Student Success and Support Program –(SSSP) Overview ISSUES IN COUNSELING DIANA BONILLA, COUNSELING FACULTY, LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) SSSP is the new name for the matriculation program It is the implementation of The Student Success Act 2012, (SB1456) Implementing of Student Success Act Increased focus on outcomes Students have 3 attempts at a course Most classes are no longer repeatable; Activity classes (music, art, theater arts, physical education and dance) now limited to courses related in topic (i.e. families) Better preparation for better outcomes (e.g. graduation, transfer, certificate completion) Student Success Act of 2012 EC 78211: Delineates the Legislature’s intent for the Student Success Act: Aligns matriculation language to SSTF recommendations regarding services needed to support students in developing an “informed” ed goal, developing ed plans and declaration of course of study. Shared responsibility between instruction and student services, based on “evidenced-based” practices of what works. Targets funding on core services, such as counseling and advising, through a broad array of service delivery mechanisms. Student Success Act of 2012 EC 78212: Student Success & Support Program funding targeted to core matriculation services for the following: Assessment Orientation services Counseling, advising, and other educational planning services Provision of services through broad array of delivery mechanisms, guided by sound counseling practices and principles Development of education plans leading to a course of study and guidance on course selection. What is SSSP? The Student Success and Support Program supports the transition of new students into the college by providing students with access to higher education and the professional assistance to help assure their success in their courses and programs of study. Students matriculating are referred to core services prior to enrollment: assessment, orientation, and counseling. Student Success and Support Program Core Services Assessment Orientation Counseling Components Admissions Assessment Orientation Counseling Student Follow-Up SSSP Core Services Assessment Holistic Only approved instruments Multiple measures Placement into curriculum not admissions Orientation College orientation Abbreviated SEP Orientation Services @ LAMC These services are delivered either face to face via appointment or throuh drop-in counseling, online, or in group workshops. High School Senior Day Face to Face Orientation Online Orientation Fall Kick Off May Madness (In development) Pre-assessment Video & online study tools for English and Math assessment SSSP Core Services Counseling, Advising, Other Education Planning Services: (Required for Priority Enrollment) All first-time students expected to have: Abbreviated Ed Plan is 1-2 semesters in length - or Comprehensive Ed Plan …take(s) into account a student’s interests, skills, career and education goals, major, potential transfer institutions, and the steps the student needs to take…to complete their identified course of study. Title 5 Section 55524 Counseling Services @ LAMC These services are delivered either face to face via appointment or throuh drop-in counseling, online, or in group workshops. Fall Kick Off Group Advising at the local high schools Academic Dismissal Academic Renewal CSU/IGETC Certification Comprehensive ED Planning Financial Aid counseling Graduation petitions FYE to include summer bridge- (in development) SSSP Core Services Student Follow-up: Required for at-risk students Enrolled in Basic Skills courses Have not identified an education goal and course of study Are on Academic or Progress Probation – at risk of losing Implementation Student Follow-Up Post enrollment evaluation Comprehensive Educational Plans Interventions Early Alert Probation Monitoring Progress Monitoring Remedial Unit Limitation Excessive Withdrawal Referrals Feedback Dean’s List Service for At Risk Students @ LAMC These services are delivered either face to face via appointment or throuh drop-in counseling, online, or in group workshops. Academic and Progress Probation I Academic and Progress Probation II Subject to Dismissal For Basic Skills Students Student Success Workshop Counseling 17, & 40 (Formally known as Personal Development) For Undecided Students Counseling 4 Kermes Career & Majors Workshop Implementation cont. Research and Evaluation Validation of assessment instruments Analysis of student outcomes, placement rules, etc. Documentation of matriculation services provided Challenges Ahead Cultural Shifts Moving from focus on registration to focus on matriculating students Increased coordination of services Educating students about early access to services Resource Allocation Year-round Services High School Outreach Admissions Counseling Assessment Common ?’s about Priority Registration How to get it How to keep it What and Why? When? What do I need to do? Wait! I’m on academic probation…Now what? What and Why? Changes to priority registration throughout the California Community Colleges system will help students get the courses they need to meet their educational goals Priority registration will be given to students who work with a counselor to develop an education plan, succeed in their classes, and stay on track LAMC Counseling and Student Services will be providing services to help students stay on track When? The new changes will take effect for the fall 2014 academic year This means students will need to pay attention to what they are doing now so they can enjoy the benefits of priority registration in the future What do I need to do? Continuing Students Check in with counselor to develop an updated SEP Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Complete more than 50% of enrolled units each semester Don’t accumulate more than 100 units by fall 2014 New Students Complete college orientation Complete the assessment process Meet with a counselor to develop a SEP Once students begin their higher education journey maintain good academic standing. Loss of Registration Priority Registration priority shall be lost at the first registration appointment after a student: 1. Places in academic or progress probation 1. Has earned 100 units or more of degree applicable units 100 units does not include units from ESL or basic skills courses Exemption Process Districts may adopt policies to exempt from the 100- unit limit categories of students, including but not limited to, those enrolled in high unit majors or programs. Districts may exempt from the 100-unit limit units earned through credit by examination, advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, or other similar programs. Notification of Loss of Priority Registration Beginning in the spring 2013 term, districts shall notify students who are placed on academic or progress probation, or who have earned 75 percent or more of the unit limit, of the potential for loss of enrollment priority. The district shall notify the student that a second consecutive term on academic or progress probation will result in the loss of priority registration until the student is no longer on probation or that enrollment priority will be lost when the student reaches the unit limit. Wait! I’m on academic probation…Now What? If a student finds themselves on academic probation they should meet with a counselor ASAP to develop a game plan to get back on track to meeting their academic or career goals Students may qualify for the appeal if they lose priority Students will need to check with our Admissions office for more information on the appeal process Some Special Considerations Former and current foster youth California Works Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Program Active duty military and recent veterans will continue to receive the highest priority as provided by California law as long as they meet the outlined requirements EOPS and DSPS students who have completed orientation and assessment and have an educational plan in place will also receive high priority The Reward With this new priority registration system students who are making progress toward their goals will be rewarded for their efforts If they stay focused on their goals they should be able to get the classes they need to succeed. If students need further help understanding this process please call LAMC Counseling Department 818-364-7655 and make an appointment with a counselor today Questions and Answers THANK YOU! Sources California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office