FACILITIES SERVICES STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: ORIENTATION: Position Description Certification Form IV. 41-0015 CERTIFICATION: Supervisor’s Certification: I certify that I am the immediate supervisor of this position, that I have provided a complete and accurate description of responsibilities and duties, and I have verified (and reconciled as needed) the position’s accuracy and completeness with the employee. Signature:__________________________Title:___________________________Date:_________ Employee's Certification: I certify that I have reviewed this position description and that it is a complete and accurate description of my responsibilities and duties. Signature:__________________________Title:___________________________Date:_________ Assistant Director Certification: I certify that this position description, completed by the above named immediate supervisor, is complete and accurate. Signature:__________________________ Date:_________ (Health Sciences Campus) Director of Facilities Certification: I certify that this is an authorized official position description of the subject position. Signature:__________________________ Date:_________ (Main Campus) Executive Director of Facilities Certification: I certify that this is an authorized official position description of the subject position. Signature:__________________________ Date:_________ Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Operations Certification: I certify that this is an authorized official position description of the subject position. Signature:__________________________ Date:_________ PREPARED BY: KWO/HRB APPROVED BY: WEB DATE OF ISSUE: 11/24/08 SUPERSEDES: PAGE: 1 of 1 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 11/24/08