Instructions for using this Chemical Hazard Communications Program Plan Template DO NOT PRINT OR INCLUDE THIS FIRST PAGE WITH THE FINISHED PLAN! This plan must be tailored to a specific group of workers that it intends to cover. Since this may or may not cover an entire department, the term work unit is used throughout the template. This may be a department, or a trade group such as FM Plumbers, an individual workshop, or a specific facility. Therefore the very first order of business is to define the name of this Work Unit. This will be either typed or written into the blank space set aside on the first page of the actual plan template. This template is intended for work units which only use or store hazardous chemicals. Work units which may actually produce hazardous chemicals for sale or public offering must contact Emergency Management and Safety regarding additional requirements. The blanks on the cover pages MUST be completed in order for this plan to be effective and complete. Information that changes frequently has been placed on the first two pages of the template so that it may be referenced or changed easily. Language in the boilerplate text of the plan refers to this information. Be sure to open the footer and replace the words “Unit Name Text Here” with the Work Unit name you have defined. Then you also need to delete the work “DRAFT”. The footer will help identify each page in your plan. Some of the entry boxes on the cover pages may require more than one entry. Set your cursor at the end of the last row available for that topic. Simply add rows by using the MS Word Table Menu, select Insert Rows Below command. It should add an empty row where you need it. The revised template takes into account that we now have the Chemist online database to assist in creating chemical inventories (a paper copy is still required). It also accounts for changes in the methods of delivering and documenting Haz Com training, such as the use of PureSafety, and the new Supervisor’s Training logs and Certification forms. Use of this particular plan template is optional, but compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard and University policies is not. Please verify that any plan you do use meets ALL of the requirements. DRAFT Chemical Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Name of Work Unit that THIS plan applies to (Department/Room/Facility/Other): Text Here! Effective Date of this plan: Date Here! Chemical Emergency Contacts: 911 Phone, and Names here Phone, and Names here Description of locations where, and what type of, hazardous chemicals are encountered : Locations and Chemical Types Here! A copy of this Haz Com Plan is accessible to employees in the following location(s): Locations Here! The following employee(s) are responsible for maintaining the units Chemist online chemical inventory, as well as paper copy(ies) for ready access: Names Here! A copy of the Chemical Inventory is accessible to employees in the following location: Locations Here! The following employee(s) are responsible for obtaining and maintaining MSDSs and SDS’s: Names Here! MSDS/SDS files may be accessed in the following format and location(s), Hard copy: (e.g. building, room, binder or file cabinet, etc.): Locations Here! Electronic copy: (building, room, computer, file name, computer access if required, etc.): Locations Here! Mobile Employees may access MSDS’s/SDS’s remotely by: Name and Phone number of Contact, or other method here. Page 1 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring all containers of hazardous materials are appropriately labeled with the original or secondary labels. Names Here! The following procedure is used for labeling secondary containers: Text Here! The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring all employees receive general Hazard Communication training and providing initial and on-going unit-specific hazard communication information and training: Names Here! Describe the method/provider used to ensure that employees receive general training: PureSafety Online HazCom Training through SIUE EM&S office. Describe the method used to ensure employees receive unit-specific training: New employees (new hires and newly assigned employees): Text Here! All employees when a new hazardous chemical or non-routine hazard is introduced, or when a significant new hazard information is learned about existing chemicals: Text Here! Non-Routine Tasks/Emergency Procedures/Unlabeled Pipes containing chemicals, describe locations, hazards, and procedures to deal with them, Task/Pipe Hazardous Chemical Protective Measures Text Here! Text Here! Text Here! The following employee(s) are responsible for communicating hazard information with contractors as outlined in the Hazard Communication Program Plan: Names Here! The following employee(s) are responsible for maintaining records: Names Here! The required records are kept in the following location(s), Training Records: Locations Here! Medical/Exposure Records: Locations Here! Old Chemical Inventories: Locations Here! Old MSDS’s/SDS’s: Locations Here! Eventually sent to Micro –Records Office Date of last plan review: Date Here! Signature(s) of last reviewer(s): Names Here! Page 2 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 BACKGROUND Every public sector worker within Illinois has a right to know about the hazardous chemicals with which they work. This right is protected by the Illinois Worker Right-toKnow (IRTK) Law which incorporates by reference, the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). The IRTK and HCS are enforced within the public sector by the Illinois Department of Labor Public Safety Division. In compliance with the "Hazard Communication" Standard, all University employees who may be exposed to, or come into contact with any hazardous chemicals are required to be a part of a specific detailed Hazard Communication Program written plan which is consistent with Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's General Hazard Communication Program Policies and OSHA standards. This program is designed to educate employees on the characteristics associated with hazardous chemicals (e.g., fire/explosion hazards, health hazards, physical & chemical characteristics) and also to train them on the proper and safe work practices to use while working with these substances. EXEMPTIONS There are certain exemptions to the HCS responsibilities for employers whose workers are exposed, or may potentially be exposed to hazardous materials. These exemptions include hazardous waste, tobacco and tobacco products, wood and wood products (but not wood dust), articles or materials for the personal consumption of employees, and pharmaceuticals. Consumer goods are exempted if they meet certain specific criteria. They must be in the same form, volume, concentration and manner as materials intended for household use, and employee exposure cannot be significantly greater than that expected during normal household use. Laboratories are covered under another law, 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. This Standard is separate from the IRTK and HCS and requires among other things, the development of a written chemical hygiene plan. Page 3 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS This work unit at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville will meet the requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard as follows: Container Labeling: Stockroom/storeroom attendants, work area supervisors, and/or other responsible employees are designated on this plan’s cover pages, and they will verify that all containers received from the manufacturer are clearly labeled in English, as to the identity of the contents, and appropriate hazard warnings. An appropriate hazard warning should include OSHA Hazard Communication standard compliant: o o o o o Product identifier; Signal word; Hazard statement(s); Pictogram(s); Precautionary statement(s); Original labels will not be removed from any container received for use; and if materials are repackaged, the new containers will be labeled with content information according to the procedures on this plans cover pages, but at a minimum will include the items listed above. If new significant information on the hazards of a material is discovered, the label for that material will be updated within 3 months, but always before using in the workplace again. Fixed containers, such as storage tanks or process vessels, must also be labeled. Appropriate substitutes for container labels include placarding, signs, or operating instructions. Portable containers of 10 gallons or less, intended for an employee's immediate use, are exempted from labeling requirements. o The material must be in direct control of the employee making the transfer, and o Must be used or disposed or correctly labeled by the end of the work shift If a container is received with an inadequate label, another label may be requested from the supplier. o If the supplier does not respond within 30 days, we will contact Emergency Management and Safety, and a complaint will be filed with IDOL Page 4 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s): Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets are provided, upon request, from each manufacturer, and they provide information concerning the hazards of the chemical or product. These documents include the identity of the chemical, physical and chemical characteristics, health hazards, primary routes of entry, permissible exposure limits, precautions for safe handling, and emergency/first aid procedures. Safety Data Sheets are MSDS’s with a standardized format required by OSHA’s new Globally Harmonized Hazard Communication Standard. All MSDS formats are currently acceptable for use at SIUE; however suppliers are required to only offer the SDS format after June 1st, 2015. Older format MSDS’s will be archived as the new SDS format replaces them. Obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets: o If there is a substance for which there is no MSDS/SDS available in the MSDS/SDS Notebook, or if a supervisor is uncertain whether a material is hazardous, the designated person responsible for MSDS’s/SDS’s on the cover pages of this plan will contact the manufacturer/distributor requesting a MSDS/SDS for that chemical/product. No work shall be performed with this material until a MSDS/SDS is received, which matches the identity on the material’s label. o MSDS’s/SDS’s will always be obtained in at least an English language version. Other languages may be acquired and offered as well o If the manufacturer does not respond within 30 days of the request, the designated person will ask Emergency Management and Safety to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL). o When a MSDS/SDS is received Emergency Management and Safety will send it to the requesting unit. Maintenance of Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets: o Copies of MSDS’s/SDS’s for any hazardous chemical/product to which employees may be exposed will be maintained in the department's notebook. The notebook will be labeled "MSDS/SDS Notebook:”, followed by the Name of this work unit from the cover pages of this plan. o Persons listed on the cover pages of this plan, typically the unit supervisor, will be responsible for the placement and maintenance of this notebook in their respective work unit. All MSDS/SDS insertions/deletions will be routed through the work unit supervisor or their designee as listed on the cover pages of this plan o Obsolete MSDS’s/SDS’s will be accumulated and transferred to SIUE’s Micro-Records office to manage for proper retention periods. Accessibility of the MSDS/SDS notebook: o As a source of detailed information on hazardous chemicals/products, the MSDS/SDS notebook will be accessible in each work unit to all employees on all shifts. o A copy of a relevant MSDS/SDS will be provided to the employees and their legal representatives within 10 days of receiving a written request submitted to Emergency Management and Safety. Page 5 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 o Employees that must visit multiple geographic sites will be informed of how to remotely access MSDS’s/SDS’s quickly, or will be provided copies of relevant MSDS’s/SDS’s. Chemical Inventory: This work unit will have a current list of hazardous substances located in the area(s) designated on the cover pages of this plan, at all times. This list must use a name or identifier taken directly from each manufacturers MSDS/SDS. This work unit will enter all chemicals on this inventory into the “Chemist” online database administered by Emergency Management and Safety. The inventory may be printed out from the “Chemist” database or kept by hand, but either way, it will be kept current and complete. Employee Information and Training: New employees of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals/products in their workplace will be provided initial Hazard Communication Program information and training before being exposed to such hazards. General Awareness training will be accomplished using the method described in the cover pages of this plan. It will include general information on: Methods to detect releases and other hazards Physical and health hazards of various chemicals Methods of protection from chemical hazards Hazard Communication Plans, MSDS’s/SDS’s, labeling The Hazard Communication Standard The work unit specific information and training below will be given to new employees by their supervisor or other designee, as listed on the cover pages of this plan: Location and contents of this written plan, MSDS’s/SDS’s, and the chemical inventory. Pertinent information regarding the locations, nature, purpose, proper equipment, and use of the chemicals or products they may use. Methods used to detect the presence or release of chemicals present. The physical and health hazards of chemicals present in this work unit (often by review of MSDS’s/SDS’s and other literature). Methods used to protect employees from chemical hazards in this work unit, such as work practices and personal protective equipment. Emergency procedures. Page 6 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 This supervisory offered informational training will be documented using the standard training record forms issued from Emergency Management and Safety titled “Log of Employee Training,” and “Safety Training Certification”. All employees working with hazardous materials will be required to attend additional training whenever: New chemical hazards or procedures are introduced Employee appears to need it A breach of disciplinary policy requires it All information and training will be documented by this work unit as specified on the cover pages of this plan, and copies sent to the Emergency Management and Safety Office. . Unlabeled Pipe Information If the work site has chemicals in unlabeled pipes, employees must receive training about the hazards presented by these materials. Training will include: The identity of the material Locations Identification of the pipes Physical and health hazards resulting from an accidental leak or rupture Spill and leak detection Proper emergency response The cover pages of this plan will be used to document and communicate the presence (location), hazards, and procedures for working around, unlabeled pipes containing chemicals. In case of a hazardous chemical spill or chemical related emergency contact the emergency contacts listed on the First Page of this plan. Hazardous Non-Routine Tasks Periodically, employees are required to perform non-routine tasks involving hazardous chemicals. Supervisors of these employees should attempt to anticipate and evaluate possible chemical exposures. Tasks which are known to occur occassionally, but are not considered routine operations are listed on the cover pages of this plan. Prior to starting work on such projects, each effected employee will be given information by their supervisor about the hazardous substances to which they may be exposed during that activity. Information given to the employees should include: Specific physical/chemical hazards Page 7 of 8 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville DRAFT Hazard Communication Program Plan for: Unit Name Text Here! Modified on 7/1/2016 Protective and/or safety measures the employee can take Measures the University has taken to reduce the hazards, including ventilation, personal protective equipment, administrative controls, and posted emergency procedures. If the supervisor or any employee has a question concerning hazardous materials they may encounter in a non-routine task, they should contact Emergency Management and Safety for assistance in assessing the problem. Contractor Information It is the responsibility of the responsible work unit where work is to be performed to make available to contractors (with employees) the following information: MSDS’s/SDS’s for hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site. The labeling system(s) used by this work unit. Precautions the employee should take to reduce the possibility of exposure by usage of appropriate protective equipment or safe practices. If the work unit needs assistance in this matter, call Emergency Management and Safety. Construction contracts must include a requirement for contractors to make available to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, information on hazardous chemicals/materials they will use. Prior to the start of construction, the contractor must furnish Emergency Management and Safety or the Project Manager with a list of chemicals that may be brought onto the job site if SIUE employees may be exposed. If an additional chemical, not on the initial list, is brought onto the job site, Emergency Management and Safety should be given 48 hours advance notification. When requested, the contractor should furnish MSDS’s/SDS’s for any chemicals to be brought onto the job site to Emergency Management and Safety. Work unit employees responsible for coordinating this information are listed on the cover pages of this plan. 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