
Essential Skills Committee Minutes
May 16, 2012
Members Present: Gary Prostak, Angela Keshishyan, Michong Park, Susan Polk, Maria
Renteria, Susan Rhi-Kleinert, Curt Riesberg, Dennis Solares, Debby Wong
Guests Present: Teresa English, Tim Gilmore, Alma Johnson-Hawkins
Gary called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m. The minutes from the April 18, 2012, meeting
were unanimously approved with two corrections: Susan Rhi-Kleinert corrected a statement
regarding Marie Zaiens' presentations at high schools; she said that the minutes incorrectly stated
that presentations had already been made. These presentations will actually take place in the
future. In addition, Michong Park's name should be added to the list of Members Present.
Gary stated that Stephanie, our administrative co-chair, could not attend. He had invited Alma
Johnson-Hawkins and Joe Ramirez to speak about Achieving the Dream. Joe Ramirez was not
able to attend. Alma stated that she did not have much to report and that Joe has been more
directly involved. She said that President Perez had drafted a report and had circulated it for
review. She said that she regretted that she could not share more.
Gary reported on the Student Success Initiative. He stated that he will be unable to attend the
next meeting on May 25. He was unsure if Stephanie plans to attend. He said that Stephanie
should be able to provide detailed information about our Basic Skills Initiative allocation for this
year. He believes that our team has been approved for the BSI Leadership Institute this summer;
Marie and Lilit will be attending.
Susan R. stated that the joint STEM/Title V meeting had been held on Monday. They have been
working with Louise Barbato on developing an Accuplacer video tutorial/orientation that would
help students prepare to take the Accuplacer assessment. Gary and Terri English suggested that
reading faculty should also be asked to participate. Gary asked Susan if it would be possible for
ESL to develop a similar video tutorial for ESL students through Title 5; she said that she would
be happy to discuss it but that these activities must meet Title V funding requirements. Angela
briefly described the summer STEM Academy.
Debby described My Foundation Lab by Pearson. It offers students assistance in reading,
writing, and math. Students take a noncredit course; if they pass, they can retake the assessment
test. It costs $33 per user; a grant pays half the cost, and the student pays the other half. She
suggested we might purchase this type of program rather than developing our own. Susan R.
said that we are looking for something that is cost effective, that will not need additional funding
after the grant runs out, and that will fill in the gap created by a shortage of staff. She mentioned
that Title V has acquired Blackboard Connect, which the LRC will pilot this summer. The
school has committed to pay for this software after the grant is over.
Gary stated that Marie Zaiens had emailed him with a report on the EDU 6 task force. She said
that the Child Development department chair is reviewing the course outline update and that she
believes that it's been forwarded to Stephanie for approval. Terri mentioned that she is planning
to develop a peer mentoring program, and there was some discussion of how Education courses
might be developed in the future.
It was agreed to table the review of the ESC charter until the fall semester.
The ESC committee unanimously elected Gary Prostak as faculty co-chair for another term.
The committee discussed a Request for BSI Funding submitted by Dr. Perez and Alma JohnsonHawkins. (Dr. Perez had asked Alma to attend the ESC meeting to discuss the proposal.)
Committee members voiced a number of questions and concerns regarding the Legacy Math
Boot Camp Project. Members requested additional clarification and data to justify this
expenditure. Gary said he will submit the committee's questions directly to Dr. Perez. He will
share Dr. Perez's response with committee members and conduct voting via email. If the request
is approved by the ESC, it will also need to be approved by the EPC, Budget and Planning, and
then College Council.
It was agreed that the committee will continue to meet on the third Wednesday of each month at
2 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.