BA PSYCHOLOGY (2011-2012) FOUNDATIONS CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS (10 hours) ENGLISH COMPOSITION (6 hours) COURSE TERM GRADE at least one course in Humanities & one in Fine Arts S.H. ENGL 1100 3 ENGL 1200 3 WI HUMANITIES2 ENGL, CLAS, FORL, PHIL, (Foreign Languages 1001-1004 do not meet this requirement.) COURSE TERM GRADE S.H. WI S.H. WI 2 NATURAL SCIENCES (8 hours) BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS at least one laboratory course COURSE TERM GRADE S.H. WI 3, 1 4 FINE ARTS2 ART, THEA, DNCE, MUSC COURSE TERM GRADE MATH OR LOGIC2 (3 hours) MATH 1050, 1065, 1066, 1067, 2127, or PHIL 1500 COURSE TERM GRADE MATH 1065 or 1066 S.H. WI 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES2 (12 hours) ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI Must take one course from at least (3) areas COURSE TERM GRADE S.H. WI 3 3 3 3 Free Electives (estimated 13 hours) (Electives needed to reach 126 for graduation) COURSE TERM GRADE S.H. WI HEALTH and EXERCISE & SPORT SCIENCE (3 hours) at least one course in each COURSE TERM GRADE S.H. HLTH 1000 2 EXSS 1000 or 1001 1 or 2 WI 4/2011 BA PSYCHOLOGY (2011-2012) FOREIGN LANGUAGE THROUGH LEVEL 1004 (12 hrs) level 1001 (3) level 1002 (3) level 1003 (3) level 1004 (3) CORE (35 hrs) PSYC 1000 Introductory Psychology (3) or PSYC 1060 Honors (3) (Minimum grade of C is required) PSYC 2101 Psychological Statistics (4) (P: MATH 1065 or 1066) PSYC 2210 Research Methods (4) (WI)(formerly known as Experimental Psyc) (P:MATH 1065 & PSYC 2101) PSYC 3225 Psyc of Learning (3) or 3226 Cognitive Psyc (3) (formerly known as Human Learning) or PSYC 4333 Learning Theories and Applications (3) PSYC 3310 Intro to Neuroscience (3) or PSYC 3311 Neuropsychology (3) or PSYC 3312 Sensation and Perception (3) Choose two from the courses listed below PSYC 3206 Developmental Psychology (3) PSYC 3221 Social Psychology (3) PSYC 3300 Psychology of Personality (3) PSYC 4375 Abnormal Psychology (3) PSYC 5325 Psychological Testing (3) Choose one from the castone courses listed below PSYC 4000 Advanced General Psychology (WI) (3) PSYC 4250 Advanced Seminar (WI) (3) PSYC 4280 History of Psychology (WI) (3) PSYC 4401-4402 Senior Thesis/Project (3) (WI) (must have at least 3.0 GPA to take 4401-4402 and at least a 3.5 GPA to take 4601-02—the senior honors thesis.) PSYC 4601 Honors Research (3) PSYC 4602 Seniors Hnors Thesis (3) WI Choose 9 sh of electives from any psychology course below 6000. If a student takes PSYC 3206, they can NOT take PSYC 2201 (Childhood) as an elective. Also, can receive credit for only 6 hours of research/readings courses (such as 4501, 4502, etc.) MINOR (24-30 sh) : PIRATE TIPS 1. Some majors require specific foundations curriculum courses. Check catalog for appropriate courses. REMINDERS At least 30 hours must be taken at ECU and at least ½ major hours (core/cognate) must be taken at ECU. You must have 12 hours of WI (writing intensive) courses—with at least 3 hours in the major. TOTAL HOURS for Graduation: 126 hours