Library Survey Summary Report (Word, 430kb)

Report on the Student Experiences of the Library Survey:
Executive Summary
Michelle Garvey
Inclusive Curriculum Development Officer
Trinity College Dublin
May 2011
This document is available upon request from
The full report is available upon request from
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Report on the Student Experiences of the Library Survey
Executive report .................................................................................................... 3
Key Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 3
Suggestions .......................................................................................................... 7
Appendix 1 - Survey ............................................................................................ 9
Appendix 2 - Sample responses to open questions .......................................... 15
Executive report
In February 2011 a survey was conducted by the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum
Strategy (TIC) to allow students registered with the Disability Service, the Mature
Students’ Office and the Trinity Access Programmes (TAP) to give feedback on
their experience of the Trinity College Dublin Library. 344 students completed this
survey. The aim of the survey was to gather student feedback on:
o satisfaction with library facilities and services,
o perceptions of current good practice, and current barriers in the library,
o levels of confidence in their research skills, and ability to find and use
o specific areas of difficulty, if applicable, pertaining to students within the
three cohorts (i.e. TAP, Disability Service, and Mature students),
To enhance inclusivity by identifying and disseminating good practice, and
identifying areas for improvement.
This report will outline the key findings and recommendations.
Key Outcomes
Using the library - overview
The majority of students felt the library understood their needs. John Stearne users
were most likely to disagree (28%). Differing staff attitudes was noted with many
students describing how they seek out staff that have proven to be helpful or
understanding in the past and try to deal with them, avoiding staff they view as
unapproachable or unhelpful.
Limited opening hours, particularly on weekends was also cited as a source of
Library Information
Respondents display varied preferences and needs regarding library information,
with some preferring print materials and others preferring electronic. The diversity
of responses regarding information suggested that there is no one size fits all
approach to information provision in the library.
Students reported generally high satisfaction levels with the materials available on
the library website, and the navigation of that website. However, difficulties were
reported when accessing resources off-campus. The most common difficulties
reported by respondents in open ended responses were:
accessing key texts,
accessing journals from the library.
off-campus access.
Library Skills
Most respondents reported confidence with finding print materials, and using the
library catalogue with higher levels of difficulty finding journal articles.
Many users of the John Stearne library reported a lack of confidence with
referencing (28%)
Library Environment
28% of respondents felt the library space was unsuitable for their study needs.
There were differences in the perceptions of users from different library buildings.
41% of John Stearne users reported that the library space was unsuitable for their
needs (with insufficient signposting and uncomfortable furniture causing
difficulties), while 87% of users of the Hamilton found the layout easy to navigate.
The most frequent difficulties reported regarding the physical environment were:
Temperature. Many found the library too cold to study comfortably in. The
Berkeley and Ussher Basement were particularly cold.
Uncomfortable furniture, particularly seating. A number of students
requested height adjustable chairs with better back support.
Insufficient lighting, particularly in the BLU complex.
Library Facilities
Group work Facilities
Just over a third of respondents use group work facilities (just over two thirds of
John Stearne users). There were many positive comments on these facilities with
the only negative being that they are in high demand so more facilities would be
useful. Some students reported being unaware of the facilities, or how to book
IT Facilities
Overall 56% of people use their laptops in the library with mature students least
likely to use them (46%). Internet access was a largest factor in the decision of
whether to bring the laptop into College. Trouble accessing the College network
was the most common reason for leaving lap tops at home.
Many respondents reported difficulties finding power sockets for laptops, and this
led many to leave their laptops at home. There was great variation between users
of different libraries, with the majority satisfied in the John Stearne and Hamilton,
but high dissatisfaction in the Lecky and Berkeley (57% and 59% respectively).
Berkeley users least satisfied with access to the internet (48% satisfied).
Library Training and Support
Orientation events
70.2% of students attended library training / orientation. Information sought at
training included materials sourcing and database use, physical layout and
Endnote usage.
Student feedback on training was generally positive. Students were asked for
suggestions on how to enhance training sessions. The most popular suggestion
was to offer training at various points throughout the year as students are unlikely
to retain all the information at the beginning of the year.
Subject Librarians
Only 31% of students know who their subject librarian/s is. Hamilton users are
least likely to have this information at 16%. Many respondents said they had never
heard of subject librarians at all. Of those who did know their subject librarians,
there are indications that they came from a limited number of discipline areas.
Students Registered with the Disability Service
132 respondents were registered with the Disability Service. Students were asked
how having a disability affected their experience of using the library. 43% felt it
could sometimes have a negative impact (67% of John Sterne users).
Students reported that the availability of the ATIC reading space and special
borrowing privileges were of great benefit. Reported difficulties arising from
disabilities were varied, and included:
Finding study more time consuming
Being easily distracted by noise
Mobility difficulties
Mature Students
150 respondents were mature students. Students were asked how being a mature
student affected their experience of using the library. 30% felt it could sometimes
have a negative impact. Several students on second degrees reported that their
experience of using university libraries has made their experience easier on this
Difficulties reported by mature students included:
Less patience with socialising in the library
Difficulties using electronic resources
More reliance on library opening hours
TAP Students
97 respondents were mature students. Students were asked how being a TAP
student affected their experience of using the library. 15% felt it could sometimes
have a negative impact.
In open ended questions most students strongly rejected that their status affected
their use of the library. However, some noted that a lack of prior computing
experience, or experience with academic libraries made it more difficult to use the
library, while one student noted that s/he had to rely on the library to a greater
extent than peers as s/he could not afford to buy the books.
Extend the student training and development programme to include more
themed training sessions (e.g. accessing journals, off-campus access,
Organise library tours and orientation at intervals throughout the year
Develop a staff training programme to raise awareness of the needs of readers
with disabilities,
Continue to use a combination of print and electronic resources to cater for
diverse student needs. Consider discipline specific requirements when
acquiring resources,
Seek to raise awareness amongst staff of the importance of informing the
library of key texts in good time.
Review opening hours, particularly on weekends and coming up to exams.
Work to enhance the comfort of the library complexes as study spaces:
o Increase the amount and clarity of signposting,
o Purchase some ergonomic furniture, and consider ergonomics in any future
o Ensure library buildings are at a comfortable temperature, particularly the
BLU complex.
o Seek to enhance lighting in library buildings.
o Seek to enhance noise insulation, particularly upstairs in the Lecky, beside
the Arts concourse.
Seek strategies for better enforcing noise regulations, particularly in the Lecky.
Consider the possibility of extending group work facilities,
o Add instructional sheets on booking group facilities to the library.
Consider the possibility of enhancing access to power for laptops in the
Berkeley and Lecky libraries,
Consider the possibility of enhancing access to the internet in the Berkeley and
Lecky libraries.
Clarify the role of the subject librarian.
Appendix 1 - Survey
Original format of the survey is available from
Navigating the library
Please rate the following statements:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
I have confidence in my
ability to use the library
When I have queries, the
library responds quickly and
I feel the library
understands my needs.
Would you like to comment further?
Please rate the following statements:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
The library website is easy
to navigate
The library website contains
the information I need to use
the library effectively.
The texts and resources on
my reading list are available
in the library.
Would you like to comment further?
Library Skills
Please rate the following statements:
I am confident in my ability to:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
Find resources using the
Dewey Decimal System
Reference in assignments
Use the library catalogue
Find journal articles
Would you like to comment further?
Please rate the following statement:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
The study spaces are
suitable to my study needs
(i.e. lighting, noise, space, no
visual distractions)
The physical layout of the
library is easy to navigate
There is sufficient signposting
throughout the library
The furniture in the library is
suitable and comfortable
when studying.
Would you like to comment further?
Group work
Do you use the library group work facilities?
Yes ___ No ___
Why / Why not?
Would you like to comment further?
Do you use your laptop in the library?
Yes ___ No ___
Why / Why not?
If you answered yes: Please rate the following statement:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
There are sufficient internet
connections in the library
There are sufficient power
points were I can plug in my
Would you like to comment further?
Library Training
Did you attend any library training / orientation events?
Yes ___ No ___
Why / Why not?
If you answered yes: Please rate the following statement:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
Library training / orientation
has helped me use the
library more effectively
Do you have any suggestions for improving library training / orientation?
Subject librarian:
Do you know who your subject librarian(s) is?
Yes ___ No ___
About You:
Are you
Disabled? ___
TAP student? ___
Mature Student?
Do you think being a ____ student affects your experience of using the library?
Yes, positively _____ Yes, Negatively ___ Yes, Sometimes negatively,
sometimes positively ___ No ___
Would you like to comment further?
At what level are you studying?
JF / 1st year ___ SF / 2nd year ___ JS / 3rd year ___ SS / 4th year ___ 5th year
of higher ___
Postgrad ___
What faculty are you studying in?
AHSS ___
FEMS ____ HS ____
Other / don’t know ____
Do you use:
Daily At least once a
At least once a
1937 Reading
John Stearne
Other (specify)
Please rate the following statement:
Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
I am satisfied with my
overall library experience
Do you have suggestions for enhancing your library experience?
Appendix 2 - Sample responses to open questions
Disability Related comments
Special Borrowing Privileges
1. I am very grateful for the concessions on non-lend books, I've found it very
helpful this year.
2. I can take books from stacks and non-lending books home with me. This is
an enormous help.
3. Positive: i have extended loan periods on books and it has been a huge
The availability of the ATIC room in the Ussher library has increased the
efficiency and enjoyability of my studying enormously. If I did not have this
relatively quiet place to study, I would find the rest of the library far too
crowded and noisy.
2. The attic room in the Hamilton library is very difficult to study in as it isn't
very well sound-proofed and you can hear everything that is going on in the
hallways from the room, this is highly distracting and distressing when trying
to get work done. Also there are only two computers in the attic room in the
Hamilton it is often hard to get on one.
3. The A.T.I.C. Section is great as it is usually quieter and there are P.C.s with
special programmes on them
Suggestions to improve ATIC
1. The old layout of the Atic area was better. There was more space. Where
the seats are now people are always looking down when walking by on the
floor above which is a bit distracting.
2. A fan would be welcome in the A.T.I.C. section of the library as it gets
extremely hot in mild weather
Difficulties of Students with Disabilities
1. I am easily distracted and get cold quickly so I don't spend much time in the
2. I find the library uncomfortable; I have a bad back and find there is not
enough under back support.
3. I find it hard to read the reference numbers on books so it takes longer for
Disability Other:
1. however I wish there was a room where i could study by reading aloud etc
as my disability means that lots of writing is an ineffective learning tool and I
have lots to learn in my course.
2. In addition to the Disabled Students computer room it would be good if there
were specialised study desks reserved for dyslexic students. With the ability
to change the lighting to suit the needs of the student
Mature student related comments
1. I have attended university prior to attending Trinity and I am therefore used
to a standard of library services which Trinity fail to meet in several areas.
2. I feel because I am older, I am more likely to approach people talking and
distracting other library users. But I also feel like I am doing the job of the
library staff in constantly having to remind people that the library is for work
and study, not recreation and chatting.
3. Being more mature you have less concerns about asking questions of
librarians or staff regarding finding your way around the library.
1. I am embarrassed if I have to ask for directions too frequently.
2. I am tired of staff asking me when I ask for a book, am I a student here
3. think younger students may be more adept at browsing, search skills for
Higher Expectations
1. I have attended university prior to attending Trinity and I am therefore used
to a standard of library services which Trinity fail to meet in several areas.
2. Tend to use the library more than in my first degree, but also have higher
expectations of the facilities and the staff, and would prefer more quiet
areas in the library.
3. I use it more often because I am a mature student. I'm not here to mess
about; I'm here to get a good degree.
Positive feedback
1. It’s an excellent well stocked library,
2. Stacks service is great
3. Overall very good facilities & staff, I especially love the research area in
1. Please put a 24 hour drop box, or even one you can use when the counter
is blockaded in the BLU.
2. Should be a facility to fill a water bottle within the BLU library complex,
rather than have to go to the Arts Block. And also for the 24 hour area.
3. Would be great if there was a toilet on the same floor as the library
Group work – Positive comments
1. it is convenient for meeting as a group.
2. Very helpful to have a quiet, neutral environment to do group work. A
superb facility.
3. As it is private and we can study there with ease. Also as I am a Deaf
Studies student sometimes we need to practice our sign language so the
privacy is good as other students tend to stare if in the open plan area
Group work – suggestions
1. The only downside is the lack of power points to plug in computers.
2. Perhaps it would be better if there were more digital resources in the group
study area such as AV units and more interactive TVs
Reasons for not using group facilities:
1. I am a night time student and most of my group work is done via online
2. I didn’t know about them
3. don’t know how to book them
Navigating the library
Staff comments
1. service provision depends on the member of staff one is dealing with; some
are knowledgeable and helpful whereas other are indifferent to the needs of
2. They are majorly UNDER staffed! But they do their best with what they have
to offer. They do however need more staff.
3. Often looking for articles that are not necessarily available so most
librarians just say you have to do without However one evening when
the library was not busy a librarian showed me how to source difficult
material and it was an eye-opener. Wish there was more of that
Borrowing Rights
1. As a nighttimes student the fact that certain books can only be used in the
library makes it difficult if not next to impossible to avail of them. I work all
2. New fines are ridiculous!! Over Christmas with the snow I couldn't get up to
library and ended up with an huge bill
3. I recently registered with the Disability Service and the borrowing privileges
that I have been an enormous help to me.
Opening Hours
1. more library hours over xmas period for schols study
2. The weekend opening hours need to be reviewed. In particular coming up to
exams. I am in a course that has exams at Christmas. These can be worth
50% of the annual mark. Although the college calendar states that libraries
will be open for the 10 weeks prior to exams, it does not do this for those
courses coming up to Christmas. I understand there are funding issues, but
one of the three main libraries should be able to be opened. E.g the
Hamilton as it appears that it is the science and health science courses that
tend to have the Christmas exams.
3. The library doesn't understand my needs! As a student who has to work
through college the opening hours are a disgrace! When I finish lectures
and work the library is shut so we are left with only a reading space with no
access to reading material!! Longer opening hours needed!!!
Navigating the library
1. It took me several weeks to get a book that was stuck in cataloguing. It had
been reported as being on the shelf in the Hamilton library.
2. I am now in my final year and I find my way around the library well at this
stage, however I found it difficult to navigate my way around in the earlier
years of study, for e.g. I am an OT student and some of the OT books are
not necessarily in the OT section.
3. I can hardly ever find the books that I want, find it helpful to order from
stacks that way I can pick it up at the counter instead of spending ages
looking on shelf
Library Information
Lack of printed materials
1. It is often difficult to get certain books when a lot of other people want the
same material.
2. Some of the recommended reading that I've been given I have been unable
to get access as there is only 1 copy that many students are trying to
3. There is a major problem with accessing core material for several modules,
there doesn’t seem to be enough books to meet demand at times when
essays are due etc
Off campus access
1. I find it can be hit and miss as to whether I will be allowed to access
electronic resources when I am using my off-campus computer.
2. I very often have been unable to access electronic library services off
campus, unfortunately at crucial times in the finalizing of projects and
papers, and has caused me some severe problems, as it has been quite a
few times.
3. Also, occasionally external databases cannot be accessed off-campus. An
ongoing test would be useful.
Difficulties accessing journals
1. Find Jstore difficult to navigate. Have great difficulty accessing papers that I
2. Feel that not sufficient training is available on use of electronic media,
databases and journal and article searching
3. Sometimes it's very difficult to find particular journals and I get lost and
confused with where I'm looking or should look on the website.
Library Catalogue
1. The search on the stella catalogue brings back less results than the 'library
search' - If that's the way it's meant to work, the difference needs to be more
clearly explained
2. The online library catalogues are not user friendly. The title of the book you
are searching for often needs to be in the correct case (upper or lower) or
the search will not return the title. This happens with both of the catalogue
search engines.
3. Web database can be hard to navigate. Keyword search not installed or not
Spelling / format difficulties
1. I only prefer electronic resources because they are to hand. I find it difficult
cause of spelling but at least I can get there where as hard copies are not
as easy to get for me
2. There should be predictive text when entering info in search fields, making it
more efficient when searching for titles, etc.
3. The catalogue will not recognise spelling that is slightly wrong. I find this
very difficult. The numbering system is difficult,
Ordering from Santry /Stacks
1. ordering books from off site can lose you valuable days when you are trying
to get essays done, and this is when you order well in advance of your
2. There are certain journals which are not available online or in the library and
have to be ordered with a slip from Santry which is far more time consuming
than the online stacks request system for books.
3. Too many relevant books kept in stacks. Not enough copies of specific
course-recommended books. Something maybe the lecturers or the library
staff should address, not sure who should be responsible.
Laptop use
Reasons for not using laptops:
1. Don’t want to carry it in and out to college
2. Don’t have one, can’t afford it.
3. I just don't bring my laptop into the University at all for fear of me breaking it
or it being robbed!
Reasons for using laptops
1. Instant access to catalogue; can research and start essays at the same
2. I use it to read electronic resources and for the internet because I find the
computer screens in the library too far away to be of use and the font/screen
size is too small for me to read comfortably
3. everyday as I have my books on my laptop and a program to read them to
me because I am dyslexic
Plugs and sockets
1. If I have my lap top with me I can never seem to find a plug that works to
recharge my laptop if I need to.
2. I have noticed this year in the Hamilton library that not all the power points
work. I don’t think it’s my laptop that is the problem because I have heard
others mention this too
3. The Lecky in particular could do with further wiring, so that there are plugs
available for laptops at each desk. Also, on the first floor of the Ussher, the
24hour study space, when it is busy it is regrettable that there are no plugs
at the desks facing the window onto the cricket pitch.
1. The internet connection is usually fine.
2. I don't use the internet connections - I use the college Wifi. And Eduroam
should be freely available to Trinity Students and Staff. For some reason
ISS has blocked access to it.
3. Laptops and internet access are now vital to study but treated as an
additional luxury.
Physical Environment
1. the library is always cold, it is freezing in Usher basement,
2. the upper floor in the Berkeley is very cold
3. It is FREEZING!!!! We have to sit down to study, therefore we freeze! I know
the radiators have been on for the winter but the air con belts down really
cold air on you. You sit there wearing your hat, gloves, scarf, coat, hoody!
It’s not on really!
1. There are no personal study spaces for undergraduates,
2. study space, although I understand this would be difficult to achieve
3. the library might benefit from additional study space as over-crowding can
be an issue during certain periods.
1. One space that is not quiet is downstairs beside the stairs leading in from
the Arts building. Everyone coming down the stairs forgets where they are
temporarily. Not a good place to sit.
2. It is too much noise within the library. particularly in the Lecky, where it is
like a herd of elephants are trampling through after coming down the stairs.
Might be better if cubicles were set up to reduce noise.
3. the usual study areas are usually too noisy for my needs. They are too
crowded. There too many students in each of the areas in the Ussher library
for example. Students with laptops and/or MP3 players make far too much
noise. This noise can be either the result of typing noisily or listening to
music or watching videos with headphones.
1. the lighting in the BLU library is very bad, particularly in the evenings.
2. Also, I find the lighting in the 24 hour study space poor. The extra desks
added along the windows need lighting also.
3. The lighting replacements at reading desks need to be checked more
regular to see if they work
1. The chairs are also quite uncomfortable and my back gets quite sore after
periods of time as you cannot adjust the chair height to suit your needs.
2. The tables and chairs should be height adjustable as to facilitate different
people. There are also not ergonomically correct and promote bad posture.
3. lots of the chairs are very low down and i can’t sit properly at them. (I'm
average height)
Subject librarian feedback
1. Subject librarian Greg, very helpful and assisting. Goes above and beyond
his job in my experience.
2. He has been very helpful on the one occasion I have had to see him
3. David Mockler. He ran the training session, which was very good and he
was very approachable
Never heard of subject librarians
1. i never knew that there was one
2. subject librarian?
3. I didn't know there was such a thing
A full listing of response is available on request from