CD 7 Numbers.pptx

Numbers and Operations (Numbers)
Hedicelda Ramos
Fero Sarajzada
Yessenia Campos
Elaine Casillas
Olga Gilberto
Lucy Rebolledo
Numbers and Operations include :
• Number sense - is the ability to recognize numbers, identify
their relative values, and understand how to use them in a variety
of ways, such as counting, measuring, or estimating.
• One-to-one correspondence – it is the foundation for relating
one object to one counting number.
• Rote counting – is reciting the numerals in order from memory.
• Rational Counting - involves matching each numeral name in order
to an object.
Learning Goals
a.) Rationale (Objective) :
Most children will be able to count and recognize a written number and will be able to demonstrate the use of
one to one correspondence by matching a number to an object or an object to another object.
b.) Social Development :
Most children will interact with each other as they work together, share materials , and help each other count
the numbers.
c.) Emotional Development:
Most children will feel a sense of accomplishment and feel proud and excited in their ability to count,
recognize numbers and match objects to the correct numbers.
d.) Cognitive Development :
Most of the children will use their thinking skills while counting,
matching, and recognizing numbers and different colors.
e.) Physical Development:
All children will use their hand-eye coordination and their fine
motor skills to grab different objects and materials.
Activity 1
Counting With Pomp Pomp’s
• Number sheets
• Pomp pomp’s
• Other age appropriate objects
• Song “ The Number Rock”
a.) Introduction:
The teacher will first introduce this activity to
the children by singing a song called “ The Number
b.) Steps of Activity:
Teacher will then place some pomp pomp’s
on the table and each individual child will be given a
number sheet from 1-10 or 1-20. Each child will then be
able to place the correct number of pomp pomp’s next
to the written number.
c.) End:
The teacher will review the activity with the
children and the children will have the opportunity to
socialize among each other.
Activity 2
Ladybug Counting Using Buttons
Materials :
• Black buttons
• Flash cards containing numbers 1-10
• One or two laminated ladybugs
• Plastic bag
a.) Introduction:
The teacher will read the book Ten Black Dots by
Donald Crews.
b.) Steps of Activity:
The children will first open a plastic bag containing
the materials that were giving to them. The children will take
out the number flashcards, buttons, and a large laminated
ladybug. Children will then place all the buttons on the side and
place a ladybug in front of them with the flashcards facing down
on the table. The children will flip over one of the flashcards. If
the children recognize the number on the flashcard then they
can place the correct matching buttons on the ladybug. It the
children cannot recall the number from memory then they must
count the number of dots. They will repeat the steps until they
have match all the numbers.
c.) End: Review the activity and ask open-ended questions like
what would happen if you add another button to that number?
Activity 3
Counting With Different Materials
• My Very First Book of Numbers by Eric Carle
• Green blocks containing numbers 1-10
• Wood green triangles
• Natural wood blocks
• Color soft blocks
• Small ice cream sticks
• Color snowflakes
a.) Introduction:
The teacher will introduce math
by reading the book My Very First Book of
Numbers by Eric Carle during circle time.
b.) Steps of Activity:
The teacher will place a box
containing different types of materials on the
table. Then the children will each receive
green blocks containing the numbers 1-10.
Children will be able to choose any objects
from the box to match the written numbers
on the green blocks.
c.) End: The teacher can review the activity
and ask open ended questions like: what
would happen if you add another object?
What materials did you use to help you
Activity 4
Counting Caps
Materials :
• Book called Caps for Sale by
Esphyr Slobodkina
• Pre-cut caps
• Glue
• Crayons
• Construction paper
a.) Introduction:
The teacher will first read the book Caps for
Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina to the children.
b.) Steps of Activity:
Teacher will then provide the children with
construction paper, glue, pre-cut hats and a worksheet.
The worksheet will have the numbers 1-10 on the trees.
Then the children will be able to find the matching
number on the pre-cut hat and then glue it on the tree.
c.) End:
When the children are finish gluing, the
teacher will ask the children to count from 1-10 to help
them recall the numbers.
1.) If children are having trouble identifying or recognizing the numbers, then the
teacher can help the children by showing them flashcards that have written
numbers on them.
2.) If children are unable to count in order, the teacher can help the students by
singing number songs to help them memorize the numbers in order.
English Language Learners:
 Teacher can translate the activity and
instructions in their home language.
Assessment of Learning
a.) Open Ended Questions :
• What materials did you use to help you count?
• Is there anything else you can use to help you count ?
• Which one did you have more of?
• What would happen if you add another object?
• How do you know?
• What happens if you take away an object?
• Show me what you can do with it?
• What number comes next?
• How far can you count?
• What color is this object?
• Tell me about your numbers?
b.) Other: See Follow Up Activity 1
Follow Up Activities
Activity 1
Rubber Duck Counting
The teacher will first read the book called 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric
Carle. Then a group of children will take turns rolling a foam dice and
whichever number comes out, the children would then place the
corresponding number of mini rubber ducks in a bowl of water.
Activity 2
Cookie Counting
The teacher will read the book If you Give a Mouse A Cookie by
Laura Joffe Numeroff. Then the teacher will give each child a white
paper with circles on it. The children will be able to use dot
markers to fill in the chocolate chips.
Group Members Participation
• Olga Gilberto- contributed with the activity Counting Caps.
• Hedicelda Ramos- contributed by putting together the power point and with the activity Lady bug Counting Using Buttons.
• Elaine Casillas- contributed with the activity Counting with Different Materials.
• Fero Sarajzada- contributed with the activity Rubber Duck Counting.
• Luz Rebolledo- contributed with the activity Counting With Pomp Pomp’s.
• Yessenia Campos- contributed with the follow-up activity Cookie Counting.