COMM 101 Public Speaking Syllabus.docx

Fundamentals of Public Speaking - Spring 2015
Instructor: Alexander Howard
Office: INST Faculty Office Area
Office Hours: Tuesdays 5:50pm-6:50pm
Class Meetings: INST 1012 Tuesdays 6:50pm-10:00pm
Course Description and Course Objectives:
Public speaking is a learned ability that is emphasized in various professional, academic and personal
aspects of our lives. This course is intended to help you become a more confident and effective
communicator. The class focuses on the gradual development of skills that will enable you to prepare and
deliver various types of speeches and to participate effectively in public discourse. This class may build
upon inherently strong speaking skills, or it may create a foundation of new abilities. Concurrently, the
class will advance your academic writing and research skills. Upon completion of this course, students will
be able to:
1. Effectively research, organize, and develop informative, persuasive and special occasion
2. Students will also be competent in clearly organizing impromptu speeches
3. Practice the basics of rhetorical criticism skills
4. Actively listen and become a better consumer of public information
5. Enhance the development of their critical thinking skills
6. Orally present effective speeches, each with a logical progression of ideas clearly researched,
orally cited, and documented
COMS 151/L Student Learning Outcomes:
 Construct a speech mapping outline which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion with a
works Cited page attached.
 Demonstrate the ability to write and adapt the content of a speech to the target audience by
conducting an audience analysis.
 Demonstrate the ability to deliver a well-structured speech to a target audience that includes the
use of presentational aids.
Assessment for these Student Learning Outcomes will include a collection of outlines, in-class activities,
in-class evaluation of speeches presented, in-class discussion and/or assignments.
Fujishin, Randy (2015). The Natural Speaker (8 ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon
Course Break Down:
Your final grade is based on 100 possible points as follows:
40 pts.
30 pts.
20 pts.
10 pts.
Grading Scale:
A = 100-90
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Speeches (10 pts. each)
Outlines (first two are 5 pts. each/final two are 10 pts. each)
Labs (5 pts. each)
Assignments, Grading and Policies
You will compose and deliver the following speeches throughout this semester: 1.) Cultural Artifact
Speech 2.) Informative Speech 3.) Persuasive Speech and 4.) Special Occasion Speech. More detailed
instructions will be provided for each speech.
You will turn in a typed full sentence outline with each speech you deliver. A grading rubric will be
provided for the speeches and must be stapled to the back of each of your outlines.
Each student will complete the following lab assignments: 1.) Ted Talk Analysis 2.) Annotated
Bibliography 3.) Elevator Pitch and 4.) Final Reflection. For each lab you will complete a one page
double-spaced written assignment and then present your work to the class. More detailed instructions will
be provided for each lab.
Class Participation, Attendance, Promptness:
Students are expected to engage in class activities, exercises and lectures. Please be aware that I will
not penalize anyone for being shy or quiet as long as I detect a sincere effort to succeed in the class.
Additionally, it is expected and required that you attend each class and that you are on time.
Grades: You are responsible for keeping track of your grades throughout the semester. Any grade
concerns must be best addressed promptly after they occur during my office hours.
Due Dates: The due dates for assignments are listed on the course schedule below. Late work may only
be accepted when medical or personal emergencies occur and are verified.
Electronics in the Classroom: Cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc. are likely to disrupt the class and are
not permitted unless specifically stated by the instructor.
Academic Writing: All work submitted in this class is expected to represent correct grammar, spelling,
punctuation and proper academic citations showing research and sources. The Learning Center is a free
on campus resource to assist with your writing skills
Academic Honesty: Students must always submit their own work. Cheating in any form may result in a
failing assignment grade or further disciplinary action from the college. Refer to this guide for more
information regarding how to prevent plagiarizing
Accommodations: Students seeking academic accommodations should immediately meet privately with
me in order to make necessary arrangements. Information about services, academic modifications, and
documentation requirements should be directed to and confirmed by Disabled Students Programs &
Services ( in Instructional Building room 1018.
*Course schedule is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
Tuesday/Feb 10th
□ Preview materials
Tuesday/Feb 17th
In-Class Component
Course Introduction & Public Speaking
Constructing Your Speech & Delivery
Tuesday/Feb 24th
Instructor Conference - No Class
□ Read Ch. 1 & 2
Tuesday/Mar 3th
Cultural Artifact Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/Mar 10th
Cultural Artifact Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/Mar 17th
Supporting the Speech
□ Read Ch. 4, 5 & 6
Tuesday/ Mar 24th
Tuesday/Mar 31st
Informative Speaking
Cesar Chavez Day - No Class
□ Read Ch. 8
□ Lab #2
□ Rest and Relax
Tuesday/Apr 7th
Spring Break - No Class
□ Rest and Relax
Tuesday/Apr 14th
Informative Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/Apr 23rd
Informative Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/Apr 28th
Persuasive Speaking
Tuesday/May 5th
Persuasive Speeches
Tuesday/May 12th
Persuasive Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/May 19th
Tuesday/May 26th
Special Occasion Speaking
Special Occasion Speeches
□ Read Ch. 10
□ Bring Special Occ. Topics
□ Speech Outlines
Tuesday/June 1st
Special Occasion Speeches
□ Speech Outlines
□ Lab #4
□ Read Ch. 3 & 7
□ Lab #1
Read Ch. 9
Lab #3
Bring Persuasive Topics
Speech Outlines