Agenda Friday, February 19, 2016 @ 9:00am (CMS 104)

Los Angeles Mission College
Department of Life Sciences
Friday, February 19, 2016 @ 9:00am (CMS 104)
Old Business
1. Update: Dual Enrollment with BioTech Sylmar HS / San Fernando HS (Par)
2. Update: CNA/HHA/HOC (Par)
3. Update: PLO revisions – General Studies & Liberal Arts in Natural Sciences (Par & Steve)
4. Progress: Contract for Steris Autoclaves (Steve & Pong)
5. Progress: Web-based APA workshops offered by the library (Par & Steve)
6. Update: Response to parking situation at CMS due to non-STEM courses (Mike)
7. Progress: BIO3 prep room labeling (Nadine)
8. Update: Human Biology course placed on IGETC (Mike)
9. Progress: Rearranging Bio 6 and Bio 7 curricula; Bio 6 as a prerequisite for Bio 7. (Steve, Diane)
10. Update: Certificates in Life Sciences (Steve)
11. Update: Nadine’s proposal for garden items presented to the Foundation (Nadine)
12. Progress: Offering Biology 40 vs Biology 110 – development of BIO110 COR (Steve & Mike)
13. Progress: examining the BIO3 COR as written versus as taught (Steve & Diane)
14. Progress: Life Science program review (All)
15. Progress: Follow-up about procuring platform for floor shaker– platform backordered until
3/17/16 (Steve & Pong)
16. Progress: Organization of the College website (Steve)
17. Update: Associate of Science - Transfer degree in Biology paperwork (Steve)
New Business:
1. Health care career pathway with CSUN, meeting faculty (Par)
2. Department SLOs Update (Steve)
3. What are the overall goals of the department? (All)
4. BIO3 lab practical exam modifications (Par & Diane)
5. Next year’s autoclave service contract – Steris or other service which is <$5000? (Steve)
6. Posting working hours on prep room door (Nadine)
7. BIO3 case study early writing support (Diane)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next meeting: