ADVISOR: BS MATHEMATICS (2014-2015) FOUNDATIONS CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS (10 hours) Writing Foundations (6 hours) COURSE GRADE at least one course in Humanities & one in Fine Arts S.H. ENGL 1100 WI HUMANITIES2 ENGL, CLAS, FORL, PHIL, RELI 3 (FILM 2900, Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) ENGL 2201 3 (Foreign Languages 1001-1004 do not meet this requirement.) COURSE NATURAL SCIENCES2 (8 hours) GRADE S.H. WI BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, (GEOG 1300) at least one laboratory course COURSE GRADE S.H. WI FINE ARTS2 MATH OR LOGIC2 (3 hours) MATH 1065/1066; 1083/1085 (Minimum Grade of C-) COURSE GRADE S.H. ART, THEA, DNCE, MUSC (ENGL 2815, COMM 2020, 2410, 2420) WI COURSE GRADE S.H. WI MATH 1065 or 1066; 1083 or 1085 SOCIAL SCIENCES2 (12 hours) ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI (Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) Must take one course from at least (3) areas COURSE GRADE S.H. WI 3 3 3 Free Electives (varies ) 3 (Electives needed to reach 120 for graduation) COURSE GRADE S.H. HEALTH and EXERCISE & SPORT SCIENCE (3 hours) at least one course in each COURSE GRADE S.H. HLTH 1000 2 EXSS 1000 or 1001 1 or 2 WI REMINDERS At least 25% of total required hours and at least ½ major hours (core/cognate) must be taken at ECU. You must have 12 hours of WI (writing intensive) courses—with at least 3 hours in the major. TOTAL HOURS for Graduation: 120 hours (½ of total hours completed at regionally accredited senior college) WI BS MATHEMATICS (2014-2015) CORE (37 hrs) *Must earn a minimum grade of C- in ALL MATH courses! MATH 2171 Calculus I (4) (P: Math 1083, 1085 or 2122) _________ MATH 2172 Calculus II (4) (P: Math 2171 or 2122 with consent) __________ MATH 2173 Calculus III (4) (P: Math 2172) ___________ MATH 2300 Transition to Advanced Mathematics (3) (WI) (P: MATH 2171) __________ MATH 3256 Linear Algebra (3) (P: Math 2172) ___________ MATH 3263 Intro to Modern Algebra (3) (P: Math 2300, 3256) ___________ MATH 3307 Math Statistics I (3) (P: Math 2172) ____________ MATH 3308 Math Statistics II (3) (P: Math 3307) ____________ MATH 4101 Advanced Calculus I (3) (P: MATH 2173, 2300; or consent of instructor) ___________ MATH 4331 Differential Equations (3) (P: Math 2173) ____________ CSCI 2310, 2311 Algorithmic Problem Solving (4,0) (P: Math 1065) ___________ CONCENTRATION (13-33 hrs) Choose ONE area Mathematics (27-33 sh) MATH 4110 Elementary Complex Variables (3) (P: Math 2173) Minor (24-30 sh) Math Electives (9 sh) Choose 9 sh in consultation with advisor /catalog Science (27-28 sh) CHEM 1150/1151 General Chemistry I (3,1) CHEM 1160/1161 General Chemistry II (3,1) MATH 4110 Elementary Variables (3) Choose one of the following: PHYS 2350 University Physics (4) PHYS 2360 University Physics II (4) BIOL 1100/01 & BIOL 1200/01 OR any 3 courses numbered above 1999 in CHEM or above 3999 in PHYS Science Electives (3 sh) Choose 3 sh in consultation with advisor /catalog Statistics (18 sh) MATH 4005 Intro to Sampling Design (3) MATH 4031 Applied Statistics (3) MATH 4100 or 4300 Math Risk Analysis or Acturial Math (3) MATH 4201 Stochastic Process or MATH 5000 (3) MATH 4774 Programming for Research (3) MATH 4801 Probability (3) Statistics Electives (12 sh) Choose 12 s.h. of electives from MATH courses numbered above 2999 (excluding MATH 3229, 3237, 3239 or ECON 3343, ECON 4430, or OMGT 4493) Computer Science (13 sh) CSCI/EENG 2410 Digital Electronics (3) or CSCI 3675 Org. of Programming Lang. or MATH 4110 Elementary Variables ____ CSCI 3300 Intro to Algorithms (4) CSCI 3310 Adv. Data (3) CSCI 3650 Analysis of Algorithms (3) Computer Science Electives (15 sh) Choose 3 sh in consultation with advisor/catalog Choose 12 sh in consultation with advisor /catalog PIRATE TIPS 1. 2. 3. 4. Some majors require specific foundations curriculum courses. Check catalog for appropriate courses. Certain honors & interdisciplinary courses may also be used to satisfy foundations curriculum requirements. Refer to the undergraduate catalog for appropriate courses for your major. Hours for MATH 0001, MATH 0045, READ 1032, READ 1033, and READ 1034 do not count toward graduation. Credit towards a mathematics major will not be given in any MATH course or in CSCI 2310, 2311 with grade less than C-. 5/7/2014