Date: June 18, 2015
Name of Person Reporting: John J. Morales
Name of Department and/or Discipline: Chicano Studies
1. a. List the courses/certificates/programs your discipline/department assessed in
the Spring 2015 semester. Chicano Studies 37 Section Number 0165
Students 58
b. For each one, indicate whether the benchmark (standard for student success)
was reached.
4 students scored 4
9 scored 14
10 scored 14
32 out of 58 took the assessment and passed with at least a 70%.
2. Summarize the major assessment results for courses/programs in your area.
Student were able to assess the question, write a 2-3 page paper discussing and
analyzing a major Chicano Studies Literature work: G.W. Gomez, Hollering Creek,
Revolt of the Cockroach People, Drink Cultura.
Students were also able to provide information, citing specific examples and details
from the literature works required for the class.
Students were able to establish Chicano Identity and assess the major SLO points
for the class.
3. Summarize what changes have been made or are planned to be made as a result of
the assessments.
While the students who took the assessment and turned in the 2-3 page
paper, over 20 students did not complete or turn in the assessment. This
is most likely due to the fact that it was an additional assignment outside
of the regular required coursework. We are still considering making the
assessment a part of the required coursework, rather than penalizing
students by making them do an additional redundant assessment whose
purpose is of questionable value.
4. Follow up on previous assessments:
(1) If an SLO was assessed previously, compare the results with the earlier
(a) Have the recommended changes been implemented?
Based on analysis of the assessments gathered so far, and evaluation of
SLOS as well as discussions with other faculty in the discipline at other
campuses in the district, some changes have been made to both the SLOs
and assessments in the current CS AA courses. These will be included in the
classes as their CORs are updated. We will continue to assess and evaluate
using the current assessments until then, and make adjustments where
(b) Has the follow-up textbox been filled in on the SLO online system?
I don’t know what that is.
(2) How have the findings led to improved student learning?
We will let you know after the next round of assessments.
5. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed among the
members of your program? (Provide dates and any minutes of meetings as
evidence. Please also post relevant minutes in the Department Notes section of
the SLO Online system.)
Discussed at SLO/PLO meeting, 2 in May 2015.
6. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed with members of
your advisory committee (if vocational program)? N/A
7. What resource requests are planned as a result of the assessments?
Funding for the Centro Xican@ for tutoring and additional support.
8. Have the assessment results been posted on the online system?