Spring 2016 BBS503 Schedule

Final Schedule BBSG 503 Spring 2016 [all classes 9:00 and/or 10:00 a.m. and unless
otherwise notified take place in LRC 106]
Section 7 Membranes (McHowat) Jan 11-Jan 22
Monday, January 11, 2016 (McHowat) 1 hr
Membranes and Cellular Architecture I
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 (McHowat) 1 hr
Membranes and Cellular Architecture II
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 (McHowat) 1 hr
Membranes and Cellular Architecture III
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Self Study Videos # 1 What are Membrane Rafts
#2 Looking for Functional Rafts in Cell Membranes
Watch at: www.ibiology.org/ibioseminars/cell-biology/satyajit-mayor-part-1.html
Friday, January 15, 2016
Self Study Videos #1 Studying Protein Secretion in Yeast
#2 Biochemical Reconstitution of Transport Vesicle Budding
Watch at: www.ibiology.org/ibioseminars/cell-biology/randy-sekman-part-1.html
Mon Jan 18 No Class MLK DAY
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
(Student presenters: Sarah Wiewel, Suomia Abuirqeba, Mariah Hassert)
Lateral Diffusion
Tang & Edidin “Lowering the barriers to random walks on the cell surface” Biophys. J. 2003, vol
84, pages 400-407
Sanderson “Resolving the kinetics of lipid, protein and peptide diffusion in membranes” Mol.
Membr. Biol. 2012, vol 29, pages 118-143
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
(Student presenters: Stephanie Tirman, Shabnam Majidi, Caron Harada)
Phospholipid Asymmetry
Van Meer “Membrane lipids: where they are and how they behave” Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2008,
vol 9, pages 112-124
Daleke “Regulation of transbilayer plasma membrane phospholipid asymmetry” J. Lipid Res.
2003, vol 44, pages 233-242
Thursday, January 21, 2016
(Student presenters: Lindsay Kuehm, Kevin Cheng, Katie Kummer)
Transport Across the Membrane
K Murata “Structural Determinants of water permeation through aquaporin-1” Nature 2000, vol
407, pages 599-605
HF Renard “Endophilin-A2 Functions in Membrane Scission in Clathrin-Independent
Endocytocis” Nature 2014, vol
Friday, January 22, 2016 (McHowat and Students)
Discussion: The Fluid Mosaic Model-Then and Now…..
Singer & Nicolson “The fluid mosaic model of the structure of cell membranes” Science 1972,
vol 175, pages 720-731
Singer “The fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure: Still relevant to understanding the
structure, function and dynamics of biological membranes after more than 40 years” BBA 2014,
vol 1838, pages 1451-1466
Section 8 Signaling (Samson) Jan 25 – Feb 12
Mon Jan 25 Extracellular Matrix (Kolar) 1 hr
Tues Jan 26 Cell Communication (Baldassare)1 hr
Wed Jan 27 Cell Adhesion Molecules: Selectins and Cams I & II (Kolar) 2 hrs
Thurs Jan 28 Cell Adhesion Molecules: Selectins and Cams III (Kolar) 1 hr
Fri Jan 29 Ligand Receptor Interactions/Tyrosine Kinase Receptors
(Baldassare) 1 hr
Mon Feb 1 G-protein Receptors I (Baldassare) 1 hr
Tues Feb 2 G-protein Recepttors II (Baldassare) 1 hr
Wed Feb 3 Tyrosine Kinase Receptors, Cross Talk Between G-protein
And Tyrosine Kinase Receptors (Baldassare) 1 hr
Thurs Feb 4 MAP Kinases and Dimerization of G-protein Receptors I (Baldassare) 1 hr
Fri Feb 5 MAP Kinases and Dimerization of G-protein Receptors II (Baldassare) 1 hr
Mon Feb 8 Lipid Signaling (McHowat) 1 hr
Tues Feb 9 Calcium Signaling I (McHowat) 1 hr
Wed Feb 10 Calcium Signaling II (McHowat) 1 hr
Thurs Feb 11 STUDY DAY
Fri Feb 12 EXAM Section 8
Section 9 Nuclear Signaling and Cancer (Samson) Feb 15 – Feb 29
Mon Feb 15 Structure and Function of Nuclear Receptors (Zhang) 2 hrs
Tues Feb 16 Signaling via the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway (Chrivia) 1 hr
Wed Feb 17 Cell Cycle I (Baldassare) 1 hr
Thurs Feb 18 Cell Cycle II (Baldassare) 1 hr
Fri Feb 19 Apoptosis I (Chen) 1 hr
Mon Feb 22 Apoptosis II (Chen) 1 hr
Tues Feb 23 Cancer I (Eliceiri) 1 hr
Wed Feb 24 Cancer II (Eliceiri) 1 hr
Thurs Feb 25 Cancer III (Eliceiri) 1 hr
Fri Feb 26 STUDY DAY
Mon Feb29 EXAM Section 9
Section 10 Cellular Neurosciences (Samson) March 1 – March 29
Tues March 1 Cell Ultrastructure I (Kolar) 1 hr
Wed March 2 Cell Ultrastructure II (Kolar) 1 hr
Thurs March 3 Survey of the Nervous System and Supporting Tissues I (Zahm) 1 hr
Fri March 4 Survey of the Nervous System and Supporting Tissues II (Zahm) 1 hr
Mon March 14 Resting Membrane Potential and Action Potential I (Egan) 1 hr
Tues March 15 Resting Membrane Potential and Action Potential II (Egan) 1 hr
Wed March 16 Propagation of Action Potentials and Ion Channel Structure and Function I (Egan) 1 hr
Thurs March 17 Ion Channel Structure and Function II (Egan) 1 hr (if needed, otherwise Study Day)
Fri March 18 Transduction of Electrical Signals into Chemical Transmission at
the Synapse (Harkins) 1 hr
Mon March 21 Overview of Brain I& II (Zahm) 2 hrs
Tues March 22 Overview of Brain III (Zahm) 1 hr
Wed March 23 Post Synaptic Function I & II (Ariel) 2 hrs
Thurs March 24 Post Synaptic Function III (Ariel) 1 hr
Fri March 25 Good Friday No Class
Mon March 28 Easter Monday No Class
Tues March 29 Neurodegenerative Processes (Zahm) 1 hr
Wed March 30 Neurodegenerative Processes (Zahm) 1 hr
Thurs March 31 STUDY DAY
Friday April 1 EXAM Section 10
Section 11 Systems Biology (Samson) April 4 – April 26
Mon April 4 Autonomic Nervous System: Anatomy and Physiology (Westfall) 1 hr
Tues April 5 Cholinergic & Adrenergic Neurotransmission I (Westfall) 1 hr
Wed April 6 Cholinergic & Adrenergic Neurotransmission II (Westfall) 1 hr
Thurs April 7 Renal Perfusion and Filtration/Tubular Function I (Enkvetchakul) 1 hr
Fri April 8 Renal Perfusion and Filtration/Tubular Function II (Enkvetchakul) 1 hr
Mon April 11 Drug Absorption (Baldassare) 1 hr
Tues April 12 Biotransformation I&II (Westfall) 2 hrs
Wed April 13 Cardiovascular System, Heart Function I&II (Knuepfer) 2 hrs
Thurs April 14 Regulation of pH: Physiological Buffering (Sprague) 1 hr
Fri April 15 Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Gas Exchange I& II (including Maintenance
of Arterial Oxygen Tension) (Sprague) 2 hrs
Mon April 18 Pituitary Gland I&II (Yosten) 2 hrs
Tues April 19 Adrenal Gland (Yosten) 1 hr
Wed April 20 Glucose Homeostasis and Obesity (Yosten) 2 hrs
Thurs April 21 Calcium Homeostasis (Yosten) 1 hr
Fri April 22 Reproductive Physiology I & II (Yosten) 2 hrs
Mon April 25 STUDY DAY
Tues April 26 Section 11 EXAM
Section 12 Translational Biology II “Viral Oncogenes and Cellular
Signaling” (Grandgenett & Chinnadurai) April 27 – May 9
Wed April 27 Key Concepts in Virology (Grandgenett) 1 hr
Thurs April 28 Organizational Meeting and research day (Grandgenett) 1hr
Fri April 29 Research Day
Mon May 2 Research Day
Tues May 3 Cell Surface Viral Oncogenes (Student Presentations I) (Chinnadurai)
Wed May 4 Extracellular Viral Oncogenes (Student Presentations II) (Chinnadurai)
Thurs May 5 Cytoplasmic Viral Oncogenes (Student Presentations III) (Chinnadurai)
Fri May 6 Nuclear Viral Oncogenes (Student Presentations IV) (Chinnadurai)
Mon May 9 Written Summaries Due no later than noon