Minutes Wednesday, January 13, 2016 @ 12:30pm (Casa Torres)

Los Angeles Mission College
Department of Life Sciences
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 @ 12:30pm (Casa Torres)
Present: Mike Reynolds, Steve Brown, Angela Echeverri, Par Mohammadian, Diane Livio
Old Business
1. Update: Dual Enrollment with BioTech Sylmar HS / New: San Fernando HS (Par)
Par is meeting with San Fernando and BioTech HS tomorrow to promote the HOC courses. Par
and Mike are meeting with CSUN tomorrow to discuss the health care career pathway. Once
agreed Par will discuss it with the new articulation officer, Elizabeth Atondo to start the process
for guaranteed admissions to CSUN in Health Administration degrees. Par will report back after
her meetings.
2. Update: CNA/HHA/HOC (Par)
Par spoke with the CA Dept of Public Health Officer: 3 faculty are approved to teach the CNA and
1 is approved to teach the HHA courses. Par has advertised the position again, and as soon as
she receives resumes, she and Mike will interview more faculty.
3. Update: PLO revisions – General Studies & Liberal Arts in Natural Sciences (Par)
Still in progress. Steve will talk to Deborah, so we can make more progress on this. A deadline is
needed for these revisions.
4. Update: Contract for Steris Autoclaves (Steve)
Steve will find out where the contract is stuck to try to get more progress on it.
5. Progress: Web-based APA workshops offered by the library (Par & Steve)
Par met with Sheila and made plans for her to do an APA workshop with Par’s Physio class,
which will be videotaped by Raphael. Steve will send out an announcement to all faculty
reminding that courses need to be standardized to APA.
6. Update: Response to issue of scheduling non-STEM courses at CMS (Mike)
Mike reports that Michael Allen’s response is it is not the prerogative of STEM what courses can
be held at the CMS building, but he will consider the issue of limited parking. Mike will follow-up
again about the parking situation. Steve will send out another announcement reminding
everyone of the policy regarding using only CMS labs 104 (PHYSIO) and 106 (BIO) to offer
7. Progress: BIO3 suggested lab schedule drafts (Steve & Diane)
Steve and Diane are revising the drafts of the lab schedule based on feedback from faculty for
potential labs to combine in response to holidays and alternative order of labs to better fit the
lecture schedule. Drafts will be sent out later this day to all faculty for feedback by the following
Monday to finalize the schedule soon.
8. Progress: BIO3 prep room labeling (Nadine)
No further progress has been made on the prep room labeling, but there is still concern of fully
labeling the prep room set-up for accessability to all BIO 3 faculty. Mike to follow up with
9. Update: approval of Human Biology course (Mike)
BIO5 has UC approval but has not yet been placed on IGETC, though Dean Madelline Hernandez
says this will likely happen this spring. Per Madelline, Mike should schedule to offer it in Fall
2016 with Diane Livio teaching it in the Physio lab.
10. Progress: Rearranging Bio 6 and Bio 7 curricula; Bio 6 as a prerequisite for Bio 7. (Steve, Diane)
Steve found no consistency amongst the CORs of the 9 campuses in the districts. Mike reports
that the issue has already been addressed at the district meeting with no movement to fix it.
Steve and Diane have begun drafting a new set of schedules, rearranging the breakdown of
chapters. They plan to finalize this and revise the CORs by Feb 5.
11. Progress: BIO3 Faculty Inquiry Group - FIG (Diane)
No progress has been made. With the current plan to hold regular RA workshops, it is suggested
to postpone the formation of a FIG, but instead to discuss the course in depth as part of the endof-the-semester department meetings.
12. Update: Certificates in Life Sciences (Mike Steve)
Par suggests offering one in Biotech; Steve suggests focusing on developing BIO110 and add on
the option for a certificate.
13. Progress: Nadine’s proposal for garden items to be presented to the Foundation (Nadine)
Still need to hear from Nadine regarding the proposal she’s developed. Angela suggests
collaborating with CAI; she will discuss with Nadine.
14. Progress: Offering Biology 40 vs Biology 110 – development of BIO110 COR (Steve)
Steve needs to talk to people from Pierce about the course curriculum and the prospect of
offering the course in alternate semesters with Pierce.
15. Progress: examining the BIO3 COR as written versus as taught (Steve)
Steve and Diane will meet to finish revisions before Feb 5.
16. Progress: Life Science program review (All)
Mike will inform everyone when this will be made available online, which should be sometime in
17. Progress: Follow-up about procuring platform for floor shaker. (Steve)
Steve reports this is in progress with STEM grant funds for it to be purchased.
18. Progress: Organization of the College website (Steve)
Steve has emailed Nick to arrange a meeting. The academic disciplines versus the programs
need to be better organized.
19. Update - Review of the AS program requirements in Biology and Health Sciences (in lieu of new
UC transfer requirements); some required/elective courses archived (Mike)
Par and Mike will look into the catalogue about the elective and required courses for the Bio &
Health Science degree.
New Business:
1. Associate of Science - Transfer degree in Biology (Mike)
Steve has completed and sent in the paperwork, which is currently pending at the state level.
2. BIO3 lab practical exam modifications (Par & Diane)
Par has given her suggestions to Steve. Will be addressed at the next meeting
3. BIO3 case study early writing support (Diane)
Will be addressed at the next meeting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next meeting: Friday, February 19, 9am