Events in 2008 - 2009, (MS Word, 226 KB)

Academic Practice Events
Postgraduate Events
Reading Circle
New Staff
1st – 3rd Oct 08
Introduction to Teaching for New Academic Staff
(2.5 day course)
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, Ms. Ann Lahiff, Institute of
Education, London & Ms. Catherine Kane, CLT
6th- 8th Jan 09
Introduction to Teaching for New Academic Staff
(2.5 day course)
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, Ms. Ann Lahiff, Institute of
Education, London & Ms. Catherine Kane, CLT
23rd - 25th Sep 08
Fourth Level Supervision Process and Practice
(for each Faculty)
Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Jacqueline Potter &
Dr. David Delany, CAPSL
25th Nov 08
Research Supervisors Workshop
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL
11th Mar 09
Research Supervisors Workshop
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL
3rd Apr 09
Effective Approaches that Support Postgraduate Students’
Thesis and Paper Writing
Prof. Gina Wisker, University of Brighton
14th Jan 09
Supporting Masters Students:Improving the Dissertation
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL
Continuing Professional Development Courses
Oct - Nov 08
Accelerated Learning - Advanced Learning and Adaptive
Problem Solving Techniques: Practical Lessons from
Cognitive Science (six session course)
Jan – Mar 09
Developing a Reflective Teaching Portfolio for
Continuing Professional Development (six session course)
Dr. Ciara O’Farrell, CAPSL
2nd Dec 08
Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement
Dr. Ciara O’Farrell, CAPSL
13th Jan 09
Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement
Dr. Ciara O’Farrell, CAPSL
Dr. David Delany, CAPSL
Curriculum and Assessment for Learning
31st Oct 08
Supporting ‘Learning to Learn’ in Higher Education
Dr. Linda Rush, Edge Hill University
27th Jan 09
Making Learning Happen
Prof. Phil Race, Leeds Metropolitan University
27th Jan 09
Aligning Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Assessment
Prof. Phil Race, Leeds Metropolitan University
10th Mar 09
Developing/Implementing Enquiry-Based Learning in Large
Dr. Geraldine O’Neill, UCD
23rd Apr 09
The Qualitative Analysis of Concept Maps: Some
Unforeseen Consequences and Emerging Opportunities
Dr. Ian Kinchin, King’s College London
23rd Apr 09
The Pedagogy of PowerPoint
Dr. Ian Kinchin, King’s College London
15th May
Supporting Academic Writing for Faculty and Students
Dr. Sarah Moore, University of Limerick
Academic Practice Events
Postgraduate Events
Reading Circle
Academic Writing and Publication
9th Mar 09
Academic Publishing in the 21st Century: Markets and
Technology, Survival and Change
Ms. Josie Dixon, Consultant
14th Apr 09
Writing for Academic Journals
Dr. Rowena Murray, University of Strathclyde
14th Apr 09
Writing a Book Proposal
Dr. Rowena Murray, University of Strathclyde
15th Apr 09
Mini-Retreat for Academic Writers
Dr. Rowena Murray, University of Strathclyde
15th May
Supporting Academic Writing for Faculty and Students
Dr. Sarah Moore, University of Limerick
Other Workshops
23rd Apr 09
Concept Mapping
Dr. Ian Kinchin, King’s College London
10th Jun 09
Writing a Winning Proposal for Research Funding
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL, Ms. Camilla Kelly,
Trinity Research & Innovation & WiSER
17th Jun 09
Writing a Winning Proposal for Research Funding
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL, Ms. Camilla Kelly,
Trinity Research & Innovation & WiSER
Between Dec 08 and March 09, CAPSL staff designed and delivered a number of presentations and workshops on writing and implementing
learning outcomes for programmes and modules. Please see the Bologna Desk Website for all details of
these activities and to access the materials developed.
Events For Postgraduate Tutors
7th – 15th Oct 08, 12th Jan
09, 30th Mar 09 & 6th Apr
14th, 24th Nov 08 & 23rd
Jan 09, 9th Feb 09 & 17th
Apr 09
Introduction to Teaching and Supporting Learning
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen
O’Sullivan, CAPSL
Designing Small Group Sessions - Cross Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan, CAPSL
21st Nov 08, 9th Jan 09 &
20th Apr 09
Assessment and Feedback - Cross Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan,
18th, 1st Dec 08, 26th Jan
09, 9th Feb 09 & 20th Apr
Teaching Small Groups - Cross Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan,
19th Jan 09 & 10th Mar 09
/ 27th April & 8th May 09
Developing a Teaching Portfolio Cross Faculty (two part
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan,
27th Jan 09
Making Learning Happen
Prof. Phil Race, Leeds Metropolitan University
28th Nov 08, 20th Feb 09
Presentation Skills - School of Histories and Humanities
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan,
Academic Practice Events
Postgraduate Events
Reading Circle
9th Dec 09
Presentation Skills – Department of Botany
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan,
9th Mar 09
Academic Publishing in the 21st Century: Markets and
Technology, Survival and Change
Ms. Josie Dixon, Consultant
9th Mar 09
Publishing Your Research: Faculty of Arts, Humanities and
Social Sciences
Ms. Josie Dixon, Consultant
2nd Mar 09 & 1st May 09
Preparing a Lecture Cross Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Redmond & Dr. Helen O’Sullivan
Lunchtime Seminars 2008-2009
During the academic year we co-ordinate lunchtime seminars for academics and support staff who lead discussions on innovations and practice.
6th Nov 08
Deep Learning and Far Transfer in Science and Maths
Education - What Works?
Dr. David Delany, CAPSL
11th Nov 08
Developing Student Academic Writing
Dr. Jacqueline Potter, CAPSL & Dr. Tamara O’Connor,
Student Learning Development
27th Nov 08
eLearning and Large Group Teaching
Ms. Catherine Kane, CLT
6th Feb 09
Effective Curriculum Development with a Focus on the
Integration of Education for Sustainable Development
Ms. Amanda McCloat, St. Angela’s College, Sligo
5th Dec 08 & 6th Mar 09
Teaching Students with Disabilities Seminar
Ms. Alison Doyle, Disability Services
19th Mar 09
Research, Research, Research?
Ms. Caroline Roughneen, WiSER
3rd Apr 09
Developing Postgraduate Student Research Communities
Prof. Gina Wisker, University of Brighton
15th Apr 09
How Do You Find Time to Write?
Dr. Rowena Murray, University of Strathclyde
During 2008-2009, more than 350 academic staff and 200 postgraduate teaching assistants
attended academic practice events. We aim to provide a broad and relevant range of academic
development activities and welcome suggestions for future events. We look forward to seeing
you in 2009-2010.