EPAF Reference Guide

Banner Human Resources Module
Self Service Banner
Electronic Personnel
Action Form (EPAF)
Reference Guide
Revised 12/21/2007
Saint Louis University
Human Resources Division
Office of Human Resources Information Systems
3545 Lafayette Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104
For EPAF assistance: EPAFhelp@slu.edu
Saint Louis University
Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF)
Reference Guide
he Banner system is a web-based, administrative software application
developed by Sungard SCT. This system provides Saint Louis University with
online administrative functionality. The system integrates data from Human
Resources, Finance, Student, Financial Aid, and Alumni and Advancement areas.
This feature enables authorized users to access information existing on other
systems. The Human Resources system is a complete employee information and
management system within the integrated product.
The Banner Human Resources System consists of two components:
 Internet Native Banner (INB), and
 Employee Self Service.
Authorized employees access INB to look up departmental employee information
and enter departmental time keeping information (where applicable), and they
will access Banner Self Service to create and approve electronic personnel action
forms (EPAFs). University employees access Self Service to verify, and in some
cases, update their demographic, biographic, benefits, and payroll-related
information. In addition, authorized employees will enter their timecard
information electronically in Employee Self Service. Electronic time entry
instructions are available in the Web Time Entry training guide provide by the
Payroll Office.
The electronic personnel action form (EPAF) function of Banner allows the
University to process paperless personnel actions. EPAF’s are simple, concise, and
allow many values or data elements to default into the document without manual
data entry. The forms enable the University to achieve our goal to process
personnel actions rapidly, through an electronic approval process, providing an
audit trail of all approval/disapproval history.
This reference guide provides step-by-step instructions for using the EPAF
functionality in Self Service Banner. It is recommended that departmental users
complete the Banner Human Resources (HR) Basics training session prior to the
EPAF session to become familiar with basic navigation and obtain an understanding
of commonly used forms in the Human Resources module of the Banner system.
For questions about EPAF processing, please send an e-mail to EPAFhelp@slu.edu
and include the transaction number where applicable.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
EPAF Overview .............................................................. 1-1
The EPAF Process ........................................................................ 1-2
EPAF Categories .......................................................................... 1-1
Approval Types ........................................................................... 1-4
Approval Levels ........................................................................... 1-9
Organizational Security ................................................................ 1-10
Chapter 2
Processing an EPAF in Self Service Banner .............................. 2-1
Logging on to Self Service Banner ..................................................... 2-2
Finding Banner Identification Numbers ............................................... 2-3
Self Service EPAF Form .................................................................. 2-6
Correcting & Tracking EPAF Actions ................................................... 2-7
Troubleshooting EPAF Processing Errors ............................................. 2-10
Deleting an EPAF Transaction ......................................................... 2-11
Creating a Default Routing Queue .................................................... 2-12
Removing a Username from a Default Routing Queue ............................. 2-14
Chapter 3
EPAF Approval ............................................................... 3-1
Getting Started ........................................................................... 3-2
Review and Approver Actions .......................................................... 3-4
Setting up a Proxy Approver ............................................................ 3-6
Removing a Proxy Approver Setting ................................................... 3-8
Approving an EPAF Action as a Proxy ................................................. 3-9
Chapter 4
New Hire EPAF Instructions .............................................. 4-11
New Hire Federal Work Study (7NHFWS) ............................................ 4-12
New Hire Student (7NHSTU) ........................................................... 4-21
New Hire Graduate Assistant (7NHGRD) ............................................. 4-30
New Hire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty (7NHPTF) .................................... 4-39
New Hire Faculty or Housestaff/Resident (7NHFAC) ............................... 4-48
New Hire Temporary Staff to be Paid Biweekly (7NHTBW) ....................... 4-56
New Hire Temporary Staff to be Paid Monthly (7NHTMN) ......................... 4-64
Chapter 5
Additional Job EPAF Instructions ......................................... 5-1
Additional Job for a Biweekly paid employee (7ADJBB) ............................ 5-2
Additional Job for Federal Work Study Student (7ADJBF).......................... 5-9
Additional Job for Student Worker (7ADJBS)........................................ 5-17
Additional Job for a Monthly Paid Employee - including Faculty (7ADJBM) .... 5-24
Additional Supplemental Pay Job for a Monthly Paid Employee - (7ADSUM) ... 5-32
Chapter 6
Rehire EPAF Instructions.................................................. 6-40
Rehire Federal Work Study (7RHFWS) ................................................ 6-41
Rehire Student Worker (7RHSTU) ..................................................... 6-49
Rehire Graduate Assistant (7RHGRD) ................................................. 6-56
Rehire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty (7RHADJ) ....................................... 6-64
Rehire Temporary Biweekly Staff (7RHTBW) ........................................ 6-71
Rehire Temporary Staff to be Paid Monthly (7NHTMN) ............................ 6-79
Rehire Regular Part Time or Full Time Faculty (7RHFAC) ......................... 6-87
Rehire Supplemental Pay Job for a Monthly Paid Employee - (7ADSUM) ........ 6-95
Chapter 7
Termination EPAF Instructions......................................... 7-103
Terminate Employee with Benefits and no other Job (7TRMBE) ............... 7-104
Terminate an Employee without Benefits and no other Job (7TRMNB) ....... 7-110
Chapter 8
Other EPAF Instructions ................................................... 8-1
Ending a Job (7ENDJB) .................................................................. 8-2
Labor Distribution Change (LD) ........................................................ 8-6
Leave of Absence – Begin or End (LOA) .............................................. 8-10
To enter the start of the Leave of Absence: ..................................... 8-10
To end the Leave of Absence: ...................................................... 8-14
Pay Change for a Biweekly Paid Employee in a Graded Position (7PCGBW) .... 8-18
Pay Change for a Biweekly Paid FWS/Students/Temp/Union Employees
(7PCUBW) ................................................................................ 8-24
Pay Change for a Monthly Paid Employee in a Graded Position (7PCGMN) ..... 8-30
Pay Change for a Monthly Paid Graduate Assistant/Faculty/Resident (7PCUMN) 836
Reclassification – Position Title Change (RECLST) .................................. 8-42
Appendix A: Employee Class Code Listing ............................................... 1
Appendix B: Viewing Employee Job Information on NBAJOBS ....................... 1
Appendix C: Customizing Banner - My Banner Menu .................................. 1
Glossary ...................................................................................... 1
Index .......................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 EPAF Overview
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with:
 The EPAF process
 EPAF categories
 EPAF approval levels and routing queues
 How to contact HRIS for system access
epartments will use the electronic personnel action form (EPAF) process to
create change(s) to employee and job records and to submit these changes
through a pre-determined approval queue (routing). If approved, these
changes will be applied to the Banner database by Human Resources or Payroll.
The EPAF Process
This chart depicts the process flow for a change to an employee’s job record.
Department decides to make a change
impacting an employee’s record (i.e., new
hire, rehire, pay change, etc.)
New hire
Department directs employee to complete
Information form, Tax and I-9 forms.
HRIS Office activates new employee in
Banner system and enters employee’s
personal information (PPAIDEN records).
Department originator initiates an
Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF)
in INB, indicating the changes to be made
to the employee’s record. (Banner form
Part or Full
time regular
Department originator submits the
completed EPAF for approval.
Level 1 (Dept./School) and 2 (Provost/
VP/HSC Finance) approvers log in to INB
and review pending EPAF actions.
The HRIS Office enters new hire/
rehire part time or full time
regular employees in the Banner
system and creates their job.
EPAF returned to originator for correction
and changes are made to the EPAF in INB.
EPAF action is applied to INB by
HRIS or Payroll department.
EPAF action is not approved. No
changes will be applied to INB.
New Hire Process Flow
Employee completes paperwork (Personal
Information, I-9, and tax forms) in Human
Employee hired by department.
Automated Processes run (1-2 nights): Email
Account and username established.
Personal Information is entered in Banner and a
Banner ID number is created. PEAEMPL record is
activated with generic information.
Employee obtains SLU ID Badge and/or
parking if applicable.
Employee PIN Generated
Completed hiring proposal matched to employee
paperwork and entered in Banner.
Department uses Banner ID to originate and submit an EPAF.
(Faculty, students, FWS, grad. assts., housestaff)
EPAF reviewed and approved by Financial Aid
EPAF reviewed and approved by
Department level approver
EPAF reviewed and approved by VP/HSC
Finance/Provost level approver
EPAF matched to employee paperwork and
Applied by Human Resources
Hours entered (bi-weekly) or exception time
submitted (monthly) by employee or Dept.
Automated Processes run (1-2 nights):
People Finder populated.
Time approver reviews and approves time entered.
Payroll processes run (2-3 days) and direct deposit
or check is generated for payday.
Time sheet or Time Records now available to
Department and Staff
Employee Paid!
New Hire, Rehire, or Add Job – Which Category Should Be Used?
selected for
Does this
employee have
another active
(Review the job
history on
The person is an active
employee and has a primary
job in another department.
Process an
Add Job EPAF
Did the
candidate work
in the position
in the past?
Employee is not
currently active but
previously worked in a
position in my
Do you want this
employee to
work in the
position in which
they previously
This is a new employee to SLU or
your department
Process a New
Process a
New Hire
Process a
Rehire EPAF
Choosing Dates for Currently Active Employee Transactions (NOT New Hires, Rehires, or Add Jobs)
Change Action is
needed for an
active employee.
EPAF is either a pay change or a reclassification.
Will the Employee
remain active after
this transaction is
Query date: Use
the first date
after the
employee’s last
paid date for the
query date.
Effective date: Use
the first date after
the employee’s last
paid date for the
effective date.
EPAF is either an end job or a termination
Query date: Use the
employee’s last paid
date for the query
date. Refer to
NBAJOBS to find this
Effective date: Use
the employee’s last
paid date as the
effective date.
Personnel date: Use
the date when the
action should have
occurred. For current
pay period or future
dated items, this will
be the same as the
effective date. For
post dated items, this
will be a date from
the past (retroactive).
Personnel date: Use the date when
the action should have occurred.
For current pay period or future
dated items, this will be the same as
the effective date. For post dated
items, this will be a date from the
EPAF Categories
The Banner Human Resources module has been set up to process electronic
personnel action forms (EPAFs) for changes that departments initiate and approve
for faculty, staff, and student employees. The Banner system uses a category
code to identify the type of change processed. The following table depicts the
categories that Saint Louis University has set up for processing EPAF actions in Self
Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The department originator must select the appropriate code to
enter in the EPAF form when processing an action for an employee’s record.
Add a job for a monthly paid
Add a job for a biweekly
Contact for assistance
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Add a Federal Work Study job
for a Student Worker.*
Human Resources
Information Systems
Student Financial Services
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Add a job for a Student Worker.*
Add a supplemental pay job for
a monthly paid employee.*
End a job without terminating
all employment (i.e., end one of
multiple jobs; or, transfer an
employee to another job.)
Change labor distribution.
Start or end an unpaid leave of
Hire new Faculty
10. 7NHFWS
Hire Federal Work Study
11. 7NHGRD
Hire a new Graduate Assistant
12. 7NHPTF
New Hire Part Time/Adjunct
Hire a new Student Worker
13. 7NHSTU
Payroll Services
HSC Finance Office
Human Resources
Information Systems
Office of the Provost
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Student Financial Services
Graduate School
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
14. 7NHTBW
15. 7NHTMN
16. 7PCGBW
17. 7PCGMN
18. 7PCUNB
19. 7PCUMN
20. 7RECBW
21. 7RECMN
22. 7RHADJ
23. 7RHFWS
24. 7RHFAC
25. 7RHSTU
26. 7RHSUP
27. 7RHTBW
28. 7RHTMN
29. 7TRMBE
New Hire temporary biweekly
New Hire temporary monthly
Change pay, FTE, or hours per
pay for a biweekly paid
employee in a graded position.
Change pay, FTE, or hours per
pay for a monthly paid employee
in a graded position.
Change pay for a FWS student, a
student worker, or a temporary
biweekly paid employee.
Change pay for a grad assistant,
faculty, resident, or temporary
monthly paid employee.
Implement a staff position title
change, grade change, and rate
change (when necessary) for a
biweekly position.
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Implement a staff position title
change, grade change, and rate
change (when necessary) for a
monthly position.
Rehire an Adjunct Faculty into
the same position.
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
Office of the Provost
Human Resources
Information Systems
Rehire a Federal Work Study into Human Resources
the same position.
Information Systems
Student Financial Services
Rehire full time Faculty into the Office of the Provost
same position.
Human Resources
Information Systems
Rehire a student worker into the Human Resources
same position.
Information Systems
Rehire a monthly paid employee Human Resources
into the same supplemental pay Information Systems
Rehire a temporary biweekly
Human Resources
employee into the same
Information Systems
Rehire a temporary monthly
Human Resources
employee into the same
Information Systems
Terminate an employee with
Human Resources
benefits (no other job)
Information Systems
30. 7TRMNB
Terminate an employee without
benefits (no other job)
ENDJOB and rehire actions must
be processed by the appropriate
departments. See note below.**
Human Resources
Information Systems
Human Resources
Information Systems
* An additional job (7ADJBM, 7ADJBB, 7ADJBF, 7ADJBS, 7ADSUP) EPAF cannot be
originated along with a rehire or new hire action. The rehire or new hire action
must be approved and applied before the additional job EPAF can be submitted in
** For a Transfer, the department the employee is transferring from must process
an 7ENDJB EPAF action and the department the employee is transferring to must
complete the appropriate hire EPAF action. The dates used to end the first job
and to begin the hire job must be consecutive to prevent a gap in service.
 Checkpoint - Hiring full-time or part-time regular staff
When hiring a full-time or part-time regular staff, please work with the Human
Resources Employment Office. An EPAF will not be processed for these new hires;
instead, the People Admin System will provide the information about the new hire
to the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) office for entry in the Banner
system. These employees will still need to complete an I-9 Employment Eligibility
Verification Form, Tax Forms, and the Human Resources Information Form no later
than their first day of employment.
 Checkpoint - Retroactive Pay Actions
When processing EPAF actions with begin dates before a pay period that has
already ended, be aware that retroactive pay will be paid on the first available
pay period. Departments are encouraged to enter changes to jobs and pay prior to
or during the pay period that will be affected by the change. Retroactive pay
actions may result in a temporary increase in tax liability for the employee.
Approval Types
For each EPAF category or action, one or more approval types are required. These
approval types establish the fields that can be entered and the type of routing
queue required for the specific action.
The following EPAF categories require one approval type (one set of required
EPAF Category
7ADJBB (add job for a biweekly
7ENDJB (End Job)
LD (Labor distribution change)
7LOA (Leave of Absence Start/End)
7NHFAC (New Hire Faculty)
7NHTBW (New Hire Temporary BW staff)
7NHTMN (New Hire Temporary MN staff)
7NHSTU (New Hire Student)
7PCGBW (Pay Change Graded Biweekly)
7PCUNB (Pay Change for students/
7PCGMN (Pay Change Graded Monthly)
7PCUMN (Pay Change for GA/Fac/Res)
7RECBW (Reclass Biweekly Position)
7RECMN (Reclass Monthly Position)
Approval Type(s)
7ADJB2(Additional Job BW Employee )
7JBTRM (NBAJOBS Termination)
LDCHG (Labor distribution change)
7LEAVE (Leave of Absence start/end)
7NHMN (New Hire Monthly Employee)
7NHBW (New Hire Biweekly Employee)
7NHMN (New Hire Monthly Employee)
7NHBW (New Hire Biweekly Employee)
7PCHGB (Pay change for BW)
7PCHGB (Pay Change for BW)
7PCHGM ( Pay Change for MN)
7PCHGM (Pay Change for MN)
7RECBW (Reclass Biweekly Position)
7RECMN (Reclass Monthly Position)
For EPAF categories requiring more than one approval type, the additional
approval types will appear in subsequent sections of the Self Service EPAFs.
The following EPAF categories require two or three approval types (more than
one set of required fields):
7ADJBF (Additional job for FWS and
provide a specific end date)
7ADJBM (Additional job for a monthly
employee and provide an end date)
7ADJBS (Additional job for a student and
provide an end date)
7ADSUP (Additional Supplemental Pay
and provide an end date)
1. 7ADJB3 (Additional Job FWS/Student
Worker) to begin the additional job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the additional job
1. 7ADJB1 (Additional Job MN Employee)
to begin the additional job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the additional job
1. 7ADJB3 (Additional Job FWS/Student
worker) to begin the additional job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the additional job
1. 7ADJB1 (Additional job MN Employee)
to begin the additional job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the additional job
7HNFWS (New Hire Federal Work Study
and provide an end date)
1. 7NHBW (New hires biweekly
employee) to begin the job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the job
7NHGRAD (New Hire Graduate Assistant
1. 7NHMN (New hire monthly
and provide an end date)
employee) to begin the job
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to
put an end date on the job
7NHPTF (New Hire Part Time/Adj Faculty 1. 7NHMN (New hire monthly employee)
and provide an end date)
to begin the job.
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the job.
7NHSTU (New Hire a Student and provide
1. 7NHBW (New Hire Biweekly
an end date)
Employee) to begin the job.
2. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to
put an end date on the job.
7RHADJ (Rehire Adjunct Faculty in the
1. 7REHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
same position and provide an end date)
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB1 (Additional Job MN Employee)
to begin the current job.
3. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the job.
7RHFWS (Rehire Federal Work Study in
1. 7RHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
the same position and provide an end
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB3 (Add Job FWS/Student Worker)
to begin the current job.
3. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
and end date on the current job.
7RHFAC (Rehire FT Faculty in the same
1. 7REHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB1 (Additional Job MN Employee)
to begin the current job.
7RHSTU ( Rehire Student in the same
1. 7REHRH (Rehire Same Position) to
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB3 (Add Job FWS/Student Worker)
to begin the current job.
3. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to put
an end date on the job.
7RHSUP(Rehire Supplemental Pay in the
1. 7REHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
same position)
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB1 (Additional Job MN
Employee) to begin the current job.
3. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS termination) to
put an end date on the current job.
7RHTBW (Rehire Temp BW Staff in the
same position)
7RHTMN (Rehire Temp MN Staff in the
same position)
7TRMBE (Term Employee w/Benefits)
7TRMNB (Terminate employee w/o
1. 7REHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
remove an end date from previous
2. 7ADJB2 (Additional Job BW
Employee) to begin the current job.
1. 7REHRE (Rehire Same Position) to
remove an end date from the previous
2. 7ADJB1 (Additional Job MN Employee)
to begin the current job.
1. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS Termination)
2. 7ETERM (PEAEMPL Termination)
1. 7JBTRM (NBAJOBS Termination)
2. 7ETERM (PEAEMPL Termination)
Approval Levels
An EPAF is originated in the department by the person who is authorized to enter
and submit changes for employee status, jobs, etc. Once an EPAF is originated, it
must be saved and submitted to an approval routing queue. In Banner there are
mandatory (required) approver levels that the EPAF is routed through before the
change can be applied to the employee’s record.
Mandatory (Required) Approvers include:
Level 10
First level of approval required. Includes Department
or School Level approval.
Level 20
Second and final approval required. Can include the
Office of the Provost, a Vice President, and/or HSC
Finance Office.
Will approve actions related to hiring, rehiring or
termination of Graduate Assistants.
Will approve actions related to hiring, rehiring or
adding a job to a Federal Work Study.
A designated person with the ability (authorization) to
approve any transaction at any time during the approval
process, bypassing the people in the approval queue who
have not yet taken action on the transaction for all
organizations. A Superuser cannot disapprove, but can
void or return the transaction for correction.
An approved EPAF must be applied to the database. For labor distribution
changes, this is done by payroll services. For all other EPAF actions, the human
resources information systems office applies actions to the Banner system.
Individuals in specific departments see different approved EPAFs for information
purposes only (after the EPAF is approved). Departments included are University
Benefits, Human Resources Compensation, Payroll Services, Office of the Provost,
and Research Administration.
Organizational Security
Organization security will be set up and maintained by the Human Resources
Information Systems office (HRIS). New requests for access or requests to modify
existing access will require written approval by the employee’s supervisor.
Organizational security includes access to time approvals. The Banner security
request form is downloadable from the Human Resources web site at
http://www.slu.edu/services/HR/hris_access.html. Employees complete the
form, have it approved by their supervisor, and return the form to the Human
Resources Information Systems office at the Salus Center.
 Checkpoint – Questions about Banner Human Resources Access should be
referred to Nick Hebel at hebel@slu.edu.
Chapter 2 Processing an EPAF in Self
Service Banner
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with:
 Opening and logging in to Self Service Banner
 Searching for a person
 The EPAF Form
 How to track an EPAF action
 How to delete an EPAF action
 How to set up a default routing queue
 Removing an approver from your default routing queue
he EPAF process begins with a change or update for an employee’s record
and/or job. In order to update the system with the new information, an
EPAF must be initiated in Self Service Banner. This chapter provides the
originator with information about accessing EPAFs in Self Service Banner, tracking
EPAF actions, and deleting transactions that have been started but no longer need
to be processed.
Logging on to Self Service Banner
To access the forms needed to enter an EPAF action, you must have authorization
to initiate and/or approve in the Self Service system. (See previous chapter topic
– Organizational Security.) Once you have the appropriate authorizations, you will
need to log on to Self Service Banner.
Accessing Self Service Banner through the mySLU Portal
The Self Service Banner system should be accessed through the portal system.
1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer on your computer.
2. In the Address field, enter: http://gateway.slu.edu and press Enter.
3. Enter your username
and password for the
Portal system.
4. A link to the Self
Service system is
included on the Tools
page of the portal.
5. Find the Banner Self Service icon and click on the link.
6. Since an integrated logon system is used, you will automatically be taken to
the home page of Banner Self Service.
Finding Banner Identification Numbers
In many Banner forms, including the Self Service EPAF form, the person’s Banner
identification number will need to be entered in the key block area before
additional information can be accessed.
 Checkpoint - It is very important that you use the correct ID in the Banner
system when processing an EPAF action so that changes will be applied to the
correct person and job records.
Employee Name Search
1. After logging into Self Service Banner,
click on the Employee link.
2. Next, click on the Electronic Personal
Action Forms link near the bottom
of the screen.
3. Go to New EPAF and click the link.
4. Once you have entered the New EPAF section of Self Service Banner, you
will automatically be taken to the New EPAF Person Selection screen.
5. You will click on the search icon in order to find the
Banner ID.
6. Type all or a portion of the employee’s last name in the appropriate box,
and all or a portion of the first name in the additional box.
a. If you know their last name but are unsure of the first name, type the
last name, a comma, and a percent sign (wildcard placeholder):
b. If you know the first few letters of the last name but are unsure of
the full spelling, type the first few known letters and a percent sign:
c. If you know their full
first and last names,
type in the last
name, a comma, and
the first name:
Brown, Barton.
Note: The more you can type in for the person’s name, the narrower your
results returned. However, what you enter in the search fields must match
how the person’s name is stored in Banner.
7. Press GO. The Person Search Results box appears with the results of your
search. The number of matches for your search is displayed at the bottom
of the display box.
8. When you see the person you are searching for, click on their name. The
person’s ID number and name will be returned to the New EPAF Person
Selection form. You are ready to move forward with the process by
entering the query date and the EPAF category for the type of change you
are initiating.
 Checkpoint - If you are unsure whether you have identified the correct
record for the person you are searching for, please contact the Human
Resources Information Systems (HRIS) department for assistance.
Self Service EPAF Form
Before entering an EPAF, the originator will need to gather the necessary
information to complete the online form. Information needed for EPAF actions
includes: the employee’s Banner ID number (see previous section for search
techniques); the position number and employee class; effective dates for changes;
salary or hourly rates; etc. Once all necessary information is gathered, the EPAF
can be initiated on the EPAF form in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The employee class entered on an EPAF must be the code set up
in the Banner system for the specific position being used. For example, a
student worker position that is set up as an employee class code 61 in Banner
indicates that the employee in that position will be doing web time entry.
Using another employee class code for this student worker position could
result in the employee being unable to enter their hours worked in the web
time entry system. (See Appendix A for a list of Employee Class codes.)
The following steps are used to begin the EPAF process for all actions. Additional
steps for specific actions (i.e. adding a job, rehire, pay change, etc.) are provided
in the next chapters.
Initiating an EPAF in Self Service Banner
1. From the Main Menu in Self Service Banner, click on the Employee link.
2. Find the Electronic Personnel Action Forms link at the bottom of the
Employee page and click the link.
3. Click the New EPAF link.
4. Enter or search for the ID of the employee (see instructions above for
directions on searching for an ID). This is a required field for EPAF
5. Enter the Query Date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes
(10/16/2007). This is a required
field for EPAF processing.
6. Select the Approval Category that is appropriate for the type of transaction
you are creating. Utilize the drop down box to view a list of available EPAF
7. Click the GO button to move forward in the Self Service EPAF process.
Instructions for completing the remaining information blocks are provided later
in this guide, within each specific type of EPAF action.
Correcting & Tracking EPAF Actions
To review the status of an EPAF action that has been originated and submitted,
the originator should use the Current and History tabs of the Self Service EPAF
form. The Current tab will show items that need to be updated and submitted,
while the History tab will indicate the status of an EPAF that has been submitted.
1. From the Electronic
Personal Action Form menu
in Self Service Banner, click
on EPAF Originator
2. You will have the option to
view Current transactions
that are waiting, have been returned for correction, or all items that need
to be updated and submitted. Use the arrows within the Transaction
Status box to choose which items you would like to review.
NOTE: Items that are
waiting have not been
submitted and could have
errors that prevent it from
going further in the
process. Please see the
directions for
troubleshooting EPAFs.
NOTE: Items that have been
returned for correction should be
reviewed for comments written by
the approver or applier who
returned the item. The comments
will indicate the corrections that
need to be entered in order to
move the transaction forward in
the process.
3. Click on the transaction number to open the EPAF in a format that will
allow you to update, change, or correct the item.
4. By clicking the
name, you will
be able to
preview the
EPAF in its
entirety. You
have the
option of
updating the
transaction by
clicking the
button. You
will be taken
to a format
that will allow
you to change
the values on
the EPAF.
5. By clicking the word Comments, you will be able to view comments that the
user who returned the item would have entered. You will also be able to
enter your own comments on this screen. Make sure to Save any comment
you enter.
6. To view the routing status of an EPAF that has been submitted, click on the
History tab. Historical information will be displayed for three months.
7. You will have the option to review the status of All EPAFs, Approved EPAFs,
Completed EPAFs, Pending EPAFs, Disapproved EPAFs or Voided EPAFs.
Use the arrows within the Transaction Status box to choose the status type
you would like to review.
8. By clicking the employee’s name, you will be able to view the EPAF is its
entirety. Scroll down to the approval routing queue section of the
transaction for information on who has or has not seen and approved the
 Approved EPAFs are waiting to be applied by HRIS.
 Pending EPAFs need to be applied by an approver. You will see this distinction on
the line of the approver who needs to review and approve the transaction.
 Completed EPAFs have been applied by HRIS. The employee will have an
electronic timecard available in Self Service Banner when the transaction is in this
 Disapproved EPAFs have been removed from the queue from an approver and will
not go any further in the EPAF process. Please review comments that should be
added on transactions that are disapproved. You will need to create a new
transaction if it is still necessary to initiate a change for an employee with a
disapproved EPAF.
 Voided EPAFs have been removed from the queue due to a request by the
department or due to processing errors when HRIS attempted to apply the item.
Please review comments added to voided EPAFs to see if the employee information
was updated manually by HRIS, or if another transaction needs to be processed.
Troubleshooting EPAF Processing Errors
If you experience a problem or error message while processing an EPAF action:
 Review the Error Messages that will be displayed at the top of the EPAF
form as soon as you attempt to submit the transaction.
 Check that all required data has been entered in the EPAF fields. Verify
that the information entered is typed correctly.
 Check dates entered in fields to ensure they are appropriate for each
field. Are jobs effective dates earlier than a payroll that has already
 Check that you have completed all of the necessary information for all
the approval types associated with the EPAF category. All approval
types are displayed at one time on the screen, but you will have to scroll
down to review the information.
 Check that you have saved all changes.
 Check that you have submitted the EPAF.
 Warnings do not prevent your EPAF from being submitted, and only
errors must be corrected.
If the above suggestions do not solve your issue/error, contact the Human
Resources Information Systems (HRIS) department for assistance:
EPAFHelp@slu.edu 977-2381 or 977-2305.
For E-mails, include the employee’s Banner ID number, name, EPAF transaction
number and a description of what error or problem you are experiencing.
Deleting an EPAF Transaction
If you did not complete an EPAF action that was initiated, the EPAF transaction
will remain in the “waiting” status. The EPAF transaction must be completed and
submitted to the approval routing queue OR the action can be deleted by following
these instructions. Only “waiting” items can be deleted.
1. GO to the EPAF Originator Summary.
2. Click on the transaction number of the waiting item you wish to delete.
3. Click the Delete button.
Creating a Default Routing Queue
You have the ability to default the routing queue on individual EPAF categories so
you will not have to enter the username each time you create a transaction.
After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the EPAF
Originator Summary.
3. Click on the Default
Routing Queue link.
4. Using the drop down feature, select the Approval Category for which you will
set up the default routing queue.
5. Click on Go.
NOTE: The level 10 approver cannot also be the level 20 approver
in order to provide an appropriate audit trail.
The originator of the EPAF should not be the level 20 approver as
the level 10 approver will be “flipped” to an FYI and not be able to
approve the transaction. Once again, the appropriate audit trail is
corrupted when the level 10 approver is changed to an FYI.
6. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
o Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard search to
choose the appropriate approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the
Routing Queue
7. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username, you
may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on step 6
for directions on conducting this search.
8. Continue with these steps with the remaining approval
levels until you have completed the routing queue for the
EPAF category selected.
9. Save what you have entered.
10. You will follow these instructions for each approval category for which you
choose to establish a default routing queue.
Removing a Username from a Default Routing Queue
If an approver should leave their position or they are no longer approving your
EPAFs, you must remove that person from the default routing queue on each
category in which they have been set up. While you are removing the approver
who is no longer responsible for your EPAFs, you should replace that person with
the appropriate approver.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the EPAF
Originator Summary.
3. Click on the Default
Routing Queue link.
4. Using the drop down feature, select the Approval Category for which you will
set up the default routing queue.
5. Click on Go.
6. Identify the username of the person no longer approving your EPAFs. Click on
the Remove box to the right of the approver level row.
7. Save that action.
8. Follow the instructions on creating a default routing queue to replace the
person you removed (see page 2-13).
Chapter 3 EPAF Approval
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with:
 Personnel Action Notices in the mySLU Portal
 How to view the details of an EPAF action
 How to approve, disapprove, or return for correction
an EPAF action
 Setting up a Proxy Approver
 Approving actions as a Proxy Approver
PAFs submitted by departmental originators must be reviewed and approved,
disapproved, or returned for correction by various approvers in a predetermined routing queue. Approvers, identified in the routing queue when
the Routing Information block is completed for an EPAF transaction, are notified of
an EPAF to be approved when the approver logs in to the mySLU Portal and clicks
on the Employee tab. A section of this page of the Portal shows an Approval Alert
for EPAF transactions. Once the approval routing queue is completed, the EPAF
information is applied to the system by HRIS or payroll services.
 Checkpoint – Departmental originators may want to e-mail approvers in their
level 10 and 20 routing queue to let them know when an EPAF transaction has
been submitted. At this time, the Banner HR module is not programmed to
provide automatic e-mail notifications. Approvers must access the mySLU
Portal to review pending EPAF transactions.
Getting Started
There are two ways for approvers to view pending EPAF transactions:
1. the approver may access the Approval Alerts channel on the Employee Tab
in the mySLU portal; or,
2. access the approver summary in Banner Self Service through the Electronic
Personnel Action Forms link in the Employee menu
Viewing EPAF transactions in the mySLU portal
1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer on your computer.
2. In the Address field, enter: http://gateway.slu.edu and press Enter.
3. Enter your username and password for
the Portal system.
4. A channel for approver notices is
included on the Employee page of the
5. Items requiring your
approval will be
listed in the
Personnel Action
Notices channel.
6. Click on an item
(employee’s name is
a link) to review the
You will be
automatically logged
into Self Service
Banner and the
selected EPAF will
appear on your screen.
Viewing EPAF transactions in Self Service Banner
1. If you are already in Self Service
Banner, Access the Employee tab
and go to the Electronic Personal
Action Form link near the
bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the EPAF Approver
3. The Current tab will
display items that need
your approval. Set the
Queue Status to Pending to
review items that need
your approval.
NOTE: The In My Queue tab will
display items for which you may
be a different level approver. For
example, if you are the level 20 approver on an EPAF, it will be listed on the In
My Queue tab until the level 10 approver has approved the item. After the
level 10 approval, the EPAF queue status changes to pending for the level 20
approver and it would be listed on the current tab.
4. Click on an item (employee’s name is a link) to review the EPAF.
5. You may also view comments for a specific EPAF by clicking on the
**Comments link in the right column.
Review and Approver Actions
1. Review the EPAF by scrolling down to view the entries in the New Value
column. Be sure to view any comments submitted with the EPAF for
information you may need to be aware of before approving the transaction.
2. An approver may add a comment to
the EPAF. This is especially helpful
when the EPAF will be disapproved or
returned for correction. To add a
o Click on the Add Comment link
(near the top of the EPAF detail).
o Enter your comments in the box.
o Click on the Save button to return
to the EPAF detail.
o NOTE: Comments need to be
added before you approve,
disapprove, or return the EPAF for
3. Select the approver action. The approver can approve, disapprove, or
return the EPAF for correction.
o Approved EPAF – the approver fully approves the values entered in the
new value column of the EPAF. The action is approved to go to the next
approver and/or to be applied in the system.
o Disapproved – the action is not approved and no further action will be
processed on this EPAF. (Note: Please add a comment to the EPAF
explaining the reason for disapproval.)
o Return for Correction – An approver is requesting a change to
information submitted on the EPAF transaction or requires additional
information to approve the transaction. (Note: Please add a comment
to the EPAF explaining what needs to be corrected.) This action will be
back in your approval queue once corrections are made.
4. After clicking on the selected approver action
(approve, disapprove, or return for correction), a
message displays at the top of the EPAF confirming
the action taken. The Queue status will also be
updated for your level and the next level approver
(next level changes to pending.)
EPAF Statuses
The transaction has been
initiated, but not
The transaction has been
submitted by the
initiator and is pending
review by an approver.
The transaction has been
approved by an
The transaction has been
disapproved by an
The transaction has been
submitted and approved
by all approvers in the
routing queue.
Transaction has been
The transaction requires
some fields or
information to be fixed –
only part of the
transaction can be
The transaction was
A person in the approval
queue who receives the EPAF
action for information
purposes only.
The transaction has been
approved by the current
The transaction has been
disapproved by the current
The transaction is back in the
routing queue waiting for the
next approval level.
In the queue
The transaction is pending in
the approvers queue.
The transaction was voided.
An approver has requested
additional information before
the EPAF can proceed.
An FYI approver has reviewed
the EPAF and acknowledged
The EPAF was returned to the
originator for correction.
A superuser has overridden
one or more approval levels.
The transaction was removed
from the approval queue
Includes all queue statuses
All approvals in the routing
queue are complete and HRIS
or payroll has applied the
changes to the system.
Return for
Removed from
Setting up a Proxy Approver
The Electronic Proxy Rule Form permits an approver to designate proxies or
individuals authorized to take approval action in the approver’s absence.
 Checkpoint - The person designated as your proxy assumes your Banner
security role and can view the same information and approve the same
actions that you would normally view or approve.
 Checkpoint – It is critical that you set up a proxy approver when you will be
out of the office for an extended period of time and will be unable to access
the portal or self service remotely. The HRIS department is not able to
approve actions for you and if a proxy is not set up, the action will have to
wait until you return to approve the item.
To set up a proxy:
1. In Self Service Banner, Access
the Employee tab and go to the
Electronic Personal Action Form
link near the bottom of the
Employee page.
2. Click on the EPAF Proxy Records
3. Select the approver level you want to set up a proxy for and click on Go.
4. Select your proxies’ name
from the drop down list.
(Note: The person must
have EPAF access set up
before they can be a
proxy for an approver.)
5. Click on the box under
Add to check this name.
6. Click on Save. The person is added to the list of Proxy approvers for this
Checkpoint - This person will be your proxy until they are removed from
this form. They will receive notifications of actions to be reviewed and
Removing a Proxy Approver Setting
1. In Self Service Banner, Access
the Employee tab and go to the
Electronic Personal Action Form
link near the bottom of the
Employee page.
2. Click on the EPAF Proxy Records
3. Select the approver level you want to remove a proxy for and click on Go.
4. Click on the
box under Remove for the person you want to remove as a proxy for this
approver level.
5. Click on Save. The person is removed from your list of Proxy approvers for
this level.
 Checkpoint - This person will no longer be your proxy and they will no longer
receive notifications of actions to be reviewed and approved.
Approving an EPAF Action as a Proxy
1. In Self Service Banner, Access
the Employee tab and go to the
Electronic Personal Action Form
link near the bottom of the
Employee page.
2. Click on the Act as a Proxy link.
3. Select the person you are acting as a proxy for and enter the dates for the
range of EPAF transactions you need to view.
4. Click on Go.
5. The Approver Summary will display listing the transactions pending
approval. Follow the instructions for reviewing and approving EPAF actions.
Chapter 4 New Hire EPAF Instructions
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with
initiating a New Hire EPAF for:
 Federal Work Study hires
 Student hires
 Graduate Assistant hires
 Part time/adjunct faculty hires
 Faculty hires
 Temporary staff hires
ew hires, with the exception of newly hired part time or full time regular
staff, are entered in the Internet Native Banner (INB) Human Resources
system module through origination, submission, and approval of an EPAF
transaction in Self Service Banner. This chapter provides step-by-step instructions
for completing and submitting a new hire EPAF for the above referenced
 Checkpoint – Newly hired employees must complete an information form,
state and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 prior to or on the first day of work.
Once paperwork is completed, the employee must be initiated in the Banner
Human Resources system by the HRIS department prior to originating an EPAF
for their job. The HRIS department can provide the originator with the
employee’s Banner identification number if they do not obtain it from the
employee, or they cannot find the number by conducting a name search.
 Checkpoint – Newly hired part time or full time regular staff jobs will be
entered in the INB system by the Human Resources Information Systems
(HRIS) department. Departments must notify new hires to complete
paperwork (see checkpoint above).
New Hire Federal Work Study (7NHFWS)
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
Checkpoint - Federal Work Study students must be authorized by the
Office of Student Financial Services before working in a FWS position.
Please contact the Office of Student Financial Services prior to
originating an EPAF action.
19. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
19. Click on the New EPAF link.
19. Enter the employee’s
Banner ID number, or
search for it by following
the instructions outlined in
Chapter 2.
Checkpoint – A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their
Human Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the
HRIS office in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their
paperwork (HRIF, Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
19. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including slashes).
19. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case,
choose, “BW – Hire a new FWS student, 7NHFWS.”
Checkpoint – If the employee is already active in another position, a
list of Active Jobs for the employee entered will be seen on the screen.
When that is the case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire
but rather process an Add Job EPAF. Go back to the New EPAF Screen
and choose the appropriate approval category for Add Job EPAF.
19. Click on GO
19. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D339 – Human Resources Information Systems.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click on
the position number in which you want to place your FWS student. You will
be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
19. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
19. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
19. The Employee Status is a default - “A” for active that is not overrideable.
19. Enter the Employee Class Code or search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the field.
o When searching for the employee class, you will be
taken to a Valid Values pop up.
o Scroll through the list of values until you find the
appropriate employee class for a FWS student
(either 63 – FWS Student Web, or 64 – FWS Student
o Highlight the appropriate employee class and click the Select button. You
will return to the EPAF screen.
NOTE: The employee class you select should match the
employee class set up on the position. See employee class
column on position list above.
19. The Home Chart of
Accounts - (1) - is
defaulted and is
not overrideable.
19. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D339. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the format D339 (capital letter then numbers) as the system is case
19. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check register
for this employee will be sent). This may be the same value as the Home
Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (magnifying glass)
to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the correct format,
D339, as the system is case sensitive.
19. Tab to the
Organization Field
and enter the
number. This is
usually the same
value as the Home
Organization field.
If not, you may use
the Search button
(magnifying glass)
to find the
Organization. You
must use the
correct format,
D339, as the
system is case
19. The Current Hire Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the PEAEMPL
screen for this employee.
19. The Job Begin Date will default from the Query date and will be the date the
employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job record
19. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
19. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire EPAF
is used for the employee’s primary job
19. The following fields are set with default values for Federal Work Study jobs.
They are not overrideable.
o The FTE field defaults to 1.0 for FWS.
o The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 for FWS.
o The Hours Per Pay defaults to 30.00 hours for the purpose of hiring a FWS
19. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
19. The final four fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
19. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started, and
it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
19. The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct, scroll
down to the end job approval type and go to step 34. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF can
be submitted.
Labor from
the budgeted
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new values
by following steps 24 – 29.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 25 – 30.
19. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
19. Enter the Fund Code.
19. Enter the ORGN code.
19. Enter the Account code.
NOTE: The Federal Work
Study Fund number changes
each fiscal year. Please
consult with the student
financial services
representative for updates
on the number.
19. Enter the Program code as 0 (zero).
19. Enter the percent for this fund/account
19. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 25-30) to total 100% for this
19. Click on the Save button to review the labor distribution entered.
19. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
19. Due to Federal Work Study program regulations, FWS assignments must end at
a specific time each year, so an End Job approval type is included on the New
Hire FWS Student EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for
the termination is a default
setting but it may be
overridden if it is known
that the student will leave
before the end of the
academic year.
o The Personnel Date for the termination is a default setting but it may be
overridden if it is known that the student will leave before the end of the
academic year.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason (“S”) is a non overrideable default.
NOTE: If a FWS student leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove
the end date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would
then have to be processed with the accurate separation date.
19. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
19. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers. Scroll
through the list or perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the
Routing Queue.
19. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username, you
may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on step 32
for directions of conducting this search.
19. Enter the username of the Level 40 Financial Aid
Approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on step 32 for
directions of conducting this search.
19. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 35 for directions
on conducting this search.
19. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 35 for
directions on conducting this search. (See the screen capture on following
 Checkpoint – As the originator of the EPAF, you are responsible for
selecting the appropriate approvers at all levels of the routing queue.
 Checkpoint – Level 10 approvers should not also be the Level 20 approvers
as this does not provide an acceptable audit trail.
 Checkpoint – If the originator of the EPAF is also the Level 20 approver,
the Level 10 approver will “flip” to an FYI and not be allowed to approve
the transaction. Once again the audit trail is corrupted by this action and
should be prevented. Please find an appropriate Level 20 approver who is
not also the originator of the EPAF.
19. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for the
approvers, payroll, or HRIS
to be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
19. Save your EPAF.
19. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete
the item if needed.
19. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Student (7NHSTU)
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
 Checkpoint - If you are adding a student job to go with a Federal Work
Study job, please use the additional job EPAF category for student jobs. Note
– the additional job EPAF cannot be processed until the New Hire Federal
Work Study New Hire EPAF action is applied by HRIS.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner
ID number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office
in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork
(HRIF, Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating
by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case,
choose, “BW – Hire a new student worker, 7NHSTU.”
6. Click on GO.
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is the
case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process an
Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D339 – Human Resources Information
Systems. Choose your organization number by scrolling through the
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen. Click
on the position number in which you want to place your student
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click on
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Employee Status is a default – “A” for active – that is not overrideable.
11. Enter the Employee Class Code or search for it by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the field.
o When searching for the employee class,
you will be taken to a Valid Values pop
o Scroll through the list of values until you
find the appropriate employee class
for a student worker (either 61 –
Student Worker Web, or 62 – Student
Worker Timeclock.)
o Highlight the appropriate employee class
and click the Select button. You will
return to the EPAF screen.
NOTE: The employee class you select should match the
employee class set up on the position. See employee class
column on position list above.
12. The Home Chart of Accounts – (1) – is defaulted and is not overrideable.
13. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D339. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D339, as the system is case sensitive.
14. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check
register for this employee will be sent). This may be the same value as the
Home Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature
(magnifying glass) to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D339, as the system is case sensitive.
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D339, as the system is
case sensitive.
16. The Current Hire Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the
PEAEMPL screen for this employee.
17. The Job Begin
Date will default
from the Query
date and will be
the date the
employee begins
However, this date
is overrideable in
case you have
entered a
different Query
Date. This date
populates the base
job record on
18. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
19. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire
EPAF is used for the employee’s primary job.
20. The following fields are set with default values for student worker jobs.
They are not overrideable.
o FTE field defaults to 1.0.
o Appointment Percent defaults to 100.
o Hours Per Pay defaults to 40.00 for the purpose of hiring a student
21. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
22. The final four fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
23. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 33. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 24 – 29.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 24 – 29.
24. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
25. Enter the Fund Code.
26. Enter the ORGN Code.
27. Enter the Account Code.
28. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
29. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
30. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 24-29) to total 100% for this
31. Click on the Save button to review the labor distribution entered.
32. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on the screen. This may be used
if you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
33. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
34. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level
10 approvers. Scroll through the
list or perform a wildcard search
to choose the appropriate
approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the
username field in the Routing
35. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 34 for directions on conducting this search.
36. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 34 for
directions on conducting this search.
37. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 34
for directions on conducting this search.
 Checkpoint – As the originator of the EPAF, you are responsible for
selecting the appropriate approvers at all levels of the routing queue.
 Checkpoint – Level 10 approvers should not also be the Level 20 approvers
as this does not provide an acceptable audit trail.
 Checkpoint – If the originator of the EPAF is also the Level 20 approver,
the Level 10 approver will “flip” to an FYI and not be allowed to approve
the transaction. Once again the audit trail is corrupted by this action and
should be prevented. Please find an appropriate Level 20 approver who is
not also the originator of the EPAF.
38. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for the
approvers, payroll, or HRIS to
be aware of when processing the EPAF.
39. Save your EPAF.
40. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
41. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Graduate Assistant (7NHGRD)
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office
in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork
(HRIF, Tax, and I-9) prior to or on their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Hire a new graduate assistant – 7NHGRD.”
6. Click on GO
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is the case,
you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process an Add Job
EPAF. (See screen capture on the next page)
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D094 – History. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the graduate assistant. You
will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personal Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Employee Status is a
default – “A” for active – that
is not overrideable.
11. For the purpose of hiring a
graduate assistant, the
Employee Class, 60, is a
default setting that is not
12. The Home Chart of Accounts –
(1) – is defaulted and is not
13. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D094. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D094, as the system is case sensitive.
14. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check
register for this employee will be sent). This may be the same values as the
Home Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (the
magnifying glass) to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D094, as the system is case sensitive.
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D094, as the system is
case sensitive.
16. The Current Hire Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the
PEAEMPL screen for this employee.
17. The Job Begin Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case
you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job
record on NBAJOBS.
18. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
20. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire
EPAF is used for the employee’s primary job.
20. The FTE field defaults to .50 but it is
overrideable. Most graduate assistant
assignments are budgeted as .50 FTE, but
there are some assignments that are .25 FTE,
so you do have the ability to change that
value when necessary.
21. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100
and is not overrideable.
22. The Hours Per Pay field defaults to 86.67 for
the purpose of hiring a graduate assistant.
This information is overrideable when the
grad assistant is budgeted less than 86.67
hours per pay period.
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
23. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the employee should receive).
Factors Example: A graduate
assistant is hired for the spring
semester and needs to receive
a monthly paycheck at the end
of January, February, March,
April and May. The Factor and
Pays would be 5.
24. Enter the Factor – consider
how many monthly payrolls will
be affected by this job and
enter that number.
25. Enter the same number
entered in Factors for the Pays
26. The final two fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason and Step are non
overrideable defaults.
22. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 35. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 28 – 33.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 33.
23. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
29. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
26. Enter the Account Code.
27. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
28. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
27. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. Graduate Assistant positions have a definitive end date, so an End Job
approval type is included in the New Hire Graduate Assistant EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date
for the termination will
be the last day of the
month determined by
the Factor and Pays
that you entered. For
instance, if the
assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of 9, the Jobs
Effective Date for the termination will be 05/31/2008.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
9, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 05/31/2008.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason (“S”) is a non overrideable default.
NOTE: If a graduate assistant leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove the end
date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would then have to be
processed with the accurate separation date. Failure to do this may
result in the employee being overpaid.
31. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
32. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or perform a
wildcard search to choose the appropriate
approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
33. Enter the username of the Level 30 Graduate School
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 30 approver field. See bullet points on step
37 for directions of conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who
will acknowledge your EPAF. You may search for the
username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 37 for directions on
conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 37
for directions on conducting this search.
36. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll,
or HRIS to be aware of
for processing the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be
used to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2
describes how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner
EPAF Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty (7NHPTF)
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office
in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork
(HRIF, Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Hire a new PT or adjunct faculty – 7NHPTF.”
6. Click on GO.
 If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is the
case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process an
Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D106 - Philosophy. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the adjunct faculty. You will
be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Employee Status is a default – “A” for active – that is not overrideable.
11. Enter the Employee Class Code or search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass associated with the
o When searching for the employee class,
you will be taken to a Valid Values pop up,
o Scroll through the list of values until you
find the appropriate employee class for
PT/adjunct faculty.
o Highlight the appropriate employee calss
and click the Select button. You will
return to the EPAF screen.
NOTE: The employee class you select should match the
employee class set up on the position. See employee class
column on position list above.
12. The Home Chart of Accounts – (1) – is defaulted and is not overrideable.
13. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D106. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D106, as the system is case sensitive.
14. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check
register for this employee will be sent). This may be the same values as the
Home Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (the
magnifying glass) to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D106, as the system is case sensitive.
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization
field and enter the department
number. This is usually the same
value as the Home Organization field.
If not, you may use the Search button
(magnifying glass) to find the
Timesheet Organization. You must
use the correct format, i.e. D106, as
the system is case sensitive.
16. The Current Hire Date will default
from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working.
However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different
Query Date. This date populates the
PEAEMPL screen for this employee.
17. The Job Begin Date will default from
the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case
you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job
record on NBAJOBS.
18. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
20. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire
EPAF is used for the employee’s primary job.
20. The FTE field defaults to 1.00 but it is overrideable.
21. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and is not overrideable.
22. The Hours Per Pay field defaults to 173.33 but this information is
overrideable. (See note regarding hours per pay)
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
23. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the
employees, calculate the
employee should receive).
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
Factors Example: Adjunct
faculty who is hired for the
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Spring semester and needs to
receive a monthly paycheck at
the end of January, February,
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
March, April and May. The
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
Factors and Pays would be 5.
24. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly
payrolls will be affected by this job and enter
that number.
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
25. Enter the same number entered in Factors for the Pays field.
26. The final two fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason and Step are non
overrideable defaults.
22. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll to the end job approval type and go to step 35. If this information
is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the
EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 28 – 33.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 33.
23. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
29. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
26. Enter the Account Code.
27. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
33. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
34. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. PT and adjunct faculty positions have a definitive end date, so an End Job
approval type is included in the New Hire PT/adjunct Faculty EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for
the termination will be the
last day of the month
determined by the Factor
and Pays that you entered.
For instance, if the
assignment begins on
10/01/2007 with factor and pays of 3, the Jobs Effective Date for the
termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason (“S”) is a non overrideable default.
NOTE: If PT/adjunct faculty leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove
the end date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would
then have to be processed with the accurate separation date.
Failure to do this will result in the employee being overpaid.
32. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
37. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or perform a
wildcard search to choose the appropriate
approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
35. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 37 for directions of conducting this search.
32. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 37 for directions of
conducting this search.
40. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 37 for
directions on conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 37
for directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Faculty or Housestaff/Resident (7NHFAC)
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personal Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office
in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork
(HRIF, Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Hire new full time faculty or housestaff/resident –
6. Click on GO
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When this is the case,
you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process and Add
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D108 - Psychology. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the FT Faculty. You will be
taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Employee Status is a default – “A” for active – that is not overrideable.
11. Enter the Employee Class Code or search
for it by clicking the magnifying glass
associated with the field.
o When searching for the employee
class, you will be taken to a
Valid Values pop up.
o Scroll through the list of values
until you find the appropriate
employee class for FT faculty.
o Highlight the appropriate
employee class and click the
Select button. You will return to
the EPAF screen.
NOTE: The employee class you select should match the
employee class set up on the position. See employee class
column on position list above.
12. The Home Chart of Accounts – (1) – is defaulted and is not overrideable.
13. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D106. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D108, as the system is case sensitive.
14. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check
register for this employee will be sent). This may be the same value as the
Home Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (the
magnifying glass) to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D108, as the system is case sensitive.
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization
field and enter the department
number. This is usually the same
value as the Home Organization
field. If not, you may use the
Search button (magnifying glass)
to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D108, as the
system is case sensitive.
16. The Current Hire Date will
default from the Query date and
will be the date the employee
begins working. However, this
date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query
Date. This date populates the
PEAEMPL screen for this
17. The Job Begin Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case
you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job
record on NBAJOBS.
16. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
20. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire
EPAF is used for the employee’s primary job.
20. The FTE field defaults to 1.00 but it is
21. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and
is not overrideable.
22. The Hours Per Pay field defaults to 173.33 but
this information is overrideable. (See note
regarding hours per pay)
23. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the
employee should receive).
24. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly
payrolls will be affected by this job and enter
that number. A FT faculty member who is paid
year round would have factor of 12.
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
25. Enter the same number entered in Factors for the Pays field. A FT faculty
member who is paid year round would have factor of 12.
Checkpoint – If you set up a newly hired faculty to be paid over less
than 12 months for the first year, you will need to monitor how the job
loads the following fiscal year and contact HRIS to correct factor and pays
to 12.
26. The final two fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason and Step are non
overrideable defaults.
22. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 35. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 28 – 33.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 33.
23. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
29. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
26. Enter the Account Code.
26. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
27. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The
transaction will need to be approved and/or
reviewed by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or perform a
wildcard search to choose the appropriate
approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points on
step 36 for directions of conducting this search.
32. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 36 for
directions of conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 36 for
directions on conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 36
for directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Temporary Staff to be Paid Biweekly
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office in
Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork (HRIF,
Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes). For new hires, this is the actual date they will begin
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose, “BW
– Hire new temporary staff to be paid BW, 7NHTBW.”
6. Click on GO.
If this employee is already active in another position, a list of Active
Jobs for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is
the case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire. Instead
process an Add Job EPAF. (See screen capture on the following page)
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D061 – Consulting and Client Services.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number which you want to place your temporary
employee. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form in order to enter the data needed to create the
employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
10. The Employee Status is a default – “A” for active – that
is not overrideable.
11. Enter the Employee Class Code or search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass associated with the field.
o When searching for the employee class, you will be
taken to a Valid Values pop up.
o Scroll through the list of values until you find the
appropriate employee class for a part time
temporary staff (either 51 – Temporary Hourly Web, or 52 – Temporary
Hourly Timeclock.)
o Highlight the appropriate employee class and click the Select button. You
will return to the EPAF screen.
NOTE: The employee class you select should match the
employee class set up on the position. See employee class
column on position list above.
12. The Home Chart of Accounts – (1) – is defaulted and is not overrideable.
13. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D061. Use the Search button (Magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D061, as the system is case sensitive.
14. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check register
for this employee will be sent). This may be the same value as the Home
Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (magnifying glass) to
find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the correct format, i.e. D061,
as the system is case sensitive.
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you may
use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet Organization.
You must use the correct format, i.e. D061, as the system is case sensitive.
16. The Current Hire Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the PEAEMPL screen
for this employee.
17. The Job Begin Date will default from the Query date and will be the date the
employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you have
entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job record on
18. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date populates the
job details record on NBAJOBS.
19. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire EPAF is
used for the employee’s primary job.
20. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is working
(i.e. 32.00 hours per pay period = .40 FTE).
21. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and is not overrideable.
22. Enter the Hours Per Pay. This will be the amount of hours the employee will
work in a two week pay period.
23. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
24. The final four fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, and Step
are non overrideable defaults.
25. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started, and is
the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective date must be
changed, you may enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including
the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 33. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 26 – 31.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 26 – 31.
26. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
27. Enter the Fund Code.
28. Enter the ORGN Code.
29. Enter the Account Code.
30. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
31. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
32. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 26-31) to total 100% for this
33. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
34. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for
the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
35. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 34 for directions on conducting this search.
36. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 34 for directions on
conducting this search.
37. Enter the username of
the HRIS
representative who
will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the
username by clicking
the magnifying glass
next to the HR
Information Systems
approval level. See the bullet points on step 34 for directions on conducting
this search.
38. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free form
text box for you to enter any information that will be important for the
approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of when processing the EPAF.
39. Save your EPAF.
40. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need.
41. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
New Hire Temporary Staff to be Paid Monthly
New hire paperwork must be completed prior to initiating the new hire EPAF
transaction. See checkpoint on page 4-1 for information about paperwork.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
 Checkpoint - A new hire may not have a Banner ID number if their Human
Resources Information Form (HRIF) has not been submitted to the HRIS office
in Salus Center. Please advise all new hires to complete their paperwork
(HRIF, Tax, and I-9) on or before their first day of work.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes). For new hires, this date is the actual
date they will begin working.
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Hire new temporary staff to be paid monthly –
6. Click on GO
Checkpoint – If the employee is already active in another position, a list
of Active Jobs for the employee entered will be seen in the screen. When
that is the case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather
process an Add Job EPAF. Go back to the New EPAF Screen and choose the
appropriate approval category for an Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D298 - Athletics. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the new hire temporary
employee paid monthly. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job
Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Employee Status is a default – “A” for active – that is not overrideable.
11. Enter the Employee Class Code or search for it
by clicking the magnifying glass next to the field.
o When searching for the employee
class, you will be taken to a Valid
Values pop up.
o Scroll through the list of values until
you find the appropriate employee
class for Temporary Staff Salaried (50).
o Highlight the appropriate employee
class and click the Select button. You
will return to the EPAF screen.
12. The Home Chart of Accounts – (1) – is defaulted and is not overrideable.
14. Tab to the Home Organization field and enter the department number, i.e.
D106. Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You
must use the correct format, i.e. D298, as the system is case sensitive.
13. Tab to the Distribution Orgn. Field (the department where the check
register for this employee will be sent). This may be the same values as the
Home Organization field. If not, you may use the Search feature (the
magnifying glass) to find the correct Distribution Orgn. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D298, as the system is case sensitive.
16. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D298, as the system is
case sensitive.
17. The Current Hire Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the
PEAEMPL screen for this employee.
18. The Job Begin Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case
you have entered a different Query Date. This date populates the base job
record on NBAJOBS.
19. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
20. The Contract Type is a default that is not overrideable since a new hire
EPAF is used for the employee’s primary job.
21. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is
budgeted (i.e. for a monthly paid employee
Hours Per Pay:
who is budgeted 86.67 hours, FTE = .50).
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
22. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and
appropriate hours using the
is not overrideable.
following formula:
23. The Hours Per Pay. This will be the amount of
hours the employee will be budgeted for in a
monthly pay period.
24. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the
employee should receive).
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
25. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly payrolls will be affected by
this job and enter that number. FT staff paid year round would have factor
of 12.
26. Enter the same number entered in Factors for the Pays field. FT staff paid
year round would have pays of 12.
27. The final two fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason and Step are non
overrideable defaults.
28. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 33. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 28 – 33.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 33.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
29. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
31. Enter the Account Code.
27. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
33. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
34. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 28 – 33) to total 100% for
this job.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 10
Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the
appropriate approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field
in the Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 20
approver field. See bullet points on step 36 for
directions of conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 36 for
directions on conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 37
for directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
38. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Chapter 5 Additional Job EPAF
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with
initiating an additional job EPAF for:
Biweekly paid staff
Federal Work Study
Monthly paid faculty and staff
Student Workers
Supplemental Pay
dditional jobs for staff, faculty and students are entered in the Self Service
Banner Human Resources system module through origination, submission,
and approval of an EPAF transaction. This chapter provides step-by-step
instructions for completing and submitting an additional job EPAF for the above
referenced categories.
Additional job EPAF categories should be used when an employee needs to be set
up for another job assignment, in addition to the primary, current job already set
up for the employee. However, if the employee has had a job assignment in this
position before, you would use a rehire category to re-activate then in the same
Additional Job for a Biweekly paid employee (7ADJBB)
 Checkpoint - If the employee is a new hire or rehire, the additional job
action cannot be originated until the new hire or rehire action is applied by
Human Resources.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personal Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes). This date is the actual date they will begin working in this
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose, “Add
a secondary or overload job for a BW paid employee, 7ADJBB.”
6. Click on GO.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D061 – Consulting and Client Services.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number in which you want to place the biweekly
paid employee. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job
Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter the
data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
NOTE: Secondary will be used when
an employee works less than full time.
Overload will be used for full time
employees who are working over their
budgeted hours. For FT biweekly paid
employees, this will result in them
being paid overtime for hours worked
in the overload position.
10. Select the Contract Type from the drop down
feature. It will be “S” for secondary or “O”
for overload.
11. The Job Begin Date will default from the
Query date and will be the date the employee
begins working. However, this date is
overrideable in case you have entered a
different Query Date. This date populates the
base job record on NBAJOBS.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will
default from the Query date and
will be the date the employee
begins working. However, this
date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query
Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on
13. Enter the FTE, which corresponds
to the hours per pay the employee
is working (i.e., if budgeted to
work 32 hours per pay period, the
FTE = .40).
14. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and is not overrideable.
15. Enter the Hours Per Pay. This will be the amount of hours the employee will
work in a two week pay period.
16. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you may
use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet Organization.
You must use the correct format, i.e. D061, as the system is case sensitive.
18. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, Job
Status and Step are non overrideable defaults.
19. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started, and is
the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective date must be
changed, you may enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including
the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll to the routing queue and go to step 27. If this information is not
correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF can
be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 20 – 25.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 20 – 25. (See screen
capture on the following page).
20. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
21. Enter the Fund Code.
22. Enter the ORGN Code.
23. Enter the Account Code.
24. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
25. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
26. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 20-25) to total 100% for this
27. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
28. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for
the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
29. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 28 for directions of conducting this search.
30. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who
will acknowledge your EPAF. You may search for the
username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Payroll approval level.
See the bullet points on step 28 for directions on conducting this search.
31. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 28 for
directions on conducting this search.
32. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for the
approvers, payroll, or HRIS to
be aware of when processing
the EPAF.
33. Save your EPAF.
34. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need.
35. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Additional Job for Federal Work Study Student
 Checkpoint - The department may add a Federal Work Study (FWS) job to a
student worker’s record when the student is authorized by the Office of
Financial Aid as eligible for a FWS position.
 Checkpoint - If the FWS is a new hire or rehire student worker, the additional
job action cannot be originated until the new hire or rehire action is applied
by Human Resources.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose, “Add
a secondary FWS job, 7ADJBF.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – Since this employee already has a primary job, a list of
Active Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D061 – Consulting and Client Services.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number which you want to place your FWS
student. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter the
data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
10. The Contract Type will
default as “S” for secondary
and cannot be overridden.
11. The Job Begin Date will
default from the Query date
and will be the date the
employee begins working.
However, this date is
overrideable in case you have
entered a different Query
Date. This date populates the
base job record on NBAJOBS.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date populates the
job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
14. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you may
use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet Organization.
You must use the correct format, i.e. D339, as the system is case sensitive.
15. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, Job
Status and Step are non overrideable defaults.
16. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of
the EPAF will default from the query date that was
entered when the transaction was started, and is the
same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the
date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the
NOTE: The Federal Work
Study Fund number changes
each fiscal year. Please
consult with the student
financial services
representative for updates
on the number.
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll to the end job approval type and go to step 25. If this information
is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the
EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 17 – 22.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 17 – 22. (See screen
capture on the following page).
17. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
18. Enter the Fund Code.
19. Enter the ORGN Code.
20. Enter the Account Code.
21. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
22. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
23. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 17-22) to total 100% for this
24. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if you
need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
25. Due to Federal Work Study program regulations, FWS assignments must end at a
specific time each year, so an End Job approval type is included on the New
Hire FWS Student EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for
the termination is a default
setting but it may be
overridden if it is known
that the student will leave
before the end of the
academic year.
o The Personnel Date for the termination is a default setting but it may be
overridden if it is known that the student will leave before the end of
the academic year.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason (“S”) is a non overrideable default.
NOTE: If a FWS student leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove
the end date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would
then have to be processed with the accurate separation date.
26. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
27. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for
the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
28. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 27 for directions of conducting this search.
29. Enter the username of the Level 40 Financial Aid
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Level 40 approver
field. See bullet points on step 27 for directions of conducting this search.
30. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 27 for directions on
conducting this search.
31. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 27 for
directions on conducting this search.
32. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or
HRIS to be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
33. Save your EPAF.
34. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need.
35. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Additional Job for Student Worker (7ADJBS)
 Checkpoint - If the student is a new hire or rehire student worker, the
additional job action cannot be originated until the new hire or rehire action
is applied by Human Resources.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose, “Add
a secondary student job, 7ADJBS.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – Since this employee already has a primary job, a list of
Active Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D061 – Consulting and Client Services.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number which you want to place your FWS
student. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter the
data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
10. The Contract Type will
default as “S” for secondary
and cannot be overridden.
11. The Job Begin Date will
default from the Query date
and will be the date the
employee begins working.
However, this date is
overrideable in case you have
entered a different Query
Date. This date populates the
base job record on NBAJOBS.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date populates the
job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
14. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you may
use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet Organization.
You must use the correct format, i.e. D339, as the system is case sensitive.
15. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, Job
Status and Step are non overrideable defaults.
16. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started, and is
the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective date must be
changed, you may enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including
the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll to the end job approval type and go to step 25. If this information
is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the
EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 17 – 22.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 17 – 22. (See screen
capture on the following page).
17. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
18. Enter the Fund Code.
19. Enter the ORGN Code.
20. Enter the Account Code.
21. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
22. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
23. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 17-22) to total 100% for this
24. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if you
need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
25. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
26. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for
the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
27. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 27 for directions of conducting this search.
28. Enter the username of the Level 40 Financial Aid approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking on the magnifying glass next to
the Level 40 approver field. See bullet points on step 27 for directions of
conducting this search.
29. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 27 for directions on
conducting this search.
30. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 27 for
directions on conducting this search.
31. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or
HRIS to be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
32. Save your EPAF.
33. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need.
34. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Additional Job for a Monthly Paid Employee - including
Faculty (7ADJBM)
 Checkpoint - If the monthly employee or faculty is a new hire or rehire, the
additional job action cannot be originated until the new hire or rehire action
is applied by Human Resources.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Add a secondary or overload job for a MN paid
employee – 7ADJBM.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – Since this employee already has a primary job, a list of
Active Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in
which the position is assigned, i.e. D106 - Philosophy. Choose
your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position in which you want to place the employee or
faculty. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
NOTE: Secondary will be used
when an employee works less
than full time.
Overload will be used for full
time employees who are
working over their budgeted
10. Select the Contract Type from the drop
down feature. It will be “S” for secondary
or “O” for overload.
11. The Job Begin Date will default from the
Query date and will be the date the
employee begins working. However, this
date is overrideable in case you have
entered a different Query Date. This date
populates the base job record on NBAJOBS.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is
14. The Appointment
Percent defaults to 100
and is not overrideable.
15. Enter the Hours Per Pay.
This will be the amount of
hours the employee will
work in a two week pay
16. Enter the Annual Salary
amount (amount the
employee should receive
for this assignment).
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D108, as the system is
case sensitive.
18. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly payrolls will be affected by
this job and enter that number.
Factors Example: Adjunct
faculty who is hired for the
19. Enter the same number entered in Factors for
Spring semester and needs to
the Pays field.
receive a monthly paycheck at
the end of January, February,
20. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job
March, April and May. The
Change Reason, Job Status and Step are non
Factors and Pays would be 5.
overrideable defaults.
21. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and is the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective
date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point (format:
MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go down to step 30. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 22 – 27.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 27.
22. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
23. Enter the Fund Code.
24. Enter the ORGN Code.
25. Enter the Account Code.
26. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
27. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
28. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 22 – 27) to total 100% for
this job.
29. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. PT and adjunct faculty positions and additional monthly paid jobs have a
definitive end date, so an End Job approval type is included in the
Additional Job for Monthly Paid Employees EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a
non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason
(“S”) is a non
overrideable default.
NOTE: If the employee or faculty leaves their additional job
before the end date entered from the applied EPAF, you must
contact HRIS to remove the end date from the NBAJOBS record.
An End Job EPAF would then have to be processed with the
accurate separation date. Failure to do this will result in the
employee being overpaid.
31. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
32. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard search
to choose the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the
Routing Queue.
33. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 32 for directions of conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 32 for directions of
conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 32 for
directions on conducting this search.
36. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 32
for directions on conducting this search.
37. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
38. Save your EPAF.
39. You will be taken to
the top of the
Electronic Personnel
Action Form where you
will have to submit
your transaction. You
also have the option to
delete the item if you
40. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Additional Supplemental Pay Job for a Monthly Paid
Employee - (7ADSUM)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Add a secondary or overload job for a MN paid
employee – 7ADJBM.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – Since this employee already has a primary job, a list of
Active Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in
which the position is assigned, i.e. D106 - Philosophy. Choose
your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position in which you want to place the employee or
faculty. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero). Enter that value and click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
NOTE: Secondary will be used
when an employee works less
than full time.
Overload will be used for full
time employees who are
working over their budgeted
10. Select the Contract Type from the drop down
feature. It will be “S” for secondary or “O”
for overload.
11. The Job Begin Date will default from the
Query date and will be the date the employee
begins working. However, this date is
overrideable in case you have entered a
different Query Date. This date populates the
base job record on NBAJOBS.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is
14. The Appointment
Percent defaults to 100
and is not overrideable.
15. Enter the Hours Per Pay.
This will be the amount of
hours the employee will
work in a two week pay
16. Enter the Annual Salary
amount (amount the
employee should receive
for this assignment).
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D108, as the system is
case sensitive.
18. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly payrolls will be affected by
this job and enter that number.
Factors Example: Adjunct
faculty who is hired for the
19. Enter the same number entered in Factors for
Spring semester and needs to
the Pays field.
receive a monthly paycheck at
the end of January, February,
20. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job
March, April and May. The
Change Reason, Job Status and Step are non
Factors and Pays would be 5.
overrideable defaults.
21. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and is the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective
date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point (format:
MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go down to step 30. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 22 – 27.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 28 - 27.
22. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
23. Enter the Fund Code.
24. Enter the ORGN Code.
25. Enter the Account Code.
26. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
27. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
28. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 22 – 27) to total 100% for
this job.
29. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. PT and adjunct faculty positions and additional monthly paid jobs have a
definitive end date, so an End Job approval type is included in the
Additional Job for Monthly Paid Employees EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a
non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason
(“S”) is a non
overrideable default.
NOTE: If the employee or faculty leaves their additional job
before the end date entered from the applied EPAF, you must
contact HRIS to remove the end date from the NBAJOBS record.
An End Job EPAF would then have to be processed with the
accurate separation date. Failure to do this will result in the
employee being overpaid.
31. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
32. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard search
to choose the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the
Routing Queue.
33. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 32 for directions of conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 32 for directions of
conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 32 for
directions on conducting this search.
36. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 32
for directions on conducting this search.
37. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
38. Save your EPAF.
39. You will be taken to
the top of the
Electronic Personnel
Action Form where you
will have to submit
your transaction. You
also have the option to
delete the item if you
40. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Chapter 6 Rehire EPAF Instructions
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with
initiating a rehire EPAF for:
 Federal Work Study
 Student Workers
 Graduate Assistants
 Part Time/Adjunct Faculty
 Regular part-time or full-time faculty or staff
ehire actions for staff, faculty and students are entered in the Internet
Native Banner (INB) Human Resources system module through origination,
submission, and approval of an EPAF transaction. This chapter provides stepby-step instructions for completing and submitting a Rehire EPAF for the above
referenced categories.
 Checkpoint -
Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed or if their job type is significantly changing (e.g.
previously employed as a student worker and rehiring as a full-time
employee). These forms should be turned in to the Human Resources
Information Systems (HRIS) office in Salus Center. Once paperwork is
completed, the employee must be activated in the Banner Human Resources
system by the HRIS department. The HRIS department will provide the
originator with the employee’s Banner identification number. The originator
can then process an EPAF action.
Rehire Federal Work Study (7RHFWS)
 Checkpoint - Only use this category if you are rehiring the Federal Work
Study into the same position number the person worked in previously. If you
are rehiring a person into a different position number, you must use the new
hire category.
 Checkpoint - Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed. (See note on Chapter 6 cover page.)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose,
“Rehire a FWS student into the same position, 7RHFWS.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – If the employee is already active in another position, a
list of Active Jobs for the employee entered will be seen on the screen.
When that is the case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire
but rather process an Add Job EPAF. Go back to the New EPAF Screen
and choose the appropriate approval category for Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D339 – Human Resources Information
Services. Choose your organization number by scrolling through the
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number which you want to place your FWS
student. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero) and will default for you. Click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter the
data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
10. The Rehire Approval Type
will have fields with
default settings that are
not overrideable. Scroll
to the Add Job Approval
11. Enter the Contract Type - “P” for primary or “S” for secondary. You will have
seen Existing Jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you started the
EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for secondary. If no
other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the date
the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in case you
have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date populates the
job details record on
13. Enter the Regular Rate
(hourly) of pay for the
14. Tab to the Timesheet
Organization Field and
enter the department
number. If not, you may
use the Search button
(magnifying glass) to find
the Timesheet Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D339, as
the system is case sensitive.
15. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, Job
Status and Step are non overrideable defaults.
16. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the student
previously occupied the position. This is only
informational data.
NOTE: The Federal Work
Study Fund number changes
17. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of
each fiscal year. Please
the EPAF will default from the query date that was
consult with the student
entered when the transaction was started, and is the
financial services
same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
representative for updates
effective date must be changed, you may enter the
on the number.
date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll to the end job approval type and go to step 25. If this information
is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the
EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 18 – 23.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 18 – 23.
18. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
19. Enter the Fund Code.
20. Enter the ORGN Code.
21. Enter the Account Code.
22. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
23. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
24. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 18-23) to total 100% for this
25. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if you
need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
26. Due to Federal Work Study program regulations, FWS assignments must end at a
specific time each year, so an End Job approval type is included on the New
Hire FWS Student EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for
the termination is a default
setting but it may be
overridden if it is known
that the student will leave
before the end of the
academic year.
o The Personnel Date for the termination is a default setting but it may be
overridden if it is known that the student will leave before the end of
the academic year.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason (“S”) is a non overrideable default.
NOTE: If a FWS student leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove
the end date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would
then have to be processed with the accurate separation date.
27. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
28. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for
the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
29. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 28 for directions of conducting this search.
30. Enter the username of the Level 40 Financial Aid
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Level 40 approver
field. See bullet points on step 28 for directions of conducting this search.
31. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 28 for directions on
conducting this search.
32. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 28 for
directions on conducting this search.
33. You will have the
option to include
transaction comments.
This is a free form text
box for you to enter
any information that
will be important for
the approvers, payroll,
or HRIS to be aware of
when processing the
34. Save your EPAF.
35. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need. (See the screen capture on the next page).
36. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring actions as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Student Worker (7RHSTU)
 Checkpoint - Only use this category if you are rehiring the Student Worker
into the same position number the person worked in previously. If you are
rehiring a person into a different position number, you must use the new hire
 Checkpoint - Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed. (See note on Chapter 6 cover page.)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner
ID number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating
by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case,
choose, “BW – Rehire a student into same position, 7RHSTU.”
6. Click on GO.
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is the
case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process an
Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D339 – Human Resources Information
Systems. Choose your organization number by scrolling through the
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen. Click
on the position number in which you want to place your student
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero). Enter that value and click on
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Rehire
Approval Type
will have fields
with default
settings that are
Scroll to the Add job Approval Type.
11. Enter the Contract Type – “P” for primary or “S” for secondary. You will
have seen existing jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you
started the EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for
secondary. If no other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
14. Tab to the Home
Organization field
and enter the
department number,
i.e. D339. Use the
Search button
(magnifying glass) to
see a list of values.
You must use the
correct format, i.e.
D339, as the system
is case sensitive.
15. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Status and Step
are non overrideable defaults.
16. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the student
previously occupied the position. This is only informational data.
17. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 25. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 18 – 23.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 18 – 23.
18. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
19. Enter the Fund Code.
20. Enter the ORGN Code.
21. Enter the Account Code.
22. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
23. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
24. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 18-23) to total 100% for this
25. Click on the Save button to review the labor distribution entered.
26. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on the screen. This may be used
if you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
27. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
28. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username
field in the Routing Queue.
29. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you do
not know the username, you may search for it
by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 28 for directions on conducting this
30. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 28 for
directions on conducting this search.
31. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 28
for directions on conducting this search.
 Checkpoint – As the originator of the EPAF, you are responsible for
selecting the appropriate approvers at all levels of the routing queue.
 Checkpoint – Level 10 approvers should not also be the Level 20 approvers
as this does not provide an acceptable audit trail.
 Checkpoint – If the originator of the EPAF is also the Level 20 approver,
the Level 10 approver will “flip” to an FYI and not be allowed to approve
the transaction. Once again the audit trail is corrupted by this action and
should be prevented. Please find an appropriate Level 20 approver who is
not also the originator of the EPAF.
32. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or
HRIS to be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
33. Save your EPAF.
34. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
35. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring actions as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Graduate Assistant (7RHGRD)
 Checkpoint - Only use this category if you are rehiring the Graduate Assistant
into the same position number the person worked in previously. If you are
rehiring a person into a different position number, you must use the new hire
 Checkpoint - Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed. (See note on Chapter 6 cover page.)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Rehire a graduate assistant into same position –
6. Click on GO
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is the case,
you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process an Add Job
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D094 – History. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the graduate assistant. You
will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero) and will default for you. Click
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personal Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Rehire Same
Position - PEAEMPL
approval type will
have default
settings that are
not overrideable.
Scroll to the Rehire
into the Same Position approval type.
11. Enter the Contract Type – “P” for primary or “S” for secondary. You will
have seen Existing Jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you
started the EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for
secondary. If no other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective Date
will default from the
Query date and will be the
date the employee begins
working. However, this
date is overrideable in
case you have entered a
different Query Date. The
Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details
record on NBAJOBS.
13. The FTE field is a default that is overridable in
case the graduate assistant is working less than
a .50 FTE.
14. The Appointment Percent is a non
overrideable default.
15. The Hours Per Pay is a default that is
overrideable in case the graduate assistant is
working less than 86.67 hours per pay period.
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .25 FTE:.25 x
173.33 = 43.33 Hours Per Pay
16. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the
employee should receive).
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
If you do not know the department number, you may use the Search button
(magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet Organization. You must use the
correct format, i.e. D106, as the system is case sensitive.
Factors Example: A graduate
assistant is hired for the spring
semester and needs to receive
a monthly paycheck at the end
of January, February, March,
April and May. The Factor and
Pays would be 5.
18. Enter the Factor – consider how many
monthly payrolls will be affected by this
job and enter that number.
19. Enter the same number entered in Factors
for the Pays field.
20. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason, Job Status and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
21. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the graduate
assistant previously occupied the position. This is only informational data.
22. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 29. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 23 – 28.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 23 - 28.
23. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
24. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
26. Enter the Account Code.
27. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
28. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
29. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
30. Graduate Assistant positions have a definitive end date, so an End Job
approval type is included in the New Hire Graduate Assistant EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
9, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 05/31/2008.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
9, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 05/31/2008.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a
non overrideable
o The Job Change Reason
(“S”) is a non
overrideable default.
NOTE: If a graduate assistant leaves their job before the end date
entered from the applied EPAF, you must contact HRIS to remove the end
date from the NBAJOBS record. An End Job EPAF would then have to be
processed with the accurate separation date. Failure to do this may
result in the employee being overpaid.
31. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
32. Enter the username of the Level 10 department
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or perform a
wildcard search to choose the appropriate
approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
33. Enter the username of the Level 30 Graduate School approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 30 approver field. See bullet points on step 32 for
directions of conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 32 for
directions on conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 37
for directions on conducting this search.
36. You will have the
option to include
transaction comments.
This is a free form
text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important
for the approvers,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of for
processing the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed. (See screen capture on following page)
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be
used to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2
describes how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner
EPAF Originator Summary.
Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty (7RHADJ)
 Checkpoint - Only use this category if you are rehiring the part time/adjunct
faculty into the same position number the person worked in previously. If
you are rehiring a person into a different position number, you must use the
new hire category.
 Checkpoint -
Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed or if they are changing their type of employment
(e.g., from a student worker to a full time employee). (See note on Chapter
6 cover page.)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Rehire adjunct faculty into same position – 7RHADJ.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – If the employee already has a primary job, a list of Active
Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking All Jobs.
o A list of Existing Jobs will be displayed.
o Click on the position in which you want to rehire the adjunct
8. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
9. The Rehire an Employee into the Same Position approval type will be
completed with non-overrideable defaults. Scroll to the Add Job for a MN
Employee approval type.
NOTE: Secondary will be used
when the adjunct already has a
primary job in another position.
Overload will be used for full
time employees who are
working over their budgeted
10. Select the Contract Type from the drop
down feature. It will be “P” for primary,
“S” for secondary or “O” for overload.
11. The Jobs Effective Date will default from
the Query date and will be the date the
employee begins working. However, this
date is overrideable in case you have
entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date populates the job
details record on NBAJOBS.
12. The FTE defaults
to 1 and is not
13. The
Percent defaults
to 100 and is not
14. The Hours Per
Pay will default
to 173.33 and is
not overrideable.
15. Enter the Annual Salary amount (amount the employee should receive for
this assignment).
16. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
This is usually the same value as the Home Organization field. If not, you
may use the Search button (magnifying glass) to find the Timesheet
Organization. You must use the correct format, i.e. D347, as the system is
case sensitive.
Factors Example: Adjunct
faculty who is hired for the
Spring semester and needs to
receive a monthly paycheck at
the end of January, February,
March, April and May. The
Factors and Pays would be 5.
17. Enter the Factor – consider how many
monthly payrolls will be affected by
this job and enter that number.
18. Enter the same number entered in
Factors for the Pays field.
19. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason, Job Status and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
20. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and is the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective
date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point (format:
MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go down to step 28. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 21 – 26.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 21 - 26.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
22. Enter the Fund Code.
23. Enter the ORGN Code.
24. Enter the Account Code.
25. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
26. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
27. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 21 – 26) to total 100% for
this job.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
29. PT and adjunct faculty positions and additional monthly paid jobs have a
definitive end date, so an End Job approval type is included in the
Additional Job for Monthly Paid Employees EPAF.
o The Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 10/01/2007 with factor and pays of
3, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a
non overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason
(“S”) is a non
overrideable default.
NOTE: If the employee or faculty leaves their additional job
before the end date entered from the applied EPAF, you must
contact HRIS to remove the end date from the NBAJOBS record.
An End Job EPAF would then have to be processed with the
accurate separation date. Failure to do this will result in the
employee being overpaid.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard search
to choose the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the
Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points
on step 32 for directions of conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 32 for
directions of conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 32 for
directions on conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 32
for directions on conducting this search.
36. You will have the
option to include
transaction comments.
This is a free form
text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important
for the approvers,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of for
processing the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
38. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring actions as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Temporary Biweekly Staff (7RHTBW)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions outlined
in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the date this job begins (format: MM/DD/YYYY,
including slashes).
5. <Tab> to Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are creating by
utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this case, choose, “BW
– Rehire a temp employee paid biweekly into same position, 7RHTBW.”
6. Click on GO.
If this employee is already active in another position, a list of Active
Jobs for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When that is
the case, you will not enter this employee as a New Hire. Instead
process an Add Job EPAF. (See screen capture on the following page)
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Selection screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which
the position is assigned, i.e. D061 – Consulting and Client Services.
Choose your organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position number which you want to place your temporary
employee. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero zero) and is a default that is not
overrideable. Click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter the
data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job record
10. The Rehire an Employee into the Same Position approval type will be
completed with non-overrideable defaults. Scroll to the Add Job for a BW
Employee approval type.
11. Enter the Contract Type – “P” for primary or “S” for secondary. You will have
seen existing jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you started the
EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for secondary. If no
other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective
Date will default from
the Query date and
will be the date the
employee begins
working. However,
this date is
overrideable in case
you have entered a
different Query Date.
The Jobs Effective
Date populates the job
details record on
13. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is working
(i.e. 32.00 hours per pay period = .40 FTE).
14. The Appointment Percent defaults to 100 and is not overrideable.
15. Enter the Hours Per Pay. This will be the amount of hours the employee will
work in a two week pay period.
16. Enter the Regular Rate (hourly) of pay for the employee.
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field and enter the department number.
Use the Search button (magnifying glass) to see a list of values. You must use
the correct format, i.e. D061, as the system is case sensitive.
18. The final five fields on the EPAF, Factor, Pays, Job Change Reason, Job
Status, and Step are non overrideable defaults.
19. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the employee
previously occupied the position. This is only informational data.
20. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started, and is
the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective date must be
changed, you may enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including
the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 28. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 22 – 26.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 22 – 26.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
22. Enter the Fund Code.
23. Enter the ORGN Code.
24. Enter the Account Code.
25. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
26. Enter the percent for this fund/account.
27. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 22-26) to total 100% for this
28. Click on the Save button to review the labor distribution entered.
29. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and have saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on the screen. This may be used if
you need to delete the lines of labor that were created
in error.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The
transaction will need to be approved and/or reviewed
by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver for the transaction.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you
do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points on step 31 for
directions on conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 31 for directions on
conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF. You
may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the HR
Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 31 for
directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for the
approvers, payroll, or HRIS
to be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where you
will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to delete the
item if you need.
38. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” of the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring action as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Temporary Staff to be Paid Monthly (7NHTMN)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes). For new hires, this date is the actual
date they will begin working.
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Rehire a temp employee into the same position –
6. Click on GO
Checkpoint – If the employee is already active in another position, a list
of Active Jobs for the employee entered will be seen in the screen. When
that is the case, you will not enter this employee as a Rehire but rather
process an Add Job EPAF. Go back to the New EPAF Screen and choose the
appropriate approval category for an Add Job EPAF.
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
(magnifying glass).
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. Z601 – ITS-Division Administration. Choose your
organization number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the new hire temporary
employee paid monthly. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job
Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero) and will a default that is not
overrideable. Click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Rehire Approval
Type will have fields
with default settings
that are not
overrideable. Scroll to
the Rehire a Monthly
Paid Employee into the
Same Position Approval Type.
11. Enter the Contract Type – “P” for Primary or “S” for Secondary. You may
see existing jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you start the
EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for secondary. If
no other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query Date, but it is an
overrideable field and should be the date the employee begins working in
the position. The Jobs Effective Date populates the jobs detail record on
13. Enter the FTE, which corresponds to the hours per pay the employee is
working (i.e. 138.66 hours
per pay period = .80 FTE).
14. The Appointment Percent
defaults to 100 and is not
15. Enter the Hours per Pay.
This will be the amount of
hours the employee will work
during the month long pay
16. Enter the Annual Salary for
the employee.
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization Field
and enter the department number. Use
the search button (magnifying glass) to see
a list of values. You must use the correct
format, i.e. Z601, as the system is case
18. Enter the Factor – consider how many
monthly payrolls will be affected by this
job and enter that number. FT staff paid
year round would have factor of 12.
19. Enter the same number entered in Factors
for the Pays field. FT staff paid year
round would have pays of 12.
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
20. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason, Job Status, and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
21. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the employee
previously occupied the position. This in only informational data.
22. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 30. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 23 – 28.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 23 - 28.
23. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
24. Enter the Fund Code.
25. Enter the ORGN Code.
26. Enter the Account Code.
27. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
28. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
29. Continue entering labor distribution lines (steps 23 – 28) to total 100% for
this job.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username
field in the Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you do
not know the username, you may search for it
by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 20 approver field. See bullet points on
step 31 for directions of conducting this
33. Enter the username of the Payroll
representative who will acknowledge your EPAF. You may search for the
username by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Payroll approval
level. See the bullet points on step 31 for directions on conducting this
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 31
for directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
38. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring action as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Rehire Regular Part Time or Full Time Faculty
 Checkpoint - Only use this category if you are rehiring the part time or full
time faculty into the same position number the person worked in previously.
If you are rehiring a person into a different position number, you must use
the new hire category.
 Checkpoint - Rehired employees must complete an information form, state
and Federal tax forms, and an I-9 if more than one year has passed since they
were previously employed. (See note on Chapter 6 cover page.)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personal Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter the effective date for the action (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Rehire FT faculty into same position – 7RHFAC.”
6. Click on GO
If the employee is already active in another position, a list of Active Jobs
for the employee entered will be seen on the screen. When this is the case,
you will not enter this employee as a New Hire but rather process and Add
7. Enter the Position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New Position
Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in which the
position is assigned, i.e. D108 - Psychology. Choose your organization
number by scrolling through the list.
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed. Click
on the position in which you want to place the FT Faculty. You will be
taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection screen.
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero) and will default for you.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Rehire Approval
Type will have fields
with default settings
that are not
overrideable. Scroll to
the Rehire a Monthly
Paid Employee into the
Same Position Approval Type.
11. Select the Contract Type – “P” for Primary or “S” for Secondary. You will
have seen Existing Jobs on the New EPAF Job Selection screen when you
started the EPAF. If there are existing jobs, this position will be “S” for
secondary. If no other jobs exist, this assignment will be “P” for primary.
12. The Jobs Effective Date will default from the Query date and will be the
date the employee begins working. However, this date is overrideable in
case you have entered a different Query Date. The Jobs Effective Date
populates the job details record on NBAJOBS.
13. Enter the FTE. This data will vary depending on the number of hours the
faculty will work each pay period.
14. The Appointment Percent will default
to 100 and is not overrideable.
15. Enter the Hours per Pay.
16. Enter the Annual Salary amount
(amount the faculty should receive).
17. Tab to the Timesheet Organization
field and enter the department
number. If the organization number is
not known, you may use the search
button (magnifying glass) to find the
Timesheet Organization. You must use
the correct format, i.e. D347, as the
system is case sensitive.
Hours Per Pay:
For monthly paid (exempt)
employees, calculate the
appropriate hours using the
following formula:
FTE x 173.33 = Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at 1.0 FTE: 1.0 x
173.33 = 173.33 Hours Per Pay
Monthly Employee at .5 FTE:.5 x
173.33 = 86.67 Hours Per Pay
(defaulted in)
Monthly Employee at .8 FTE: .8 x
173.33 = 138.66 Hours Per Pay
18. Enter the Factor – consider how many mothly payrolls will be affected by
this assignment and enter that number. A FT faculty member who is paid
year round would have a factor of 12.
19. Enter the same number entered in Factors for the Pays field. A FT Faculty
member who is paid year round would have pays of 12.
Checkpoint – If you set up a rehired faculty to be paid over less than 12
months for the first year, you will need to monitor how the job loads the
following fiscal year and contact HRIS to correct factor and pays to 12.
20. The final 3 fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason, Job Status, and Step
are non overrideable defaults.
21. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and it should be the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution
effective date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point
(format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the routing queue and go to step 28. If this information is
not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution before the EPAF
can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 22 – 27.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 22 - 27.
22. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
23. Enter the Fund Code.
24. Enter the ORGN Code.
25. Enter the Account Code.
26. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
27. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on
screen. This may be used if you need to delete lines
of labor that were created in error.
29. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The
transaction will need to be approved and/or
reviewed by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department
approver. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or perform a
wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
31. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 approver field. See bullet points on
step 36 for directions of conducting this search.
32. Enter the username of the Level 50 Provost Office approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 50 approver field. See bullet points on step 36 for
directions of conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 36 for
directions on conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 36
for directions on conducting this search.
35. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
36. Save your EPAF.
37. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if you need.
38. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your new hires as they cannot be
paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by Human
Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available payroll
after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
Rehire Supplemental Pay Job for a Monthly Paid
Employee - (7ADSUM)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “MN – Add a secondary or overload job for a MN paid
employee – 7ADJBM.”
6. Click on GO.
Checkpoint – Since this employee already has a primary job, a list of
Active Jobs will be seen on the screen for the employee entered.
7. Enter the position number or search for it by clicking the search feature
indicated with the magnifying glass.
o After clicking the magnifying glass, you will be taken to the New
Position Search screen.
o Leave the Employee Class field as the “ALL” default.
o The COA will always be “1, Saint Louis University.”
o The Budgeted Organization will be the department number in
which the position is assigned, i.e. D223 – Finance Office – Medical
Center. Choose your organization number by scrolling through the
o Highlight your organization number and click GO.
o A list of available positions for your department will be displayed.
Click on the position in which you want to place the employee or
faculty. You will be taken back to the New EPAF Job Selection
8. The Suffix will always be “00” (zero, zero) and will be a default that is not
overrrideable. Click Create.
9. You will be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form in order to enter
the data needed to create the employee record (PEAEMPL) and the job
record (NBAJOBS).
10. The Rehire an Employee into the Same Position approval type will be
completed with non-overrideable defaults. Scroll to the Rehire a Monthly
Paid Employee into the Same Position approval type.
11. The Contract Type will default as “O” – Overload and is a non-overrideable
12. The Jobs Effective
Date will default
from the Query
Date, but it is an
overrideable field
and should be the
date the employee
begins working in
this position. The
Jobs Effective Date
populates the job
details record on
13. The FTE, Appointment Percent, and Hours per Pay will default into the
fields and are not overrideable.
14. Enter the Annaul Salary amount (amount the employee should receive for
this assignment).
15. Tab to the Timesheet Organization field and enter the department number.
You must use the correct format, i.e. D223, as the system is case sensitive.
If you do not know the number, you may use the search button (magnifying
glass) to find the Timesheet Organization.
16. Enter the Factor – consider how many monthly payrolls will be affected by
this job and enter that number.
17. Enter the same number entered in Factors for the Pays field.
18. The final three fields on the EPAF, Job Change Reason, Job Status and
Step are non overrideable defaults.
19. The Current labor distribution is what was entered when the employee
previously occupied the position. This is only informational data.
20. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will default
from the query date that was entered when the transaction was started,
and is the same as the job begin date. If the labor distribution effective
date must be changed, you may enter the date at this point (format:
MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go down to step 29. If this
information is not correct, you will have to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 22 – 27.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 22 - 27.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
22. Enter the Fund Code.
23. Enter the ORGN Code.
24. Enter the Account Code.
25. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
26. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
27. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 22 – 27) to total 100% for
this job.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
29. Supplemental pay positions must end each fiscal year, so an End Job
approval type with default dates of 06/30/XX is included in the Rehire
Supplemental Pay EPAF. These dates are overrideable if the assignment
should need to be ended sooner.
o The Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 07/01/2007 with factor and pays of
6, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Personnel Date for the termination will be the last day of the
month determined by the Factor and Pays that you entered. For
instance, if the assignment begins on 07/01/2007 with factor and pays of
6, the Jobs Effective Date for the termination will be 12/31/2007.
o The Job Status (“T”) is a non
overrideable default.
o The Job Change Reason
(“S”) is a non overrideable
NOTE: If the employee or faculty leaves their additional job
before the end date entered from the applied EPAF, you must
contact HRIS to remove the end date from the NBAJOBS record.
An End Job EPAF would then have to be processed with the
accurate separation date. Failure to do this will result in the
employee being overpaid.
30. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF. The transaction will need to be
approved and/or reviewed by various approvers.
31. Enter the username of the Level 10 department approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all the Level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver for the
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username
field in the Routing Queue.
32. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Level 20 approver field.
See bullet points on step 31 for
directions on conducting this search.
33. Enter the username of the Level 50
Provost Office approver. If you do not know the username, you may search
for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 50 approver field.
See bullet points on step 31 for directions on conducting this search.
34. Enter the username of the Payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Payroll approval level. See the bullet points on step 31 for
directions on conducting this search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the HR Information Systems approval level. See the bullet points on step 32
for directions on conducting this search.
36. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
the approvers, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of for processing the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
38. You will be taken
to the top of the
Personnel Action
Form where you
will have to
submit your
transaction. You
also have the option to delete the item if you need.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF
Originator Summary.
 Checkpoint - Please monitor the status of your hiring action as employees
cannot be paid until the action is approved by all levels and applied by
Human Resources (HRIS). Retroactive pay will be paid on the 1st available
payroll after the action is applied to Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and clicking on the Employee tab where they can
review the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal,
you may need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access,
review, and approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Chapter 7 Termination EPAF
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with
initiating a termination EPAF for:
 Employee with benefits and no other job
 Employee without benefits and no other job
ermination actions for staff, faculty and students are entered in the Self
Service Banner (SSB) Human Resources system module through origination,
submission, and approval of an EPAF transaction. This chapter provides stepby-step instructions for completing and submitting a termination EPAF for the
above referenced categories.
 Checkpoint -
If an employee has another job that will continue with the
University, do not use a termination EPAF category, instead, use the ENDJOB
category to end the job in your department (See Chapter 8).
 Checkpoint – Terminations should be entered in the SSB system prior to the
actual ending date and before the payroll deadline to prevent overpayment
of monthly paid jobs; to ensure that vacation payouts are appropriately
calculated; and to ensure that benefits terminations are completed within
required time periods.
Terminate Employee with Benefits and no other Job
 Checkpoint – this category is used to end the employment/job records for
employees who were eligible for University benefits.
 Checkpoint - Use this category when the employee is leaving the University
and has no other active job. If the employee has another job or they are
transferring to another job/department, use the ENDJOB category.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “TERM – Separate emp with benefits from SLU (no other jobs)
– 7TRMBE.”
6. Click on GO.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Since there must be only one active assignment in order to
terminate an employee, click on the position number. (See the screen
capture on the following page)
Checkpoint – If the employee has a secondary or overload assignment,
you must first end that assignment before you can terminate the employee.
8. You will automatically be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form –
the Terminate NBAJOBS record approval type.
9. When you create a termination EPAF before the employee’s last work date,
enter the Jobs Effective Date as the date the employee will separate from
the University (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
10. When you create a termination EPAF before the employee’s last work date,
enter the Personnel Date as the same date as the Jobs Effective
Date(format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
NOTE: If the last work date will be in the current or a future pay
period use the actual last worked date for Effective Date, Personnel
Date, Termination date, and Last date worked.
On Time Example: The current pay period includes Sunday,
October 7 – Saturday, October 20
The employee’s last work date will be Friday, October 19th.
If you are processing the EPAF before the deadline, for the
current pay period, the following dates would be used:
Effective date: 10/19/2007
Personnel date: 10/19/2007
Last Worked date: 10/19/2007
Termination date: 10/19/2007
This would be the same situation for a monthly paid employee if
the EPAF is processed prior to the deadline.
Late Submission Example: If the last worked date was in a prior pay period or you have
missed the deadline for the current pay period, then Effective date and termination date
are the last paid date (see NBAJOBS) and the personnel date and Last worked dates are
the actual last date worked.
BW Example:
Current Pay Period includes Sunday, October 7 – Saturday, October 20
The employee’s last worked date was Friday, October 5th.
The deadline has passed for the pay period in which the employee left.
The following dates would be used:
Effective date: 10/20/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Personnel date: 10/5/2007 (actual date they left)
Last Worked date: 10/5/2007 (actual date they left)
Termination date: 10/20/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
MN Example (overpayment):
Current Pay Period includes Monday, October 1 – Wednesday, October 31
The employee’s last worked date was July 31st.
This employee has been overpaid for August and September.
The deadline has not passed for October monthly pay.
The following dates would be used:
Effective date: 9/30/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Personnel date: 7/31/2007 (actual date they left)
Last Worked date: 7/31/2007 (actual date they left)
Termination date: 9/30/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Be sure to put a comment on the EPAF explaining that the employee was overpaid.
11. The Job Status is set as a non-overrideable default (“T” – terminated)
12. Select the Job Change Reason by using the drop down
button next to the field.
13. Scroll to the next approval type – Terminate PEAEMPL
14. Enter the Last Work Date, the employee’s actual last
date of work, which is the same as the Personnel Date
on the NBAJOBS Termination approval type (format:
MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
15. Select a termination reason from the list provided
when you click on the drop down next to the field.
16. Enter the termination date, which is the same as the Effective Date on the
NBAJOBS Termination approval type (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
17. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF.
18. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list
or perform a wildcard search to
choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the
username field in the Routing
19. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Level 20 Approver field.
See bullet points on step 18 for
directions on conducting a search.
20. Enter the username of the benefits department representative who will
acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not know the username, you may search
for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 88 Approver field.
See bullet points on step 18 for directions on conducting a search.
21. Enter the username of the payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking
the magnifying glass next to the Level 89 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 18 for directions on conducting a search.
22. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 18 for directions on
conducting a search.
23. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information
that will be important for approvers, benefits, payroll, or HRIS to be aware
of when processing the EPAF.
24. Save your EPAF.
25. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
26. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF Originator
 Checkpoint – Please monitor the status of your termination EPAF as a final
pay check cannot be processed unless the action is approved by all levels and
applied by Human Resources (HRIS).
 Checkpoint - Pay out of eligible leave balances may be paid on the 1
available payroll after the action is applied in Banner, and if payroll
department has received authorization to pay the leave balance.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Terminate an Employee without Benefits and no other
Job (7TRMNB)
 Checkpoint – this category is used to end the employment/job records for
employees who were not eligible for University benefits.
 Use this category when the employee is leaving the University and has no
other active job. If the employee has another job or they are transferring to
another job/department, use the ENDJOB category.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “TERM – Separate emp w/o benefits from SLU (no other jobs)
– 7TRMNB.”
6. Click on GO.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Since there must be only one active assignment in order to
terminate an employee, click on the position number. (See the screen
capture on the following page)
Checkpoint – If the employee has a secondary or overload assignment,
you must first end that assignment before you can terminate the employee.
8. You will automatically be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form –
the Terminate NBAJOBS record approval type.
9. When you create a termination EPAF before the
employee’s last work date, enter the Jobs Effective
Date as the date the employee will separate from the
University (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
10. When you create a termination EPAF before the employee’s last work date,
enter the Personnel Date as the same date as the Jobs Effective Date
(format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
11. The Job Status is set as a non-overrideable default (“T” – terminated)
12. Select the Job Change Reason by using the drop down button next to the
NOTE: If the last work date will be in the current or a future pay
period use the actual last worked date for Effective Date, Personnel
Date, Termination date, and Last date worked.
On Time Example: The current pay period includes Sunday,
October 7 – Saturday, October 20
The employee’s last work date will be Friday, October 19th.
If you are processing the EPAF before the deadline, for the
current pay period, the following dates would be used:
Effective date: 10/19/2007
Personnel date: 10/19/2007
Last Worked date: 10/19/2007
Termination date: 10/19/2007
This would be the same situation for a monthly paid employee if
the EPAF is processed prior to the deadline.
Late Submission Example: If the last worked date was in a prior pay period or you have
missed the deadline for the current pay period, then Effective date and termination date
are the last paid date (see NBAJOBS) and the personnel date and Last worked dates are
the actual last date worked.
BW Example:
Current Pay Period includes Sunday, October 7 – Saturday, October 20
The employee’s last worked date was Friday, October 5th.
The deadline has passed for the pay period in which the employee left.
The following dates would be used:
Effective date: 10/20/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Personnel date: 10/5/2007 (actual date they left)
Last Worked date: 10/5/2007 (actual date they left)
Termination date: 10/20/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
MN Example (overpayment):
Current Pay Period includes Monday, October 1 – Wednesday, October 31
The employee’s last worked date was July 31st.
This employee has been overpaid for August and September.
The deadline has not passed for October monthly pay.
The following dates would be used:
Effective date: 9/30/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Personnel date: 7/31/2007 (actual date they left)
Last Worked date: 7/31/2007 (actual date they left)
Termination date: 9/30/2007 (last pay period end date/last paid date)
Be sure to put a comment on the EPAF explaining that the employee was overpaid.
13. Scroll to the next approval type – Terminate PEAEMPL record.
14. Enter the Last Work Date, the employee’s actual last date of work, which is
the same as the Personnel Date on the NBAJOBS Termination approval type
(format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
15. Select a termination reason from the list
provided when you click on the drop down next
to the field.
16. Enter the termination date, which is the same as
the Effective Date on the NBAJOBS Termination
approval type (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including
the slashes).
17. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF.
18. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username
field in the Routing Queue.
19. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you
do not know the username, you may search
for it by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 18 for directions on
conducting a search.
20. Enter the username of the payroll representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking
the magnifying glass next to the Level 89 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 18 for directions on conducting a search.
21. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 18 for directions on
conducting a search.
22. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
approvers, benefits, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of when processing the
23. Save your EPAF.
24. You will be taken to
the top of the
Electronic Personnel
Action Form where you
will have to submit
your transaction. You
also have the option to
delete the item if
25. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF Originator
 Checkpoint – Please monitor the status of your termination EPAF as a final
pay check cannot be processed unless the action is approved by all levels and
applied by Human Resources (HRIS).
 Checkpoint - Pay out of eligible leave balances may be paid on the 1
available payroll after the action is applied in Banner, and if payroll
department has received authorization to pay the leave balance.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Chapter 8 Other EPAF Instructions
Chapter Objectives:
After completing this chapter, you will be familiar with
initiating a EPAF for:
 Ending a job when the employee has another job
continuing at the University
 Labor Distribution changes for an employee’s job
 Pay changes
 Reclassification/position title changes
His chapter provides instructions for other EPAF actions for staff, faculty and
students that are entered in the Internet Native Banner (INB) Human
Resources system module through origination, submission, and approval of an
EPAF transaction.
Ending a Job (7ENDJB)
 Checkpoint - The ENDJOB EPAF category is used to end a job where an
employee has another job that will continue. This category should not be
used to terminate an employee from the University.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “ENDJOB – End a job w/o terminating the emp from SLU
6. Click on GO.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Since there is more than one active assignment, you must end the
job in your department by clicking on the position number. (See the screen
capture on the following page)
8. You will automatically be taken to the Electronic Personnel Action Form –
the Terminate NBAJOBS record approval type.
9. When you create a termination EPAF before the employee’s last work date,
enter the Jobs Effective Date as the date the employee will separate from
the University (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
10. When you create a termination EPAF before the employee’s last work date,
enter the Personnel Date as the same date as the Jobs Effective Date
(format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes).
11. The Job Status is set as a non-overrideable default (“T” – terminated).
12. The Job Change Reason is set as a non-overrideable default (“S” – end of
13. Scroll to the Routing Queue for the EPAF.
14. Enter the username of the Level 10
departmental approver. If you do not know
the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level
10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10
approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose
the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username
field in the Routing Queue.
15. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username, you
may search for it by clicking the magnifying
glass next to the Level 89 Approver field. See
bullet points on step 18 for directions on
conducting a search.
16. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 18 for directions on
conducting a search.
17. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
approvers, benefits, payroll, or HRIS to be aware of when processing the
18. Save your EPAF.
19. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit the transaction. You also have the option to delete
the item if needed.
20. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Banner using the Self Service Banner EPAF Originator
 Checkpoint – Please monitor the status of your termination EPAF as a final
pay check cannot be processed unless the action is approved by all levels and
applied by Human Resources (HRIS).
 Checkpoint - Pay out of eligible leave balances may be paid on the 1
available payroll after the action is applied in Banner, and if payroll
department has received authorization to pay the leave balance.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Labor Distribution Change (LD)
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “LD – Labor Distribution Changes (LD).”
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number that needs the labor distribution
8. The Job Labor Distribution Information form will appear. The top section
cannot be updated. The second section, titled “New”, allows update.
9. Type over the defaulted labor distribution to update the information to the
fund, organization, and/or account that needs to be changed.
10. To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
11. If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button.
12. Add the appropriate Percent for each new or changing foapal line, assuring
that the total equals 100 percent. Up to two decimal places may be used.
13. If you decide you do not want a particular line of labor after you have
clicked Save and Add New Rows, a Remove function will become
available. Place a check mark in the Remove box and click Save. The line
of labor distribution will disappear. Make sure the total percent is a sum of
100.00 so the EPAF can be submitted successfully.
14. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers.
Scroll through the list or perform a wildcard
search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in
the Routing Queue.
15. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC
Finance approver. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 14 for directions on conducting a search.
16. Enter the username of the payroll representative who will apply your EPAF.
If you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 89 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 14 for directions on conducting a search.
17. You will have the option to include transaction comments. This is a free
form text box for you to enter any information that will be important for
approvers or payroll to be aware of when processing the EPAF.
18. Save your EPAF.
19. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit the transaction. You also have the option to delete
the item if needed.
20. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Leave of Absence – Begin or End (LOA)
To enter the start of the Leave of Absence:
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “LOA – Begin or end a leave of absence (7LOA).”
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the leave of absence.
8. Enter the Effective Date using the proper format of when the leave of
absence begins. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of the
employee’s last paid date.
9. For monthly paid employees, enter 0.00 in the Annual Salary field. For
biweekly paid employees, leave this field blank.
10. For biweekly paid employees, enter 0.00 in the Regular Rate field. For
monthly paid employees, leave this field blank.
11. Enter the Job Change Reason – D (start leave of
12. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
13. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 12 for directions on conducting a
14. Enter the username of the benefits
department representative who will
acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it
by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 88 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 12 for directions on conducting a
15. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 89
Approver field. See bullet points on step
12 for directions on conducting a search.
16. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 12 for directions on
conducting a search.
17. You will have the
option to include
comments. This is a
free form text box for
you to enter any
information that will
be important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of when
processing the EPAF.
18. Save your EPAF.
19. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
20. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
To end the Leave of Absence:
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “LOA – Begin or end a leave of absence (7LOA).”
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the leave of absence.
8. Enter the Effective Date using the proper format of when the leave of
absence ends. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of the last
payroll run.
9. For monthly paid employees, enter the amount the employee should be
paid in the Annual Salary field. For biweekly paid employees, leave this
field blank.
10. For biweekly paid employees, enter the hourly rate in the Regular Rate
field. For monthly paid employees, leave this field blank.
11. Enter the Job Change Reason – N (end leave of
12. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
13. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 12 for directions on conducting a
14. Enter the username of the benefits
department representative who will
acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it
by clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 88 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 12 for directions on conducting a
15. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 89
Approver field. See bullet points on step
12 for directions on conducting a search.
16. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 12 for directions on
conducting a search.
17. You will have the
option to include
comments. This is a
free form text box
for you to enter any
information that will
be important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to
be aware of when
processing the EPAF.
18. Save your EPAF.
19. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
20. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approver EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Pay Change for a Biweekly Paid Employee in a Graded
Position (7PCGBW)
Checkpoint – If you need to change the FTE or Hours per Pay for an
employee, you will make the change utilizing the pay change EPAF
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Change BW Hrly Rate, FTE, Hrs per Pay for Graded Posn.
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the pay change will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of
the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the pay change should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the middle of a pay
period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use the
date that the pay change should occur.
Example: The contract for Local 1 calls for a pay increase as of 12/12, which is
in the middle of the pay period. Because the transactions will be created,
approved and applied before the EPAF deadline, all dates (Query Date, Effective
Date and Personnel Date) on these pay changes will be 12/12.
If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the future, use the date that
the pay change will occur.
Example: A union employee will be coming off their probationary period on
1/15, 60 days after starting in their position. If the EPAF is created in advance of
the affected pay period, use 1/15 as the Query Date, the Effective Date and the
Personnel Date.
If you are processing a pay change that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the pay
change should have occurred.
Example: A student was due to receive an increase upon returning for the new
academic year. However, the EPAF was not processed and the student has been
paid over several pay periods. The Query Date and Effective Date will be the first
date after the employee’s last paid date. The Personnel Date will be the date
when the change should have occurred, i.e. 8/26.
10. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
11. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
12. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
13. Enter the new hourly rate of pay. If this is a change to only update the FTE
and Hours per Pay, do not enter information in this field.
14. The Job Change Reason – G (pay change) is a non-overrideable default.
15. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 23. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 15 – 20.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 15 - 20.
16. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
17. Enter the Fund Code.
18. Enter the ORGN Code.
19. Enter the Account Code.
20. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
21. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
22. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 15 – 20) to total 100% for
this job.
23. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
24. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
25. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
26. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 24 for directions on conducting a search.
27. Enter the username of the compensation department representative who
will acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not know the username, you may
search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 30 Approver
field. See bullet points on step 24 for
directions on conducting a search.
28. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 89
Approver field. See bullet points on step
24 for directions on conducting a search.
29. Enter the username of the HRIS
representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points
on step 24 for directions on conducting a
30. You will have the
option to include
comments. This is
a free form text
box for you to
enter any
information that
will be important
for approvers,
benefits, payroll,
or HRIS to be aware of when processing the EPAF.
31. Save your EPAF.
32. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
33. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Pay Change for a Biweekly Paid
FWS/Students/Temp/Union Employees (7PCUBW)
Checkpoint – If you need to change the FTE or Hours per Pay for an
employee, you will make the change utilizing the pay change EPAF categories.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Change BW Hrly Rate, Hrs. per pay – FWS/Stu/Temp/Union
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the pay change will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of
the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the middle of a pay
period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use the
date that the pay change should occur.
Example: The contract for Local 1 calls for a pay increase as of 12/12, which is
in the middle of the pay period. Because the transactions will be created,
approved and applied before the EPAF deadline, all dates (Query Date, Effective
Date and Personnel Date) on these pay changes will be 12/12.
If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the future, use the date that
the pay change will occur.
Example: A union employee will be coming off their probationary period on
1/15, 60 days after starting in their position. If the EPAF is created in advance of
the affected pay period, use 1/15 as the Query Date, the Effective Date and the
Personnel Date.
If you are processing a pay change that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the pay
change should have occurred.
Example: A student was due to receive an increase upon returning for the new
academic year. However, the EPAF was not processed and the student has been
paid over several pay periods. The Query Date and Effective Date will be the first
date after the employee’s last paid date. The Personnel Date will be the date
when the change should have occurred, i.e. 8/26.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the pay change should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
10. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
11. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
12. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
13. Enter the new
hourly rate of
pay. If this is a
change to only
update the FTE
and Hours per
Pay, do not enter
information in
this field.
14. The Job Change Reason – G (pay change) is a non-overrideable default.
15. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 23. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 15 – 20.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 15 - 20.
16. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
17. Enter the Fund Code.
18. Enter the ORGN Code.
19. Enter the Account Code.
20. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
21. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
22. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 15 – 20) to total 100% for
this job.
23. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
24. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
25. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
26. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level
20 Approver field. See bullet points on step 24
for directions on conducting a search.
27. Enter the username of the payroll representative
who will acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level
89 Approver field. See bullet points on step 24
for directions on conducting a search.
28. Enter the username of the HRIS representative
who will apply your EPAF. You may search for
the username by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 24 for directions on conducting a
29. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a
free form text box for
you to enter any
information that will be
important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of when
processing the EPAF.
30. Save your EPAF.
31. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
32. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Pay Change for a Monthly Paid Employee in a Graded
Position (7PCGMN)
Checkpoint – If you need to change the FTE or Hours per Pay for an
employee, you will make the change utilizing the pay change EPAF
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Change MN Salary, FTE, Hrs. per Pay for Graded Posn.
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the pay change will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of
the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the pay change should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the middle of a pay
period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use the
date that the pay change should occur.
Example: The contract for Local 1 calls for a pay increase as of 12/12, which is
in the middle of the pay period. Because the transactions will be created,
approved and applied before the EPAF deadline, all dates (Query Date, Effective
Date and Personnel Date) on these pay changes will be 12/12.
If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the future, use the date that
the pay change will occur.
Example: A union employee will be coming off their probationary period on
1/15, 60 days after starting in their position. If the EPAF is created in advance of
the affected pay period, use 1/15 as the Query Date, the Effective Date and the
Personnel Date.
If you are processing a pay change that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the pay
change should have occurred.
Example: A student was due to receive an increase upon returning for the new
academic year. However, the EPAF was not processed and the student has been
paid over several pay periods. The Query Date and Effective Date will be the first
date after the employee’s last paid date. The Personnel Date will be the date
when the change should have occurred, i.e. 8/26.
10. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
11. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
12. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
13. Enter the new annual salary. If this is a change to only update the FTE and
Hours per Pay, do not enter information in this field.
14. The Job Change Reason – G (pay change) is a non-overrideable default.
15. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 23. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 15 – 20.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 15 - 20.
16. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
17. Enter the Fund Code.
18. Enter the ORGN Code.
19. Enter the Account Code.
20. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
21. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
22. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 15 – 20) to total 100% for
this job.
23. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
24. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
25. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
26. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 24 for directions on conducting a search.
27. Enter the username of the
compensation department
representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 30 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 24 for directions on
conducting a search.
28. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 89 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 24 for directions on
conducting a search.
29. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 24 for directions on
conducting a search.
30. You will have the
option to include
comments. This
is a free form
text box for you
to enter any
information that
will be important
for approvers,
benefits, payroll,
or HRIS to be aware of when processing the EPAF.
31. Save your EPAF.
32. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
33. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Pay Change for a Monthly Paid Graduate
Assistant/Faculty/Resident (7PCUMN)
Checkpoint – If you need to change the FTE or Hours per Pay for an
employee, you will make the change utilizing the pay change EPAF categories.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Change MN Salary, FTE, Hrs./Pay for GradAsst/Fac/Res
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the pay change will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date of
the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the middle of a pay
period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use the
date that the pay change should occur.
Example: The contract for Local 1 calls for a pay increase as of 12/12, which is
in the middle of the pay period. Because the transactions will be created,
approved and applied before the EPAF deadline, all dates (Query Date, Effective
Date and Personnel Date) on these pay changes will be 12/12.
If you are processing a pay change that will occur in the future, use the date that
the pay change will occur.
Example: A union employee will be coming off their probationary period on
1/15, 60 days after starting in their position. If the EPAF is created in advance of
the affected pay period, use 1/15 as the Query Date, the Effective Date and the
Personnel Date.
If you are processing a pay change that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the pay
change should have occurred.
Example: A student was due to receive an increase upon returning for the new
academic year. However, the EPAF was not processed and the student has been
paid over several pay periods. The Query Date and Effective Date will be the first
date after the employee’s last paid date. The Personnel Date will be the date
when the change should have occurred, i.e. 8/26.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the pay change should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
10. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
11. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
12. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
13. Enter the new
hourly rate of pay.
If this is a change to
only update the FTE
and Hours per Pay,
do not enter
information in this
14. The Job Change Reason – G (pay change) is a non-overrideable default.
15. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 23. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 15 – 20.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 15 - 20.
16. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
17. Enter the Fund Code.
18. Enter the ORGN Code.
19. Enter the Account Code.
20. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
21. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
22. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 15 – 20) to total 100% for
this job.
23. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
24. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
25. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
26. Enter the username of the Level 20
Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If you
do not know the username, you may search
for it by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 24 for directions on
conducting a search.
27. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your
EPAF. If you do not know the username,
you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 89
Approver field. See bullet points on step 24
for directions on conducting a search.
28. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 24 for directions on
conducting a search.
29. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of when processing
the EPAF.
30. Save your EPAF.
31. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
32. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Reclassification – Reclass Employee in a BW Posn.or
from a MN to a BW Posn. (7RECBW)
Checkpoint – If you need to update a biweekly employee’s title, FTE,
Hours per Pay, Employee Class Code, hourly rate, and/or the Salary
Grade, you will use the Reclassification EPAF category.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Reclass Employee in a BW Position or from a MN Position to
a BW Position – (7RECBW).
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the reclassification will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date
of the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the reclassification should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a reclassification that will occur in the middle of a
pay period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use
the date that the reclass should occur.
If you are processing a reclassification that will occur in the future, use the date
that the reclass will occur.
If you are processing a reclassification that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the
reclass should have occurred.
10. Enter the new Title for the position being reclassified. If there is no
change in the title, do not update this field. Be sure to use the title
provided in the Recommendation Memo from compensation, with no
abbreviations. Do not include parenthesis in titles.
11. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
12. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
13. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
14. Enter the Employee Class Code. If you do not know the new code, you will
search for it using the magnifying glass. This is also listed on the
Recommendation Memo provided by compensation.
15. Enter the new regular rate. If this is a change to only update the Title, or
Salary Grade, do not enter information in this field.
16. Select the Job Change Reason the drop down selection option.
17. The Step is a non-overrideable default.
18. Enter the Salary Grade. This information is found on the Recommendation
Memo provided by compensation.
19. Enter the Salary Table. This information is found on the Recommendation
Memo provided by compensation.
20. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 29. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 21 – 26.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 21 - 26.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
22. Enter the Fund Code.
23. Enter the ORGN Code.
24. Enter the Account Code.
25. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
26. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
27. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 21 – 26) to total 100% for
this job.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
29. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
30. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
31. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 30 for directions on conducting a search.
32. Enter the username of the compensation
department representative who will
acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not
know the username, you may search for
it by clicking the magnifying glass next
to the Level 30 Approver field. See
bullet points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
33. Enter the username of the benefits
representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by
clicking on the magnifying glass next to
the Level 88 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
34. Enter the username of the payroll
representative who will acknowledge your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 89 Approver field. See bullet points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
36. You will have the option to
include transaction
comments. This is a free
form text box for you to
enter any information that
will be important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of when processing
the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
38. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Reclassification – Reclass Employee in a MN Posn.or
from a BW to a MN Posn. (7RECBW)
Checkpoint – If you need to update a biweekly employee’s title, FTE,
Hours per Pay, Employee Class Code, hourly rate, and/or the Salary
Grade, you will use the Reclassification EPAF category.
1. After logging into Self Service Banner, go to the Electronic Personnel Action
Form link near the bottom of the Employee page.
2. Click on the New EPAF link.
3. Enter the employee’s Banner ID
number, or search for it by
following the instructions
outlined in Chapter 2.
4. <Tab> to Query Date and enter
the effective date for the action (format: MM/DD/YYYY, including the
5. <Tab> to the Approval Category field. Select the type of EPAF you are
creating by utilizing the drop down arrow attached to that field. In this
case, choose, “Reclass Employee in a MN Position or from a BW Position to
a MN Position – (7RECMN).
6. Click Go.
7. The employee’s existing, active jobs will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen. Click on the position number affected by the pay change.
8. Enter the Effective Date (using the proper format – MM/DD/YYYY) of when
the reclassification will occur. This date cannot be a date prior to the date
of the employee’s last paid date. Please see the notes below for detailed
information on appropriate dates.
NOTE: If you are processing a reclassification that will occur in the middle of a
pay period and will have the transaction approved before the EPAF deadline, use
the date that the reclass should occur.
If you are processing a reclassification that will occur in the future, use the date
that the reclass will occur.
If you are processing a reclassification that should have occurred in a prior pay
period, you need to use a Query Date and Effective Date after the employee’s
last paid date. However, the Personnel Date must reflect the actual date the
reclass should have occurred.
9. Enter the Personnel Date. This will be the date the reclassification should
have occurred. See the notes above for detailed information on
appropriate dates.
10. Enter the new Title for the position being reclassified. If there is no
change in the title, do not update this field. Be sure to use the title
provided in the Recommendation Memo from compensation, with no
abbreviations. Do not include parenthesis in titles.
11. Enter the FTE. If this information is not changing, you do not have to enter
information in the field.
12. The Appointment Percent is a non-overrideable default.
13. Enter the Hours per Pay. If this information is not changing, you do not
have to enter information in the field.
14. Enter the Employee Class Code if it is changing. If you do not know the
code, you will search for it using the magnifying glass. This is also listed
on the Recommendation Memo provided by compensation.
15. Enter the new annual salary. If this is a change to only update the Title or
Salary Grade, do not enter information in this field.
16. Select the Job Change Reason from the drop down selection option.
17. The Step is a non-overrideable default.
18. Enter the Salary Grade. This information is found on the Recommendation
Memo provided by compensation.
19. Enter the Salary Table. This information is found on the Recommendation
Memo provided by compensation.
20. The Effective Date of the Labor Distribution section of the EPAF will
default from the query date that was entered when the transaction was
started. If the labor distribution effective date must be changed, you may
enter the date at this point (format: MM/DD/YYYY including the slashes).
o The Labor Distribution will default from the approved position labor
distribution for the current fiscal year. If this information is correct,
scroll down to the end job approval type and go to step 29. If this
information is not correct, you will need to edit the labor distribution
before the EPAF can be submitted.
o To create another line of labor, tab to a blank line and enter the new
values by following steps 21 – 26.
o If more than 6 lines of labor distribution are needed, click the Save and
Add New Rows button, and then follow steps 21 - 26.
21. Enter the COA as 1 (one).
22. Enter the Fund Code.
23. Enter the ORGN Code.
24. Enter the Account Code.
25. Enter the Program Code as 0 (zero).
26. Enter the Percent for this fund/account.
27. Continue entering labor distribution lines (step 21 – 26) to total 100% for
this job.
28. If you have added or edited the Labor Distribution and saved the
information, a Remove column will appear on screen. This may be used if
you need to delete lines of labor that were created in error.
29. Scroll to the Approval Routing.
30. Enter the username of the Level 10 departmental approver. If you do not
know the username, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the Level 10 Approver field.
o A pop up box will list all level 10 approvers. Scroll through the list or
perform a wildcard search to choose the appropriate approver.
o Highlight the name of the approver.
o Click the Select button.
o The name will populate the username field in the Routing Queue.
31. Enter the username of the Level 20 Provost/VP/HSC Finance approver. If
you do not know the username, you may search for it by clicking the
magnifying glass next to the Level 20 Approver field. See bullet points on
step 30 for directions on conducting a search.
32. Enter the username of the
compensation department
representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the
Level 30 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
33. Enter the username of the benefits
representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the
username, you may search for it by
clicking on the magnifying glass next to
the Level 88 Approver field. See bullet
points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
34. Enter the username of the payroll representative who will acknowledge
your EPAF. If you do not know the username, you may search for it by
clicking the magnifying glass next to the Level 89 Approver field. See
bullet points on step 30 for directions on conducting a search.
35. Enter the username of the HRIS representative who will apply your EPAF.
You may search for the username by clicking the magnifying glass next to
the Level 90 Approver field. See bullet points on step 30 for directions on
conducting a search.
36. You will have the option
to include transaction
comments. This is a
free form text box for
you to enter any
information that will be
important for
approvers, benefits,
payroll, or HRIS to be
aware of when
processing the EPAF.
37. Save your EPAF.
38. You will be taken to the top of the Electronic Personnel Action Form where
you will have to submit your transaction. You also have the option to
delete the item if needed.
39. The Transaction Status will change to “Pending” if the EPAF has been
submitted successfully.
o Warning messages may be indicated on a submitted EPAF, but the
warnings do not prevent your transaction from being submitted.
o Error messages will have to be corrected in order to submit your
EPAF. Please see Chapter 2 on Troubleshooting an EPAF.
 Checkpoint - The EPAF will now have a transaction number that can be used
to track the action through the approval routing queue. Chapter 2 describes
how to track an action in Self Service Banner.
 Checkpoint - The Approvers designated in your routing queue will only
receive a notification that an EPAF action is awaiting approval when they log
in to the mySLU Portal and click on the Employee tab where they can review
the Approval Alerts box. If an approver is not accessing the Portal, you may
need to prompt them to go into Self Service Banner to access, review, and
approve EPAFs that are pending their approval.
Appendix A: Employee Class Code Listing
FT 9/10 Monthly
Post Doc Fellow/Asst
FT 11/12 Monthly Fac
FT 12 Month Faculty
PT Faculty Salaried
Summer Faculty
PT Faculty Salaried
Temporary Faculty
FT Staff Salaried
FT Staff – Hourly Web
FT Staff-Hourly
FT Staff-Hourly Union
FT Staff-Hourly Union
PT staff Salaried
PT Hourly Web
PT Hourly Timeclock
Temporary Staff
PT Temporary Hourly
PT Temporary Hourly
Grad Asst/Student
Student Worker Web
Student Worker
FWS student Web
FWS student timeclock
Non Employee
Previous Employee
One Pay Biweekly
One Pay-Monthly
Pay ID
MN – Monthly
BW - Biweekly
Leave Categories
NL – No Leave
FS – Faculty Loaded Sick
SM – Staff monthly
SB – Staff biweekly
L2 – Union Local 2
L5 – Union Local 50
Benefit Categories
FT – Full Time Monthly
PT – Part time
MB – Minimal Benefits
FB – Full time BW
F2 – Union Local 2
F5 – Union Local 50
ST – Student
HS – Housestaff
NE – Non Employee
RT – Retiree (buyout)
Appendix B: Viewing Employee Job Information on
Approved EPAF actions are applied by the Human Resources Information Services
(HRIS) or Payroll Services offices. Once an EPAF affecting a person’s job is applied
to the Banner system, the information appears on the applicable jobs record in the
NBAJOBS form. This appendix provides instructions for viewing jobs information
for an employee on the NBAJOBS form in Internet Native Banner (INB).
Viewing Current Job Information for an Employee on NBAJOBS
1. In the GO TO: box on the General Menu, type NBAJOBS.
2. Press Enter.
3. The NBAJOBS form appears. Note that Key Block information (Employee
Banner ID Number, Position Number, Query Date) must be completed to
access additional information blocks.
Key Block
must be
entered first.
Figure App-1: NBAJOBS Form
4. Enter the employee’s Banner ID number.
5. <Tab> to the Posn: field. Click on the Search button ( ) to view a list of
the employee’s current jobs.
6. In the Options list, select “List of
Employee’s Jobs (NBIJLIST)” by clicking on
this title.
7. Banner will take you to the Employee Job
Inquiry form and list the employee’s current
job. Review the position (positions) listed
in the middle section of this form. The
view prior jobs, roll back and change the
query date to 07/01/04 to capture the
Figure A – 2: Options List
8. Select the position that you would like to view on NBAJOBS by highlighting
the position number and double clicking on the highlighted position
number field. Banner will return the selected position number to the
calling form - NBAJOBS.
9. Click on the Next Block button (or select Block, Next from the menu bar) to
move into the first information block.
10. Click on the Next Block button to go to the detail information tab – Job
11. The Job Detail screen provides information about the employee’s selected
job – including FTE, Appointment Percent, Employee Class for this job,
and pay rates. If the EPAF action was applied, your changes generally
appear on this form.
12. To view other job
details, select the
Options menu and
select “View Job
Detail Effective
Dates” If there are
multiple changes
associated with this
position/job, a list
will appear.
13. Click on the OK button to leave this information box.
14. To view the labor distribution set up for the selected job, click on the
Labor Distribution tab. The Labor Distribution information block will
appear and you may view the accounts/percents set up for this job.
15. To exit from the NBAJOBS form, click on the X (blue X button) to go back
to the main menu.
Viewing Future Job Information for an Employee on NBAJOBS
If a future date action has been applied to the Banner system, you may need to
change the query date to view the future job.
1. In the GO TO: box on the General Menu, type NBAJOBS.
2. Press Enter.
3. The NBAJOBS form appears. Note that Key Block information (Employee
Banner ID Number, Position Number, Query Date) must be completed to
access additional information blocks.
4. Enter the employee’s Banner ID number.
5. <Tab> to the Query Date field. Enter the begin date of the future action for
the Query Date (to view job information after the date of the future
6. <Tab> to the Posn: field. Click on the
Search button ( ) to view a list of the
employee’s jobs.
7. In the Options list, select “List of
Employee’s Jobs (NBIJLIST)” by
clicking on this title.
Figure A – 2: Options List
8. Banner will take you to the Employee Job Inquiry form and list the
employee’s job(s). Review the position (positions) listed in the middle
section of this form.
9. Select the position that you would like to view on NBAJOBS by highlighting
the position number and double clicking on the highlighted position
number field. Banner will return the selected position number to the
calling form - NBAJOBS.
10. Click on the Next Block button (or select Block, Next from the menu bar) to
move to the detail information block.
11. The Job Detail block provides information about the employee’s selected
job – including FTE, Appointment Percent, Employee Class for this job, and
pay rates. If the EPAF action was applied, your changes generally appear on
this information block.
12. To view other job
details, select the
Options menu and
select “View Job
Detail Effective Dates”
If there are multiple
changes associated
with this position/job,
a list will appear.
13. Click on the OK button to leave this information box.
14. To view the labor distribution set up for the selected job, click on the Labor
Distribution tab. The Labor Distribution information block will appear and
you may view the accounts/percents set up for this job.
15. To exit from the NBAJOBS form, click on the X (blue X button) to go back to
the main menu.
Appendix C: Customizing Banner - My Banner Menu
My Banner is an area of the INB system that you can use to create your own
personal menu of forms. When you first login to Banner, you see My Banner
displayed as the first menu area on the General Menu screen and in the Product
Links bar. For easier access to the forms referenced in this guide, follow the
instructions below to add forms to your My Banner menu.
Building your own My Banner menu
1. Logon to Banner.
2. Click on the expansion sign (
) next to My Banner in the General Menu.
3. Select to build [GUAPMNU]. This displays the My Banner Maintenance form
Choose the type of object you wish to add to your personal menu from the
drop down window at the top, left corner of the screen. For departmental
users, this will be “Form”. Note: To sort the list of objects
alphabetically so that it is easier to find the item you want,
click the Sort Object List button. Forms will appear in
alphabetical order by form name.
5. Scroll through the list of forms on the left side until you find the object
(form) to be added to your personal menu list. Select (highlight/click once
on the name) the item that you would like to add. Continue scrolling
through the form names and select all of the forms you wish to add
(highlight each by clicking once on each form).
o Consider adding: NOAEPAF (EPAF origination); NOAAPSM (EPAF
Approvals); PEAEMPL and NBAJOBS for employee information.
6. Click Insert Selection to add the item(s) to your
Personal Menu.
7. Once you’ve added all the desired items, click on the Save button.
8. Close the GUAPMNU form.
9. Exit Banner and re-login to see changes to your My Banner menu.
*Once you have customized My Banner, My Banner will read Organize My Banner
Removing forms from My Banner
1. Logon to Banner.
2. Click on the folder icon (
) and access My Banner.
3. Select the items you wish to remove from the right window pane by clicking
on each item.
4. Click the Remove Selection button to remove the selected items from your
My Banner menu.
5. When finished, save your changes.
6. Exit the form.
7. Exit Banner and log back in to see changes in your my Banner menu.
Acknowledge – Acknowledgment that an FYI has been received.
Approval Category – The reason the personnel action is being created. The
categories of EPAF actions available for use (i.e. LD-Labor Distribution Change;
NHFAC – New hire or add assignment for faculty; etc.)
Approval Level – Levels of approval required to complete a transaction.
Approval Type - The most basic type of action, such as establishing a new job
assignment for an employee or terminating an existing job assignment for an
Approved – Indicates the EPAF has been approved at all levels, and is to be
applied to Banner data base.
Cancelled – Transaction has been cancelled.
Complete – Transaction has been completed. It has been applied to banner. No
other action is necessary.
Disapproved – Indicates the EPAF has been disapproved.
FYI – Indicates that the transaction is for information only. The recipient of the
FYI is not required to take any action.
ID – A nine digit Banner employee identification number.
Initiator – The person who initiates the Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF).
In The Queue – Indicates the transaction is awaiting approval.
Job Begin Date – This date should always match the Jobs Effective Date (see
below). For all new hire actions, this date should be the employees first day of
Job End Date – The last date the person worked in the job. This is the date that
Banner inserts on the general information block when an effective date of
termination has been added to the jobs detail block. This date is entered by the
EPAF user. This date has to be taken out of the record (by HRIS) if the employee
is to be rehired.
Jobs Effective Date – The date this action will affect payroll. If the action is for a
future payroll, use the actual date in the future that this action will be effective.
For a retroactive action, use the first date of the current payroll to be affected.
For all new hire actions, this date should be the employees first day of work.
More Information – Request for more information by an approver before approving
an EPAF.
Originator – The creator of an EPAF.
Overridden – The status of an EPAF that has been overridden and approved by a
Pending – Indicates the EPAF has been submitted properly, and is awaiting further
Personnel Date – Information field used by Banner to reflect the actual date the
action happened. For all new hire actions, this date should be the employees first
day of work.
Proxy - Individuals authorized to approve an action in the absence of the
approver. Proxies must be set up and ended by the approver.
Query Date – The date you want to query the database. This date can be in the
past so that you can see what information was “active” on that date. When
processing an EPAF, use the earliest date the action began.
Queue Status – The status of the Electronic personnel Action (PAF) for each
individual defined in the approval queue.
Return for Correction – EPAF is returned to the Originator for correction.
Superuser – A person authorized to approve any transaction at any time during the
approval process, bypassing the people in the approval queue who have not yet
taken action on the transaction. A superuser cannot disapprove an EPAF, but can
void or return the transaction for correction.
Termination Date – The last date the employee was employed. A reason is also
required along with a date.
Transaction complete – Indicates that a transaction is complete and has been
applied to the Banner database.
Transaction Status – The status of the transactions for an Electronic Personnel
Action Form (EPAF).
Void – Indicates the transaction has been voided. Only the initiator or a superuser
can void a transaction.
Accessing INB through Gateway, 2-2
Additional Job EPAF Instructions, 5-1
Additional Job for Federal Work Study
(ADJOB3), 5-17
Additional Job for Full Time Faculty
or Staff (ADJOB2), 5-9
Additional Job for Part time/Adjunct
Faculty (ADJOB1), 5-2
Additional Job for Student Worker
(ADJOB4), 5-24, 5-39
Applier, 1-11
Approval Levels, 1-11
Approval Types, 1-6
Banner Identification Numbers, 2-3
Deleting an EPAF, 2-11
Employee Class Code Listing, 1
Employee Name Search, 2-3
Ending a Job (ENDJOB), 8-2
EPAF Approval, 3-1
EPAF Categories, 1-3
EPAF Overview, 1-1
EPAF Process, 1-2
Federal tax forms, 4-11
FYI, 1-11
Glossary, 1
I-9, 4-11
information form, 4-11
Initiating an EPAF, 2-6
Labor Distribution Change (LD), 8-6
Leave of Absence, 8-10
Logging on to INB, 2-2
Mandatory (Required) Approvers, 111
My Banner Menu, 1
New Hire EPAF Instructions, 4-11
New Hire Faculty (NHFAC), 4-48, 464, 6-79
New Hire Federal Work Study
(NHFWS), 4-12
New Hire Graduate Assistant
(NHGRAD), 4-30
New Hire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty
(NHPTFC), 4-39
New Hire Student, 4-21
New Hire Temporary Staff (NHSTF), 456
NOAEPAF Form, 2-6
Organizational Security, 1-12
paperwork, 4-11
Pay Change (PAYCHG), 8-18, 8-24, 830, 8-36
process flow, 1-2
Processing an EPAF, 2-1
Proxy Approver, 3-6
Reclassification – Position Title
Change (RECLST), 8-42
Rehire EPAF Instructions, 6-40
Rehire Federal Work Study (REHFWS),
Rehire Graduate Assistant (REHGRD),
Rehire Part Time/Adjunct Faculty
(REHADJ), 6-64
Rehire Regular Part Time or Full Time
Faculty or Staff (REHREG), 6-86, 687
Rehire Student Worker (REHSTU), 649
Statuses, 3-5
Terminate Full Time Faculty, Staff or
Housestaff (TRFTFS), 7-104
Terminate Temporary Staff, Faculty &
Student Workers (TROTHR), 7-110
Termination EPAF Instructions, 7-103
Tracking EPAF Actions, 2-7
Troubleshooting EPAF Processing, 210
Viewing Employee Job Information on