Los Angeles Mission College Department of Life Sciences Minutes


Los Angeles Mission College

Department of Life Sciences


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Present : Mike Reynolds, Angela Echeverri, Steve Brown, Par Mohammadian

1) Course SLO revisions

All course SLOs will be revised and exchanged for input by Monday, 9/30/2013 .

Angela: Microbiology

Par: BIO3, Anatomy, Physiology

Steve: BIO6

Mike: BIO33, BIO7, Anthropology (all), Environmental Sciences (all)

Meet on 10/3/2013 at 12:30 pm in the BIO7 lab to finalize the SLOs. Mike and

Angela to invite Pat and/or Deborah for input.

Par to email Pat on the availability of previous assessments on the online SLO system.

2) Course SLO/PLO Assessments (Fall 2014 semester)

The following courses will be assessed: a.

Biology 33 – Par & Dr. Saeki b.

Microbiology 20 - Steve and Angela c.

Biology 3: The final practical exam will be divided into a written individual exam and a shorter practical exam. The current exam will be modified by Steve by

9/30/2013 and communicated to the BIO3 faculty and Nadine.

Discussion: Online offering of the individual written exam to be further discussed once the exam is drafted. The STEM mobile laptop cart could be used for this purpose.

To evaluate the impact of the changes to the lab practical exam in the fall 2013 semester, a report will be generated by Mike to assess the success rate of the students before and after this semester.


PLO for the Biology AS degree & PLO for the Health Science AS degree programs i.

Mike to assess the BIO7 SLO to use for the SLO evaluation. In addition,

Mike to contact Sarah Masters to receive a list of students who have completed or will be completing BIO 6 and 7 at Mission for the PLO evaluation.



Mike to assess the Physiology SLO to use for the SLO evaluation. In addition, Mike to identify (mark on the student assessment sheet) and use the evaluation of the students who have completed Anatomy and

Physiology courses at LAMC for the PLO evaluation.

3) Updating Course Outlines ( Submissions: Before October 31)

All revisions will include the revised SLOs and prerequisites/advisories.

Par to re-submit Biology 3, Anatomy, Physiology – revise SLOs and prerequisites

Mike to re-submit Biology 33 – revise SLOs

Mike to submit: Env Sci 2; BIO 7, Anthro courses

Steve to submit Biology 6

Angela to submit Micro 20

Biology 110 – Mike in discussion with Dr. Larry Thouin – Chair at Pierce about possible collaboration/alternate offering – once agreed Mike to copy their course outline into

Mission ECD.

4) Prerequisite Recommendation Sheet (Discussed and approved by all present)

Anatomy 1 (English 28 or ESL 8; and Biology 3)

Anthropology 101 – 121 (English 28 or ESL 8)

Biology 3 (English 28 or ESL 8; Advisory: MATH 115)

Biology 6 (English 28 or ESL 8; and Math 125; and Chemistry 51 or 65 or 101; Advisory

Biology 3)

Biology 7 (English 28 or ESL 8; Math 125; Advisory Biology 6)

Biology 33 (none)

Environmental Science 2 (English 28 or ESL 8)

Microbiology 20 (English 28 or ESL 8; and Biology 3 or Biology 6; and Chemistry 51 or

65 or 101)

Physiology 1 (English 28 or ESL 8; and Biology 3; and Anatomy 1; and Chemistry 51 or

65 or 101)

5) Biology 3 Hybrid Course

Par has completed the online requirements. This course will be offered in the fall 2014 semester.

6) Outdoor Lab for Biology 3

Steve to work with Sheila to prepare a lab-field trip organized by the individual’s instructor(s), similar to the zoo field trip. Concerns, such as the bus cost, safety of the


students, and liability should be discussed with Danny. Recommended locations: Placerita

Canyon and Deukmerjian Park in La Crescenta.

7) Journal Club

Steve will take the lead to organize the journal club to start in the Spring 2014 semester.

8) Labs

Steve/Pong to follow up on defective equipment and FFEs.

Mike to email faculty/Nadine/Pong to request input on needed laboratories and/or equipment repairs.

Angela to purchase spongy door stopper for the labs.

9) New hires

Mike to apply for three (one anthropology and two biology positions) new faculty positions; follow up with Mike F.

10) Work study students for Fall 2013

Angela to speak with Denise about the students who are willing to work in our labs as

WSS; however, are not on top of the WSS list.

11) Anthro online

Dr. Gribben is following the process needed to be able to offer an online Anthropology course.

12) Axial microscopes/cameras

Steve to organize a training session.

