Los Angeles Mission College Curriculum Committee Library Form Addendum Course Name and Number: ________________________ Course Title: __________________________________________ Please complete the following sections in consultation with the L.A. Mission College Librarian. Section I: LIBRARY BOOK COLLECTION Review the library book collection by searching the online catalog. The Librarian is available by appointment. From the Library Homepage (www.lamission.edu/library) select Library Catalog. Identify keywords that represent the topics presented in the Course Content and Course Objectives. Enter keywords you have chosen and click on words or phrase. Remember to connect keywords with Boolean “and.” 1. A. Please list at least 2-3 terms used in your search: 2. 3. B. Please name five books in the library collection relevant to the course content. Title Edition Copyright Date Print E-Book 1. a. 2. b. 3. c. 4. d. 5. e. C. Please list one to three books (excluding course textbook) that should be ordered. Please indicate if the title supports the course content or the discipline. Title Edition Copyright Date Course Content 1. 2. 3. D. Is a copy of your current textbook on reserve in the Library? Yes No Discipline Content Section II: PERIODICAL COLLECTION Review the periodical collection by searching the periodical database. The Librarian is available by appointment. From the Library Homepage (www.lamission.edu/library) select Library Resources and choose EBSCOhost Databases, and then EBSCOhost Web. If you are off campus, select the highlighted offcampus link. There will be a prompt for a Student ID and PIN; login with your LAMC email username and password (as the ID and PIN respectively). Search the EBSCOhost databases using the keywords you selected in section I.A. A. Name three periodicals or journals relevant to the content of this course or to the discipline (please indicate if the periodical/journal is available through the EBSCOhost databases or in print at LAMC). EBSCOhost Database Periodical OR Journal Title Print Version 1. 2. 3. B. If none are found, please list one to three periodicals/ journals that should be ordered. 1. 2. 3. Section III: ADDITIONAL MATERIAL List additional books, periodicals or media for the Library to purchase that would support the course content.