$1,000 AWARD
The AFT 1521 Foundation Scholarship is an award of $1,000 given annually to current Los Angeles
Community College District (LACCD) students who, in addition to their academic achievement, have demonstrated a serious commitment to advocating the cause of social and economic justice on their campuses and in their communities.
This award must be used towards the pursuit of educational and/or career goals and the AFT 1521
Foundation reserves the right to request documentation that award money has been used in pursuit of these ends.
TO APPY: Please email the following documents, in pdf form, to aft1521foundation@gmail.com
Your completed application and essay
A scanned copy of an unofficial transcript of all classes taken within the LACCD
Only applications that have been received via email on or before April 15, 2016 will be considered.
Please do not fax, hand deliver, or mail your application as it will not be accepted.
Due to the high number of applications submitted, you will not receive an email confirming that your application has been received.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: Please direct all questions concerning the AFT 1521 Foundation
Scholarship to aft1521foundation@gmail.com
Current Los Angeles Community College District Student
Minimum 2.5 grade point average
An unofficial transcript documenting completion of at least 30 units in the Los Angeles
Community College District
All award recipients will be required to attend the AFT 1521 Foundation Awards ceremony at a date and time to be determined.
Please complete all required information. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT
Name: _________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number: (home) ____________________________(cell phone) _______________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________
LACCD Campus/Campuses:
Dates of Attendance:________________________________
Cumulative GPA:________________Number of Units Completed:________________
Personal or academic reference (Circle one) Personal Academic
Phone number:_____________________
Please attach a typed, double-spaced, 400-600 word essay in which you explain how your involvement in the struggle for social and economic justice has impacted you as a person. How has it prepared you to become a leader both on your campus and in your community? How has this work shaped your career and educational goals? How has this work empowered you to overcome any obstacles you may have faced in your efforts to better yourself, your campus, and your community?
Please use this form to list up to three current or past activities or organizations in which you have worked to promote the advancement of social and economic justice on your campus or in your community. These activities may take a variety of forms, such as working on a political campaign, working with a labor union, serving in student government, volunteering with a community organization, working on a research project, mentoring another individual, etc.
Name of Activity:
Hours per week:_____________________Weeks per year:_____________________
Years involved:____________________________
Dates of Participation:_________________________
Name of Activity:
Hours per week:_____________________Weeks per year:_____________________
Years involved:____________________________
Dates of Participation:_________________________
Name of Activity:
Hours per week:_____________________Weeks per year:_____________________
Years involved:____________________________
Dates of Participation:_________________________