Towards a Model of Computer Systems Research Tom Anderson University of Washington

Towards a Model of
Computer Systems Research
Tom Anderson
University of Washington
P2P vs. Systems Research
No centralized control
Emergent behavior
Heavy tailed distributions
Incentives matter
Randomness helps
Systems Research
No centralized control
Emergent behavior
Heavy tailed distributions?
Incentives matter?
Randomness hurts?
This talk:
•Explain systems research using tools from P2P systems research
•Suggest some mechanisms to better align author and conference
Mean Score + StdDev NSDI 08
Mean Score + StdDev OSDI 06
Mean Score + StdDev SOSP 07
Randomness is Fundamental?
Little consensus as to what constitutes merit
Importance of problem?
Creativity of solution?
Completeness of evaluation?
Effectiveness of presentation?
All of the above?
Large #’s of submissions makes consistency hard
to achieve
Small PC, huge workload, burnout, lack of attention to
Large PC, lower workload, less consistency
SIGCOMM 06 Experiment
Manage randomness explicitly
Large PC, split between “light” and “heavy”
Light + heavy PC: bin into accept, marginal, reject
• With as few reviews as possible
• Add reviews for papers with high variance
• Add reviews for papers at the margin
Program committee meeting (just heavy PC)
Pre-accept half the papers
Pre-select 2x to discuss
Each paper under discussion read by at least 5 from heavy PC
Result: success disaster
• Little basis for discriminating between papers at the boundary
Two Models of Distribution of Merit
Citation Distribution for SOSP
Incentives for Marginal Effort
With unit merit and no noise:
Impulse function at accept threshold
With unit merit and noise, single conference:
Gaussian function at accept threshold
With unit merit, high noise, and multiple conferences:
Peak incentive well below accept threshold
Repeated attempts without improving paper
We’d like effort to reflect the underlying merit of the idea
Good ideas are pursued, even after publication
Mediocre ideas are published, and the author quickly moves on
A Modest Suggestion
Reward, like merit, should be a continuous function
Publish rank and error bars for every paper accepted
at a conference
Computed automatically from individual PC ranking
Post-hoc (benefit from perspectives of all reviewers)
After some time has elapsed, re-rank
Encourage continued effort on good ideas
Like test in time, but applied to all published papers
Afternoon Discussion Topics
Double-blind vs. single-blind reviews
Should authors disclose previous reviews of the same
Are author-rebuttals useful?
When should ``open reviews'' be used?
Should we review the reviewers?
CS-wide citation reporting and indexing
Travel reduction
Decoupling publication from presentation
How do we quantify the merit of a conference?
Do PCs tend to favor PC-authored papers?
How random are PC decisions?
How big is the rejected-paper tumbleweed?
Afternoon Discussion Topics
Is there a correlation between PC size and conference
Does overlapping membership between PCs decrease
Is there a correlation between number of papers accepted
and quality?
Do overall scores predict what gets accepted?
What do authors like and dislike about reviews?
How to handle suspected author misbehavior
How to handle suspected reviewer misbehavior
When, why, and how to shepherd
Reviews of review-management software
Proposals for new or improved review-management features