UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN TRINITY COLLEGE School of Social Sciences and Philosophy School of Business Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Erasmus/Visiting Student Welcome Dr. Michelle D’Arcy 18th January 2016 Structure of meeting • Departments and co-ordinators • Structure of academic year •Choosing modules and module load • ECTS credits at Trinity College 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 2 Departments and co-ordinators • School of Business, James White ( Office hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00. Room: Office, 3rd Floor, School of Business, Aras an Phiarsaigh Undergraduate • Department of Economics, Dr. Paul Scanlon ( Office hours: Thursday 2pm-3.45pm Room: 3006 • Department of Political Science, Dr. Michelle D’Arcy ( Office hours: Friday 2-4pm Room 4.03, College Green • Department of Sociology, Dr Mark Ward ( Office Hours: Tuesday 4-6.00PM, Friday 3-5, Room 2.08, 3 College Green • Department of Philosphy, Dr Alice Pinheiro Walla ( Office hours: Tuesday 19th 5-6pm; Thursdays 5-6, room: Arts block 5005 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 3 Political Science and Philosophy Business School Economics and Philosophy Depts 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 4 Structure of academic year • Term 2 (Hilary Term, HT): 18 January to 8 April Reading Week- Feb 29th, Week 7 No lectures and tutorials during this week • Term 3 (Trinity Term, TT): 11 April to 27 May First three weeks: Study and revision (no classes) Examination period: 3 – 27 May 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 5 Public holidays in Ireland •17th March 2015 (St. Patrick’s Day) •28th March 2016 (Easter Monday) • 2nd May 2016 (May Bank Holiday) 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 6 Some important websites • Regularly check your account! • Many lecturers in Trinity College Dublin use Blackboard Learn and - Blackboard Learn: Lecture notes, readings etc are posted here (you will be registered automatically after your module registration form is processed. Lecturers can also add you manually) - some modules require submission of assignments via this channel (plagiarism check), you receive further information in the relevant assignment guidelines. - Plagiarism Policy; 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 7 Some general advice • Get to know the students in your modules • Take part in extra-curricular activities (clubs and societies) • Keep us informed of your progress or difficulties during your time at Trinity College. Your Erasmus coordinator is also your tutor while you are here •Other sources of support: Student Counselling Service –; Chaplaincy service –; Student2Student –; Sutdent Health Centre; Student Union 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 8 How to pick your modules? • Take about 80% - 100% of a Trinity student’s module load (but meet the requirements of your home university); visit some modules in first week to help you decide • Take a good mix of modules subject to schedule and restrictions • Take modules that give you a different perspective on the world • Consider taking interesting modules that might not be available in your home university 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 9 What is the right module load? One Term Students Between 25 and 30 ECTS • We do not recommend taking more than 30 credits per term. If your home institution asks you to do more, please contact your TCD Coordinator for assistance. • Equally, we will not sign a module registration form that is too light (e.g. just one or two modules) 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 10 ECTS credits at Trinity Year 1 Term Full Year 2nd Year (Senior Freshman, SF) 5 credits 10 3rd Year (Junior Sophister, JS) 5 credits 10 4th Year (Senior Sophister, SS)** 7.5/10 credits*** 15 ** The Department of Political Science does not accept Visiting and Erasmus students in SS (4th year) modules. *** Exchange students do an additional assignment 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 11 Registering for modules • Module registration form (included in Welcome Pack) •DEADLINE: JANUARY 22ND • Get this form signed by coordinators • Submit to Academic Registry Service Desk with all signatures complete. They will register you officially on the system. Ensure module codes are correct • Ensure you have signatures from coordinators outside Business and Social Sciences and Philosophy (SSSP) if needed before submitting! 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 12 Sociology modules ( Module name HT module code SO2310 Introduction to Social Research SO231C SO2340 Gender, Work and Family SO234C SO2350 Power, State and Social Movements SO235C SO3240 Researching Society SO324C SO3230 Globalisation and Development SO323C SO3200 Social Theory SO320C SO3250 Race, Ethnicity and Identity SO325C SO3260 Social Inequality SO326C Final-year modules are available – please consult with coordinator 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 13 Political Science modules ( Module name HT module code Second year PO2610 History of Political Thought PO261C PO2640 International Relations PO264C PO2650 Comparative Politics PO265C Third year PO3600 Research Methods PO360C PO3630 Irish Politics PO363C PO3670 Democracy and Development PO367C PO3720 Political Violence PO372C Final year modules are not available to Visiting and Erasmus students 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 14 Philosophy modules ( Consult with coordinator for availability of further modules 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 15 Economics modules ( 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 16 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - MODULE OUTLINES 2015-2016 FOR EXCHANGE & VISITING STUDENTS *Senior Freshman (2nd Year) BU2510 Organisational Behaviour (1st semester) BU2520 Introduction to Marketing Principles (1st semester) BU2530 Introduction to Accounting (1st semester) BU2550 Introduction to Finance (2nd semester) BU2560 Introduction to Operations Management (2nd semester) BU2570 Creative Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Action (2nd semester) **Junior Sophister (3rd Year) BU3510 Marketing Management BU3520 Management Accounting for Business Decisions BU3530 Financial Accounting BU3570 Human Resource Management BU3590 Business in Society BU3600 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development BU3620 Introduction to Fixed-Income Securities and Alternative Investments (1st semester) BU3630 Surveying Finance (2nd semester) BU3640 Services Management (1st semester) BU3650 Digital Technology and Organisational Analysis (2nd semester) BU3660 Organisation Theory and Organisational Analysis (1st semester) BU3670 Advanced Topics in Organisation and Analysis (2nd semester) *SF modules and some of JS modules are one semester long Erasmus, International Exchange and 01.07.2016 Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 17 Visiting **BU4511 and BU4630 may only be Student takenWelcome in theMeeting 1st semester **Senior Sophister (4th Year) BU4511 International Business & The Global Economy (1st semester only) BU4522 Exploring Organisational Experience BU4530 Financial Reporting and Analysis BU4541 Financial Markets and the Corporate Sector BU4550 Advances in Marketing Theory and Practice BU4580 Managing New Product Development BU4620 Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Organisation and Management BU4630 Economic Policy and Business History (1st semester only) Note: 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 18 Time spent in the classroom • Most Sophister modules (JS and SS) involve 2-3 hours per week in the classroom in lectures, seminars and tutorials, and about 5 hours per week reading and preparation (emphasis on independent study). • Modules may involve in-class oral presentations, written papers, individual and/or group assignments, and/or term tests. Lecturers will explain the tutorial arrangements for their modules during Week 1. • Almost all modules award a proportion of the final mark to essays, assignments, tests etc. Tutorials: Note that many modules will offer several tutorials that cover the same topic – usually students are assigned to a tutorial group. If in doubt ask your lecturer. 01.07.2016 Erasmus, International Exchange and Visiting Student Welcome Meeting Dr. Michelle D‘Arcy 19