Open TIC User Guide:(Word, 707kb)

TIC tool – User Guide
Michelle Garvey
Inclusive Curriculum Development Officer
Trinity College Dublin
August 2012
Seomra 3.06
3-4 Plás Foster
Fón / Phone: +353 (1) 896 3666
Room 3.06
3-4 Foster Place
General Information .............................................................................................. 3
Minimum System requirements ........................................................................... 3
Accessibility ......................................................................................................... 3
Using the Tool ....................................................................................................... 3
Registering with the TIC tool ............................................................................... 3
Troubleshooting - Registration ......................................................................... 4
To log on to the tool ............................................................................................. 4
Changing your Password .................................................................................... 4
Starting an evaluation .......................................................................................... 4
Trouble shooting - New Evaluations ................................................................ 5
Completing a section ........................................................................................... 5
Open ended responses ................................................................................... 6
Jumping between sections............................................................................... 6
Getting an Interim Report .................................................................................... 7
Adding a Collaborator .......................................................................................... 7
Transfer ownership .............................................................................................. 7
Getting a final report ............................................................................................ 8
Trouble shoot – final report .............................................................................. 8
To delete or change evaluation details .............................................................. 10
Trouble shooting – Deleted Evaluation .......................................................... 10
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 10
Registration.................................................................................................... 10
Web browser.................................................................................................. 10
New Evaluations ............................................................................................ 11
Trouble shoot – final report ............................................................................ 11
Trouble shooting – Deleted Evaluation .......................................................... 12
General Information
TICTool is an internet-based self-evaluation platform. The information in this user
guide explains the features of the tool and covers all evaluation types.
Minimum System requirements
The TICtool is an internet based computer programme. This means that
information is not processed and stored in your own computer but in protected file
servers. To enter the programme a computer with an internet connection and a
programme that gives access to the internet are required.
No further specific installation is required. The programme does not take up space
on the hard disk of your local equipment and system maintenance is not needed.
This application has been developed in conformance level Double-A of the W3C
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1 and Priority 2
checkpoints defined in the Guidelines.
Please contact Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Development at if you
have any issues with accessing information on our website or if you wish to provide
any feedback or comments with regard to Web Accessibility for the TICtool.
TICtool is accessible via the internet at any place and at any time. With a personal
user name and password, users have access to their own electronic evaluations.
Using the Tool
Registering with the TIC tool
Go to,
Click on ‘register now’
Fill in your details and check the terms and conditions box
Go to your email and find the email that was automatically generated.
Click on the hyperlink within the e-mail
You are now registered
Troubleshooting - Registration
1 – You never received an e-mail with a hyperlink to confirm your registration
A – Check your spam folder. It can sometimes automatically enter that folder.
2 – You still cannot find the confirmation email, or you deleted it before clicking on
the hyperlink to confirm their registration.
A – Contact the Tool administrator at and request to have your
registration confirmed.
To log on to the tool
Click on ‘enter the programme’
Enter your email address (not username) and password
Click on ‘Log in’
You will now enter the homepage.
Changing your Password
Go to your homepage
There should be a green button called ‘change password’
Click on this and enter your old password before selecting a new one.
Starting an evaluation
From homepage click ‘Begin New Evaluation,
You will now have three options
o Click ‘Compliance with Accessible Information’ to complete a short
evaluation on the accessibility of your information resources,
o Click ‘Library Practices’ if you work in a library and want to evaluate your
o Click Teaching, assessment and Supervision to evaluate programmes,
modules or teaching and assessment practices. (If you click ‘Teaching,
assessment and Supervision’ you will be offered further choices to
evaluate new / existing programme or modules, or your own practices).
Once you have chosen your evaluation type you will be asked to input
information regarding evaluation type and press enter.
You now enter the evaluation introduction page. There will be a message
‘Attention: You have chosen to create a new evaluation for XXX. Do you wish
to continue?’
Click ‘Yes, continue’
You are now on the first page of your evaluation.
Trouble shooting - New Evaluations
1 – You input information for a new evaluation but are told ‘There is already an
evaluation with the same parameters’.
A – Someone else has entered exactly the same information as you have. There
cannot be two evaluations with the same details. Solve this by making a slight
change to your evaluation detail (for example, a name change from ‘Intro to Art’ to
‘Introduction to Art’ or ‘Intro to Art_mg’).
Completing a section
Evaluations comprise a number of sections that focus on different elements of your
Each section consists of a series of tick-box questions. You are asked to respond
to questions by ticking the relevant boxes. For each question three possible
responses are available, Yes, Unsure, No. Sometimes you will also have the
option to click ‘not applicable’.
You will sometimes have triggers, hyperlinks or videos to help you understand and
decide on the best response.
Ensure you click ‘save’ before closing a section or your responses will be saved.
Open ended responses
A text box is also provided for each question. You may wish to include further
details in this section to leave notes for collaborators, to seek feedback from
collaborators, to leave yourself notes on proposed actions following reflection, or
to add details where 'yes', 'no' or 'not sure' are insufficient.
Jumping between sections
At the top of each section there is two drop down menus.
The left hand includes a list of all sections within the evaluation you are
Click on a section to go to it (remember to save the answers in the section
you are currently in first).
If you would prefer to go through the evaluation chronologically, simply save
each completed section to automatically enter the next section.
Each section and question on the drop down lists has either a tick, or a question
mark beside them. A tick means the section / question is complete. Question
marks mean you have yet to complete.
Getting an Interim Report
Interim reports allow you to get feedback on questions and sections already
answered without completing the full evaluation. You can access an interim report
at any time from an open evaluation either from the evaluation front page or from
section pages. Simply click on the interim tool icon at the top of the any page.
Figure 1 - Interim report icon
Within interim reports, sections yet to be complete will be blank.
Adding a Collaborator
You can add collaborators to help you complete an evaluation. To add
1. go to the evaluation front page (the icon for this is at the top of each section
of your evaluation),
2. Click on the ‘Invite Collaborators’ icon at the top of your front page,
3. Insert an e-mail address for the first collaborator you would like to invite in
the box provided and click ‘invite’
4. Add a personalised message if you would like, and click ‘save’.
5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each collaborator.
These people will receive an email inviting them to collaborate on this evaluation,
and to register to use the tool if not already registered.
Transfer ownership
If you would like to transfers ownership of one of your evaluations to another:
Click the ‘Invite Collaborators’ icon,
If the individual is not yet a collaborator, invite them to collaborate,
Once the individual has been invited to collaborate, their name will be added to the
grid of collaborators on this page.
Find the individual on the grid and click ‘transfer ownership’ beside their
Figure 2 - Screen shot of the grid
Click confirm
Ownership is now transferred.
Getting a final report
To get a final report you must ensure every question in the evaluation is complete.
Upon hitting ‘save’ after answering the final question you will be brought to
your evaluation front page,
On the front page will be an option to open your evaluation report,
Click on this option.
Trouble shoot – final report
1 – You have completed all the questions but have not been given the option to go
to your report.
A – It is likely that you have questions within the evaluation that are yet to be
answered. To find these:
Check each section to see if it has a tick or a question mark beside it. This
can be done either from the evaluation home page, or within a section by
clicking on the drop down ‘evaluation summary’ list.
Figure 3 - Screen shot showing two sections, one with a tick and one with a question mark.
Sections with question marks are incomplete. Enter these sections and
answer any questions left unanswered.
On the drop down ‘question index’ each question will have a tick or a
question mark icon. Again, question marks indicate incomplete questions.
Once all questions are complete click save and you should get the option to
enter your final report.
2 – You completed an evaluation but when you went back to it, it had disappeared.
A – When you complete an evaluation it moves from your “open evaluations”
section to your “reports”
Go to your homepage
There should be a green button called ‘See my reports’ (this button will be
unavailable until you complete your first evaluation).
Your completed report should be in here.
3 – You have completed a report but would like to amend some of your answers.
A- You can reopen an evaluation at any stage to update information. To do this:
Go to your report (you can find it in ‘See my reports’ from your home page).
Open the report for the evaluation you would like to amend.
Click on ‘Reopen Evaluation’. This will be at the top of the page.
Make amendments and save to reopen the final report
To delete or change evaluation details
Enter the evaluation you would like to make changes to.
On the evaluation front page choose ‘delete / amend evaluation details’
You can choose to delete your evaluation, amend your discipline, or rename
your evaluation.
Trouble shooting – Deleted Evaluation
1 – You have mistakenly deleted an evaluation.
A – The TICtool administrator can retrieve this for you.
Email the administrator at with your tool user name and the
evaluation name requesting it be retrieved.
1 – You never received an e-mail with a hyperlink to confirm your registration
A – Check your spam folder. It can sometimes automatically enter that folder.
2 – You still cannot find the confirmation email, or you deleted it before clicking on
the hyperlink to confirm their registration.
A – Contact the Tool administrator at and request to have your
registration confirmed.
Web browser
3 – The text is centred, or is otherwise unappealing to view.
A – Some web browsers (particularly some versions of Internet Explorer) are
incompatible with the tool, so that the screen looks unappealing through them. Try
using a different browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
New Evaluations
4 – You input information for a new evaluation but are told ‘There is already an
evaluation with the same parameters’.
A – Someone else has entered exactly the same information as you have. There
cannot be two evaluations with the same details. Solve this by making a slight
change to your evaluation detail (for example, a name change from ‘Intro to Art’ to
‘Introduction to Art’ or ‘Intro to Art_mg’).
Trouble shoot – final report
5 – You have completed all the questions but have not been given the option to go
to your report.
A – It is likely that you have questions within the evaluation that are yet to be
answered. To find these:
Check each section to see if it has a tick or a question mark beside it. This
can be done either from the evaluation home page, or within a section by
clicking on the drop down ‘evaluation summary’ list.
Figure 4 - Screen shot showing two sections, one with a tick and one with a question mark.
Sections with question marks are incomplete. Enter these sections and
answer any questions left unanswered.
On the drop down ‘question index’ each question will have a tick or a
question mark icon. Again, question marks indicate incomplete questions.
Once all questions are complete click save and you should get the option to
enter your final report.
6 – You completed an evaluation but when you went back to it, it had disappeared.
A – When you complete an evaluation it moves from your “open evaluations”
section to your “reports”
Go to your homepage
There should be a green button called ‘See my reports’ (this button will be
unavailable until you complete your first evaluation).
Your completed report should be in here.
7 – You have completed a report but would like to amend some of your answers.
A- You can reopen an evaluation at any stage to update information. To do this:
Go to your report (you can find it in ‘See my reports’ from your home page).
Open the report for the evaluation you would like to amend.
Click on ‘Reopen Evaluation’. This will be at the top of the page.
Make amendments and save to reopen the final report
Trouble shooting – Deleted Evaluation
8 – You have mistakenly deleted an evaluation.
A – The TICtool administrator can retrieve this for you.
Email the administrator at with your tool user name and the
evaluation name requesting it be retrieved.