Mind-maps for Exams

Mindmaps for
exam revision
© Disability Service Trinity College Dublin
When people think about making mind maps they generally associate this
with planning a piece of writing. This kind of brain storming or gathering of
thoughts is used to structure an essay. But mind maps can also act as a
revision tool, a succinct way of taking notes in class, and a method of
capturing key points from reading. You might want to memorize a classic
mindmap which is very visual and uses imagery, or you may want to try
this technique for condensing notes.
Exam revision
This is a very useful technique for students with a good visual memory. The
trick to making really effective mind maps for exams, is to condense all
the information you need to know into a single A4 sheet of paper.
The next most important step is to make sure that the content is colourful,
includes images if appropriate, and is set out in a way that can easily be
recalled. The aim is to re-create this mind map in the exam – you could
re-write or re-draw it at the back of the answer booklet.
But won’t this use up valuable time? It shouldn’t take any more than 10
minutes, and you then spend far less of the exam time trying to
‘remember’ information. You can add to the mind map during the exam.
Here are some examples:
© Disability Service Trinity College Dublin
4 columns, 4 headings in each column, one research example for each
heading (in red). If you can recall this structure in the exam you should be
able to recall the content……
© Disability Service Trinity College Dublin
Use abbreviations, remember the number of abbreviations you have used,
‘picture’ or visualise the page in your mind’s eye…..
© Disability Service Trinity College Dublin
Try using pictures, arrows and numbers, these are ‘memory
© Disability Service Trinity College Dublin