Minutes Friday, September 19, 9:00 AM CMS Conference Room 214

Los Angeles Mission College
Department of Life Sciences
Friday, September 19, 9:00 AM
CMS Conference Room 214
Present: Mike Reynolds, Angela Echeverri, Steve Brown, Par Mohammadian
New Business
1. Faculty positions for 2015
Steve to finalize the Anthropology application and email to Angela by Sunday night. Angela to
finalize the Biology position by Sunday night. Angela to submit both applications electronically and
to deliver hardcopies to Mike Fenton by Monday 1:00 pm.
2. Status of English prerequisites on enrollments this semester
The enrollment in all courses that were added a prerequisite course, such as English 28 course
added as a prerequisite to BIO3, was down about 5%. To assess the success rate Mike will create a
report annually to compare to previous two years.
3. Effective strategies for teaching non-majors Biology 3
Mike had a specific question on how detailed the information in Chapters 6 & 7 (cellular respiration
and photosynthesis in Biology 3) is covered in the class. It was discussed that the new textbook
covers the material in less detail than the previous one, which it makes it easier for students to
4. Challenges of adding students to an online course
There was a discussion about the challenges of adding students to online classes. Par will prepare a
policy to add student to online courses and present it for review. Once approved it will be posted
on Life Sciences website.
5. Solutions for student back packs
A mobile cart will be purchased for the Microbiology lab (CMS 2). The cart will be evaluated and if
appropriate another mobile cart will be purchased for the Biology 3 lab.
Angela will submit a request to Vice President Danny Villanueva to transfer four storage cabinets
from the old Biology lab (INST-2017) to the Anatomy lab (CMS-102).
6. Grant update
Par and Angela gave an update on the status of the grant. The location and funding of the program
were discussed. President Perez has approved the establishment of a Certified Nursing Assistant
program in the Fall of 2014.
7. Offering of 8-week courses of BIO3/Chem 65 & Anatomy and Physiology to expedite the transfer
Mike to discuss “accelerated pre-health pathway” with Said and Madeline and request for
additional funds to offer the above-mentioned courses starting fall 2015. Mike also to inquire
about priority registration for these courses.
8. Update on the Human Biology course
ECD is currently being reviewed by the librarian and SLO coordinator. Par to ask Said for nonsubstantial change form to add the Human Biology course to the Health Science AS degree (it
supposed to read BIO3 or Human Biology).
Par to ask Susan Nassy for more desk copies for the Human Biology course.
Old Business
1. Mike met with Danny and provided him the list of the “black hole”
Mike to follow up with Danny on the following unresolved issues:
 Clocks behind the screens in the classrooms
 Office bookshelves to be bolted to the walls
 Floors in the BIO3 and Anatomy lab are not repaired
 Update on Nadine’s request for cabinets
 Emergency showers require containers to collect water
2. Steve will follow up on the need to purchase a platform for the floor model shaking incubator in
room 002.
3. Timeline: Biology 40 and Biology 110: Mike and Steve to meet with UCLA Life Science
Coordinator to discuss the required courses and review the course and outlines of Biology 110 and
Biology 6.
Mike reported that Curriculum Dean Madelline Hernandez suggested no changes be made until the
Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) degree for Biology is finalized.