unit lesson plan directions.docx

Activity Plan (100 points)
Pretend that you are a teacher. You want to teach a topic that relates to nutrition,
health or safety to the children in your classroom. Work with your group to write
the lesson plan and demonstrate it to your classmates who will be the children.
Pick your group members (3-5 people).
Pick a topic from the list or make up your own topic.
Pick an age group that you want to focus your lesson plan on.
After you pick your topic you will decide on how you want teach this topic.
Fill out the lesson plan worksheet.
Make copies of your lesson plan for the class.
Demonstrate your activity plan for your classmates.
Complete peer evaluations of your group members.
A. Lesson plan (45 points)
Complete the lesson plan with your group members. Your lesson plan must
be typed. I will upload the assignment on my webpage so that you can
download it and type it. Your grammar and spelling will count as part of the
total points for your lesson plan. Be creative and make sure that your activity
is developmentally appropriate for your age group.
You will need to turn in 1 copy to me on the day of your presentation.
B. Demonstration (45 points)
All of the group members will demonstrate the activity plan to the rest of the
class. The group members will be the teachers and the audience will be the
children. You will need to have enough supplies for all the children
(classmates) when demonstrating the activity. All members of your group
will need to participate in the demonstration.
Each demonstration should be between 10- 15 minutes.
C. Copies (5 points)
Each group will need to make copies of the activity plan to pass out to the
rest of the class to keep as a resource.
D. Peer Evaluations (5 points)
Group members will evaluate each other on their participation for this
assignment. Everyone will need to write comments on what each group
member did/did not do. If a particular group member gets consistent low
marks/comments from the other group members points will be deducted
from that person.