SAO Veteran Affairs

Service Area Outcomes - Los Angeles Mission College
Unit: Student Services
Division: Veteran Affairs Program
Contact Name: Georgia Estrada
Title: Director
Assessment Year: 2009-2010
Implementation Year: 2010-2011
1) Service Area Outcomes (SAO) (Define measurable outcomes; begin each outcome with a Bloom’s Taxonomy verb
1.1 [Define Outcome #1 ]
Veteran Students will distinguish that the Veteran Affairs Program is established as a “one-stop-shop” to assist in
the processing of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits paperwork and to coordinate with other campus
1.2 [Define Outcome #2]
2) Related to Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) (SAOs should be in alignment with ILOs)
2.1 [Which ILO is Outcome#1 linked to?]
The ability to find, evaluate, use and communicate information in all its various formats is in alignment with
the Institutional Learning Outcome, Information Competency.
2.1 [Which ILO is Outcome#2 linked to?]
3) Assessment Method (Identify methods, instrument, materials for assessing each outcome)
3.1 [How do/did you assess Outcome#1?]
Veteran student competence is measured in the ability to identify an educational objective, obtain a Student
Education Plan, enroll in courses that are required for the educational objective and complete satisfactorily
the courses for which benefits are received and attend class regularly.
3.2 [How do/did you assess Outcome#2?]
4) Results of Analysis and Suggestions for Improvement (Summarize the results of the collected and analyzed data)
4.1 [Measurement result from 3.1]
Veteran students’ who schedule regular counselor visits for an up-to-date and current Student Education
Plan, notify VA Certifying Official of a Change of Major, notify VA Certifying Official of a drop from a course,
request tutorial Assistance and maintain required GPA is currently the subject of review.
4.2 [Measurement result from 3.2]
5) Implementation Plan / Response Plan (Define processes and strategies to improve future performance)
5.1 [Implementation plan for 4.1]
Veteran Affairs Program indoctrinates VA work study staff of VA Rules, Regulations and Policies in order to
assist VA students with accurate information and assistance with a variety of services. In addition, VA work
study staff is available to input correct data, amend benefit information and adjust or terminate benefits
effective the date of withdrawal on VA-Once Website.
5.2 [Implementation plan for 4.2]
Revised 2/02/2011 - LAMC
Revised 2/02/2011 - LAMC