Team Supercool Naomi Kohen Chris Kinney Andy Lin David Schoen Superconducting Actuator Superconductors: 0 resistance at low T Electrical actuator Electrical Energy-> Mechanical Goal: Use HTS from American Superconductor for an Actuator Application: Punch Use Solenoid for magnetic field A hard magnet accelerates in the field A strong field will produce a significant force. Important Considerations Need highest possible field Magnetic Field and the Force produced are proportional to critical current Critical Current is determined by Temperature Magnetic Field Strain Current vs Bending Diameter Conflicting Data Another AS Spec Sheet: 100 mm Magnetic-Field Effects Constraints Currently 4 m wire Using B = n I / 80L 5 cm long, 5 cm diameter -> 25 turns I = 100 A 625 Gauss, .0625 Tesla Can get 50 m of wire Neglecting H-field effects, ~8000 gauss Need He-Cooling for high H-field Critical Current Tests Early Results I-V Curves 5 4.5 4 3.5 Voltage (mV) 3 Trial 1 2.5 Trial 2 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 Current (A) 100 120 140 Problem? How to interpret data? Problems I-V Curves Voltage (mV) 10 Trial 1 1 1 10 100 0.1 Current (A) 1000 Trial 2 Analysis Summary Data mismatch with literature Can’t determine Ic Causes? Kinks in wire during setup Other test differences Perspective Wire still carries 120 A without large resistance Next Steps Determine optimal radius Varying PVC tubes with small wires, test critical current Choose smallest radius with best Ic Build small solenoid Use best radius PVC tube Estimate magnetic field needed for Punch Revised Schedule Questions?