Comments:____________________ ____________

Academic Plan 2015-2017
RN to BSN Program
(Required Hours: 120)
Name of Associate Degree or Diploma Nursing Program
Banner ID
____________ Name of Institution ____________
ARTS and SCIENCES COURSES (55 credit hours)
Communication (6 credits)
Any English 1900 or above*, Literature, Technical Writing,
Speech or Communication, or Interpersonal Relations course
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
*Strongly recommend Eng 1900; Eng 1500 for pre-req course.
NURSING COURSES (65 credit hours)
Credit by Examination
NURS 3377 Essentials of Therapeutic Nutrition (3)
☐Transfer Credit ____ ____ ____
☐Exam Passed
Date:____ Initials: ____
Managing Information (3 credits)
Any Informatics, Computer Technology, Computer Science or
Computer Information Systems course
NURS 3807 Conceptual Framework
NURS 3207 Hlth Assess. for RNs
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
NURS 4147 Research & Evid-Based
NURS 3447 Public Health Nursing
NURS 4107 Leadership & Managem.
NURS 3457 Community Project
(prereq or coreq NURS 3447)
NURS 3107 Hlth Policy, Fin. & Reg.
NURS 48XX Elective
Values (3 credits)
Any Ethics or Bio- or Medical-Ethics course
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits)
Any Psychology, Social Science, History, Public Policy,
Government, Anthropology, Education, Organizational Studies,
Economics, Social Work or Growth and Development course
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Humanities and Fine/Performing Arts (6 credits)
THEO 1000 Theo. Foundation (3) (Or transfer Any Theo 1000 or
above) (prereq. ENGL 1500)
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Plus any Theology, Religion, Fine or Performing Arts, Philosophy,
Foreign Language, Diversity or Women’s Studies course
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Mathematics (3 credits)**
Any College Algebra (no Intermediate or basic/elementary),
Mathematics, or Data Analysis/Statistics level 1000 or above
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Life and Physical Sciences (6 credits)
Any Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology,
Astronomy, Microbiology or other life/ physical science 1000 level
or above
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
Other Arts and Sciences from any Category**
(22 credits)
_________________ _____ _____ _____
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_________________ _____ _____ _____
_________________ _____ _____ _____
** Many masters’ programs look for a statistics course so students
should consider taking one if future education is a goal
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1. No transfer course is accepted for articulation if the student received a letter grade
below “C”.
2. No grade of P (passing) is accepted on transfer courses.
3. CLEP courses may be accepted for course credit per SLU policy.
4. Total credit hours must equal 120 or higher.
5. The final 30 consecutive hours must be completed at SLU.
6. Students may not transfer to the School of Nursing with a cumulative grade point
average (all transcripts) of less than 2.50.
7.*RN’s who do not meet the GPA requirement at the time of SPS admission must take
a minimum of six credit hours at SPS and earn a grade of C or better in all SPS
courses in order to be eligible for transfer/admission to the School of Nursing.
8. *RN’s who meet the GPA requirement and have completed all required Arts and
Science courses (including elective credits) may transfer to the School of Nursing
and take nursing electives as needed to fulfill the last 30 consecutive hours at SLU
9. Students are subject to dismissal from the School of Nursing for academic or
professional reasons including being placed on academic or clinical probation for a
second time, and “failing” two or more courses during the course of study. See the
BSN Student Handbook on the School of Nursing website for details.
10.Please note that upon transfer to the SON, students will need to complete a criminal
background check and HIPAA and blood-bourne pathogen training. Also, students
will need to submit a copy of current CPR certification, influenza vaccination, TB
testing and other information prior to starting the community project course. For the
community project course, students complete a project with a preceptor in their
Credit by Examination (U.S. Licensure; Passed NCLEX)
☐U.S. Nursing licensure verified (38)
____ Initials (SPS) ____ Date
____ Initials (SON) ____ Date
Credit Hours
NURS 1400 Introduction to Nursing
NURS 2500 Clinical Concepts in Nursing Practice
NURS 2510 Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
NURS 2520 Foundation for Nursing Care
NURS 3480 Nursing Care of Childbearing Family
NURS 3490 Nursing Care of Childrearing Family
NURS 3460 Nursing Care of the Adult
NURS 3470 Nursing Care of the Older Adult
NURS 3435 Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing
NURS 4150 Integrative Seminar on Issues in Nursing Practice
NURS 4300 Complex Multi-System Nursing Theory
NURS 4350 Complex Multi-System Nursing Practicum
Total Credit Hours by Exam
Version: 12/16/15