ILOs Global Awareness Aesthetic Responsiveness Math Competency Written & Oral Communication Information Competency Problem Solving Ethics & Values applied to decision making PLO – AS in Biology (Assessment: Every odd fall semester review the SLOs of those students who were enrolled and assessed in both Bio 6 & Bio 7 at LAMC, prepare the PLO and ILO reports & make recommendations) Students in the Life Science Department will be able to apply the scientific method by: developing a hypothesis, designing a controlled experiment, collecting data and interpreting the results. Students in the Life Science Department will be able to analyze the relationship between a structure and its function in living systems. Students in the Life Science Department will be able to make informed decisions regarding ethical concerns related to contemporary controversial issue in the life and/or biomedical sciences. SLO – BIO 6 SLO – BIO 7 Interpret, critique, and summarize the components of an experiment or study from an original research journal in biomedical biological sciences Interpret, critique, and analyze a newspaper, periodical, or journal article related to a controversial issue in ecological biology. (Assessment every semester: Design an experiment, collect data and interpret; in the rubric include also all 4 ILOs as listed above in dark blue) (Assessment every semester: Analyze research article; in the rubric include also all 4 ILOs as listed above in dark blue)