CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS I. 100-0050 PURPOSE The purpose of this COSP is to identify responsibilities and requirements for parking lots and streets. II. RESPONSIBILITIES A. Parking Lots 1. Parking & Transportation Services has overall responsibility for parking lots. 2. For the purposes of this COSP, the following definitions apply: a. “improvements to parking lots” means establishing new parking lots and significant renovation/upgrade to existing parking lots b. “parking lot sidewalks” are sidewalks that exclusively support the operation of a parking lot(s) c. “parking lot markings” includes space lines, stop bars, and arrows or directional signs on the parking lot surface 3. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding for improvements to parking lots including surfaces (asphalt, concrete, and stone), curb and gutter, parking lot sidewalks, parking lot markings, signs, landscaping, lights, fencing and gates, etc. Facilities Services will perform (or contract) the improvements. 4. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding for ongoing maintenance of parking lot surfaces (asphalt, concrete, and stone), curb and gutter, parking lot sidewalks, parking lot markings, signs, etc. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for performing (or contracting) maintenance of parking lot markings and signs. Facilities Services will perform (or contract) the maintenance of parking lot surfaces (i.e.: resurface asphalt or concrete), curb and gutter, parking lot sidewalks, and parking lot markings for resurface projects only. Parking & Transportation Services will perform (or contract) maintenance requiring seal coating and associated parking lot markings as well as minor reshaping of stone surfaces as identified by Parking & Transportation Services. 5. Facilities Services is responsible for repairing damage caused by their own maintenance/repair activities. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 1 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS B. 6. Facilities Services is responsible for ongoing maintenance and funding of landscaping and lights. 7. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding and performing (or contracting) ongoing maintenance of fences and gates surrounding Motor Pool lot near Belk building. 8. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding and performing (or contracting) ongoing maintenance of fences and gates integral to the operation of a parking lot and corresponding sale of parking spaces with the following exceptions: a. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding for ongoing maintenance of the gate at the Freshman Lot on Dickinson Avenue. However, Facilities Services, Main Campus is responsible for performing (or contracting) ongoing maintenance of the gate at the Freshman Lot on Dickenson Avenue. The gate at the Freshman Lot on Dickinson Avenue operates with a 1 Card system. b. Facilities Services is responsible for providing (or obtaining) funding and performing (or contracting) ongoing maintenance of fences and gates required for security of Facilities Services operational areas, including Steam Plant – 14th Street, Grounds Services Main Campus area, and Facilities Services maintenance vehicle parking area near Facilities Service Center. Exterior lights (including parking lot lights) and light poles 1. C. 100-0050 See COSP 100-0051 titled Exterior Lights and Light Poles. Streets (including service drives/areas) 1. 2. For the purposes of this COSP, “streets” are dedicated passages that meet one of the following criteria: a. The primary function is supporting vehicular traffic from one surfaced passage to another b. The passage is named. c. The passage is used by maintenance/service vehicles to reach a building. Facilities Services has overall responsibility for streets. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 2 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS 100-0050 3. An entity creating the need for a new street or modification or repair to an existing street is responsible for funding such work. 4. Street Name Signs Street Name Signs are signs that indicate the name of the street. Facilities Services is responsible for all aspects of street name signs including procurement of sign, pole, mounting devices, etc. and installation. Material costs of street name signs including sign, pole, mounting devices, etc. and installation shall be charged against FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance is managed by the Assistant Director, Facilities Service Center. 5. Re-surfacing a street Facilities Services is responsible for the re-surfacing of street surfaces. A street re-surfacing project may include on-street parking surfaces, on-street parking markings, curbs and gutters, and/or traffic markings. Facilities Services is responsible for funding material costs of street re-surface projects including onstreet parking surfaces, on-street parking markings, curbs and gutters, and traffic markings unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. Material costs of street re-surface projects shall be charged against FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance is managed by the Assistant Director, Facilities Service Center. 6. On-going maintenance of street surfaces, curbs and gutters, and traffic markings Facilities Services is responsible for the on-going maintenance of street surfaces including on-street parking surfaces, curbs and gutters, and traffic markings. Facilities Services is responsible for funding material costs of ongoing maintenance of street surfaces including on-street parking surfaces, curbs and gutters, and traffic markings unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. Material costs of ongoing maintenance of street surfaces shall be charged against FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. FOAPA 111180 250414 1800 AF Street Maintenance is managed by the Assistant Director, Facilities Service Center. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 3 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS 7. 100-0050 On-going maintenance of on-street parking markings Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for on-going maintenance of on-street parking markings. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for funding on-going maintenance of on-street parking markings unless funded by another source – see II.C.3. 8. Parking Program Signs Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for parking program signs. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for funding signs that identify, explain, or describe the University’s parking program. Note that a general informational sign of “PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY” at the entrance to the campus is considered a general guide or informational traffic control sign. 9. Traffic Control Signs – regulatory and warning a. 10. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for identifying the need for regulatory and warning traffic control signs. Material costs of regulatory and warning traffic control signs shall be charged against FOAPA 111180 251113 1800 (FRS account 2-57904) AF Traffic Control Signs. FOAPA 111180 251113 1800 AF Traffic Control Signs is managed by the Assistant Director, Facilities Service Center. i. Regulatory traffic control signs generally include, but are not limited to, the following: “STOP,” “YIELD,” “DO NOT ENTER,” “NO THRU TRAFFIC,” “NO PARKING,” handicapped parking sign, speed limit signs ii. Warning traffic control signs generally include, but are not limited to, the following: “NO PASSING,” “RIGHT TURN” Traffic Control Signs – general guide or informational signs a. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for general guide or informational traffic control signs on traffic control sign posts. Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for funding general guide or informational traffic control signs on traffic control sign posts. DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 4 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS i. III. 100-0050 General guide or informational signs on traffic control sign posts generally include, but are not limited to, the following: “PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY” and “WELCOME” 11. The Assistant Director, Grounds Services shall maintain a map generally depicting the physical areas of responsibility. It shall be reviewed by the Director, Parking & Transportation Services. 12. Funding for some areas may come from Auxiliaries. It is Facilities Services’ and Parking & Transportation Services’ responsibility to obtain those funds for their areas of responsibility. REQUIREMENTS All traffic markings and signs will be in accordance with MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) standards. Traffic markings shall be thermoplastic. IV. RELATED STANDARD PRACTICES Refer to FSSP 34-0001, Campus Signs, University Policy. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 5 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: STREETS AND PARKING LOTS 100-0050 FSSP 32-2001, Responsibilities & Requirements for Streets and Parking Lots PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 12/14/06 PAGE: 6 of 6 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03