Guidelines for Accessible Examinations (Word, 468kb).

Principles of Good Practice for Accessible Exam Papers
 Use one of the following fonts: Arial, Verdana, Calibri, or Trebuchet MS. Use size 14
on all exam papers.
 Have line spacing of 1.5. This is particularly important where the text is a dense
 Use bold print for emphasis but use judiciously. AVOID BLOCK CAPITALS. It is
helpful to embolden keywords or words which might be easily confused.
‘Not’, for example is a key word and it can be useful to make it bold.
E.g. Which of the following is Not an example of ………….
Advantages and disadvantages can be confusing and again it is useful to embolden.
E.g. Which of the following is a disadvantage of …?
 Be left justified.
 Each page should have plenty of white space rather than being ‘busy’. If text is
dense, it is easy for some learners to see ‘rivers of white’ on the page, which distract
from the text and cause visual discomfort.
 Use a colour (e.g. cream, yellow, lilac) paper or unbleached paper rather than shiny
bleached white, as it can cause glare.
 Have a plain background. Avoid watermarks and background images.
 Have a single column of text rather than two columns. Two columns make the page
more crowded.
 The title of the paper should be a heading at the top of the paper rather than in the
text. For example:
Trinity Inclusive Curriculum
Room 3.06, 3-4 Foster Place
Trinity College Dublin
Telephone +353 (01) 896 3666
Facsimile +353 (0) 1 896 3672
Introduction to Psychology
rather than:
The following is a test for Module 2, Introduction to Psychology.
 On the front page, state the number of questions contained in the paper and the time
allocated. There are 26 questions, which must be completed in 45 minutes.
(Note that numbers are clearer if expressed as digits are rather than words).
At the end of a paper, it is useful to state: This is the end of the paper.