ADVISOR: Multidisciplinary—B.S. Forensic Science (2014-2015) FOUNDATIONS CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Writing Foundations (6 hours) HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS (10 hours) COURSE GRADE S.H. WI at least one course in Humanities & one in Fine Arts ENGL 1100 3 HUMANITIES2 ENGL 2201 3 ENGL, CLAS, FORL, PHIL, RELI (FILM 2900, Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) (Foreign Languages 1001-1004 do not meet this requirement.) NATURAL SCIENCES2 (8 hours) COURSE PHYS at least one laboratory course PHIL 2275 COURSE GRADE S.H. PHYS 1250/1251 GRADE S.H. WI WI 4 (P: MATH 1065) PYS 1260/1261 4 MATH OR LOGIC2 (3 hours) FINE ARTS2 MATH 1065 (Minimum Grade of C) ART, THEA, DNCE, MUSC ( ENGL 2815, COMM 2020, 2410, 2420) COURSE GRADE MATH 1065 *must S.H. WI 3 COURSE GRADE S.H. WI earn minimum C SOCIAL SCIENCES2 (12 hours) ANTH (strongly recommended), ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI (Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) Must take one course from at least (3) areas COURSE GRADE S.H. WI 3 3 3 Free Electives (0 hours) 3 COURSE GRADE S.H. WI HEALTH and EXERCISE & SPORT SCIENCE (3 hours) at least one course in each COURSE GRADE S.H. HLTH 1000 2 EXSS 1000 or 1001 1 or 2 WI 4/2014 Multidisciplinary—B.S. Forensic Science (2014-2015) CORE (81 hrs) BIOLOGY (17 s.h.) BIOL 1100/1101 Principles of Biology & Lab (3,1) BIOL 2300 Genetics (3) (consent of instructor) BIOL 2100/01 Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology (3,0) (P: BIOL 1100/1101, MATH 1065, CHEM 1150/1151) BIOL 3220/21 Microbiology & Lab (4,0) (consent of instructor) BIOL 4800/01 Biotechnology (3,0) (P: BIOL 2300) CRIMINAL JUSTICE (18 s.h.) JUST 1000 Intro to Criminal Justice (3) JUST 3007 Criminal Investigation (3) (consent of instructor) JUST 3020 Intro to Forensic Science (3) (consent of instructor) JUST 3021 Forensic Impressions and Marking (3) (consent of instructor) JUST 3022 Crime Scene Investigation (3) (consent of instructor) JUST 3500 Principles of Criminal Law (3) (consent of instructor) CHEMISTRY (30 s.h.) CHEM 1150/51 General Chemistry & Lab (3,1) (P/C: MATH 1065) (Minimum Grade of C) ________ CHEM 1160/61 General Chemistry & Lab II (3,1) (P: Minimum grade of C in CHEM 1150; CHEM 1151) ______ CHEM 2750/53 Organic Chemistry & Lab (3,1) (P: Minimum grade of C in CHEM 1160; CHEM 1161) CHEM 2760/63 Organic Chemistry II & Lab (3,1) (P: CHEM 2750/53) CHEM 2250/51 Quantitative & Instrumental Analysis (WI) (3,2) (P: CHEM 1160/61, CHEM 2750/53) CHEM 3850/51 Intro to Physical Chem & Lab (WI) (4,1) (P: MATH 2122 or MATH 2172, PHYS 1260/61, & CHEM 1160/61) CHEM 5350/51 Instrumental Analysis & Lab (3,1) (P: CHEM 3960) offered spring only COGNATES (16 s.h.) ANTH 2015/16 Intro to Biological Anthropology (3,1) (RP: Biology course or consent of instructor) ANTH 3026 Forensic Anthropology (3) (P: ANTH 2015/16 or consent of instructor) *Fall only MATH 2121 Calculus for the Life Sciences (3) (P: must have C in MATH 1065) MATH 2122 Calculus for the Life Sciences II (3) (P: MATH 2121) MATH 2228 Elementary Statistical Methods (3) (P: P MATH 1065) OPTIONAL BA in Chemistry Double Major CHEM 3450/3451 Elementary Inorganic Chemistry (3,1) (P: CHEM 2250/2251) PIRATE TIPS 1. 2. 3. 4. Any of the required major or cognates may be replaced by courses which cover the same topics more Examply, CHEM 3950/3960 may be taken instead of CHEM 3850. MATH 2171 and 2172 may be taken instead of the MATH 2121/2122 sequence. PHYS 2350/1251 and PHYS 2360/1261 may be taken instead of the PHYS 1250/1251 and PHYS 1260/1261 sequence. It is students’ responsibility to ensure that all pre-requisites have been met. Certain honors & interdisciplinary courses may also be used to satisfy foundations curriculum requirements. Refer to the undergraduate catalog for appropriate courses for your major. Hours for MATH 0001, MATH 0045, READ 1032, READ 1033, and READ 1034 do not count toward graduation. Forensic Science Majors are required to earn a minimum grade of C (2.0) in each of the following courses: CHEM 1150, 1151, 1160, 1161, and MATH 1065. REMINDERS At least 25% of total required hours and at least ½ major hours (core/cognate) must be taken at ECU. You must have 12 hours of WI (writing intensive) courses—with at least 3 hours in the major. TOTAL HOURS for Graduation: 123 hours (½ of total hours completed at regionally accredited senior college)