Download Student Conference Fund Application

The School of Humanities and Sciences encourages and supports students as they pursue knowledge and gain professional
experience in their chosen field. As part of that support, the Student Conference Fund was created to assist students, who
are presenting at conferences, with travel costs associated with conference attendance. The maximum award is $400.00
for regional and $750.00 for national and international conferences. Multiple conference applications for any individual
applicant may not be approved.
1. Student must be a major in the School of Humanities and Sciences.
2. Student must be presenting at the conference.
3. Student must be in good academic standing.
4. Requests for travel funding to regional conferences must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the conference
date. For travel to national and international conferences requests must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance.
Application Procedures and Checklist
A. Submit the following forms with your application:
Student Conference Fund Application
 Complete all sections – the form is a fillable Word document and it will expand as you type
 Save a copy, print it, sign it, and have your faculty sponsor review and sign it before submitting it to the
H&S Dean’s Office
Travel Authorization Form
 Complete the form – if you have questions, please email
 Print the form and sign under “Signature of Traveler”
 Include this form with your application
o Students traveling as a group should submit a single travel authorization form when all travelers
are traveling together (i.e., all travelers departing from Ithaca College to a specific destination
and all travelers departing from a specific destination to return to Ithaca College).
o Students traveling as a group from multiple departure points to a specific destination and vice
versa should submit individual travel authorization forms.
NOTE: Please work with your faculty sponsor to complete the travel authorization form as it will
provide the most detailed information on costs associated with travel.
Medical Information Form
 Complete the form – if you have questions, please email
 Include this form with your application
Driver Information Form, if necessary
 Complete the form and follow the instructions provided by Risk Management
 Include a copy with your application
B. Faculty Sponsor Signature
Faculty Member Sponsoring Your Travel and/or Traveling with You
 Be sure to have your faculty sponsor review and sign your form prior to submitting it to the H&S Dean’s
C. Submit your completed application materials to the H&S Dean’s Office (Muller Faculty Center, rm. 201) by
the appropriate deadline.
 Regional conference applications must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the conference date
 National and international conference applications must be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance of the
conference date
Students traveling as a group (when expenses are shared – hotel rooms, taxis, et cetera) should submit all applications
together. This will help expedite the review and approval process for funding.
Questions about the application and process can be sent to
Students should submit applications on their own behalf. If multiple students are attending a conference they should work
with their faculty sponsor(s) to coordinate their applications and travel arrangements in order to economize their travel
and lodging plans. Funding for student meals is not provided.
All student applicants must have support from a faculty sponsor who is familiar with and supports their work. The faculty
sponsor and/or individual traveling with the student to the conference should be the faculty member who reviews and
signs this form prior to submitting it to the H&S Dean’s Office.
Applicant Information
Student Identification Number:
Major (minor(s), if applicable):
Expected Graduation Date:
Ithaca College Email:
Phone Number:
Are you in good academic standing?
Type of Application
Select the option that best represents your primary reason for attending the conference.
To present your own original work
To present work that you co-authored with other students and/or faculty
Performance of creative work
Conference Information
Name of Conference:
Location of Conference (city, state/country):
Date(s) of Conference:
Are other students from your department planning to attend the conference?
If yes, how many?
Please list names of the other students planning to attend the conference:
NOTE: Each student presenter will need to submit his or her own application for funding.
Please list the name of your faculty sponsor(s):
Is your faculty sponsor(s) planning to travel to the conference with you?
Budget Information
Complete the Travel Authorization Form and information below; provide whole dollar amounts only. The total cost to
attend the conference may exceed the maximum amount allowable or requested. In the comments section below indicate
which expenses you would like the Student Conference Fund to support and/or additional funding sources you may be
receiving/applying for.
Total Amount Requested (whole dollar amounts only):
Budget Comments, optional:
Additional Sources of Funding, optional
List sources and amounts applied for/awarded, including amounts contributed by you.
Pending (check one)
Pending (check one)
Pending (check one)
Pending (check one)
Presentation and Participation Information
In the box below list the titles of the works you will be presenting. You will need to include the paper/poster title and joint
authors, if appropriate.
Additionally, you will need to include a statement that addresses your learning outcomes or goals related to your
conference attendance. Be sure to include how your research and attendance at the conference is integrated with course
goals, the goals of your academic program, and/or your personal/professional goals. To help facilitate your discussion of
learning outcomes/goals, please use the prompts from the list below to help you formulate your statement.
 Integration of theory/academic content and practice into projects that extend beyond the classroom; includes such
projects as conducting scientific/independent research, or producing/performing in plays and concerts.
 Enhanced understanding of academic content in a course or program by engaging directly with the subject of
 Development of professional skills and/or understanding of careers and requirements; including skill-building
activities such as organizing events or engaging in research, networking opportunities, and participation in field
trips/workshops/lectures with practitioners.
Titles of works being presented and authors:
Your Statement:
Student Signature
I have read the Student Conference Fund Application and included instructions. I have completed the application and all
required paperwork to the best of my abilities. I understand funding is not guaranteed and I will receive a response about
funding within 7 business days.
Student Signature _____________________________________________
Date ____________
Faculty Sponsor Review and Signature
I have reviewed this Student Conference Fund Application and support the named student for conference funding.
Faculty Sponsor Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________
Will you be attending the conference with the student?
If yes, will you be applying for faculty travel support (up to $1000.00) to attend the conference?
The faculty travel application is available at