Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, 2007 OFFICIAL JUDGING SCORECARD Team Name:_______________________________________ Team Number: ______________ 1. Effectiveness of the Machine Possible Pts. a. Machine Performed this Task 40 pts. Earned/Lost Pts. _______ b. Human Intervention Required _______ (Ten points deducted for each human intervention required during a successful run) c. Fifteen Minute Rule Violated _______ (Team disqualified if it does not have successful machine run in the allotted 15 minutes) (yes/no) Effectiveness Subtotal _______ 2. Complexity of the Machine a. Initial Criteria: Machine must have at least five steps to meet the complexity criteria threshold. _______ (Team disqualified if the machine does not have at least five steps) (yes/no) b. For additional steps beyond this threshold, five points will be awarded for each additional step. _______ Complexity Subtotal _______ c. In the case of machines that possess the same number of steps beyond the threshold minimum, the complexity grade will be used to discriminate between degrees of complexity by the Judge Arbiter. The rating of A is awarded to the most complex machine and a rating of D is awarded to the least complex machine for machines with the same number of steps beyond the minimum complexity threshold. . Complexity Grade A B C (circle one) D Team Name:_______________________________________ Team Number: _____________ 3. Creativity of the Machine a. Team Demonstrated Creative Thought in their Design up to 15 pts. _______ b. Team was Creative in Use/Modification of Materials up to 15 pts. _______ Creativity Subtotal _______ 4. Teamwork and Presentation to the Judges a. Performance of the Team Captain up to 5 pts. _______ b. Involvement of all Team Members up to 5 pts. _______ c. Team Explained the Machine Clearly and Completely up to 10 pts. _______ d. Quality of Planning prior to Contest up to 10 pts. _______ (teams arriving later than 10:00am will lose 2 points) Presentation Subtotal TOTAL POINTS EARNED BY TEAM: Judge’s Comments (if any): Judge’s Name __________________________ Judge’s Signature ____________________________ _______ _______ Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, 2007 Master Judging Summary (Tally Judging Team's Scorecards and Submit to Scorekeeper) Team Name: _______________________ Team Number:_______________________ Effectiveness Complexity/Rating Creativity Presentation Total Judge 1 _________________________________________________________________________________ Judge 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, 2007 Overall Team Standings (Use to Announce Winners) Effectiveness Complexity/Rating Creativity Presentation Total Team 1: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 2: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 3: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 4: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 5: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 6: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 7: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 8: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 9: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 10: _________________________________________________________________________________ Rube Goldberg Machine Contest, 2007 Overall Team Standings (Use to Announce Winners) Effectiveness Complexity/Rating Creativity Presentation Total Team 11: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 12: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 13: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 14: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 15: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 16: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 17: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 18: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 19: _________________________________________________________________________________ Team 20: _________________________________________________________________________________ RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE CONTEST, 2007 Faculty Coach Certification TASK TO COMPLETE, 2007 Separate, complete, and submit the form below during registration. -----------------------------------------------------Faculty Coach Certification My team followed all instructions as prescribed in the Fay School MIT, GE and EMC2 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Guidelines. The role I played as Faculty Coach was executed according to the spirit of the job description as it was defined in the Guidelines. According to the Contest Guidelines, my team used no other materials than those provided by the Contest, and all materials provided have been returned to the Contest venue “in the exact condition in which we received them.” Team’s School ___________________________ Team’s Name _______________________ Faculty Coach Name ____________________________ Faculty Coach Signature ____________________________ Date ____________