Library response to Library Survey (Word, 389kb)

Suggestions – and initial responses:
The following are the Library’s initial responses to the survey findings, the
issues raised, and the suggested actions.
Extend the student training and development programme to include
more themed training sessions (e.g. accessing journals, off-campus
access, referencing)
Organise library tours and orientation at intervals throughout the
The Library’s User Education Team will review this suggestion. You may also
wish to review the Library’s website under Support & Training where you
can take another look at the PowerPoint presentations related to the
orientation and induction sessions. You will also see the section on
referencing. In addition, you can ask your lecturer to speak with the Subject
Librarian for your course for more in-class sessions.
Check also the Using the Library section to get more information about offcampus access.
We are currently updating our podcast and will look at the creation of further
themed sections for our website to supplement our programme of training and
Develop a staff training programme to raise awareness of the needs
of readers with disabilities
The Library hopes to extend to our staff the opportunity for further training
especially related to those readers who have special needs. The Inclusion
Development Officer will be working on this as part of Trinity Inclusive Library
Continue to use a combination of print and electronic resources to
cater for diverse student needs. Consider discipline specific
requirements when acquiring resources
The Library works closely with our academic colleagues, in the various
schools and disciplines, to provide the resources needed by our readers for
their academic pursuits. These are a combination of print and electronic,
although we endeavour to collect electronic as a principle as these materials
are by nature more accessible. We will continue to endeavour to acquire the
resources that fit the specific needs and requirements of our readers.
Seek to raise awareness amongst staff of the importance of
informing the library of key texts in good time.
The Library endeavours to provide the key reading list texts for students in a
timely fashion. This can only be facilitated by the timely receipt of reading lists
in the summer months, so that texts can be acquired, catalogued and
processed in time for the new academic term. We are hoping that the new set
of reading list guidelines, which is located on the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum
website, will trigger academics to send their lists to the Library. In addition, a
podcast is to be created highlighting this need. It is intended that the
guidelines and podcast will be linked from the library website.
Review opening hours, particularly on weekends and coming up to
Although this is a resource issue, the Library has endeavoured to maximise
services to students with its limited resources, by creation and extension of
the following:
(i) 24 hour reading room has been opened and seating increased
(ii) Book drop bins have been installed in the Hamilton Library and we
hope to install some at the Berkeley Library
(iii) We have increased the number of e-books and electronic resources
so that these are accessible off campus
(iv) We have extended Sunday opening over the period of the SCHOLS
and in Hilary & Trinity terms
(v) We opened on the Bank Monday holiday to facilitate our students as
they studied for final examinations
Work to enhance the comfort of the library complexes as study
o Increase the amount and clarity of signposting,
o Purchase some ergonomic furniture, and consider ergonomics in
any future purchases,
o Ensure library buildings are at a comfortable temperature,
particularly the BLU complex.
o Seek to enhance lighting in library buildings.
o Seek to enhance noise insulation, particularly upstairs in the
Lecky, beside the Arts concourse.
During this past year we have endeavoured to improve our environment to
make it more comfortable for our 21st century readers. This has included:
(i) Review of signposting in the BLU to comply with Irish Language
regulations, we will revisit the signage in relation to special needs
(ii) We refurbished the ATIC space in the Ussher Library to increase the
workstations and improve the services
(iii) We installed the Berkeley Library group study spaces which are
accessible and ergonomic
(iv) We are in contact with the Buildings Office to ensure that temperatures
are monitored, although the size of the BLU complex and the needs
of our many readers make this an ongoing issue
(v) We have installed new lighting in the Berkeley Library & in the Lecky
Library and are reviewing the areas for further enhancements
(vi) We will review the upper level of the Lecky to see what can be done
related to fall-over noise from the Arts Complex
We have refurbished the Hamilton Library to create a better study
environment for our readers
Seek strategies for better enforcing noise regulations, particularly in
the Lecky.
Overall, it is obvious that our ongoing programme of invigilation is not
adequate to reducing the noise (e.g. mobile phones) making the study
environment below minimum expectations. I also believe that the Lecky’s
proximity to the Arts Block does not help with noise levels. The Library will
take another look at how we can alleviate these concerns.
Consider the possibility of extending group work facilities,
o Add instructional sheets on booking group facilities to the library.
Plans are in hand to create an additional informal group study areas in the
Orientation Space of the BLU Libraries complex. The Library was successful
in its application to the Trinity Alumni Fund for money to create this space
during the summer 2011.
The suggestion to add more instructional sheets on booking the group study
facilities will be followed up.
Consider the possibility of enhancing access to power for laptops in
the Berkeley and Lecky libraries,
As part of the minor works fund, the Director of Buildings Office, have been
continuing the work of increasing the number of power sockets in libraries.
This project saw the increase of sockets in the Berkeley Library this year. We
will continue to seek the increase of access to sockets throughout the
Berkeley and Lecky libraries. NOTE: we increased the number of sockets in
the Hamilton Library during its refurbishment last summer.
Consider the possibility of enhancing access to the internet in the
Berkeley and Lecky libraries.
The Library, in collaboration with IS Services, has installed wireless internet
in most of the BLU complex. Students need to get an IP address for their
laptops from IS Services to access the wireless internet within the library. If
there are ‘black spots’ within the BLU complex please let us know.
Clarify the role of the subject librarian for students.
All students meet their subject librarian at the start of their studies at
Orientation. To find out whom your subject librarian is please look at the
library website under Subject Guides. Click on to your subject and you will
see the name of your subject librarian and their email address and phone
number on the top left hand side of the page. In addition, the subject guide
page provides you lots of useful information about the library resources that
are available to you. Your subject librarian can assist you via email or phone
with your informational needs.
The Library’s Disability Services Oversight Committee is considering
other aspects of the survey and will be examining solutions.