CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE CAMPUS OPERATIONS AWARD for EXCELLENCE Nomination Form INSTRUCTION NUMBER: 100-0068.1 Nominee Information Nominee name: Nominee department/office: Nominee campus address: Nominee phone: Nominee email address: Nominee is: Faculty Staff (SPA or CSS) Category in which nominated: Service Administrator Leadership Ambition Spirit Nominator Information Nominator name: Nominator department/office: Nominator address: Nominator phone: Nominator email address: Nominator is: Faculty Staff Administrator Student Alumnus Supervisor of Nominee Information Is Supervisor of Nominee the Nominator: YES NO – complete the following: Supervisor of Nominee name: Supervisor of Nominee department/office: Supervisor of Nominee address: Supervisor of Nominee phone: Supervisor of Nominee email address: Supervisor of Nominee is: Faculty Staff Administrator Student Alumnus Director’s Signature (Verifying nominee meets eligibility criteria): PREPARED BY: HRB APPROVED BY: WEB DATE OF ISSUE: 01/14/14 SUPERSEDES: 01/29/08 PAGE: 1 of 2 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 04/11/05 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE CAMPUS OPERATIONS AWARD for EXCELLENCE Nomination Form INSTRUCTION NUMBER: 100-0068.1 Letter of Nomination Please use the space below to briefly outline the nominee’s activities as they relate to the award category selected above. Be sure to include information that would assist the Selection Committee in distinguishing this nominee from the rest (use reverse side, attach additional pages if necessary or if completing electronically page will wrap automatically): PREPARED BY: HRB APPROVED BY: WEB DATE OF ISSUE: 01/14/14 SUPERSEDES: 01/29/08 PAGE: 2 of 2 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 04/11/05