patrhgh.doc Last update Nov. 20, 1994 ... ================================================================

Last update Nov. 20, 1994
Bronwyn H. Hall
This is the documentation for the two files patr7079.dat and
These files contain data on 346 and 642 manufacturing firms with patents
and R&D spending from 1970 to 1979 and 1972 to 1979 respectively. The 346
firms are a subset of the 642.
The data are those used in Hall, Griliches, and Hausman (1986),
"Patents and R&D: Is There a Lag?", IER 27: 265-283. The selection
of the firms, and creation of the data are described in Hall,
Griliches, and Hausman, NBER Technical Working Paper
No. 72 by Cummins, Hall, Laderman, and Mundy, and Bound, Cummins,
Griliches, Hall, and Jaffe, "Who Does R&D and Who Patents?," in
Griliches, Zvi (ed), R&D, Patents, and Productivity, University of
Chicago Press (1984).
The files
4 records
fields so
The order
have the same organization, fixed format ~80 column length,
per firm-observation, data separated by blanks, but in fixed
the file can be read either by fixed or free format commands.
of the variables is the following:
Compustat's identifying number for the firm (Committee on
Uniform Security Identification Procedures number).
A two-digit code for the applied R&D industrial classification
(roughly that in Bound, Cummins, Griliches, Hall, and Jaffe, in
the Griliches R&D, Patents, and Productivity volume).
SCISECT Dummy equal to one for firms in the scientific sector.
The logarithm of the book value of capital in 1972.
The sum of patents applied for between 1972-1979.
LOGR70- The logarithm of R&D spending during the year (in 1972 dollars).
PAT70The number of patents applied for during the year that were
PAT79 eventually granted.
The PATR7279 file has the same variables, but contains only LOGR72-LOGR79
and PAT72-PAT79.