Guidance for Safety Training Certification and Logs

Guidance for the Safety Training Certification and Log Documentation
The Safety Training Certificate and Log is used to certify that employees under your supervision have completed all safety
training requirements appropriate to their work activities. It applies to all SIUE employees (facility, staff, student workers)
who, by work activities, require safety training.
The certification and log is the training record for the employee as required by OSHA, IDOL, and SIUE. Therefore,
it is very important that it accurately reflects training the employee has completed under your supervision.
Here are some guidelines to help you use the document and log:
1) The form is to be sent to Emergency Management & Safety the week after the end of the time period noted at the top
of the certification document.
Certification Form
1) Courses listed on the first page are the on-line computer and classroom training courses which may be assigned by
Emergency Management and Safety. They show you which ones may need to be taken and how often. The ones
with no time notation would, if needed, only have to be taken initially (once). Supervisors will be given a list by
Emergency Management and Safety of which courses each craft/department employee is required to complete. This
is presently being evaluated through a job safety analysis for each craft/department.
2) The Assistant Director/Department Chair must sign the Certification form. In signing the form the Assistant
Director/Department Chair is certifying that all employees under his/her supervision have completed all EM&S
assigned safety training.
Log Form
1) The craft foreman or department responsible person may fill out the log, but the shaded area on the log is for
supervisor use only. The supervisor is to check the correct box:
I – for initial training; A – for annual training;
R – for retraining.
2) All training is to be recorded on the log form except he EM&S assigned on-line computer training. EM&S tracks
this separately.
3) The log may be used as a class roster if a number of employees participate in a training session. Make as many
copies of the log as needed. If the log is not used for the roster, a class roster must be attached to the log showing
similar information.
4) All completed copies of the log must be returned to EM&S with the certification form at the end of the designated
1) Initial Training – This training is only taken one time. Typically it is taken when an employee is new to the
University. However, it also applies to any employee who changes job responsibilities (duties, work activities).
Always call or e-mail Emergency Management and Safety when a new employee is hired, an employee changes
departments, responsibilities, work activities, etc. Additional safety training may apply.
2) Annual Refresher Training – This training is taken within a maximum of every 365 days since the last completion.
3) Retraining – This training is necessary when any of the following occurs: any new physical or health hazard is
introduced, there is a change in process, procedure, equipment, workplace duties, or employee misunderstanding of
safety procedures has occurred. This is generally a hands-on type of training that occurs at the work site. For
example: If a new saw is purchased. The supervisor would have the employee(s) read the operation and
maintenance manual provided with the saw and/or the manufacturer would give a presentation on the operation of
the saw. This training is to be documented on the log sheet. However, if an employee is misunderstanding safety
procedures on –line or classroom training may be reassigned.
If there are any questions please call Emergency Management and Safety, Loren Paul (Ext. 3592) or Tom
Brueggemann (Ext. 5054).