Los Angeles Mission College
Department of Life Sciences
Thursday, April 28 1:30 PM – CMS 106
Present: Steve Brown, Angela Echeverri, Par Mohammadian
Old Business
1. Update - CNA program: Hiring of the director; offering of the program; offering of Health courses
(Gina and Cathy)
Gina Ladinsky and Cathy Brinkman were both on vacation. Cathy sent the following email:
Here are some updates:
SFP Technician has been hired
The announcement for the Director of LAH3C was uploaded yesterday morning so it should be posted anytime on the LACCD website
RN Director of Health Occupations Program has been sent for final review to the unions;
We are convening an Advisory Board meeting for the CNA HHA Certificate of
Achievement, please forward any contacts you may have
LAH3C is currently processing contracts for two additional clinical sites thanks to Nezy;
Per Kennedy H.S ‘s request for a dual enrollment class, please contact
Darlene Montes, Interim Dean of Academic Affairs who can forward the
Request Form.
Steve to contact Dean Darlene Montes to review the dual enrollment request form for
Kennedy HS.
Steve to follow up with Dean of Clinical Lab Science Program at CSULA to arrange a meeting.
Angela and Steve met her at the LAH3C career pathway day and the Dean expressed interest.
2. Status: Hiring of TAACC Director (Gina and Cathy)
The department is concerned about Gina’s replacement not being hired. It was recommended that
Mike Reynolds assume the interim director’s position until the position is filled.
3. Update: Collaboration with BioTech HS (Cathy, Steve, Angela)
Steve to contact Cathy about the LAUSD contracts related to career pathways in life sciences.
4. Possible Certificates in Life Sciences (Cathy)
Steve to contact Cathy to follow up on the status of the labor market.
5. Life Science program review (Steve)
Mike to report upon his return.
6. (Status: Env Sci course (new faculty & Mike))
7. Update: Reading Apprenticeship (Par)
Angela to submit her documents to Myriam Levy to receive travel funds for her trip to the STEM RA workshop in Oakland.
8. Update: SLO assessments (Par)
Anthropology SLOs were approved by the curriculum committee. Par will upload them in summer to prevent confusion with the current assessments.
Steve has sent a reminder email to faculty to assess their SLOs this semester.
9. Update: Unresolved issues: Floors in the Bio 3 lab and Hallways (Par)
No follow ups are required at this point.
10. Funds to purchase a portable white board (Angela)
Angela to follow up with Danny Villanueva.
11. Items to procure: (Steve) a.
platform for floor shaker – Steve to present the cost
The quotes are requested by Steve. Due to insufficient funds in this fiscal year this topic will be reviewed in the fall semester.
12. Revisions for Microbiology custom lab manual – due June 1 st (Steve & Angela)
13. Donation of equipment to West LA College (Steve)
The old PCR machine will be donated to West LA. Dept. will review other material that can be donated and meet with Karen (West LA) on 6/30 at 3:00 pm. Steve to fill out the required documents to be forwarded to Danny Villanueva .
New Business
1. Department policy on storing student course materials, Bio 3 common lab finals. (Steve)
Steve to email faculty to inform them about the rule on storing the grades and exams.
LACCD Board Rule 6705.20
6705.20 Statement of Basis for Grading; Retention of
Written Work and Grade Books. During the first week of classes, the faculty members teaching classes shall distribute a statement describing the student work product which will be the basis for determining each student's grade in the class.
To the extent such student work product takes the form of written work, such written work shall, if not returned to the students, be retained by the faculty member for at least one year from the end of the term in which the course was taken. All faculty grade records shall be retained by the faculty member for at least such a one-year period. All of such written work and grade records may be stored on campus pursuant to the direction of each college president following consultation with the college's academic senate.
3. Moving of models in anatomy lab. (Par)
Par to contact Nadine and Pong to create a form in a binder for faculty to use when they check-out and check-in the models. Steve to inform faculty about the form.
4. Release time for the fall. (Steve, Angela, Par)
Angela to provide her schedule as soon as possible.
Steve to send an email to Pat Flood and Deborah Paulsen about the release time for Par and Steve.
It was recommended to split the time to 0.2 if they wish to do so.
5. Microbiology cultures – alternatives to buying new cultures each semester (Steve, Angela)
Steve recommends not buying but preparing frozen cultures with Angela’s help and student volunteers starting fall semester.
6. Department spending – why did we run out of money this semester? (Steve, Angela, Par)
To discuss with Mike upon his return.
7. Next meeting?
June 30, 2015, at 2:00 pm.