SOC 1 BH in person S16 300pm syllabus REVISED.docx

1 - Introduction
to Sociology
1 Introduction
to Sociology
Day/Time: M/W 3:00 pm - 4:35 pm Section: 0000 Corse # 001 Room: TBA - Prof. Brandon Harris
L.A. Mission12890 Harding St, Sylmar, CA 91342
Sylmar Biotech & Health Academy: 13050 Borden Ave, San Fernando Valley, CA 91342
Hello! I’m Professor Harris
Welcome to my class!
Office Location:
Sylmar Biotech
Room: TBA
Drop in Times:
To be determined by
designated campus
or by appointment
Email: To be Assigned
Student Learning Outcomes
(by the end of this course you will):
1. Be able to assess and describe the three
sociological theories and how they impact
sociological research.
2. Be able to utilize a research design to complete
social research and analyze the data to come to a
sociological conclusion.
3. Be able to define a social problem you have
experienced and discuss solutions to reduce,
educate or eliminate such problems in society.
(Develop a passion for this discipline and find out
how SOCIETY plays a huge role in your life)
Step 1: Visit website above
Step 2: Insert Faculty name in search box
Step 3: Download course material as
Supplies needed:
1 “ binder, hole puncher
1-3 dividers
lined paper for class
pocket size stapler
3 scantrons 882-ES
Required Text:
Rentals available at LAMC
Bookstore/Copy in Library
Reserve section for 2hr usage
COMMUNICATION: All communication will be sent to your LACCD email account, therefore it is your
imperative responsibility to check your email account EVERY few days.
Reading Textbook- It is expected that students read the chapters in the textbook on a weekly basis.
Specific pages have been identified on the syllabus (see calendar) that will NOT be covered in class
but the information will be included in each quiz. Please add this to your TO DO LIST. The Library has
a copy of the textbook in the RESERVE section for up to 2 hours of use. Search: Society in Focus 7th
Edition with Census Update. Thompson and Hickey, ISBN – 13: 978-0205171484
Grading Scale: Grades will be determined to the following scale (200 points total)
A: 240  220 points, B: 219  200 points C: 199  180 points D: 179  160 points F: 159  0 points
Assessment of Grades
Observation Project
Status Assignment
Survey Research Project
Social Issues Paper
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
FINAL Quiz 3
10% (20 points)
10% (20 points)
10% (20 points)
10% (30 points)
10% (30 points)
10% (35 points)
10% (35 points)
30% (50 points)
* When submitting class work, deadlines are final unless there is a justified emergency. NOTE:
The instructor will decide what constitutes as a “justified emergency.” Any late assignments are subject to point
penalty. You can however, turn in any assignments early. If you know you are going to be absent when an
assignment due, plan ahead.
0. Attendance/Participation: (20 points) Attendance is mandatory in this class and points can be
earned for students with 2 absences or less. Students with excessive absences (3 or more) will NOT
earn attendance points and can be excluded from the class. If you decide not to attend at all, it will be
your responsibility to officially drop the class through Admissions online. Enrolled students who are
absent on the first day of class are subject to being dropped by the instructor. IN CLASS
PARTICIPATION – students who are present and participating in discussions, will have the potential of
earning additional participation points on those days. Roll will be taken each class time.
1. Observation Project: (20 points) Students will visit a public coffee shop to observe individuals
from a sociological perspective. Students will report their findings and methods.
2. Status Assignment: (20 points) Status Assignment will be assigned after covering the materials in
Chapter 5. Instructions are on Etudes in the faculty portal and instructions will be given in class.
3. Survey Research Project: (30 points)- Due in class- Students will create a survey, administer it to
students on campus, analyze their data and reach a sociological conclusion. This assignment includes
an oral presentation of your research findings to the class.
4. Social Issue Paper: (30 points) due in class on 11/16 Assignment instructions for this paper will
be downloadable in the faculty portal web site.
5. Quizzes: Quizzes will consist of multiple-choice, Fill in Blank, and T/F questions. (Purchase
Scantron form 882-ES). Quizzes will be administered so students can demonstrate their knowledge of
course material. Quizzes are based on all lecture content, plus reading of pages assigned in
textbook for each chapter.
Quiz #1 Chapters 1-5 = 35 points
Quiz #2 Chapters 14, 7-8, 10-11= 35 points
FINAL Quiz #3 Final = Chapters 12-13,18 = 50 points
Review Quiz Sheets or study guides will be available on faculty portal at
It is highly recommended that you complete these review sheets to obtain high exam scores.
Extra credit- You can ONLY earn up to 20 points of extra credit by 6/1 in class. See course material
on faculty portal. Hand outs will be given as well.
You can do most of our class assignments EARLY but
I will NOT accept Late Work- No exceptions.
Use calendar page for successful time management.
Classroom Etiquette: Sociology involves discussing topics that may be uncomfortable pertaining to
religion, race, gender, age, pornography, sexual orientation and more. Therefore, every student will be
expected to show the proper respect for fellow students, the instructor and the facilities in which the
class is held. All college policies and regulations relating to student conduct will be observed. In
general, disruptive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes repeated tardiness,
inappropriate language, surfing the web, texting, sleeping in class, arriving late, leaving early or
walking in and out of classroom for calls, food, etc. Disruptive students can be suspended for up to 2
class sessions at the professor’s discretion. Please take care of all personal business before or after
As a courtesy to all, please turn off cell phones or place on vibrations. If you are late please minimize
disruption to the class. If you use a Lap tops/tablets to type your notes, I ask that you sit towards the
front of the class and that you DO NOT surf the web. If you have a special situation, please don’t
hesitate to talk to me about it.
Campus/Department Policies
Cheating- unauthorized material used during an examination (including electronic devices), changing
answers after work has been graded, taking an exam for another student, forging any documents in
the course, looking at another student’s paper/scantron/essay/computer or exam with or without their
approval is considered cheating.
Plagiarism- Plagiarism is defined as the act of using ideas, words, or work of another person or
persons as if they were one’s own, without giving proper credit to the original sources. This includes
definitions found online on Wikipedia, materials from blogs, twitter, or other similar electronic
resources. Whether the material is a paragraph, a sentence, or a part thereof, you will receive a zero
for the first offence for the assignment or test in question. Any further offenses may result in expulsion
from the class, or more as determined by the disciplinary action of Student Services. A good rule of
thumb is that if you are copying and pasting any materials from another source, that is already
Recording devices in the classroom- Section 78907 of the California Education Code prohibits the
use of any electronic audio or video recording devices, or photos without prior consent of the
instructor. (including cell phones, laptops, cameras, MP3 players, and more)
MEDICAL CONDITIONS- If you have any conditions that I need to know about, please notify me
immediately by email and provide me with an emergency phone number.
Emergency Procedures: If required to evacuate a classroom or building, students will proceed to a
clear and safe area away from the building.
Please program CAMPUS SHERIFF phone number in your cell phone NOW at (818) 364-7843
Reasonable Accommodations: If you are a student with a disability and require accommodations,
please send me a private email. The DSP&S Office at Mission College provides special assistance in
areas like: registering for courses, specialized tutoring, note-taking, mobility assistance, special
instruction, testing assistance, special equipment, special materials, instructor liaisons, community
referrals and job placement. Contact the DSP&S Office in Inst. Bldg. 1018 (phone 818/364-7732 TTD
818/364-7861)or contact me directly for assistance.
Syllabus Changes: The professor reserves the right to make any changes to this syllabus as
necessary. Students will be notified promptly, and sufficient time will be given to adjust to the changes.
This syllabus is a contract, and if you remain in this class, you are agreeing to abide by its rules and
regulations. This is your syllabus and our contract for your success.
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou
Phone #:
SOC 1- CALENDAR TO PRINT (post next to computer or on bulletin board)
Assignments to complete
Mon 2/8
Wed 2/10
Mon 2/15
Chapter 1
Print Syllabus from the Web
Read Chapter 1- p.3-5, p.16-21
Wed 2/17
Chapter 1
Mon 2/22
Chapter 2
Read Chapter 2 p. 30-32, 34-36
Wed 2/24
Chapter 2
Discuss survey
Purchase book- LOG IN website
Bring lecture handout “resources”
Start bringing your supplies
Observation Project Discussion
Observation Project Discussion
Mon 2/29
Wed 3/2
Mon 3/7
Wed 3/9
Mon 3/14
Wed 3/16
Mon 3/21
Wed 3/23
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 p. 58-59, 71-75,
Review Theories, Survey data
Observation Project Location
Pick Assign #1
Chapter 3 p. 58-59, 71-75,
Bring completed surveys to class
Review p.16-20 in textbook
Obsverv Assign #1 Due (20)
Chapter 4
Chapter 4/5
Recap Chpt. 5
Read Chap.4 p. 95-100
Review Assign #2
Instructions status assignment
Mon 3/28
Assign. #2
Print Review for Quiz 1
Status Assign #2. Due in class (20)
Wed 3/30
Review Quiz #1
Mon 4/4
Quiz #1
Quiz #1- Chapters 1-5
Bring Scantron (35)
Wed 4/6
Chapter 14
Chapter 14 p. 393-400
In class group work (10)
Mon 4/11
Chapter 7- p.169-170, 193-196
Complete Survey Paper Assign 3
Wed 4/13
Chapter 7
Chapter 7, 8
Mon 4/18
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 p. 207-215
Wed 4/20
Mon 4/25
Chapter 10
Wed 4/27
Mon 5/2
Wed 5/4
Mon 5/9
Wed 5/11
Mon 5/16
Wed 5/18
Mon 5/23
Wed 5/25
Mon 5/30
Wed 6/1
Mon 6/6
Quiz #2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 18
Chapter 10 p. 264-275
Chapter 11 p. 294-298, 307312
Social Issue Paper due
Go to Etudes in “resources”
Quiz #2- Chap.14,7,8,10,11
Chapter 12 p. 339-347
Chapter 13 p. 371-378
Ch. 18/Review
DAY Extra cred
Quiz 530730pm
Survey Student Presentations (30)
Due in class w/rubric attached (30)
Print Review sheet for Quiz #2
Bring Scantron (35)
Chapter 18 p. 532-540
Review Quiz #3
Print Review Sheet Quiz #3
Extra Credit Due in class
FINAL Quiz #3 Chap. 12,13,18
Up to 20 points possible
Bring Scantron (50)