Report Template for Annual Assessment of Majors

Report Template for Annual Assessment of Majors
{{If you use this form, delete this bracketed section prior to report submission…..
Please tabulate and summarize the empirical information for any separate rubrics. Calculate simple class means and percentages (e.g., “93%
rated a 4 or 5 on outcome #2”) for each reported outcome below. All raw data sheets should be dated and kept in the department’s
assessment file for future reference and comparison. Alter this form in any way that makes it more useful.
Please submit your report digitally by completing this form. Save it also in a department file for future reference. Each box can expand, so
do not feel constrained by the implied space, but brevity is valued. Feel free to alter this form to fit your needs. Following review with your
department (or school of music) chair, send this completed form (with your electronic signatures) as an attachment to Daryl Stevenson.
Contact Daryl with questions or for assistance. (Note: If you have, say, nine learning outcomes, your program could plan to do three each
year in a three year cycle. Include briefly how your program is assessing each outcome and how often.)}}
Report writer/submitter:
Chair e-signature:
Academic Year of Report:__2009-10 __2010-11
Area Associate Dean e-signature:
Today’s Date:
1. Student learning outcomes. What student learning outcomes are you assessing this year and by what method/measures? List
below. (For ease, if it is more convenient, you could cut and paste a list of your outcomes, or any major rubric you use to assess the
outcomes, at the end of this same document, rather than as a separate document.)
These outcomes, expressed in observable measurable
form, were assessed this academic year:
a) What measures were used for each learning outcome? Describe what you did to
assess each outcome (e.g., specific rubrics developed for recitals, portfolios, or
capstone projects; Major Field Tests; New York State Teacher Certification
Exams; other standardized or home-gown measures)
b) Include the criteria for success that your department established for each
measure (e.g., “Our goal is to have 90% of seniors score a 4 or 5…”)
2. Findings or results. What are the results, conclusions, and discoveries of the planned activities listed above? Use narrative format
to share the empirical evidence/results of the rubrics and other assessments. If using capstone rubrics, one or two summary
paragraphs each should suffice for (a) aggregated students’ self evaluation rubric, (b) aggregated students’ evaluation of program
rubric, and (c) aggregated instructor’s assessment of each student (aggregated rubric data). In addition, what else did you learn from
other assessments you used? What conclusions can you draw from all this?
3. Use of results. Did or will the results lead to program changes, and if so, what? If not, describe the discussions why changes were
not needed. (It would be appropriate to attach departmental minutes or simply cite the date of meeting, who was present, and what
was decided.).
4. Dissemination of results, conclusions, and discoveries. How and with whom were the results shared, other than the IR&A office?
(Examples might be to place on your departmental web site; send a memo to rest of the department members or other department
chairs; send a copy to the Academic Dean’s Office.)