Honors College Proposal Form for Spring 2014 Seminars

Honors College Proposal Form for Spring 2014 Seminars
Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.
1. Seminar Title:
2. Relation of the seminar to the mission of the Honors College:
Course description:
4. Faculty member(s) who will be teaching the course and affiliation(s):
5. Unit Approval: Please attach letter(s) of support from the direct supervisor of each faculty
6. Is this seminar suitable to receive foundations credits?
_____ Yes _____ No
If yes, please check appropriate area:
____ Fine Arts
____ Humanities
____ Social Sciences
____ Natural Sciences
Please Continue to Page Two
Submission Deadline: March 19, 2013 | Submit to Kevin Baxter, Associate Dean, Honors College
101 Mamie Jenkins Building | E-mail: baxterk@ecu.edu | Phone: 252.737.4079
Honors College Proposal Form for Spring 2014 Seminars
7. Will this seminar include a laboratory component?
_____ Yes
_____ No
8. Explain how each faculty member is academically credentialed within the discipline(s) being
covered in the seminar?
9. Did the faculty member(s) ever attend an ECU Honors College seminar workshop?
_____ Yes
_____ No
10. Will this course incorporate service-learning?
_____ Yes
_____ No
11. The Honors College encourages innovative approaches to the delivery of seminars. If you
believe the seminar will require additional funding for these experiences, a budget outlining
projected costs and potential funding sources must be submitted with the course proposal.
Will this seminar require additional funding as a prerequisite to be offered?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, what is the total amount required as indicated on the attached budget?
12. Syllabus: Please attach proposed course syllabus and address each item listed below:
a. brief course description
b. learning objectives for the course
c. list of course texts, books or key articles to be used in the course
d. course content outline
e. course assignments and grading plan, including writing assignments
f. brief statement about innovative instructional or assessment techniques planned for
the course
g. assessment plan for learning
h. If foundations credit will be offered: provide an explicit statement of how each
foundation goal will be addressed in the course
Submission Deadline: March 19, 2013 | Submit to Kevin Baxter, Associate Dean, Honors College
101 Mamie Jenkins Building | E-mail: baxterk@ecu.edu | Phone: 252.737.4079