ADVISOR: BA ENGLISH (2014-2015) FOUNDATIONS CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Writing Foundations (6 hours) COURSE GRADE HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS (10 hours) S.H. WI at least one course in Humanities & one in Fine Arts HUMANITIES ENGL 1100 3 ENGL 2201 3 ENGL, CLAS, FORL, PHIL, RELI (Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) (Foreign Languages 1001-1004 do not meet this requirement.) NATURAL SCIENCES (8 hours) COURSE GRADE S.H. WI S.H. WI BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, (GEOG 1300) at least one laboratory course COURSE GRADE S.H. WI FINE ARTS ART, THEA, DNCE, MUSC (COMM 2020, 2410, 2420) MATH OR LOGIC (3 hours) COURSE MATH 1050, 1065, 1066, 1067, 2127, or PHIL 1500 COURSE GRADE S.H. GRADE WI 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES (12 hours) ANTH, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI (Some ETHN, WOST, HNRS) Must take one course from at least (3) areas COURSE GRADE S.H. WI 3 3 Free Electives (estimated 12 hours) 3 (Electives needed to reach 126 for graduation) COURSE 3 GRADE S.H. HEALTH and EXERCISE & SPORT SCIENCE (3 hours) at least one course in each COURSE GRADE S.H. HLTH 1000 2 EXSS 1000 or 1001 1 or 2 WI REMINDERS At least 25% of total required hours and at least ½ major hours (core/cognate) must be taken at ECU. You must have 12 hours of WI (writing intensive) courses—with at least 3 hours in the major. TOTAL HOURS for Graduation: 126 hours (½ of total hours completed at regionally accredited senior college) WI BA ENGLISH (2014-2015) FOREIGN LANGUAGE THROUGH LEVEL 1004 (12 hrs) level 1001 (3) level 1002 (3) level 1003 (3) level 1004 (3) CORE (12 hrs) Choose 3 s.h. from the following (Historical Survey I: Literature to 1700) ENGL 3000 History of British Literature to 1700 (3) ENGL 3600 Classics from Homer to Dante (3) Choose 3 s.h. from the following (Historical Survey II: Literature after 1700): ENGL 3010 History of British Literature 1700-1900 (3) ENGL 3020 History of American Literature to 1900 (3) ENGL 4340 Ethnic American Literature (3) Choose 3 s.h. from the following (Shakespeare): ENGL 4070 Shakespeare: The Histories (3) ENGL 4080 Shakespeare: The Comedies (3) ENGL 4090 Shakespeare: The Tragedies (3) Choose 3 s.h. from the following (Language Study: Creative Writing, Linguistics, Rhetoric & Composition, Technical & Professional Communication): ENGL 2700 Intro to Language Studies ENGL 2710 English Grammar ENGL 2740 Language in the USA ENGL 2815 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL 2830 Writing and Style ENGL 3030 Intro to Rhetorical Studies ENGL 3040 Intro to Professional Writing ENGL 3700 History of the English Language ENGL 3720 Writing Systems of the World ENGL 3730 Structure of English: Phonology and Morphology ENGL 3740 Structure of English: Syntax and Semantics ENGL 3750 Introductory Linguistics ENGL 3770 Language Universals ENGL 3830 Intro to Play Writing ENGL 3835 Persuasive Writing ENGL 3840 Intro to Poetry Writing ENGL 3850 Intro to Fiction Writing ENGL 3860 Intro to Nonfiction Writing ENGL 3870 Intro to Editing and Publishing ENGL 4730 Language and Society MAJOR ELECTIVES (24 s.h.) Choose an additional 18 s.h. electives of ENGL or FILM electives (excluding of writing foundations courses ENGL 1100 and 2201; If the English major uses any FILM course as a humanity, they may not use ANY FILM course towards the English Major) Choose an additional 6 s.h. electives of ENGL or FILM electives 4000 or above (excluding ENGL 4510, ENGL 4520, ENGL 4550, ENGL 4555, ENGL 4890 and ENGL 4891. If the English major uses any FILM course as a humanity, they may not use ANY FILM course towards the English Major) SENIOR WRITING PORTFOLIO Student is encouraged to save an electronic back up of all papers in all English courses. These papers will be used to comprise the Senior Writing Portfolio. A reflective cover letter will be written during the senior year. A faculty advisor will provide guidance on writing the letter. MINOR (24 sh-estimate): 4/2014