Green Week 2014 Biodiversity Scavenger Hunt

Green Week 2014 Biodiversity Scavenger Hunt
Rules and suggestions for this challenge: Teams of 2-4 people. You can look up answers. Points will be awarded
for accuracy and creativity. Bring along a blank piece of paper for sketches and extra writing.
Return Forms by Thurs 20th Feb 3PM either by email or hard copy to Karin Dubsky and Erin
Bucci, Civil Engineering Museum Building, or to the Green Fair Coastwatch stand Tue 18th 11-3 Arts block (where
hard copies will also be available). Queries? Please call Karin on 086 8111 684 or Erin on 0873304446
Team Name:
Email or mobile number for at least one team member:
In and Around the Museum Building:
1. Grape vines decorate the stairs. One side has far more fruit than the other. Which side, with your
back to the entrance: Left or Right?
2. There is a ‘most exaggerated case of male secondary sexual traits in the animal kingdom’ (Malo et
al) on display in the Museum building. What is it? _______________________________________________
3. I am a squid and I am a “sibling” of a species in a Museum building hall glass case. My old sibling
existed in the Jurassic Period. Name the species:_____________________________________________
4. Write a short poem (Limericks welcome too) with the title of:
An Elk that is not an Elk. OR City Centre Creatures
5. Which bird found on the front of the museum building can no longer be found in the city center?
6. Of the many plant species found on the rosettes on the front of the Museum Building, holly can
only be found once. Please circle which position it is in:
a. 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9th left of Museum building entrance door
b. 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9th right of Museum building entrance door
7. The Museum Building is a combination of many stones – name 2 used to make the outer walls??
(Hint: Go on stone walk on Tuesday) _________________________________________________________________
Out and about the new front Square:
8. “A” on the map marks two oriental plane trees. How high is the taller of these? ____________m
9. What environmentally friendly liquid can be used to control moss on a concrete path?______________
10. Find and mark on the map a tree with several nests in it. (Put a 10 in circle)
11. Visit the statue of William Edward Hartpole Lecky. Unfortunately, he is dissolving.
a. What evidence is there on his pedestal?___________________________________________________
b. What is causing that?_______________________________________________________
12. The Campanile is a home to at least 3 different sessile organisms. Name two:
13. Give two reasons why there are no frogs on campus. _______________________________________________
14. “B” on the map marks a section of cobblestones. One of the stones has holes bored into it. Find it
and estimate its distance to the center path in meters.
Bonus: who bored the holes?
15. Where in TCD was this picture taken? _______________________________
It resembles a sea _____________________________ when the tide is out.
But what are the rings? ________________________________________________
16. Find an enterprising little weed, which has managed to survive in a forest of grass blades around
“C” on the map. Name it.
17. In the same grass area there is a lone tree. What is it? _________________________ Suggest a reason for
the size difference between it and its brother on the similar grass patch nearby.
18. “D” on the map marks a raised “hedgehog effect” put in place to _______________________________________
Bonus: what are the spikes made of? ___________________________________
The science end:
19. What birds nest on the roofs of campus? _________________________They can be seen drumming the
grass, especially outside the Arts block or College Park. Why?
20. There is a tree outside Physics (marked “E”) native to China and N. Burma, which can withstand
frost, but thrives in a warmer climate. Sketch or describe it so people would know which one it is.
Sadly this tree was taken by the storm! So Q 20 is omitted.
21. Find the medical garden. Name a plant here which could be used for medicinal purposes.
_________________________________________________________and a plant with aromatic smell used in cooking
from this area: ____________________________________