English Department Dissertation Prospectus Form Student Name: Banner ID: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone Number: Preferred Email: Advisor: I. Anticipated Title: Your title should be both precise and concise and should contain several key words or phrases to facilitate future electronic database searches. II. Contents: Indicate the manner in which the dissertation is likely to be organized, including a précis of each planned chapter. III. Bibliography: Using MLA style, list the principal sources directly related to the issue to be investigated. Order items alphabetically by the last name of the author. IV. Review of Related Literature: Briefly summarize the existing research contributions that form the immediate background for the issue to be investigated and sketch your approach to this subject. Where relevant, associate these contributions individually with entries in the bibliography above. 04/2013 V. Approvals: Mentor:______________________________________________ Signature Reader:______________________________________________ Signature Date:_________ Print Reader:______________________________________________ Signature Date:_________ Print Date:_________ Print ** Transmit completed form to the Director of Graduate Studies in English ** 04/2013