Rubric for research papers.doc

Administration of Justice
Research Paper Grading Sheet
Total Grade:____
To familiarize the student in researching areas of criminal justice. Familiarization
of special topics in criminal justice and organizing those topics in a well thought
out written paper.
Use the library to find information in books, magazines, electronic databases and
on-line sources. Incorporate those sources in your writing, acknowledging them
using APA writing guidelines.
Based on the grading point scale listed under Grading Requirements, your grade
is divided into the elements listed in the chart below.
Define and
Flow and
order of
APA in text
Administration of Justice
Research Paper
Analytic Rubric
Begins with an introduction that shows your understanding of the issues,
grabs your readers’ attention and presents a strong insightful point of view
Engages the topic in a thoughtful and individual way, showing originality
and clear thinking.
Develops and defines the topic using a strong detail, quotes from other
Demonstrates mastery of most of the grammar and spelling.
Possesses a fully explained and logical progression of ideas that indicates
the writer’s sensitivity to different ways of looking at the topic.
Reference page is properly formatted using APA style writing.
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, always properly
citing them using APA format
Ends with a strong conclusion that clarifies the significance of the paper’s
Begins with an introduction that shows some understanding of the issues
and has an adequate point of view
Presents a thoughtful response to the topic, using appropriate reasoning.
Does a good job defining and describing the topic.
Few errors in grammar and spelling.
Develops the topic showing appropriate details, a sense of orderly
progress between ideas, and use of references that reveal a familiarity
with the topic.
Does a good job constructing the reference page according to APA
formatting with few errors.
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources, usually properly
citing them using the APA format.
Ends with a conclusion that clarifies most of the significance of the paper’s
Begins with an introduction that shows some understanding of the issues
and an adequate to weak point of view.
Presents an adequate response to defining and describing the topic, using
superficial analysis and weak point of view.
Some errors in grammar and spelling.
Develops the topic showing some details and an adequate sense of
orderly progress between ideas.
Does an adequate job of constructing a reference page with some errors
in APA formatting.
Utilizes library research and quotes from outside sources with some errors
using APA style writing formatting.
Ends with a conclusion that clarifies some of the significance of the
paper’s lessons.
Begins with an illogical introduction, without a coherent structure or focus.
Presents a weak response to the topic with no reasoning and no attempt
to define or describe the topic.
Makes enough errors in sentence structure and grammar to cause a
reader serious, if occasional, distraction.
Flow and order of ideas is poorly constructed.
Makes several errors in the proper formatting of APA style reference
Improper use of APA format for citations. Makes several errors in quoting
in-text sources and uses few sources.
No conclusion
Lacks the minimum requirements of the paper.
Does not attempt the basic task of the paper.
Lacks organization and/or detail of topic.
Does not attempt to define or describe the topic.
Contains many distracting errors in sentence structure, grammar and
Paper lacks any sense of flow and order of ideas.
Major errors in constructing an APA style reference page.
Major errors in citing in-text sources of information using APA format.
No conclusion.
Does not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment as noted in
the syllabus.