Graduate Council Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2014
Ragsdale 221, 3:30-5:20 pm
Present: Atkinson, Terry; Cox, Kathy; Decker, Jim; Gemperline, Paul; Keiper, Brett; McFadden,
Cheryl; Ries, Heather; Schwager, Paul; and Bob Thompson
Guests: Thomas McConnell and Belinda Patterson
Call meeting to order
3:35 pm
Minutes a.
Approval of 11/25/13 GCEC minutes
Approved as amended b.
Review of 12/09/13 GC minutes c.
Review of 12/09/13 GC minutes d.
Review of GCC minutes 12/04/13
Request for exceptions
GCEC voted to go into closed session for purposes of maintaining confidentiality of student records 3:46 pm
GCEC voted to leave closed session 4:37 pm
Develop agenda for January 27, 2014 Graduate Council meeting a.
Continuity of operations in Graduate Admission Office – Paul Gemperline
Robin Ashely’s job duties are being divided among Colleen Roland, Theresa
Cartwright, Derrick Isler, Sarah Batchelor, Belinda Patterson, and Tom
McConnell b.
Charge to thesis/dissertation oversight committee – Bob Thompson
Agenda item for the next GPD meeting
Surveys will be sent to GPD
Derrick Isler is working with Qualtrics data c.
Federal Gainful Employment reporting requirements – Graduate certificates eligible for federal aid
Dr. McConnell has individually emailed the Certificate Program Directors of the relevant programs (approximately 30)
New graduate school website is being developed and should be ready to go live soon, will include federally required postings
UNC-GA GTA training and reporting standard – Feb 15 reporting deadline
Dr. McConnell will begin working on this week
Graduate School will pull data for programs
Agenda item for the next GPD meeting e.
Planning for assistantship budget and out of state remissions allocation project,
FY 2014/15 & FY 2015/16 – Paul Gemperline
Involve stakeholders in the entire process: Graduate Council, Graduate
Program Directors and Coordinators, Academic Deans, Associate Deans,
Chairs – to adapt/revise to new forms
End of spring semester, 2014: roll out new forms
Summer: Graduate School populates forms with data
August: populated forms are disseminated to associate deans
September: receive corrections and adjustments from units/colleges
October: finalized forms back to Graduate School
November: Prepare proposed GA and remission budgets for Academic
Dean review
December: allocations/reallocations for fall 2015 – spring 2016 reported to the units/colleges f.
Planning for workshops at ECU – student authored NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship Proposals
Ernie Marshburn will conduct workshop
Student authored proposals; input needed from faculty for successful proposal is likely to be significant
Challenging, but overall success rate last cycle was ~17%
NSF considers regional representation, and North Carolina last cycle had only six (Virginia had 20 such grants)
Under-represented disciplines also taken into consideration by NSF
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp