treatment and use
of experimental/control groups
very thoroughly
Choice of design addresses an
hypothesis, choice of
experimental treatment and use
of experimental/control groups
Choice of design does not
address an hypothesis, choice of
experimental treatment and use
of experimental/control groups
very well
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Describe the
structure of
your study;
Explanation brief or not well
done; did not use a well
explained concept of structure of
the study, did not include
discussion of ethical issues
Explanation adequate; used a
understandable concept of
structure of the study, included
discussion of ethical issues
Explanation thorough; used an
accurate concept of structure of
the study, included discussion of
ethical issues
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Explanation brief or not well
done; variables were not
appropriate or poorly explained
Explanation adequate; variables
were somewhat appropriate
Explanation thorough; variables
were very appropriate
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Experimental Explanation poorly done;
Explanation adequate;
experimental and control groups experimental and control groups
control group were not appropriate
were understandable
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Explanation very thorough;
experimental and control groups
were very appropriate
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Explanation poorly done, did not
include discussions of inferential
statistics and validity
Explanation adequate, mostly
included discussions of
inferential statistics and validity
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Explanation thorough, included
discussions of inferential
statistics and validity
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Program Objective: 2. Analyze, evaluate and synthesize research literature in library and information science and design basic practitioner
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
1. Institutional Effectiveness: Libraries define, develop, and measure outcomes that contribute to institutional effectiveness and apply findings for
purposes of continuous improvement.
Performance Indicator:
1.1 The library defines and measures outcomes in the context of institutional mission.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6A.:
The fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
Detail 6C.:
The principles and methods used to assess the actual and potential value of new research.
Writing, spelling, grammar poorly Writing, spelling, grammar has
some minor errors
Writing, spelling, grammar
virtually perfect
LIBS 6991 In-Service Learning Initiative
value: 1.00
Faculty and
Identify Target
Little or no evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
design and deliver instruction
based on needs of the learning
value: 2.00
Some evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
design and deliver instruction
based on needs of the learning
value: 3.00
Multiple evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
design and deliver instruction
based on needs of the learning
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.1 Assesses learning and information needs of students and staff based on input from faculty, administrators, and paraprofessional staff as well
as personal observation;
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1.7 Assesses the effects of instructional actions, selection of resources, and other instructional decisions on students' learning and behavior and
teacher practices;
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
a. School Library Media Coordinators lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success. School
Library Media Coordinators provide leadership for the school library media program. They share responsibility for the progress of all students to
ensure that they graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and are prepared for life in the 21st
Century. They collaboratively create, align, and implement a program informed by state and national guidelines and research-based best
practices. They transform the library media center into a 21st century learning environment (both virtual and physical) and a shared space for
knowledge construction, collaboration and inquiry-based learning, and they assist teachers with similar transformations. They coordinate the
activities and training of library media support personnel including volunteers.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the significance of a collaborative media program and its impact on student learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands 21st century skills and content.
Developing Indicator:
Understands how to establish an open, equitable, accessible, and flexible learning environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with state and local priorities and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with research-based practices
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides leadership in collaboratively planning, promoting, and sustaining the
school library media program, services, and resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with establishes the library media center as both a physical and virtual shared
learning space.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides an open, equitable and accessible learning environment.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership to the school community in creating a 21st century learning environment.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership at district, state, and/or national level in creating 21st century learning environments.
b. School Library Media Coordinators lead in their schools. School Library Media Coordinators work collaboratively with school personnel to
create a professional learning community. They analyze data to develop goals and strategies in the school improvement plan that enhance
student learning. They provide input in determining the school budget and in the selection and provision of professional development that meets
the needs of the students, the staff, and their own professional growth. They participate in the hiring process and collaborate with their
colleagues to support teachers in the improvement of the effectiveness of their departments or grade levels. They establish positive working
relationships and communicate with other educators to identify and select resources for curriculum support. They also partner with teachers to
design instruction that seamlessly integrates 21st century skills, information fluency, and digital literacy across the curriculum.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the goals of the school improvement plan.
Developing Indicator:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Participates in shared decision making within the school.
Developing Indicator:
Supports and participates in professional learning communities.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Infuses multiple literacies and 21st century skills within content-area instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides technology-enabled one-on-one and group professional development for school-based educators.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the recruitment hiring process and/or mentoring of school-based educators.
Accomplished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in a Professional Learning Community and/or the school improvement team at the school level.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads 21st century teaching and learning concepts and strategies.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to integrate information and instructional technology into all curricular areas.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in developing and implementing the school improvement plan.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in a professional learning network (PLN) at the district, state, and/or national level.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides professional development on integrating information and instructional technology into all curricular areas at the school, district, state,
and/or national level.
c. School Library Media Coordinators advocate for effective media programs. School Library Media Coordinators are proactive in
communicating the vision, requirements and impact of an effective 21st century library media program to key stakeholders using relevant
research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes. They advocate for information fluency, inquiry-based learning, curriculum fidelity,
creativity, planning, innovation and reading for enjoyment and lifelong learning to ensure that all students have access to proper learning
resources and are prepared for the future.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need to advocate for the library media program and resources to support the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for equitable access to 21st century resources throughout the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for integration of 21st century skills and resources throughout the school’s instructional program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for appropriate staffing for the school library program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for policies and procedures to support effective school library media programs.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for shares relevant research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes to educate the school community about effective
school library media programs.
Accomplished Indicator:
Establishes internal and external partnerships to advocate for effective school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in communicating the impact of library media program on 21st century content and skills.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leverages partnerships to advocate at the local, district, state and/or national level for highly effective school library media programs.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical
principles including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators
(effective June 1, 1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of
resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula, courses, and assignments.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 5. :
Reference and User Services
Detail 5C. :
The methods used to interact successfully with individuals of all ages and groups to provide consultation, mediation, and guidance in their use of
recorded knowledge and information.
Detail 5F.:
The principles of assessment and response to diversity in user needs, user communities, and user preferences.
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7A.:
The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information agencies.
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8C.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, assessment and evaluation of library services and their outcomes.
Little or no evidence is provided
to demonstrate use of
networking with colleagues
using research strategies to
create new knowledge and
improve services in school
Some evidence is provided to
demonstrate use of networking
with colleagues using research
strategies to create new
knowledge and improve
services in school libraries
Multiple evidence is provided to
demonstrate use of networking
with colleagues using research
strategies to create new
knowledge and improve
services in school libraries
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Knowledge of Learners - Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning
styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and school library media program
strategies that represent authentic learning.
1.1 Assesses the learning and information needs of students and staff to enhance teaching and learning throughout the school community;
1.2 Designs, modifies, and evaluates school library media programs and instruction to be responsive to developmental, cultural, and
socioeconomic differences among learners;
1.3 Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students' development, exceptionalities, and diversity;
1.4 Creates a learning environment in which everyone feels welcome and can be successful;
1.5 Collaborates with other educators to reflect on, diagnose, and prescribe resources and services, and to provide instructional strategies that
foster student learning.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula, courses, and assignments.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.1. Networking with the library community Candidates demonstrate the ability to establish connections with other libraries and to strengthen
cooperation among library colleagues for resource sharing, networking, and facilitating access to information. Candidates participate and
collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
Little or no evidence is provided
to demonstrate use of evidence
based research
Some evidence is provided to
demonstrate use of evidence
based research
Multiple evidence is provided to
demonstrate use of evidence
based research
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Research Expertise - Understands and employs methods of action research to examine and improve the effectiveness of school library media
programs and student achievement. Applies research findings on best practices to the development of curriculum, instruction, and school library
media programs, as well as the overall school improvement process.
1.6 Investigates and solves educational problems through data-gathering, action research, and evaluation of student performance, library media
programs and services, and school practices;
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
8. Personnel: Libraries provide sufficient number and quality of personnel to ensure excellence and to function successfully in an environment of
continuous change.
Performance Indicator:
8.4 Library personnel contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 6. :
Detail 6B. :
The central research findings and research literature of the field.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Standard 3: Information and Knowledge Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual
collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the
diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.
3.4 Research and knowledge creation Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates interpret and use data to
create and share new knowledge to improve practice in school libraries.
Promotion of
and Services
Little or no evidence is provided
that candidate articulates the
role of the school library
program in contributing to
student achievement initiatives
or professional development
Some evidence is provided that
candidate articulates the role of
the school library program in
contributing to student
achievement initiatives or
professional development
Multiple evidence is provided
that candidate articulates the
role of the school library
program in contributing to
student achievement initiatives
or professional development
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.3 Participates in collaborative leadership and mentorship activities to solve educational problems at the levels of classroom, school building,
school system, and community;
2.5 Collaborates with system-level and building-level technology personnel to provide leadership in the school’s use of instructional technology
resources to enhance learning;
2.6 Provides collaborative leadership and engages in mentorship activities within the field of information and library science;
2.7 Initiates personal professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, and action research and follows a plan for personal professional
2.8 Seeks, evaluates, and applies input for improvement provided by educators, parents, students, and community leaders.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
STANDARD 1: School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate leadership.
a. School Library Media Coordinators lead in the school library media center and media program to support student success. School
Library Media Coordinators provide leadership for the school library media program. They share responsibility for the progress of all students to
ensure that they graduate from high school, are globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and are prepared for life in the 21st
Century. They collaboratively create, align, and implement a program informed by state and national guidelines and research-based best
practices. They transform the library media center into a 21st century learning environment (both virtual and physical) and a shared space for
knowledge construction, collaboration and inquiry-based learning, and they assist teachers with similar transformations. They coordinate the
activities and training of library media support personnel including volunteers.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the significance of a collaborative media program and its impact on student learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands 21st century skills and content.
Developing Indicator:
Understands how to establish an open, equitable, accessible, and flexible learning environment.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with state and local priorities and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with research-based practices
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides leadership in collaboratively planning, promoting, and sustaining the
school library media program, services, and resources.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with establishes the library media center as both a physical and virtual shared
learning space.
Proficient Indicator:
Aligns all components of the school’s library media program with provides an open, equitable and accessible learning environment.
Accomplished Indicator:
Provides leadership to the school community in creating a 21st century learning environment.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership at district, state, and/or national level in creating 21st century learning environments.
b. School Library Media Coordinators lead in their schools. School Library Media Coordinators work collaboratively with school personnel to
create a professional learning community. They analyze data to develop goals and strategies in the school improvement plan that enhance
student learning. They provide input in determining the school budget and in the selection and provision of professional development that meets
the needs of the students, the staff, and their own professional growth. They participate in the hiring process and collaborate with their
colleagues to support teachers in the improvement of the effectiveness of their departments or grade levels. They establish positive working
relationships and communicate with other educators to identify and select resources for curriculum support. They also partner with teachers to
design instruction that seamlessly integrates 21st century skills, information fluency, and digital literacy across the curriculum.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the goals of the school improvement plan.
Developing Indicator:
Participates in shared decision making within the school.
Developing Indicator:
Supports and participates in professional learning communities.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan.
Proficient Indicator:
Infuses multiple literacies and 21st century skills within content-area instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Provides technology-enabled one-on-one and group professional development for school-based educators.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in the recruitment hiring process and/or mentoring of school-based educators.
Accomplished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in a Professional Learning Community and/or the school improvement team at the school level.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads 21st century teaching and learning concepts and strategies.
Accomplished Indicator:
Collaborates with teachers to integrate information and instructional technology into all curricular areas.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assumes a leadership role in developing and implementing the school improvement plan.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in a professional learning network (PLN) at the district, state, and/or national level.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides professional development on integrating information and instructional technology into all curricular areas at the school, district, state,
and/or national level.
c. School Library Media Coordinators advocate for effective media programs. School Library Media Coordinators are proactive in
communicating the vision, requirements and impact of an effective 21st century library media program to key stakeholders using relevant
research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes. They advocate for information fluency, inquiry-based learning, curriculum fidelity,
creativity, planning, innovation and reading for enjoyment and lifelong learning to ensure that all students have access to proper learning
resources and are prepared for the future.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need to advocate for the library media program and resources to support the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for equitable access to 21st century resources throughout the learning community.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for integration of 21st century skills and resources throughout the school’s instructional program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for appropriate staffing for the school library program.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for policies and procedures to support effective school library media programs.
Proficient Indicator:
Advocates for shares relevant research, evidence of student learning, and other outcomes to educate the school community about effective
school library media programs.
Accomplished Indicator:
Establishes internal and external partnerships to advocate for effective school library media program.
Distinguished Indicator:
Provides leadership beyond the school level in communicating the impact of library media program on 21st century content and skills.
Distinguished Indicator:
Leverages partnerships to advocate at the local, district, state and/or national level for highly effective school library media programs.
d. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate high ethical standards. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate ethical
principles including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. They uphold the Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators
(effective June 1, 1997) and the Standards for Professional Conduct adopted April 1, 1998.
Developing Indicator:
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Models ethical behavior as outlined in the Code of Ethics for NC Educators and the Standards for Professional Conduct.
Developing Indicator:
Models best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Proficient Indicator:
Educates students, teachers, and other members of the school community to use best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of
resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Accomplished Indicator:
Partners with other libraries and community organizations to promote the use of best practices in copyright, ethical access and use of resources,
intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
Distinguished Indicator:
Participates in state and/or national conversations regarding ethical access and use of resources, intellectual property, and digital citizenship.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.3 Library personnel model best pedagogical practices for classroom teaching, online tutorial design, and other educational practices.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7A.:
The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information agencies.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.2 Professional development Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading professional publications, and
exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
4.3 Leadership Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic
achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library
research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.
Topic and
to School
Little or no evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
can document and communicate
the impact of in-service initiative
on supporting learning and
student achievement
Some evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
can document and communicate
the impact of in-service initiative
on supporting learning and
student achievement
Multiple evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
can document and communicate
the impact of in-service initiative
on supporting learning and
student achievement
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the
school library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff
both within and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other
partnerships, the school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access
to resources and services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.2 Bases program decisions on action research and best practices in order to maximize the school library media program’s impact on student
Standard 1: Teaching and Learning Within the school, the school library media coordinator collaborates with teachers, instructional technology
facilitators, administrators, students, and support personnel in planning, implementing, and evaluating an instructional program based on
authentic learning and infused with media and technology. Collaborative planning evolves over time ranging from informal, irregular, and even
spontaneous meetings to the regular planning of formal lessons and units. At the highest level of collaboration, the school library media
coordinator and teacher co-deliver instructional activities. The school library media coordinator is actively engaged in analyzing the results of
assessment of student achievement in order to effectively provide resources, services, and instructional strategies that are responsive to wide
variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.
Connecting Subject Matter and Learners - Understands and links subject matter and diverse developmental and learning needs in the context of
school settings. Collaboratively plans, implements, and evaluates instruction and resources that reflect intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge
in both subject matter discipline and students'diverse learning needs and learning styles. Consideration must also be given to matching student
learning styles and information skills processes. Encourages leisure reading by matching students’ interests to reading materials in a broad
range of formats.
1.15 Advocates for and promotes reading and life-long learning through motivational activities;
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.3 Library personnel model best pedagogical practices for classroom teaching, online tutorial design, and other educational practices.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
1H. The importance of effective advocacy for libraries, librarians, other library workers, and library services.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.4 Advocacy Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library program. Candidates
develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and services.
Designed to
Learning and
Access to
Little or no evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
collaborate with educators in
professional development
activities providing solutions
supporting access to information
Some evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
collaborate with educators in
professional development
activities providing solutions
supporting access to information
Multiple evidence is provided
demonstrating that candidates
collaborate with educators in
professional development
activities providing solutions
supporting access to information
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
2.2 Acts as a catalyst for change through visioning and planning;
2.3 Participates in collaborative leadership and mentorship activities to solve educational problems at the levels of classroom, school building,
school system, and community;
2.5 Collaborates with system-level and building-level technology personnel to provide leadership in the school’s use of instructional technology
resources to enhance learning;
2.6 Provides collaborative leadership and engages in mentorship activities within the field of information and library science;
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
2.7 Initiates personal professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, and action research and follows a plan for personal professional
2.8 Seeks, evaluates, and applies input for improvement provided by educators, parents, students, and community leaders.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.3 Library personnel model best pedagogical practices for classroom teaching, online tutorial design, and other educational practices.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7A.:
The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information agencies.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.2 Professional development Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading professional publications, and
exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
4.3 Leadership Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic
achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library
research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.
Little or no evidence is provided
to indicate candidate advocates
for skills to support the learning
needs of the school community
Some evidence is provided to
indicate candidate advocates for
skills to support the learning
needs of the school community
Multiple evidence is provided to
indicate candidate advocates for
skills to support the learning
needs of the school community
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the
school library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff
both within and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other
partnerships, the school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access
to resources and services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.9 Interacts effectively with students, staff, administration, parents, and the community to promote and expand the school library media
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 4. School Library Media Coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
a. School Library Media Coordinators use effective pedagogy to infuse content-area curricula with 21st Century skills. School Library
Media Coordinators integrate 21st century skills in instructional design, delivery, and assessment to meet curriculum objectives and produce
positive learning outcomes for students. They promote best instructional practices and curriculum fidelity through collaboration and support to
educators. They model and facilitate access to current information and technology tools and participatory and social learning.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the need for participatory and social learning for 21st Century learners.
Developing Indicator:
Understands the Framework for 21st Century Learning.
Proficient Indicator:
Utilizes participatory and social learning experiences in instruction.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to incorporate participatory and social learning into their instructional practices.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to design, deliver and assess instruction that integrates 21st century skills and content.
Proficient Indicator:
Collaborates with school staff to designs, delivers and assesses instruction that integrates 21st Century skills and content.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of participatory and social learning experiences.
Accomplished Indicator:
Models and leads other educators in the use of the design, delivery and assessment of instruction that integrate 21st century skills and content.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assists content area teachers in understanding the relationship between the quality of instructional design and positive learning outcomes for
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.4 Library personnel provide regular instruction in a variety of contexts and employ multiple learning platforms and pedagogies.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 4. :
Technological Knowledge and Skills
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources, service delivery, and uses of libraries and
other information agencies.
Area 7.:
Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Detail 7D.:
The principles related to the teaching and learning of concepts, processes and skills used in seeking, evaluating, and using recorded knowledge
and information.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 1: Teaching for Learning Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and
promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to
become effective users and creators of ideas and information. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages students' interests
and develops their ability to inquire, think critically, gain and share knowledge.
1.3 Instructional partner Candidates model, share, and promote effective principles of teaching and learning as collaborative partners with other
educators. Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating in curriculum development, of engaging in school improvement processes,
and of offering professional development to other educators as it relates to library and information use.
Delivery/Video Little or no evidence is provided
of In-Service
of candidate’s use of research
and other evidence-based data
to contribute to and lead school
improvement and professional
Some evidence is provided of
candidate’s use of research and
other evidence-based data to
contribute to and lead school
improvement and professional
development initiatives,
modeling and sharing teaching
and learning
Multiple evidence is provided of
candidate’s use of research and
other evidence-based data to
contribute to and lead school
improvement and professional
development initiatives,
modeling and sharing teaching
and learning
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with other information professionals/educators, diverse user groups to access effectively and
efficiently the resources and services available to them in a variety of library settings.
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 8. Instruct individually, and in collaboration with others, diverse user groups to access library resources and services
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
Standard 2: Collaboration and Leadership Functioning in a leadership and change agent role, the school library media coordinator demonstrates
self-directed, reflective professional behavior to foster and advocate for a collaborative culture, with colleagues and the greater community, that
supports life-long learning and that honors diversity.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
2.6 Provides collaborative leadership and engages in mentorship activities within the field of information and library science;
2.7 Initiates personal professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, and action research and follows a plan for personal professional
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.4 Library personnel provide regular instruction in a variety of contexts and employ multiple learning platforms and pedagogies.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 1. :
Foundations of the Profession
1J. Effective communication techniques (verbal and written).
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.2 Professional development Candidates model a strong commitment to the profession by participating in professional growth and leadership
opportunities through membership in library associations, attendance at professional conferences, reading professional publications, and
exploring Internet resources. Candidates plan for ongoing professional growth.
4.3 Leadership Candidates are able to articulate the role and relationship of the school library program's impact on student academic
achievement within the context of current educational initiatives. Utilizing evidence-based practice and information from education and library
research, candidates communicate ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.
Mission and
School Goals
Little or no evidence provided to
demonstrate candidate designs,
directs, and promotes strong
school library programs with
services aligned with the
school’s mission
Some evidence is provided to
demonstrate candidate designs,
directs, and promotes strong
school library programs with
services aligned with the
school’s mission
Multiple evidence is provided to
demonstrate candidate designs,
directs, and promotes strong
school library programs with
services aligned with the
school’s mission
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2011)
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
Standard 3: Information and Ideas As an information specialist, the school library media coordinator plays a vital role in a democratic society: to
provide access to information and ideas representing all points of view through resources in a variety of formats for students and staff who must
function as well-informed and literate citizens in making choices and decisions. The school library media coordinator also has a fundamental
responsibility to help students develop their information literacy skills to find, analyze, and use information effectively. At the same time, the
school library media coordinator creates a culture and learning environment that fosters reading literacy for information and for pleasure.
3.3 Organizes school library media facilities and resources in a manner that supports the mission, goals, and objectives of the school and
maximizes intellectual and physical access to resources;
Standard 4: Program Administration The school library media coordinator understands and demonstrates effective techniques for managing the
school library media program and aligning program goals with the educational mission of the school. Functioning in a stewardship role, the
school library media coordinator manages resources and makes them readily available to students, teachers, administrators, and support staff
both within and beyond the walls of the school. Working with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) and through other
partnerships, the school library media coordinator acts as a change agent to plan and implement policies and procedures that enhance access
to resources and services and to solve problems as they arise.
4.1 Works with school staff to design and implement strategic short- and long-range plans that ensure balance among all aspects of the school
library media coordinator’s role and responsibilities;
4.2 Bases program decisions on action research and best practices in order to maximize the school library media program’s impact on student
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula, courses, and assignments.
USA- ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship
Area 8. :
Administration and Management
Detail 8D.:
The concepts behind, and methods for, developing partnerships, collaborations, networks, and other structures with all stakeholders and within
communities served.
USA- ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010)
Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus
on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates
are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates
provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement.
4.4 Advocacy Candidates identify stakeholders within and outside the school community who impact the school library program. Candidates
develop a plan to advocate for school library and information programs, resources, and services.
Standard 5: Program Management and Administration Candidates plan, develop, implement, and evaluate school library programs, resources,
and services in support of the mission of the library program within the school according to the ethics and principles of library science,
education, management, and administration.
value: 1.00
value: 2.00
value: 3.00
5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment Candidates communicate and collaborate with students, teachers, administrators, and community
members to develop a library program that aligns resources, services, and standards with the school's mission. Candidates make effective use
of data and information to assess how the library program addresses the needs of their diverse communities.
Little to no evidence is provided
to demonstrate candidate has
reflected on practice and can
identify meaningful adjustments
to improve teaching
Some evidence is provided to
demonstrate candidate has
reflected on practice and can
identify meaningful adjustments
to improve teaching
Multiple evidence is provided to
demonstrate candidate has
reflected on practice and can
identify meaningful adjustments
to improve teaching
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2011)
9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students are preparing.
NC- ECU MLS Program Objectives (2014)
Program Objective: 9. Obtain practical experience in professional roles for which students and preparing
NC- North Carolina Standards for Master of Library Science Degree/School Library Media
Coordinator (2013)
Standard 5. School library media coordinators reflect on their practice.
b. School Library Media Coordinators link professional growth to their professional goals. School Library Media Coordinators actively
seek ongoing professional development to improve their practice and the effectiveness of the library media program.
Developing Indicator:
Develops and follows a professional growth plan aligned to evaluation results and professional practice needs.
Developing Indicator:
Understands that personal culture and experiences may impact professional practice.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that addresses professional growth goals.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that reflects 21st Century skills and knowledge.
Proficient Indicator:
Participates in professional development that is aligned with State Board of Education and school and district priorities.
Accomplished Indicator:
Applies and implements knowledge and skills attained from professional development to improve the library program and their practice.
Distinguished Indicator:
Assesses the impact of professional development on the effectiveness of their instruction and the library program.
USA- ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2012)
3. Educational Role: Libraries partner in the educational mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can
discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.
Performance Indicator:
3.4 Library personnel provide regular instruction in a variety of contexts and employ multiple learning platforms and pedagogies.