ED.D. READINESS FORM Educational Leadership Student’s Name: Advisor: Area of Concentration Semester Taking Exams Higher Education Fall Educational Administration Spring Section I 1. Student has completed 38 hours of Graduate Education or related coursework (including Research Methodology). 2. Student has completed at least 38 hours of coursework at Saint Louis University (excluding prerequisites)/(28 hours for students admitted with Ed.S. Degree). 3. Student has completed or will have completed 70 semester hours of Graduate coursework. (Includes M.A. Degree) 4. All hours to be transferred have been approved by the student’s advisor, the Department Chair and the Dean of the Graduate School. 5. Student has met Residency Requirement. 6. All special Requirements for admission have been met. 7. All transcripts for prerequisite courses taken after admission have been sent to the Department. Section II Course taken to fulfill the 9 hour research requirement: Course Number: Title: University: Prerequisites: Advanced Course: Section III 1. List the course titles, numbers and hours of Education Graduate Courses Taken (38 Hour Minimum; 28 if admitted with Ed.S. Degree). Course Number: Title: Hours: 2. List Graduate course (not listed above) which bring the total coursework to 70 hours. Course Number: Title: Hours: University: TOTAL GRADUATE HOURS: Advisor’s Signature Date Student’s Address City Phone (Home) Phone (Work) State Zip Student ID # E-mail