Academic Portfolio 2013 revision

St. Louis University School of Medicine
Academic Portfolio Template
The revised SLUSOM Academic Portfolio Template is a tool, based on established academic standards, which can be
utilized by medical school faculty on the non-tenure track, including categories of clinician educator and basic science
educator, to clearly document efforts and accomplishments in medical education. It can also be used as a career guide
for activities in education that will likely be helpful in the academic promotions process.
As part of your promotion packet, the academic portfolio, in conjunction with the standard curriculum vitae, will be
reviewed initially by the departmental/internal promotion committee. Once approved by this committee, the packet
will be reviewed by the School of Medicine Credentials Committee and subsequently by the Executive Committee of
the School of Medicine before being sent to the Promotion and Tenure Committee at the University.
Teaching Contributions
Attach source documents, i.e. teaching evaluations. Invited professorships, workshops or Grand Rounds should be listed on CV.
I. Describe your role in each activity, participants’ activity objectives, strategies utilized, process of feedback and method (in table form
as shown or narrative). Include any evidence of impact (quantitative and qualitative) in summary and/or include in an appendix
(evaluations, letter or comment excerpts, evidence of peer-review or dissemination. This section should include classroom and
clinically based teaching. This section should not include slide sets from lectures given. Clinically based teaching should include learner
interactions during ambulatory clinics, operating theater, and inpatient and consult service roles.
a. Teaching Contributions
i. Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)
1. Pre-clinical
2. Clinical
ii. Graduate Medical Education (GME)
1. Residents
2. Sub-specialty Fellows
iii. Continuing Medical Education (CME)
iv. Medical Education Consulting
I. iv. Include (if any) educational consultations within and outside of SLU, with short descriptions.
Course Name (Course #)
Goals, objectives
Content description
Teaching strategies, methods
Learner contact hours
# of participants
Evidence of impact
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Revised by the SLUSOM Faculty Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Academic Portfolios April 2013
St. Louis University School of Medicine
Academic Portfolio Template
b. Curriculum Development & Instructional Design (Innovations)
I.b. Innovations in teaching techniques, curricula, courses, evaluation; Can include reference to (and include in
appendix) syllabi, web learning objects, cases) Include evidence of impact (frequency, participants, evaluations and
potential impact if not yet implemented)
Topic area
Curriculum description
Target participants
Teaching methods
Evaluation methods, tools
Mentoring and Advising
II. Include mentoring of students, residents, fellows and faculty; Evidence of impact can include # of rec letters/year, excerpts from
thank you letters, publications, thesis titles, presentations, and hours/mentee.
Mentoring Purpose
Duration &
Current Status
Documentation of
Administration and Leadership
III. Should include roles as course or program director, clinical entity leader, course directing. Evidence of impact should include
appended learning objects, numbers impacted, and dissemination documentation.
a. Role, with dates and brief description
b. Evidence of Impact
c. Service activities
III.c. Include school, university or hospital committees as well as appointed or elected positions in specialty/field
organizations regionally, nationally or internationally
Intra-departmental/School-wide (including committee service)
University-wide (including committee service)
Community out reach
Awards and Grants
IV. Include teaching awards with short description (criteria on which it was based), dates; Grants should include brief description of
grant aims, funding agency, dates, and amount of grant.
a. Awards
b. Grants
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Revised by the SLUSOM Faculty Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Academic Portfolios April 2013
St. Louis University School of Medicine
Academic Portfolio Template
Scholarship and Publications
c. Scholarship
i. Peer-review activities
V. a. i. Scholarship, as defined by Boyer and Glassick. Innovations in teaching techniques, curricula, courses,
evaluation; Can include reference to (and include in appendix) syllabi, web learning objects, cases) Include
evidence of impact (frequency, participants, evaluations and potential impact if not yet implemented)
ii. Committees
V. a. ii. Include reviewing duties, study groups, ad hoc grant committees, grant reviewing.
d. Publications
i. Biomedical journals
ii. Medical educational journal/repository
iii. Abstracts/presentations
iv. Peer-reviewed educational material
v. Workshops
vi. Textbook chapters
You may provide representative samples (source documentation of teaching evaluations) of materials (hard copy or
electronic) that illustrate your innovations in teaching. These materials should support information provided in previous
sections and might include evaluations (courses, lectures), letters or excerpts from learners, course outlines,
commendations regarding awards, consultation correspondence, syllabi or curricula, links to web-based learning
objects, and/or CD/DVD of curricula or learning objects. This section should not include slide sets from lectures.
For details regarding the guidelines for promotion please see
SLUSOM Guidelines for Faculty Appointments and Promotions
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Revised by the SLUSOM Faculty Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Academic Portfolios April 2013